/* * The Mana World * Copyright (C) 2004 The Mana World Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana World. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "chat.h" #include "gui/itemlinkhandler.h" #include "gui/recorder.h" #include "gui/setup.h" #include "gui/sdlinput.h" #include "gui/widgets/chattab.h" #include "gui/widgets/scrollarea.h" #include "gui/widgets/tabbedarea.h" #include "gui/widgets/textfield.h" #include "gui/widgets/whispertab.h" #include "beingmanager.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "localplayer.h" #include "net/chathandler.h" #include "net/net.h" #include "utils/dtor.h" #include "utils/gettext.h" #include "utils/stringutils.h" #include #include #include /** * The chat input hides when it loses focus. It is also invisible by default. */ class ChatInput : public TextField, public gcn::FocusListener { public: ChatInput() { setVisible(false); addFocusListener(this); } /** * Called if the chat input loses focus. It will set itself to * invisible as result. */ void focusLost(const gcn::Event &event) { setVisible(false); } }; ChatWindow::ChatWindow(): Window(_("Chat")), mTmpVisible(false), mCurrentTab(NULL) { setWindowName("Chat"); setupWindow->registerWindowForReset(this); // no title presented, title bar is padding so window can be moved. gcn::Window::setTitleBarHeight(gcn::Window::getPadding() + 4); setShowTitle(false); setResizable(true); setDefaultVisible(true); setSaveVisible(true); setDefaultSize(600, 123, ImageRect::LOWER_LEFT); setMinWidth(150); setMinHeight(90); mItemLinkHandler = new ItemLinkHandler; mChatInput = new ChatInput; mChatInput->setActionEventId("chatinput"); mChatInput->addActionListener(this); mChatTabs = new TabbedArea; //place(0, 0, mChatTabs, 3, 3); //place(0, 3, mChatInput, 3); add(mChatTabs); add(mChatInput); loadWindowState(); // Add key listener to chat input to be able to respond to up/down mChatInput->addKeyListener(this); mCurHist = mHistory.end(); mReturnToggles = config.getValue("ReturnToggles", "0") == "1"; mRecorder = new Recorder(this); } ChatWindow::~ChatWindow() { config.setValue("ReturnToggles", mReturnToggles); delete mRecorder; delete_all(mWhispers); delete mItemLinkHandler; } void ChatWindow::resetToDefaultSize() { mRecorder->resetToDefaultSize(); Window::resetToDefaultSize(); } void ChatWindow::adjustTabSize() { //return; const gcn::Rectangle area = getChildrenArea(); mChatInput->setPosition(mChatInput->getFrameSize(), area.height - mChatInput->getHeight() - mChatInput->getFrameSize()); mChatInput->setWidth(area.width - 2 * mChatInput->getFrameSize()); mChatTabs->setWidth(area.width - 2 * mChatTabs->getFrameSize()); mChatTabs->setHeight(area.height - 2 * mChatTabs->getFrameSize() - (mChatInput->getHeight() + mChatInput->getFrameSize() * 2)); ChatTab *tab = getFocused(); if (tab) { gcn::Widget *content = tab->mScrollArea; bool scrollLock = false; if(tab->mScrollArea->getVerticalMaxScroll() == tab->mScrollArea->getVerticalScrollAmount()) scrollLock = true; content->setSize(mChatTabs->getWidth() - 2 * content->getFrameSize(), mChatTabs->getContainerHeight() - 2 * content->getFrameSize()); content->logic(); if(scrollLock) tab->mScrollArea->setVerticalScrollAmount(tab->mScrollArea->getVerticalMaxScroll()); } } void ChatWindow::widgetResized(const gcn::Event &event) { Window::widgetResized(event); adjustTabSize(); } void ChatWindow::logic() { Window::logic(); Tab *tab = getFocused(); if (tab != mCurrentTab) { mCurrentTab = tab; adjustTabSize(); } } ChatTab *ChatWindow::getFocused() const { return dynamic_cast(mChatTabs->getSelectedTab()); } void ChatWindow::clearTab(ChatTab *tab) { if (tab) tab->clearText(); } void ChatWindow::clearTab() { clearTab(getFocused()); } void ChatWindow::prevTab() { int tab = mChatTabs->getSelectedTabIndex(); if (tab == 0) tab = mChatTabs->getNumberOfTabs(); tab--; mChatTabs->setSelectedTab(tab); } void ChatWindow::nextTab() { int tab = mChatTabs->getSelectedTabIndex(); tab++; if (tab == mChatTabs->getNumberOfTabs()) tab = 0; mChatTabs->setSelectedTab(tab); } void ChatWindow::action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event) { if (event.getId() == "chatinput") { std::string message = mChatInput->getText(); if (!message.empty()) { // If message different from previous, put it in the history if (mHistory.empty() || message != mHistory.back()) { mHistory.push_back(message); } // Reset history iterator mCurHist = mHistory.end(); // Send the message to the server chatInput(message); // Clear the text from the chat input mChatInput->setText(""); } if (message.empty() || !mReturnToggles) { // Remove focus and hide input mFocusHandler->focusNone(); // If the chatWindow is shown up because you want to send a message // It should hide now if (mTmpVisible) setVisible(false); } } } bool ChatWindow::requestChatFocus() { // Make sure chatWindow is visible if (!isVisible()) { setVisible(true); /* * This is used to hide chatWindow after sending the message. There is * a trick here, because setVisible will set mTmpVisible to false, you * have to put this sentence *after* setVisible, not before it */ mTmpVisible = true; } // Don't do anything else if the input is already visible and has focus if (mChatInput->isVisible() && mChatInput->isFocused()) return