/* * The Mana Client * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 The Mana Developers * * This file is part of The Mana Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "gui/socialwindow.h" #include "client.h" #include "event.h" #include "guild.h" #include "localplayer.h" #include "party.h" #include "gui/confirmdialog.h" #include "gui/okdialog.h" #include "gui/setup.h" #include "gui/textdialog.h" #include "gui/widgets/avatarlistbox.h" #include "gui/widgets/browserbox.h" #include "gui/widgets/button.h" #include "gui/widgets/linkhandler.h" #include "gui/widgets/popup.h" #include "gui/widgets/scrollarea.h" #include "gui/widgets/tab.h" #include "gui/widgets/tabbedarea.h" #include "net/net.h" #include "net/chathandler.h" #include "net/guildhandler.h" #include "net/partyhandler.h" #include "resources/theme.h" #include "utils/gettext.h" #include "utils/stringutils.h" #include class SocialTab : public Tab { protected: friend class SocialWindow; SocialTab() = default; ~SocialTab() override { // Cleanup dialogs if (mInviteDialog) { mInviteDialog->close(); mInviteDialog->scheduleDelete(); mInviteDialog = nullptr; } if (mConfirmDialog) { mConfirmDialog->close(); mConfirmDialog->scheduleDelete(); mConfirmDialog = nullptr; } } virtual void invite() = 0; virtual void leave() = 0; TextDialog *mInviteDialog = nullptr; ConfirmDialog *mConfirmDialog = nullptr; std::unique_ptr mScroll; std::unique_ptr mList; }; class GuildTab : public SocialTab, public gcn::ActionListener { public: GuildTab(Guild *guild): mGuild(guild) { setCaption(guild->getName()); setTabColor(&Theme::getThemeColor(Theme::GUILD)); mList = std::make_unique(guild); mScroll = std::make_unique(mList.get()); mScroll->setHorizontalScrollPolicy(gcn::ScrollArea::SHOW_NEVER); mScroll->setVerticalScrollPolicy(gcn::ScrollArea::SHOW_AUTO); } void action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event) override { if (event.getId() == "do invite") { std::string name = mInviteDialog->getText(); if (!name.empty()) { Net::getGuildHandler()->invite(mGuild->getId(), name); SERVER_NOTICE(strprintf(_("Invited user %s to guild %s."), name.c_str(), mGuild->getName().c_str())) } mInviteDialog = nullptr; } else if (event.getId() == "~do invite") { mInviteDialog = nullptr; } else if (event.getId() == "yes") { Net::getGuildHandler()->leave(mGuild->getId()); SERVER_NOTICE(strprintf(_("Guild %s quit requested."), mGuild->getName().c_str())) mConfirmDialog = nullptr; } else if (event.getId() == "no") { mConfirmDialog = nullptr; } } protected: void invite() override { // TODO - Give feedback on whether the invite succeeded mInviteDialog = new TextDialog(_("Member Invite to Guild"), strprintf(_("Who would you like to invite to guild %s?"), mGuild->getName().c_str()), socialWindow, true); mInviteDialog->setActionEventId("do invite"); mInviteDialog->addActionListener(this); } void leave() override { mConfirmDialog = new ConfirmDialog(_("Leave Guild?"), strprintf(_("Are you sure you want to leave guild %s?"), mGuild->getName().c_str()), socialWindow); mConfirmDialog->addActionListener(this); } private: Guild *mGuild; }; class PartyTab : public SocialTab, public gcn::ActionListener { public: PartyTab(Party *party): mParty(party) { setCaption(party->getName()); setTabColor(&Theme::getThemeColor(Theme::PARTY_SOCIAL_TAB)); mList = std::make_unique(party); mScroll = std::make_unique(mList.get()); mScroll->setHorizontalScrollPolicy(gcn::ScrollArea::SHOW_NEVER); mScroll->setVerticalScrollPolicy(gcn::ScrollArea::SHOW_AUTO); } void action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event) override { if (event.getId() == "do invite") { std::string name = mInviteDialog->getText(); if (!name.empty()) SERVER_NOTICE(strprintf(_("Invited user %s to party."), name.c_str())) mInviteDialog = nullptr; } else if (event.getId() == "~do invite") { mInviteDialog = nullptr; } else if (event.getId() == "yes") { Net::getPartyHandler()->leave(); SERVER_NOTICE(strprintf(_("Party %s quit requested."), mParty->getName().c_str())) mConfirmDialog = nullptr; } else if (event.getId() == "no") { mConfirmDialog = nullptr; } } protected: void invite() override { // TODO - Give feedback on whether the invite succeeded mInviteDialog = new TextDialog(_("Member Invite to Party"), strprintf(_("Who would you like to invite to party %s?"), mParty->getName().c_str()), socialWindow, true); mInviteDialog->setActionEventId("do invite"); mInviteDialog->addActionListener(this); } void leave() override { mConfirmDialog = new ConfirmDialog(_("Leave Party?"), strprintf(_("Are you sure you want to