
 Version: 0.0.10       Date: 5/3/2005

 Development team:

  - Elven Programmer (Admin)
  - Hammerbear (Admin)
  - kth5 (Programmer)
  - Ultramichy (Game server admin)
  - Rotonen (Background story and music)
  - Kyokai (Game systems design)
  - Bertram (Programmer)
  - zenogais (Programmer)

 Special thanks:

  - Sull (Linux Developer)
  - Neorice (Pixel Artist)
  - natsuki (Win32 Developer)
  - Genis (Win32 Developer)
  - RRC (Graphic Designer)
  - necromus (Pixel Artist)
  - LordNev (Artist)
  - jui-feng for helping in server development and php scripts.
  - SimEdw (Programmer)

 Powered by:

  - SDL, SDL_image, SDL_mixer (Media framework)
  - Guichan (GUI framework)
  - libxml2 (XML parsing and writing)
  - PhysFS (Data files)

0. Index

1. Account
2. Commands

1. Account

To create an account, add "_M" after your username when you login for the first
time and enter a password of your choice. Remember that the server is only for
demo and development purposes.

2. Commands

Use arrow keys to move around and the right mouse button over NPC's feet to
talk to them. Other keys:

- Left Ctrl  attack
- Alt + 0-9  show emotions
- F1         take a screenshot
- F5         sit down / stand up
- F6         toggle debug pathfinding feature
- F11        raise volume
- F12        lower volume
- Alt + K    show skills
- Alt + S    show stats
- Alt + I    show inventory
- Alt + E    show equipment
- Alt + N    show new skill window in development
- Ctrl + F   switch windowed / fullscreen