 *  The Mana World
 *  Copyright (C) 2004  The Mana World Development Team
 *  This file is part of The Mana World.
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#ifndef BEING_H
#define BEING_H

#include <guichan/color.hpp>

#include <SDL_types.h>

#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "map.h"
#include "particlecontainer.h"
#include "position.h"
#include "sprite.h"
#include "vector.h"

#include "resources/spritedef.h"


#define SPEECH_TIME 500
#define SPEECH_MAX_TIME 1000

class AnimatedSprite;
class Image;
class ItemInfo;
class Item;
class Map;
class Graphics;
class Particle;
class Position;
class SimpleAnimation;
class SpeechBubble;
class Text;

class StatusEffect;

typedef std::list<Sprite*> Sprites;
typedef Sprites::iterator SpriteIterator;

enum Gender
    GENDER_MALE = 0,

class Being : public Sprite
        enum Type

         * Action the being is currently performing
         * WARNING: Has to be in sync with the same enum in the Being class
         * of the server!
        enum Action

        enum Sprite
            BASE_SPRITE = 0,

        enum TargetCursorSize
            TC_SMALL = 0,

        enum Speech
            NO_SPEECH = 0,

        enum AttackType
            HIT = 0x00,
            CRITICAL = 0x0a,
            MULTI = 0x08,
            REFLECT = 0x04,
            FLEE = 0x0b

         * Directions, to be used as bitmask values
        enum { DOWN = 1, LEFT = 2, UP = 4, RIGHT = 8 };

        Uint16 mX, mY;        /**< Tile coordinates */
        int mFrame;
        int mWalkTime;
        int mEmotion;         /**< Currently showing emotion */
        int mEmotionTime;     /**< Time until emotion disappears */
        int mSpeechTime;

        int mAttackSpeed;     /**< Attack speed */
        Action mAction;       /**< Action the being is performing */
        Uint16 mJob;          /**< Job (player job, npc, monster, creature ) */

         * Constructor.
         * @param id   a unique being id
         * @param job  partly determines the type of the being
         * @param map  the map the being is on
        Being(int id, int job, Map *map);

        virtual ~Being();

         * Removes all path nodes from this being.
        void clearPath();

         * Sets a new destination for this being to walk to.
        virtual void setDestination(Uint16 destX, Uint16 destY);
        void setDestination(int x, int y);

         * Returns the destination for this being.
        const Vector &getDestination() const { return mDest; }

         * Adjusts course to expected start point.
        void adjustCourse(int srcX, int srcY);

         * Adjusts course to expected start and end points.
        void adjustCourse(int srcX, int srcY, int destX, int destY);

         * Puts a "speech balloon" above this being for the specified amount
         * of time.
         * @param text The text that should appear.
         * @param time The amount of time the text should stay in milliseconds.
        void setSpeech(const std::string &text, int time = 500);

         * Puts a damage bubble above this being.
         * @param attacker the attacking being
         * @param damage the amount of damage recieved (0 means miss)
         * @param type the attack type
        virtual void takeDamage(Being *attacker, int damage, AttackType type);

         * Handles an attack of another being by this being.
         * @param victim the victim being
         * @param damage the amount of damage dealt (0 means miss)
         * @param type the attack type
        virtual void handleAttack();
        virtual void handleAttack(Being *victim, int damage, AttackType type);

         * Returns the name of the being.
        const std::string &getName() const
        { return mName; }

         * Sets the name for the being.
         * @param name The name that should appear.
        virtual void setName(const std::string &name)
        { mName = name; }

         * Gets the hair color for this being.
        int getHairColor() const { return mHairColor; }

         * Gets the hair style for this being.
        int getHairStyle() const { return mHairStyle; }

         * Get the number of hairstyles implemented
        static int getNumOfHairstyles() { return mNumberOfHairstyles; }

         * Sets the hair style and color for this being.
        virtual void setHairStyle(int style, int color);

         * Sets visible equipments for this being.
        virtual void setSprite(int slot, int id,
                               const std::string &color = "");

         * Sets the gender of this being.
        virtual void setGender(Gender gender) { mGender = gender; }

        Gender getGender() const { return mGender; }

         * Makes this being take the next step of his path.
        virtual void nextStep();

         * Triggers whether or not to show the name as a GM name.
        virtual void setGM() { mIsGM = true; }

         * Performs being logic.
        virtual void logic();

         * Draws the speech text above the being.
        void drawSpeech(int offsetX, int offsetY);

         * Draws the emotion picture above the being.
        void drawEmotion(Graphics *graphics, int offsetX, int offsetY);

         * Returns the type of the being.
        virtual Type getType() const;

         * Sets the walk speed (in pixels per second).
        void setWalkSpeed(int speed) { mWalkSpeed = speed; }

        int getWalkSpeed() const { return mWalkSpeed; }

         * Sets the sprite id.
        void setId(int id) { mId = id; }

        int getId() const { return mId; }

         * Sets the map the being is on
        void setMap(Map *map);

         * Sets the current action.
        virtual void setAction(Action action, int attackType = 0);

         * Returns whether this being is still alive.
        bool isAlive() const { return mAction != DEAD; }

         * Returns the current direction.
        Uint8 getDirection() const { return mDirection; }

         * Sets the current direction.
        void setDirection(Uint8 direction);

         * Returns the walk time.
        int getWalkTime() const { return mWalkTime; }

         * Returns the direction the being is facing.
        SpriteDirection getSpriteDirection() const
        { return SpriteDirection(mSpriteDirection); }
        SpriteDirection getSpriteDirection() const;

         * Draws this being to the given graphics context.
         * @see Sprite::draw(Graphics, int, int)
        virtual void draw(Graphics *graphics, int offsetX, int offsetY) const;

