/* * The Mana World * Copyright 2004 The Mana World Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana World. * * The Mana World is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * The Mana World is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with The Mana World; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * $Id$ */ #include "sell.h" #include #include #include "button.h" #include "shoplistbox.h" #include "scrollarea.h" #include "shop.h" #include "slider.h" #include "widgets/layout.h" #include "../item.h" #include "../npc.h" #include "../net/gameserver/player.h" #include "../resources/itemdb.h" #include "../resources/iteminfo.h" #include "../utils/gettext.h" #include "../utils/strprintf.h" SellDialog::SellDialog(): Window(_("Sell")), mMaxItems(0), mAmountItems(0) { setResizable(true); setMinWidth(260); setMinHeight(230); setDefaultSize(0, 0, 260, 230); mShopItems = new ShopItems(); mShopItemList = new ShopListBox(mShopItems, mShopItems); mScrollArea = new ScrollArea(mShopItemList); mSlider = new Slider(1.0); mQuantityLabel = new gcn::Label("0"); mMoneyLabel = new gcn::Label(strprintf(_("Price: %d GP / Total: %d GP"), 0, 0)); mIncreaseButton = new Button("+", "+", this); mDecreaseButton = new Button("-", "-", this); mSellButton = new Button(_("Sell"), "sell", this); mQuitButton = new Button(_("Quit"), "quit", this); mItemDescLabel = new gcn::Label(strprintf(_("Description: %s"), "")); mItemEffectLabel = new gcn::Label(strprintf(_("Effect: %s"), "")); mIncreaseButton->setSize(20, 20); mDecreaseButton->setSize(20, 20); mScrollArea->setHorizontalScrollPolicy(gcn::ScrollArea::SHOW_NEVER); mIncreaseButton->setEnabled(false); mDecreaseButton->setEnabled(false); mSellButton->setEnabled(false); mSlider->setEnabled(false); mShopItemList->setPriceCheck(false); mShopItemList->addSelectionListener(this); mSlider->setActionEventId("slider"); mSlider->addActionListener(this); place(0, 0, mScrollArea, 5).setPadding(3); place(0, 1, mQuantityLabel, 2); place(2, 1, mSlider, 3); place(0, 2, mMoneyLabel, 5); place(0, 3, mItemEffectLabel, 5); place(0, 4, mItemDescLabel, 5); place(0, 5, mDecreaseButton); place(1, 5, mIncreaseButton); place(3, 5, mSellButton); place(4, 5, mQuitButton); Layout &layout = getLayout(); layout.setRowHeight(0, Layout::AUTO_SET); loadWindowState("Sell"); setLocationRelativeTo(getParent()); } SellDialog::~SellDialog() { delete mShopItems; } void SellDialog::reset() { mShopItems->clear(); mSlider->setValue(0); // Reset previous selected item to prevent failing asserts mShopItemList->setSelected(-1); updateButtonsAndLabels(); } void SellDialog::addItem(int item, int amount, int price) { mShopItems->addItem(item, amount, price); mShopItemList->adjustSize(); } void SellDialog::action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event) { int selectedItem = mShopItemList->getSelected(); if (event.getId() == "quit") { setVisible(false); current_npc = 0; return; } // The following actions require a valid item selection if (selectedItem == -1 || selectedItem >= (int) mShopItems->getNumberOfElements()) { return; } if (event.getId() == "slider") { mAmountItems = (int) mSlider->getValue(); updateButtonsAndLabels(); } else if (event.getId() == "+" && mAmountItems < mMaxItems) { mAmountItems++; mSlider->setValue(mAmountItems); updateButtonsAndLabels(); } else if (event.getId() == "-" && mAmountItems > 1) { mAmountItems--; mSlider->setValue(mAmountItems); updateButtonsAndLabels(); } else if (event.getId() == "sell" && mAmountItems > 0 && mAmountItems <= mMaxItems) { Net::GameServer::Player::tradeWithNPC (mShopItems->at(selectedItem).id, mAmountItems); mMaxItems -= mAmountItems; mShopItems->getShop()->at(selectedItem).quantity = mMaxItems; mPlayerMoney += (mAmountItems * mShopItems->at(selectedItem).price); mAmountItems = 1; if (!mMaxItems) { // All were sold mShopItemList->setSelected(-1); mShopItems->getShop()->erase( mShopItems->getShop()->begin() + selectedItem); } else { mSlider->gcn::Slider::setScale(1, mMaxItems); // Update only when there are items left, the entry doesn't exist // otherwise and can't be updated updateButtonsAndLabels(); } } } void SellDialog::selectionChanged(const SelectionEvent &event) { // Reset amount of items and update labels mAmountItems = 1; mSlider->setValue(0); updateButtonsAndLabels(); mSlider->gcn::Slider::setScale(1, mMaxItems); } void SellDialog::setMoney(int amount) { mPlayerMoney = amount; mShopItemList->setPlayersMoney(amount); } void SellDialog::updateButtonsAndLabels() { int selectedItem = mShopItemList->getSelected(); int income = 0; if (selectedItem > -1) { const ItemInfo &info = ItemDB::get(mShopItems->at(selectedItem).id); mItemDescLabel->setCaption (strprintf(_("Description: %s"), info.getDescription().c_str())); mItemEffectLabel->setCaption (strprintf(_("Effect: %s"), info.getEffect().c_str())); mMaxItems = mShopItems->at(selectedItem).quantity; if (mAmountItems > mMaxItems) { mAmountItems = mMaxItems; } income = mAmountItems * mShopItems->at(selectedItem).price; } else { mItemDescLabel->setCaption(strprintf(_("Description: %s"), "")); mItemEffectLabel->setCaption(strprintf(_("Effect: %s"), "")); mMaxItems = 0; mAmountItems = 0; } // Update Buttons and slider mSellButton->setEnabled(mAmountItems > 0); mDecreaseButton->setEnabled(mAmountItems > 1); mIncreaseButton->setEnabled(mAmountItems < mMaxItems); mSlider->setEnabled(mMaxItems > 1); // Update the quantity and money labels mQuantityLabel->setCaption(strprintf("%d / %d", mAmountItems, mMaxItems)); mMoneyLabel->setCaption (strprintf(_("Price: %d GP / Total: %d GP"), income, mPlayerMoney + income)); }