#!/bin/bash echo "Debian Package Creation..."; if [ $USER != "root" ]; # only root can create deb packages... then echo "Sorry ! this must be run as root because only root can make Debian Packages !"; echo "Aborting..."; exit; fi make clean; make; if [ ! -x ./tmw ]; # if tmw doesn't exist then echo "Compilation failed somewhere. Please try to correct errors given by gcc output..."; echo "Aborting..."; exit; fi if [ ! -f ./tmw.ini ]; # if tmw.ini doesn't exist then echo "Can't find the tmw.ini file. Maybe this tmw version is uncomplete..."; echo "Aborting..."; exit; fi if [ ! -d ./data ]; # if the data folder doesn't exist... then echo "Can't find the Mana World datas..." echo "Aborting..."; exit; fi echo "The Mana World seems to have compiled successfully."; echo "Now creating Debian Repository..."; rm -rf Debian; mkdir Debian 0>/dev/null 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null; if [ ! -d ./Debian ]; # if the Debian folder doesn't exist... then echo "Can't create a Debian folder here..."; echo "Have you got enough rights to do that ?" echo "Aborting..."; exit; fi TMW_VERSION=`grep "core_version" ./tmw.ini | cut -d'=' -f2 | cut -d' ' -f2`; echo "Version :" $TMW_VERSION; mkdir `echo 'Debian/manaworld_'$TMW_VERSION'_i386'`; cd `echo 'Debian/manaworld_'$TMW_VERSION'_i386'`; mkdir DEBIAN; mkdir usr; mkdir usr/share; mkdir usr/share/manaworld; #cp ../../tmw.ini ./usr/share/manaworld; cp ../../tmw ./usr/share/manaworld; cp ../../keyboard.dat ./usr/share/manaworld; cp -a ../../data ./usr/share/manaworld; cp -a ../../docs ./usr/share/manaworld; # Creating a good link to launch the game touch ./usr/share/manaworld/manaworld; echo "#!/bin/sh" >>./usr/share/manaworld/manaworld; echo "cd /usr/share/manaworld;" >>./usr/share/manaworld/manaworld; echo "./tmw;" >>./usr/share/manaworld/manaworld; echo "cd -" >>./usr/share/manaworld/manaworld; chmod +x ./usr/share/manaworld/manaworld; # End of the link echo "Creating Rules for the Debian package..." #echo "Set the variables value at the begining of this script if you want to change something..."; touch DEBIAN/postinst; echo "#!/bin/sh" >>DEBIAN/postinst; echo 'if [ "$1" = "configure" ]; then' >>DEBIAN/postinst; echo ' chmod -R 777 /usr/share/manaworld/docs;' >>DEBIAN/postinst; echo ' if [ -d /usr/games ]; then' >>DEBIAN/postinst; echo ' cp /usr/share/manaworld/manaworld /usr/games/manaworld;' >>DEBIAN/postinst; echo ' chmod +x /usr/share/manaworld/manaworld;' >>DEBIAN/postinst; echo ' fi' >>DEBIAN/postinst; echo 'fi' >>DEBIAN/postinst; chmod 755 DEBIAN/postinst; # End of postinst script... touch DEBIAN/prerm; echo '#!/bin/sh' >>DEBIAN/prerm; echo 'if [ \( "$1" = "upgrade" -o "$1" = "remove" \) ]; then' >>DEBIAN/prerm; echo ' if [ -d /usr/games ]; then' >>DEBIAN/prerm; echo ' rm -rf /usr/games/manaworld;' >>DEBIAN/prerm; echo ' fi' >>DEBIAN/prerm; echo 'fi' >>DEBIAN/prerm; chmod 755 DEBIAN/prerm; # End of prerm script... touch DEBIAN/control echo 'Package: manaworld' >>DEBIAN/control; echo 'Version: '$TMW_VERSION >>DEBIAN/control; echo 'Section: bin' >>DEBIAN/control; echo 'Priority: optional' >>DEBIAN/control; echo 'Architecture: i386' >>DEBIAN/control; echo 'Depends: liballegro4.1 (>= 4.1), libjgmod (>= 0.99), libguichan (>= 0.1.0)' >>DEBIAN/control; echo 'Suggests: Nothing' >>DEBIAN/control; echo 'Installed-Size: 1200' >>DEBIAN/control; echo 'Maintainer: Ferreira Yohann <bertram25@hotmail.com>' >>DEBIAN/control; echo 'Description: The Mana World is a Great Online Game based upon the Seiken Densetsu Serie.' >>DEBIAN/control; echo ' It has its own universe, and and its own character management system, which will' >>DEBIAN/control; echo ' give you the opportunity to play in a 2D heroic-fantasy world forever.' >>DEBIAN/control; echo ' .' >>DEBIAN/control; echo ' You will find the dependancy of this package on the website. Install them before trying to install this one.' >>DEBIAN/control; echo ' You need : libalfont, and libjgmod. liballegro4.1 is given by any Debian mirrors...' >>DEBIAN/control; echo ' Look at the website for further informations...' >>DEBIAN/control; echo ' .' >>DEBIAN/control; echo ' Authors:' >>DEBIAN/control; echo ' Elven Programmer <elvenprogrammer@sourceforge.net>' >>DEBIAN/control; echo ' Kth5 <kth5@gawab.com>' >>DEBIAN/control; echo ' Ultramichy <celdron15@hotmail.com>' >>DEBIAN/control; echo ' SimEdw <simon@crossnet.se>' >>DEBIAN/control; echo ' Rotonen <j_orponen@hotmail.com>' >>DEBIAN/control; echo ' Chetic <Chetic@gmail.com>' >>DEBIAN/control; echo ' .' >>DEBIAN/control; echo ' Web Site: http://themanaworld.sourceforge.net/' >>DEBIAN/control; # End of control file... echo "Rules created..." echo "Creating Debian Package..." cd .. chown -R root:root `echo 'manaworld_'$TMW_VERSION'_i386'`; dpkg --build `echo 'manaworld_'$TMW_VERSION'_i386'`; cp `echo 'manaworld_'$TMW_VERSION'_i386.deb'` ..; cd .. echo "Cleaning ..."; rm -rf Debian; echo "You Debian Package is normally ready :" echo "His name is : manaworld_"$TMW_VERSION"_i386.deb"; echo "Don't forget you need libjgmod and libguichan to install manaworld."; echo "You can find them in http://themanaworld.sourceforge.net/files"; echo "End of Debian Creation...";