/* * The Mana World * Copyright (C) 2004 The Mana World Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana World. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include "inventoryhandler.h" #include "../messagein.h" #include "protocol.h" #include "../../configuration.h" #include "../../inventory.h" #include "../../item.h" #include "../../itemshortcut.h" #include "../../localplayer.h" #include "../../log.h" #include "../../gui/chat.h" #include "../../gui/storagewindow.h" #include "../../resources/iteminfo.h" #include "../../utils/gettext.h" #include "../../utils/strprintf.h" #include "../../utils/stringutils.h" InventoryHandler::InventoryHandler() { static const Uint16 _messages[] = { SMSG_PLAYER_INVENTORY, SMSG_PLAYER_INVENTORY_ADD, SMSG_PLAYER_INVENTORY_REMOVE, SMSG_PLAYER_INVENTORY_USE, SMSG_ITEM_USE_RESPONSE, SMSG_PLAYER_STORAGE_ITEMS, SMSG_PLAYER_STORAGE_EQUIP, SMSG_PLAYER_STORAGE_STATUS, SMSG_PLAYER_STORAGE_ADD, SMSG_PLAYER_STORAGE_REMOVE, SMSG_PLAYER_STORAGE_CLOSE, 0 }; handledMessages = _messages; } void InventoryHandler::handleMessage(MessageIn &msg) { int number; int index, amount, itemId, equipType, arrow; int identified, cards[4], itemType; Inventory *inventory = player_node->getInventory(); Inventory *storage = player_node->getStorage(); switch (msg.getId()) { case SMSG_PLAYER_INVENTORY: case SMSG_PLAYER_STORAGE_ITEMS: switch (msg.getId()) { case SMSG_PLAYER_INVENTORY: // Clear inventory - this will be a complete refresh inventory->clear(); break; case SMSG_PLAYER_STORAGE_ITEMS: /* * This packet will always be followed by a * SMSG_PLAYER_STORAGE_EQUIP packet. The two packets * together comprise a complete refresh of storage, so * clear storage here */ storage->clear(); break; default: logger->log("HOW DID WE GET HERE?"); return; } msg.readInt16(); // length number = (msg.getLength() - 4) / 18; for (int loop = 0; loop < number; loop++) { index = msg.readInt16(); itemId = msg.readInt16(); itemType = msg.readInt8(); identified = msg.readInt8(); amount = msg.readInt16(); arrow = msg.readInt16(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) cards[i] = msg.readInt16(); if (msg.getId() == SMSG_PLAYER_INVENTORY) { inventory->setItem(index, itemId, amount, false); // Trick because arrows are not considered equipment if (arrow & 0x8000) { if (Item *item = inventory->getItem(index)) item->setEquipment(true); } } else { logger->log("Index:%d, ID:%d, Type:%d, Identified:%d, Qty:%d, Cards:%d, %d, %d, %d", index, itemId, itemType, identified, amount, cards[0], cards[1], cards[2], cards[3]); storage->setItem(index, itemId, amount, false); } } break; case SMSG_PLAYER_STORAGE_EQUIP: msg.readInt16(); // length number = (msg.getLength() - 4) / 20; for (int loop = 0; loop < number; loop++) { index = msg.readInt16(); itemId = msg.readInt16(); itemType = msg.readInt8(); identified = msg.readInt8(); amount = 1; msg.readInt16(); // Equip Point? msg.readInt16(); // Another Equip Point? msg.readInt8(); // Attribute (broken) msg.readInt8(); // Refine level for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) cards[i] = msg.readInt16(); logger->log("Index:%d, ID:%d, Type:%d, Identified:%d, Qty:%d, Cards:%d, %d, %d, %d", index, itemId, itemType, identified, amount, cards[0], cards[1], cards[2], cards[3]); storage->setItem(index, itemId, amount, false); } break; case SMSG_PLAYER_INVENTORY_ADD: index = msg.readInt16(); amount = msg.readInt16(); itemId = msg.readInt16(); identified = msg.readInt8(); msg.readInt8(); // attribute msg.readInt8(); // refine for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) cards[i] = msg.readInt16(); equipType = msg.readInt16(); itemType = msg.readInt8(); if (msg.readInt8() > 0) { if (config.getValue("showpickupchat", true)) { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Unable to pick up item"), BY_SERVER); } } else { const ItemInfo &itemInfo = ItemDB::get(itemId); const std::string amountStr = (amount > 1) ? toString(amount) : "a"; if (config.getValue("showpickupchat", true)) { localChatTab->chatLog(strprintf(_("You picked up %s [%s]"), amountStr.c_str(), itemInfo.getName().c_str()), BY_SERVER); } if (config.getValue("showpickupparticle", false)) { player_node->pickedUp(itemInfo.getName()); } if (Item *item = inventory->getItem(index)) { item->setId(itemId); item->increaseQuantity(amount); } else { inventory->setItem(index, itemId, amount, equipType != 0); } } break; case SMSG_PLAYER_INVENTORY_REMOVE: index = msg.readInt16(); amount = msg.readInt16(); if (Item *item = inventory->getItem(index)) { item->increaseQuantity(-amount); if (item->getQuantity() == 0) inventory->removeItemAt(index); } break; case SMSG_PLAYER_INVENTORY_USE: index = msg.readInt16(); msg.readInt16(); // item id msg.readInt32(); // id amount = msg.readInt16(); msg.readInt8(); // type if (Item *item = inventory->getItem(index)) item->setQuantity(amount); break; case SMSG_ITEM_USE_RESPONSE: index = msg.readInt16(); amount = msg.readInt16(); if (msg.readInt8() == 0) { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Failed to use item"), BY_SERVER); } else { if (Item *item = inventory->getItem(index)) item->setQuantity(amount); } break; case SMSG_PLAYER_STORAGE_STATUS: /* * This is the closest we get to an "Open Storage" packet from the * server. It always comes after the two SMSG_PLAYER_STORAGE_... * packets that update storage contents. */ player_node->setInStorage(true); msg.readInt16(); // Storage capacity msg.readInt16(); // Used count break; case SMSG_PLAYER_STORAGE_ADD: /* * Move an item into storage */ index = msg.readInt16(); amount = msg.readInt32(); itemId = msg.readInt16(); identified = msg.readInt8(); msg.readInt8(); // attribute msg.readInt8(); // refine for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) cards[i] = msg.readInt16(); if (Item *item = storage->getItem(index)) { item->setId(itemId); item->increaseQuantity(amount); } else { storage->setItem(index, itemId, amount, false); } break; case SMSG_PLAYER_STORAGE_REMOVE: /* * Move an item out of storage */ index = msg.readInt16(); amount = msg.readInt16(); if (Item *item = storage->getItem(index)) { item->increaseQuantity(-amount); if (item->getQuantity() == 0) storage->removeItemAt(index); } break; case SMSG_PLAYER_STORAGE_CLOSE: /* * Storage access has been closed */ player_node->setInStorage(false); break; } }