false; // Give focus to the chat input mChatInput->setVisible(true); mChatInput->requestFocus(); return true; } bool ChatWindow::isInputFocused() const { return mChatInput->isFocused(); } void ChatWindow::removeTab(ChatTab *tab) { // Prevent removal of the local chat tab if (tab == localChatTab) return; mChatTabs->removeTab(tab); } void ChatWindow::addTab(ChatTab *tab) { // Make sure we don't end up with duplicates in the gui // TODO mChatTabs->addTab(tab, tab->mScrollArea); // Fix for layout issues when adding the first tab if (tab == localChatTab) adjustTabSize(); // Update UI logic(); } void ChatWindow::removeWhisper(const std::string &nick) { std::string tempNick = nick; toLower(tempNick); mWhispers.erase(tempNick); } void ChatWindow::chatInput(const std::string &msg) { ChatTab *tab = getFocused(); tab->chatInput(msg); } void ChatWindow::doPresent() { const Beings &beings = beingManager->getAll(); std::string response = ""; int playercount = 0; for (Beings::const_iterator bi = beings.begin(), be = beings.end(); bi != be; ++bi) { if ((*bi)->getType() == Being::PLAYER) { if (!response.empty()) { response += ", "; } response += (*bi)->getName(); ++playercount; } } std::string log = strprintf(_("Present: %s; %d players are present."), response.c_str(), playercount); if (mRecorder->isRecording()) { // Get the current system time time_t t; time(&t); // Format the time string properly std::ostringstream timeStr; timeStr << "[" << ((((t / 60) / 60) % 24 < 10) ? "0" : "") << (int) (((t / 60) / 60) % 24) << ":" << (((t / 60) % 60 < 10) ? "0" : "") << (int) ((t / 60) % 60) << "] "; mRecorder->record(timeStr.str() + log); getFocused()->chatLog(_("Attendance written to record log."), BY_SERVER, true); } else { getFocused()->chatLog(log, BY_SERVER); } } void ChatWindow::scroll(int amount) { if (!isVisible()) return; ChatTab *tab = getFocused(); if (tab) tab->scroll(amount); } void ChatWindow::mousePressed(gcn::MouseEvent &event) { Window::mousePressed(event); if(event.isConsumed()) return; mMoved = event.getY() <= mCurrentTab->getHeight(); mDragOffsetX = event.getX(); mDragOffsetY = event.getY(); } void ChatWindow::mouseDragged(gcn::MouseEvent &event) { Window::mouseDragged(event); if(event.isConsumed()) return; if(isMovable() && mMoved) { int newX = std::max(0, getX() + event.getX() - mDragOffsetX); int newY = std::max(0, getY() + event.getY() - mDragOffsetY); newX = std::min(graphics->getWidth() - getWidth(), newX); newY = std::min(graphics->getHeight() - getHeight(), newY); setPosition(newX, newY); } } void ChatWindow::keyPressed(gcn::KeyEvent &event) { if (event.getKey().getValue() == Key::DOWN) { if (mCurHist != mHistory.end()) { // Move forward through the history HistoryIterator prevHist = mCurHist++; if (mCurHist != mHistory.end()) { mChatInput->setText(*mCurHist); mChatInput->setCaretPosition(mChatInput->getText().length()); } else { mChatInput->setText(""); mCurHist = prevHist; } } else if (mChatInput->getText() != "") { mChatInput->setText(""); } } else if (event.getKey().getValue() == Key::UP && mCurHist != mHistory.begin() && mHistory.size() > 0) { // Move backward through the history mCurHist--; mChatInput->setText(*mCurHist); mChatInput->setCaretPosition(mChatInput->getText().length()); } } void ChatWindow::addInputText(const std::string &text) { const int caretPos = mChatInput->getCaretPosition(); const std::string inputText = mChatInput->getText(); std::ostringstream ss; ss << inputText.substr(0, caretPos) << text << " "; ss << inputText.substr(caretPos); mChatInput->setText(ss.str()); mChatInput->setCaretPosition(caretPos + text.length() + 1); requestChatFocus(); } void ChatWindow::addItemText(const std::string &item) { std::ostringstream text; text << "[" << item << "]"; addInputText(text.str()); } void ChatWindow::setVisible(bool isVisible) { Window::setVisible(isVisible); /* * For whatever reason, if setVisible is called, the mTmpVisible effect * should be disabled. */ mTmpVisible = false; } void ChatWindow::setRecordingFile(const std::string &msg) { mRecorder->setRecordingFile(msg); } void ChatWindow::whisper(const std::string &nick, const std::string &mes, bool own) { if (mes.empty()) return; std::string playerName = player_node->getName(); std::string tempNick = nick; toLower(playerName); toLower(tempNick); if (tempNick.compare(playerName) == 0) return; ChatTab *tab = 0; TabMap::const_iterator i = mWhispers.find(tempNick); if (i != mWhispers.end()) tab = i->second; else if (config.getValue("whispertab", false)) tab = addWhisperTab(nick); if (tab) { if (own) tab->chatInput(mes); else tab->chatLog(nick, mes); } else { if (own) { Net::getChatHandler()->privateMessage(nick, mes); localChatTab->chatLog(strprintf(_("Whispering to %s: %s"), nick.c_str(), mes.c_str()), BY_PLAYER); } else { localChatTab->chatLog(nick + " : " + mes, ACT_WHISPER, false); } } } ChatTab *ChatWindow::addWhisperTab(const std::string &nick, bool switchTo) { std::string playerName = player_node->getName(); std::string tempNick = nick; toLower(playerName); toLower(tempNick); if (mWhispers.find(tempNick) != mWhispers.end() || tempNick.compare(playerName) == 0) return NULL; ChatTab *ret = new WhisperTab(nick); mWhispers[tempNick] = ret; if (switchTo) mChatTabs->setSelectedTab(ret); return ret; }