<- @@index|Back to Index@@ ##3 === RECENT CHANGES === (7 April 2008) - Added /clear command to clear chat window - Added ability to close quit dialog by pressing ESC - Added key for targetting nearest player - Added the possibility to assign particle effects to monsters - Added possibility to pass through players with key controls - Fixed crash on exit after connection to server was lost - Fixed initialization of some variables - Fixed an error with chat messages without a sender that include a colon - Fixed minimap to not keep reappearing when hidden - Fixed a GCC 4.3 compile error - Fixed music loading from non-default location - Fixed crash on trying to show out of range emoticon - Updated Dev-C++ and Code::Blocks project files 0.0.24 (24 December 2007) - Added female specific hair styles - Added user-definable key settings - Added XP gaining notification - Added close button to most windows - Added support for dynamic sprite recoloring - Added notification when the connection to the server is lost - Updated to work with Guichan 0.7.x - Mouse cursor now indicates when resize is possible - Changed amount slider in buy and sell dialogs to start at 1 - Made weapon sprites and sounds customizable - Made buy and sell dialogs resizable - Merged equipment database with items database - Chat window log no longer goes back forever - Chat messages are trimmed (spaces are removed on both sides) - Fixed segmentation fault with some OpenGL drivers - Fixed updating of defense when increasing vitality - Fixed a bug that prevented being-controlled particles from being deleted - Fixed a crash in the particle engine related to child emitters - Fixed encoding issues with user home directory - Fixed a crash in equipment window on failure to load an item icon - Fixed a crash on filling up your inventory - Fixed item list in shops not to scroll back when selling 0.0.23 (3 June 2007) - Added a particle engine along with some particle effects - Added a cursor to indicate targeted enemy - Added new program icon - Added a man page for UNIX like systems - Added the --version command line parameter - Improved MacOS X release - Screenshots are now saved in the .tmw directory on UNIX like systems - Magic pink is no longer used for transparency (fixes issues with that on Mac) - Fixed difficulties with resizing windows - Fixed misleading error message when connecting fails - Fixed wrong error message when account name already exists - Fixed crash when deleting a character - Fixed error message when creating a new character fails - Fixed updating problem when using scrollwheel to change shop selection (17 February 2007) - Updated to work with Guichan 0.6.1 - Changed to new default server (server.themanaworld.org) - Changed custom mouse cursor - Fixed the issue where _M or _F is appended to the username - Fixed problem with Cancel button in update dialog (15 January 2007) - Updated to work with Guichan 0.6.0 (older versions no longer supported) - Fixed mouse coordinates in debug window - Fixed clicking on GUI to cause the player to start walking sometimes