/* * The Mana World * Copyright 2004 The Mana World Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana World. * * The Mana World is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * The Mana World is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with The Mana World; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * $Id$ */ #include "chat.h" #include "textfield.h" #include "textbox.h" #include "../graphics.h" #include "../main.h" #include ChatWindow::ChatWindow(const char *logfile, int item_num): Window("") { chatlog_file.open(logfile, std::ios::out | std::ios::app); items = 0; items_keep = item_num; setContentSize(600, 100); textOutput = new TextBox(); chatInput = new TextField(); textOutput->setEditable(false); scrollArea = new ScrollArea(textOutput); scrollArea->setDimension(gcn::Rectangle( 2, 0, 596, 98 - chatInput->getHeight() - 5)); scrollArea->setOpaque(false); chatInput->setPosition( chatInput->getBorderSize(), 100 - chatInput->getHeight() - chatInput->getBorderSize()); chatInput->setWidth(600 - 2 * chatInput->getBorderSize()); chatInput->setEventId("chatinput"); chatInput->addActionListener(this); add(scrollArea); add(chatInput); } ChatWindow::~ChatWindow() { delete chatInput; chatlog_file.flush(); chatlog_file.close(); } void ChatWindow::chat_log(std::string line, int own) { int pos; CHATLOG tmp; // Delete overhead from the end of the list while (chatlog.size() > items_keep) { chatlog.pop_back(); } pos = 0; pos = (int)line.find(" : ", 0); if (pos > 0) { tmp.nick = line.substr(0, pos); switch (own) { case ACT_IS: tmp.nick += CAT_IS; break; case ACT_WHISPER: tmp.nick += CAT_WHISPER; break; case BY_GM: tmp.nick += std::string("Global announcement: "); default: tmp.nick += CAT_NORMAL; } line.erase(0, pos + 3); } else { tmp.nick = ""; } tmp.own = own; line = tmp.nick + line; // A try to get text sentences no too long... bool finished = false; unsigned int maxLength = 80; while (!finished) { std::string tempText = line; if (line.length() > maxLength) { if (line.length() > maxLength) { line = cut_string(tempText, maxLength); } //tmp.text = tempText; //chatlog_file << tmp.nick << tmp.text << "\n"; //chatlog_file.flush(); //chatlog.push_front(tmp); } else // Normal message { //tmp.text = line; //chatlog_file << tmp.nick << tmp.text << "\n"; //chatlog_file.flush(); //chatlog.push_front(tmp); finished = true; } textOutput->setText( textOutput->getText() + std::string("\n") + tempText); scrollArea->setVerticalScrollAmount( scrollArea->getVerticalMaxScroll()); } } void ChatWindow::chat_log(CHATSKILL action) { chat_log(const_msg(action), BY_SERVER); } void ChatWindow::draw(gcn::Graphics *graphics) { // Draw the window border/background and children Window::draw(graphics); // Draw the chat log /* int x, y; int n = 8; int texty = getHeight() - 5 - chatInput->getHeight() - 2 * chatInput->getBorderSize(); int i = 0; CHATLOG line; n -= 1; graphics->setColor(gcn::Color(203, 203, 203)); graphics->drawLine(95, 5, 95, texty); getAbsolutePosition(x, y); for (iter = chatlog.begin(); iter != chatlog.end(); iter++) { line = *iter; texty -= getFont()->getHeight() - 2; switch (line.own) { case BY_GM: graphics->setColor(gcn::Color(97, 156, 236)); // GM Bue //graphics->drawText("Global announcement: ", 5, texty); addOutput(std::string("Global announcement: ")); break; case BY_PLAYER: graphics->setColor(gcn::Color(255, 246, 98)); // Yellow break; case BY_OTHER: graphics->setColor(gcn::Color(97, 156, 236)); // GM Bue break; } switch (line.own) { case BY_GM: graphics->setColor(gcn::Color(39, 197, 39)); // Green break; case BY_PLAYER: graphics->setColor(gcn::Color(255, 