#include "int_party.hpp" // int_party.cpp - Internal party handling. // // Copyright © ????-2004 Athena Dev Teams // Copyright © 2004-2011 The Mana World Development Team // Copyright © 2011-2014 Ben Longbons <b.r.longbons@gmail.com> // // This file is part of The Mana World (Athena server) // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #include "../ints/udl.hpp" #include "../strings/mstring.hpp" #include "../strings/astring.hpp" #include "../strings/xstring.hpp" #include "../generic/db.hpp" #include "../io/cxxstdio.hpp" #include "../io/extract.hpp" #include "../io/lock.hpp" #include "../io/read.hpp" #include "../io/write.hpp" #include "../proto2/char-map.hpp" #include "../mmo/ids.hpp" #include "../high/extract_mmo.hpp" #include "../high/mmo.hpp" #include "../wire/packets.hpp" #include "char.hpp" #include "globals.hpp" #include "inter.hpp" #include "inter_conf.hpp" #include "../poison.hpp" namespace tmwa { namespace char_ { static void mapif_party_broken(PartyId party_id, int flag); static int party_check_empty(PartyPair p); static void mapif_parse_PartyLeave(Session *s, PartyId party_id, AccountId account_id); // パーティデータの文字列への変換 static AString inter_party_tostr(PartyPair p) { MString str; str += STRPRINTF( "%d\t" "%s\t" "%d,%d\t"_fmt, p.party_id, p->name, p->exp, p->item); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PARTY; i++) { PartyMember *m = &p->member[i]; if (!m->account_id) continue; str += STRPRINTF( "%d,%d\t" "%s\t"_fmt, m->account_id, m->leader, m->name); } return AString(str); } } // namespace char_ static bool impl_extract(XString str, PartyPair *pp) { PartyPair& p = *pp; // not compatible with the normal extract()ors since it has // a variable-size element that uses the same separator std::vector<XString> bits; if (!extract(str, vrec<'\t'>(&bits))) return false; auto begin = bits.begin(); auto end = bits.end(); if (begin == end || !extract(*begin, &p.party_id)) return false; ++begin; if (begin == end || !extract(*begin, &p->name)) return false; ++begin; if (begin == end || !extract(*begin, record<','>(&p->exp, &p->item))) return false; ++begin; for (int i = 0; begin != end && i < MAX_PARTY; ++i) { PartyMember *m = &p->member[i]; if (begin == end || !extract(*begin, record<','>(&m->account_id, &m->leader))) return false; ++begin; if (begin == end || !extract(*begin, &m->name)) return false; ++begin; if (!m->account_id) --i; } return true; } namespace char_ { static void party_check_deleted_init(PartyPair p) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PARTY; i++) { if (!p->member[i].account_id) continue; const CharPair *c = search_character(p->member[i].name); if (!c || c->key.account_id != p->member[i].account_id) { CHAR_LOG("WARNING: deleting obsolete party member %d %s of %d %s\n"_fmt, p->member[i].account_id, p->member[i].name, p.party_id, p->name); PRINTF("WARNING: deleting obsolete party member %d %s of %d %s\n"_fmt, p->member[i].account_id, p->member[i].name, p.party_id, p->name); p->member[i] = PartyMember{}; } } } // パーティデータのロード void inter_party_init(void) { io::ReadFile in(inter_conf.party_txt); if (!in.is_open()) return; // TODO: convert to use char_id AString line; int c = 0; while (in.getline(line)) { PartyId i; if (extract(line, record<'\t'>(&i, "%newid%"_s)) && party_newid < i) { party_newid = i; continue; } PartyMost pm; PartyPair pp{PartyId(), borrow(pm)}; if (extract(line, &pp) && pp.party_id) { if (party_newid < next(pp.party_id)) party_newid = next(pp.party_id); party_check_deleted_init(pp); party_db.insert(pp.party_id, pm); // note: this is still referring to the noncanonical copy of // the PartyMost pointer. This is okay, though. party_check_empty(pp); } else { PRINTF("int_party: broken data [%s] line %d\n"_fmt, inter_conf.party_txt, c + 1); } c++; } } // パーティーデータのセーブ用 static void inter_party_save_sub(PartyPair data, io::WriteFile& fp) { AString line = inter_party_tostr(data); fp.put_line(line); } // パーティーデータのセーブ int inter_party_save(void) { io::WriteLock fp(inter_conf.party_txt); if (!fp.is_open()) { PRINTF("int_party: cant write [%s] !!! data is lost !!!