/* * The Mana World * Copyright 2004 The Mana World Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana World. * * The Mana World is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * The Mana World is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with The Mana World; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * $Id$ */ #include "sound.h" #ifdef __DEBUG #include <iostream> #endif /** \brief install the sound engine \param voices overall reserved voices \param mod_voices voices dedicated for mod-playback NOTE: overall voices must not be less or equal to the specified amount of mod_voices! if mod-voices is too low some mods will not sound correctly since a couple of tracks are not going to be played along w/ the others. so missing ins- truments can be a result. 32/20 sounds realistic here. */ void Sound::init(int voices, int mod_voices) { if (isOk == 0) { throw("Sound engine cannot be initialized twice!\n"); } bgm = NULL; int audio_rate = 44100; Uint16 audio_format = AUDIO_S16; /* 16-bit stereo */ int audio_channels = 2; int audio_buffers = 4096; if (Mix_OpenAudio(audio_rate, audio_format, audio_channels, audio_buffers)) { #ifndef __DEBUG throw("Unable to open audio device!\n"); #else throw(Mix_GetError()); #endif } Mix_QuerySpec(&audio_rate, &audio_format, &audio_channels); pan = 128; items = -1; isOk = 0; #ifdef __DEBUG std::cout << "Sound::Init() Initializing Sound\n"; #endif } /** \brief set the volume value-range: 0-128 \param music volume value NOTE: all values may only be between 0-128 where 0 means muted. */ void Sound::setVolume(int music) { if (isOk == -1) return; if (isMaxVol(music) == false) { vol_music = music; Mix_VolumeMusic(vol_music); } } /** \brief adjusts current volume \param amusic volume difference */ void Sound::adjustVolume(int amusic) { if (isOk == -1) return; if (!isMaxVol(vol_music + amusic)) { vol_music += amusic; Mix_VolumeMusic(vol_music); } } /** \brief start BGM \param in full path to file \param loop how many times should the midi be looped? (-1 = infinite) */ void Sound::startBgm(char * in, int loop) { if (isOk == -1) return; if (bgm != NULL) { stopBgm(); } bgm = Mix_LoadMUS(in); Mix_PlayMusic(bgm, loop); #ifdef __DEBUG std::cout << "Sound::startBgm() Playing \"" << in << "\" " << loop << " times\n"; #endif } /** \brief stop all currently running BGM tracks NOTE: you need to stop all playback when you want to switch from mod to midi. playing a new track is usually simple as calling StartMIDI() or StartMOD() again. passing NULL to the playing functions only means to make playback stop. */ void Sound::stopBgm() { if (isOk == -1) { return; } #ifdef __DEBUG std::cout << "Sound::stopBgm()\n"; #endif if (bgm != NULL) { Mix_HaltMusic(); Mix_FreeMusic(bgm); bgm = NULL; } } /** \brief preloads a sound-item into buffer \param fpath full path to file \param type type of item (SOUND_MOD, SOUND_MID, SOUND_SFX) NOTE: please make sure that the object is not loaded more than once since the function will not run any checks on its own! the return value should be kept as a reference to the object loaded. if not it is practicaly lost. */ SOUND_SID Sound::loadItem(char *fpath) { #ifdef __DEBUG std::cout << "Sound::loadItem() precaching \"" << fpath << "\"\n"; #endif Mix_Chunk *newItem; if ((newItem = Mix_LoadWAV(fpath))) { soundpool[++items] = newItem; #ifdef __DEBUG std::cout << "Sound::loadItem() success SOUND_SID = " << items << std::endl; #endif return items; } return 0; } /** \brief plays an item in soundpool \param id id returned to the item in the soundpool \param volume volume the sound should be played with (possible range: 0-128) */ void Sound::startItem(SOUND_SID id, int volume) { if (soundpool[id]) { #ifdef __DEBUG std::cout << "Sound::startItem() playing SOUND_SID = " << id << std::endl; #endif Mix_VolumeChunk(soundpool[id], volume); Mix_PlayChannel(-1, soundpool[id], 0); } } /** \brief wipe all items off the cache */ void Sound::clearCache() { for(SOUND_SID i = 0; i == items; i++) { Mix_FreeChunk(soundpool[i]); soundpool[i] = NULL; } soundpool.clear(); #ifdef __DEBUG std::cout << "Sound::clearCache() wiped all items off the cache\n"; #endif } /** \brief deinstall all sound functionality NOTE: normally you won't need to call this since this is done by SDL when shutting itself down. but if you find a reason to delete the sound-engine from memory (e.g. garbage-collection) feel free to use it. :-P */ void Sound::close(void) { isOk = -1; clearCache(); Mix_CloseAudio(); #ifdef __DEBUG std::cout << "Sound::close() shutting down Sound\n"; #endif } /** \brief checks if value equals min-/maximum volume and returns true if that's the case. */ bool Sound::isMaxVol(int vol) { if (vol > 0 && vol < 128) return false; else return true; }