leave party %s?"), mParty->getName().c_str()), socialWindow); mConfirmDialog->addActionListener(this); } private: Party *mParty; }; class PlayerList : public AvatarListModel { public: void setPlayers(const std::vector &players) { delete_all(mPlayers); mPlayers = players; } /** * Returns the number of players in the list. */ int getNumberOfElements() override { return mPlayers.size(); } Avatar *getAvatarAt(int index) override { return mPlayers[index]; } private: std::vector mPlayers; }; class PlayerListTab : public SocialTab { public: PlayerListTab() { mPlayerList = new PlayerList; mList = std::make_unique(mPlayerList); mScroll = std::make_unique(mList.get()); mScroll->setHorizontalScrollPolicy(gcn::ScrollArea::SHOW_NEVER); mScroll->setVerticalScrollPolicy(gcn::ScrollArea::SHOW_AUTO); } ~PlayerListTab() { delete mPlayerList; } void setPlayers(const std::vector &players) { mPlayerList->setPlayers(players); } protected: void invite() override {} void leave() override {} private: PlayerList *mPlayerList; }; /*class BuddyTab : public SocialTab { // TODO? };*/ class CreatePopup : public Popup, public LinkHandler { public: CreatePopup(): Popup("SocialCreatePopup") { mBrowserBox = new BrowserBox; mBrowserBox->setHighlightMode(BrowserBox::BACKGROUND); mBrowserBox->setLinkHandler(this); if (Net::getGuildHandler()->isSupported()) mBrowserBox->addRow(strprintf("@@guild|%s@@", _("Create Guild"))); mBrowserBox->addRow(strprintf("@@party|%s@@", _("Create Party"))); mBrowserBox->addRow("##3---"); mBrowserBox->addRow(strprintf("@@cancel|%s@@", _("Cancel"))); add(mBrowserBox); setContentSize(mBrowserBox->getWidth(), mBrowserBox->getHeight()); } void handleLink(const std::string &link) override { if (link == "guild") { socialWindow->showGuildCreate(); } else if (link == "party") { socialWindow->showPartyCreate(); } setVisible(false); } void show(gcn::Widget *parent) { int x, y; parent->getAbsolutePosition(x, y); y += parent->getHeight(); setPosition(x, y); setVisible(true); requestMoveToTop(); } private: BrowserBox* mBrowserBox; }; SocialWindow::SocialWindow() : Window(_("Social")) { setWindowName("Social"); setVisible(false); setSaveVisible(true); setResizable(true); setSaveVisible(true); setCloseButton(true); setMinWidth(120); setMinHeight(55); setDefaultSize(590, 200, 150, 124); setupWindow->registerWindowForReset(this); loadWindowState(); mCreateButton = new Button(_("Create"), "create", this); mInviteButton = new Button(_("Invite"), "invite", this); mLeaveButton = new Button(_("Leave"), "leave", this); mTabs = new TabbedArea; place(0, 0, mCreateButton); place(1, 0, mInviteButton); place(2, 0, mLeaveButton); place(0, 1, mTabs, 4, 4); widgetResized(nullptr); mCreatePopup = new CreatePopup; mPlayerListTab = new PlayerListTab; mPlayerListTab->setCaption(strprintf(_("Online (%zu)"), 0ul)); mTabs->addTab(mPlayerListTab, mPlayerListTab->mScroll.get()); if (local_player->getParty()) { addTab(local_player->getParty()); } else updateButtons(); } SocialWindow::~SocialWindow() { // Cleanup invites if (mGuildAcceptDialog) { mGuildAcceptDialog->close(); mGuildAcceptDialog->scheduleDelete(); mGuildAcceptDialog = nullptr; mGuildInvited = 0; } if (mPartyAcceptDialog) { mPartyAcceptDialog->close(); mPartyAcceptDialog->scheduleDelete(); mPartyAcceptDialog = nullptr; mPartyInviter.clear(); } delete mCreatePopup; delete mPlayerListTab; } bool SocialWindow::addTab(Guild *guild) { if (mGuilds.find(guild) != mGuilds.end()) return false; auto *tab = new GuildTab(guild); mGuilds[guild] = tab; mTabs->addTab(tab, tab->mScroll.get()); updateButtons(); return true; } bool SocialWindow::removeTab(Guild *guild) { auto it = mGuilds.find(guild); if (it == mGuilds.end()) return false; mTabs->removeTab(it->second); delete it->second; mGuilds.erase(it); updateButtons(); return true; } bool SocialWindow::addTab(Party *party) { if (mParties.find(party) != mParties.end()) return false; auto *tab = new PartyTab(party); mParties[party] = tab; mTabs->addTab(tab, tab->mScroll.get()); updateButtons(); return true; } bool SocialWindow::removeTab(Party *party) { auto it = mParties.find(party); if (it == mParties.end()) return false; mTabs->removeTab(it->second); delete it->second; mParties.erase(it); updateButtons(); return true; } void SocialWindow::action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event) { const std::string &eventId = event.getId(); if (event.getSource() == mPartyAcceptDialog) { // check if they accepted the invite if (eventId == "yes") { SERVER_NOTICE(strprintf(_("Accepted party invite from %s."), mPartyInviter.c_str())) Net::getPartyHandler()->inviteResponse(mPartyInviter, true); } else if (eventId == "no") { SERVER_NOTICE(strprintf(_("Rejected party invite from %s."), mPartyInviter.c_str())) Net::getPartyHandler()->inviteResponse(mPartyInviter, false); } mPartyInviter.clear(); mPartyAcceptDialog = nullptr; } else if (event.getSource() == mGuildAcceptDialog) { // check if they accepted the invite if (eventId == "yes") { SERVER_NOTICE(_("Accepted guild invite")) Net::getGuildHandler()->inviteResponse(mGuildInvited, true); } else if (eventId == "no") { SERVER_NOTICE(_("Rejected guild invite.")) Net::getGuildHandler()->inviteResponse(mGuildInvited, false); } mGuildInvited = 0; mGuildAcceptDialog = nullptr; } else if (event.getId() == "create") { if (Net::getGuildHandler()->isSupported()) mCreatePopup->show(mCreateButton); else showPartyCreate(); } else if (event.getId() == "invite" && mTabs->getSelectedTabIndex() > -1) { static_cast(mTabs->getSelectedTab())->invite(); } else if (event.getId() == "leave" && mTabs->getSelectedTabIndex() > -1) { static_cast(mTabs->getSelectedTab())->leave(); } else if (event.getId() == "create guild") { std::string name = mGuildCreateDialog->getText(); if (name.size() > 16) { SERVER_NOTICE(_("Creating guild failed, please choose a " "shorter name.")); return; } if (!name.empty()) { Net::getGuildHandler()->create(name); SERVER_NOTICE(strprintf(_("Creating guild called %s."), name.c_str())); } mGuildCreateDialog = nullptr; } else if (event.getId() == "~create guild") { mGuildCreateDialog = nullptr; } else if (event.getId() == "create party") { std::string name = mPartyCreateDialog->getText(); if (name.size() > 16) { SERVER_NOTICE(_("Creating party failed, please choose a " "shorter name.")); return; } if (!name.empty()) { Net::getPartyHandler()->create(name); SERVER_NOTICE(strprintf(_("Creating party called %s."), name.c_str())); } mPartyCreateDialog = nullptr; } else if (event.getId() == "~create party") { mPartyCreateDialog = nullptr; } } void SocialWindow::showGuildCreate() { mGuildCreateDialog = new TextDialog(_("Guild Name"), _("Choose your guild's name."), this); mGuildCreateDialog->setActionEventId("create guild"); mGuildCreateDialog->addActionListener(this); } void SocialWindow::showGuildInvite(const std::string &guildName, const int guildId, const std::string &inviterName) { // check there isnt already an invite showing if (mGuildInvited != 0) { SERVER_NOTICE(_("Received guild request, but one already " "exists.")) return; } std::string msg = strprintf(_("%s has invited you to join the guild %s."), inviterName.c_str(), guildName.c_str()); SERVER_NOTICE(msg) // show invite mGuildAcceptDialog = new ConfirmDialog(_("Accept Guild Invite"), msg, this); mGuildAcceptDialog->addActionListener(this); mGuildInvited = guildId; } void SocialWindow::showPartyInvite(const std::string &inviter, const std::string &partyName) { // check there isnt already an invite showing if (!mPartyInviter.empty()) { SERVER_NOTICE(_("Received party request, but one already exists.")) return; } std::string msg; if (inviter.empty()) { if (partyName.empty()) { msg = _("You have been invited you to join a party."); } else { msg = strprintf(_("You have been invited to join the %s party."), partyName.c_str()); } } else { if (partyName.empty()) { msg = strprintf(_("%s has invited you to join their party."), inviter.c_str()); } else { msg = strprintf(_("%s has invited you to join the %s party."), inviter.c_str(), partyName.c_str()); } } SERVER_NOTICE(msg) // show invite mPartyAcceptDialog = new ConfirmDialog(_("Accept Party Invite"), msg, this); mPartyAcceptDialog->addActionListener(this); mPartyInviter = inviter; } void SocialWindow::showPartyCreate() { if (local_player->getParty()) { new OkDialog(_("Create Party"), _("Cannot create party. You are already in a party"), true, this); return; } mPartyCreateDialog = new TextDialog(_("Party Name"), _("Choose your party's name."), this); mPartyCreateDialog->setActionEventId("create party"); mPartyCreateDialog->addActionListener(this); } void SocialWindow::setPlayersOnline(const std::vector &players) { mPlayerListTab->setPlayers(players); mPlayerListTab->setCaption(strprintf(_("Online (%zu)"), players.size())); } void SocialWindow::logic() { if (mLastOnlineListUpdate == 0 || get_elapsed_time(mLastOnlineListUpdate) >= 18000) { Net::getChatHandler()->requestOnlineList(); mLastOnlineListUpdate = tick_time; } Window::logic(); } void SocialWindow::updateButtons() { bool hasTabs = mTabs->getNumberOfTabs() > 0; mInviteButton->setEnabled(hasTabs); mLeaveButton->setEnabled(hasTabs); }