         * Returns the X coordinate in pixels.
        int getPixelX() const { return mPx; }

         * Returns the Y coordinate in pixels.
         * @see Sprite::getPixelY()
        int getPixelY() const { return mPy; }

         * Get the current X pixel offset.
        int getXOffset() const
        { return getOffset(LEFT, RIGHT); }

         * Get the current Y pixel offset.
        int getYOffset() const
        { return getOffset(UP, DOWN); }

         * Sets the position of this being.
        void setPosition(const Vector &pos);

         * Overloaded method provided for convenience.
         * @see setPosition(const Vector &pos)
        void setPosition(float x, float y, float z = 0.0f)
            setPosition(Vector(x, y, z));

         * Returns the position of this being.
        const Vector &getPosition() const { return mPos; }

         * Returns the horizontal size of the current base sprite of the being.
        virtual int getWidth() const;

         * Returns the vertical size of the current base sprite of the being.
        virtual int getHeight() const;

         * Returns the required size of a target cursor for this being.
        virtual Being::TargetCursorSize getTargetCursorSize() const
        { return TC_MEDIUM; }

         * Take control of a particle.
        void controlParticle(Particle *particle);

         * Gets the way the object is blocked by other objects.
        virtual unsigned char getWalkMask() const
        { return 0x00; } //can walk through everything

         * Returns the path this being is following. An empty path is returned
         * when this being isn't following any path currently.
        const Path &getPath() const { return mPath; }

         * Sets the target animation for this being.
        void setTargetAnimation(SimpleAnimation* animation);

         * Untargets the being
        void untarget() { mUsedTargetCursor = NULL; }

        void setEmote(Uint8 emotion, Uint8 emote_time)
            mEmotion = emotion;
            mEmotionTime = emote_time;

         * Sets the being's stun mode.  If zero, the being is `normal',
         * otherwise it is `stunned' in some fashion.
        void setStunMode(int stunMode)
            if (mStunMode != stunMode)
                updateStunMode(mStunMode, stunMode);
            mStunMode = stunMode;

        void setStatusEffect(int index, bool active);

         * A status effect block is a 16 bit mask of status effects.
         * We assign each such flag a block ID of offset + bitnr.
         * These are NOT the same as the status effect indices.
        void setStatusEffectBlock(int offset, Uint16 flags);

         * Triggers a visual effect, such as `level up'
         * Only draws the visual effect, does not play sound effects
         * \param effectId ID of the effect to trigger
        virtual void triggerEffect(int effectId)
            internalTriggerEffect(effectId, false, true);

        static int getHairColorCount();

        static int getHairStyleCount();

        static std::string getHairColor(int index);

        virtual AnimatedSprite *getSprite(int index) const
        { return mSprites[index]; }

        static void load();

         * Sets the new path for this being.
        void setPath(const Path &path);

         * Let the sub-classes react to a replacement.
        virtual void updateCoords() {}

         * Gets the way the object blocks pathfinding for other objects
        virtual Map::BlockType getBlockType() const
        { return Map::BLOCKTYPE_NONE; }

         * Trigger visual effect, with components
         * \param effectId ID of the effect to trigger
         * \param sfx Whether to trigger sound effects
         * \param gfx Whether to trigger graphical effects
        void internalTriggerEffect(int effectId, bool sfx, bool gfx);

         * Notify self that the stun mode has been updated. Invoked by
         * setStunMode if something changed.
        virtual void updateStunMode(int oldMode, int newMode);

         * Notify self that a status effect has flipped.
         * The new flag is passed.
        virtual void updateStatusEffect(int index, bool newStatus);

         * Handle an update to a status or stun effect
         * \param The StatusEffect to effect
         * \param effectId -1 for stun, otherwise the effect index
        virtual void handleStatusEffect(StatusEffect *effect, int effectId);

        int mId;                        /**< Unique sprite id */
        Uint8 mDirection;               /**< Facing direction */
        Uint8 mSpriteDirection;         /**< Facing direction */
        Map *mMap;                      /**< Map on which this being resides */
        std::string mName;              /**< Name of character */
        SpriteIterator mSpriteIterator;
        bool mIsGM;
        bool mParticleEffects;          /**< Whether to display particles or not */

        /** Engine-related infos about weapon. */
        const ItemInfo *mEquippedWeapon;

        static std::vector<std::string> hairColors;
        static int mNumberOfHairColors;          /** Number of hair colors in use */
        static int mNumberOfHairstyles;          /** Number of hair styles in use */

        Path mPath;
        std::string mSpeech;
        Text *mText;
        int mHairStyle;
        int mHairColor;
        Gender mGender;
        Uint16 mStunMode;               /**< Stun mode; zero if not stunned */
        std::set<int> mStatusEffects;   /**< set of active status effects */

        const gcn::Color* mNameColor;

        std::vector<AnimatedSprite*> mSprites;
        std::vector<int> mSpriteIDs;
        std::vector<std::string> mSpriteColors;
        ParticleList mStunParticleEffects;
        ParticleVector mStatusParticleEffects;
        ParticleList mChildParticleEffects;

         * Calculates the offset in the given directions.
         * If walking in direction 'neg' the value is negated.
        int getOffset(char pos, char neg) const;

        /** Reset particle status effects on next redraw? */
        bool mMustResetParticles;

        /** Speech Bubble components */
        SpeechBubble *mSpeechBubble;

        int mWalkSpeed;                 /**< Walking speed (pixels/sec) */

        Vector mPos;
        Vector mDest;
        int mPx, mPy;                   /**< Position in pixels */

        /** Target cursor being used */
        SimpleAnimation* mUsedTargetCursor;