255, 255)); // White break; case BY_OTHER: graphics->setColor(gcn::Color(39, 197, 39)); // Green break; default: graphics->setColor(gcn::Color(83, 233, 246)); // Light blue } if (i >= n) { return; } i++; } */ } void ChatWindow::action(const std::string& eventId) { if (eventId == "chatinput") { std::string message = chatInput->getText(); if (message.length() > 0) { chat_send(char_info[0].name, message.c_str()); chatInput->setText(""); } gui->focusNone(); } } void ChatWindow::requestFocus() { // Give focus to the chat input chatInput->requestFocus(); } bool ChatWindow::isFocused() { return chatInput->hasFocus(); } char *ChatWindow::chat_send(std::string nick, std::string msg) { short packid = 0x008c; // prepare command if (msg.substr(0, 1) == "/") { // global announcement /*if(msg.substr(0, IS_ANNOUNCE_LENGTH) == IS_ANNOUNCE) { msg.erase(0, IS_ANNOUNCE_LENGTH); packid = 0x0099; }*/ // prepare ordinary message chat_log("Sorry but /commands are not available yet", BY_PLAYER); return ""; } else { // temporary hack to make messed-up-keyboard-ppl able to send GM commands if (msg.substr(0, 1) == "#") msg.replace(0, 1, "@"); // end temp. hack XD nick += " : "; nick += msg; msg = nick; packid = 0x008c; } msg += "\0"; // send processed message WFIFOW(0) = net_w_value(packid); WFIFOW(2) = net_w_value((unsigned short)(msg.length()+4)); memcpy(WFIFOP(4), msg.c_str(), msg.length()); WFIFOSET((int)msg.length()+4); nick = msg = ""; return ""; } std::string ChatWindow::const_msg(CHATSKILL action) { std::string msg; if (action.success == SKILL_FAILED && action.skill == SKILL_BASIC) { switch (action.bskill) { case BSKILL_TRADE : msg = "Trade failed!"; break; case BSKILL_EMOTE : msg = "Emote failed!"; break; case BSKILL_SIT : msg = "Sit failed!"; break; case BSKILL_CREATECHAT : msg = "Chat creating failed!"; break; case BSKILL_JOINPARTY : msg = "Could not join party!"; break; case BSKILL_SHOUT : msg = "Cannot shout!"; break; } switch (action.reason) { case RFAIL_SKILLDEP : msg += " You have not yet reached a high enough lvl!"; break; case RFAIL_INSUFHP : msg += " Insufficient HP!"; break; case RFAIL_INSUFSP : msg += " Insufficient SP!"; break; case RFAIL_NOMEMO : msg += " You have no memos!"; break; case RFAIL_SKILLDELAY : msg += " You cannot do that right now!"; break; case RFAIL_ZENY : msg += " Seems you need more Zeny... ;-)"; break; case RFAIL_WEAPON : msg += " You cannot use this skill with that kind of weapon!"; break; case RFAIL_REDGEM : msg += " You need another red gem!"; break; case RFAIL_BLUEGEM : msg += " You need another blue gem!"; break; case RFAIL_OVERWEIGHT : msg += " You're carrying to much to do this!"; break; default : msg += " Huh? What's that?"; break; } } else { switch(action.skill) { case SKILL_WARP : msg = "Warp failed..."; break; case SKILL_STEAL : msg = "Could not steal anything..."; break; case SKILL_ENVENOM : msg = "Poison had no effect..."; break; } } return msg; } std::string ChatWindow::cut_string(std::string& value, unsigned int maximumLength) { // If the string exceeds the maximum length if(value.length() > maximumLength) { unsigned int index = 0; unsigned int lastSpace = 0; std::string cutOff = ""; for(index = 0; index < maximumLength; index++) { if(value.at(index) == ' ') { lastSpace = index; } } // If the last space is at the beginning of the string if(lastSpace == 0) { // Just cut it right off from the end cutOff = value.substr(maximumLength); value = value.substr(0, maximumLength); } else { // Cut it off from the last space forward cutOff = value.substr(lastSpace + 1); value = value.substr(0, lastSpace); } return cutOff; } return std::string(""); }