\n"_fmt, inter_conf.party_txt); return 1; } for (auto& pair : party_db) { PartyPair tmp{pair.first, borrow(pair.second)}; inter_party_save_sub(tmp, fp); } return 0; } // パーティ名検索用 static void search_partyname_sub(PartyPair p, PartyName str, Borrowed<Option<PartyPair>> dst) { if (p->name == str) *dst = Some(p); } // パーティ名検索 static Option<PartyPair> search_partyname(PartyName str) { Option<PartyPair> p = None; for (auto& pair : party_db) { PartyPair tmp{pair.first, borrow(pair.second)}; search_partyname_sub(tmp, str, borrow(p)); } return p; } // EXP公平分配できるかチェック static int party_check_exp_share(PartyPair p) { int i; int maxlv = 0, minlv = 0x7fffffff; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PARTY; i++) { int lv = p->member[i].lv; if (p->member[i].online) { if (lv < minlv) minlv = lv; if (maxlv < lv) maxlv = lv; } } return (maxlv == 0 || maxlv - minlv <= inter_conf.party_share_level); } // パーティが空かどうかチェック int party_check_empty(const PartyPair p) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PARTY; i++) { if (p->member[i].account_id) { return 0; } } // 誰もいないので解散 mapif_party_broken(p.party_id, 0); party_db.erase(p.party_id); return 1; } // キャラの競合がないかチェック用 static void party_check_conflict_sub(PartyPair p, PartyId party_id, AccountId account_id, CharName nick) { int i; if (p.party_id == party_id) // 本来の所属なので問題なし return; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PARTY; i++) { if (p->member[i].account_id == account_id && p->member[i].name == nick) { // 別のパーティに偽の所属データがあるので脱退 PRINTF("int_party: party conflict! %d %d %d\n"_fmt, account_id, party_id, p.party_id); mapif_parse_PartyLeave(nullptr, p.party_id, account_id); } } } // キャラの競合がないかチェック static void party_check_conflict(PartyId party_id, AccountId account_id, CharName nick) { for (auto& pair : party_db) { PartyPair tmp{pair.first, borrow(pair.second)}; party_check_conflict_sub(tmp, party_id, account_id, nick); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // map serverへの通信 // パーティ作成可否 static void mapif_party_created(Session *s, AccountId account_id, Option<PartyPair> p_) { Packet_Fixed<0x3820> fixed_20; fixed_20.account_id = account_id; OMATCH_BEGIN (p_) { OMATCH_CASE_SOME (p) { fixed_20.error = 0; fixed_20.party_id = p.party_id; fixed_20.party_name = p->name; PRINTF("int_party: created! %d %s\n"_fmt, p.party_id, p->name); } OMATCH_CASE_NONE () { fixed_20.error = 1; fixed_20.party_id = PartyId(); fixed_20.party_name = stringish<PartyName>("error"_s); } } OMATCH_END (); send_fpacket<0x3820, 35>(s, fixed_20); } // パーティ情報見つからず static void mapif_party_noinfo(Session *s, PartyId party_id) { Packet_Head<0x3821> head_21; Packet_Option<0x3821> option_21; head_21.party_id = party_id; send_opacket<0x3821, 8, sizeof(NetPacket_Option<0x3821>)>(s, head_21, false, option_21); PRINTF("int_party: info not found %d\n"_fmt, party_id); } // パーティ情報まとめ送り static void mapif_party_info(Session *s, const PartyPair p) { Packet_Head<0x3821> head_21; head_21.party_id = p.party_id; Packet_Option<0x3821> option_21; option_21.party_most = *p.party_most; if (!s) { for (Session *ss : iter_map_sessions()) { send_opacket<0x3821, 8, sizeof(NetPacket_Option<0x3821>)>(ss, head_21, true, option_21); } } else { send_opacket<0x3821, 8, sizeof(NetPacket_Option<0x3821>)>(s, head_21, true, option_21); } } // パーティメンバ追加可否 static void mapif_party_memberadded(Session *s, PartyId party_id, AccountId account_id, int flag) { Packet_Fixed<0x3822> fixed_22; fixed_22.party_id = party_id; fixed_22.account_id = account_id; fixed_22.flag = flag; send_fpacket<0x3822, 11>(s, fixed_22); } // パーティ設定変更通知 static void mapif_party_optionchanged(Session *s, PartyPair p, AccountId account_id, int flag) { Packet_Fixed<0x3823> fixed_23; fixed_23.party_id = p.party_id; fixed_23.account_id = account_id; fixed_23.exp = p->exp; fixed_23.item = p->item; fixed_23.flag = flag; if (flag == 0) { for (Session *ss : iter_map_sessions()) { send_fpacket<0x3823, 15>(ss, fixed_23); } } else { send_fpacket<0x3823, 15>(s, fixed_23); } PRINTF("int_party: option changed %d %d %d %d %d\n"_fmt, p.party_id, account_id, p->exp, p->item, flag); } static void mapif_party_leaderchanged(Session *, PartyPair p, AccountId account_id, int leader) { Packet_Fixed<0x3828> fixed_28; fixed_28.party_id = p.party_id; fixed_28.account_id = account_id; fixed_28.leader = leader; for (Session *ss : iter_map_sessions()) { send_fpacket<0x3828, 11>(ss, fixed_28); } } // パーティ脱退通知 static void mapif_party_leaved(PartyId party_id, AccountId account_id, CharName name) { Packet_Fixed<0x3824> fixed_24; fixed_24.party_id = party_id; fixed_24.account_id = account_id; fixed_24.char_name = name; for (Session *ss : iter_map_sessions()) { send_fpacket<0x3824, 34>(ss, fixed_24); } PRINTF("int_party: party leaved %d %d %s\n"_fmt, party_id, account_id, name); } // パーティマップ更新通知 static void mapif_party_membermoved(PartyPair p, int idx) { assert (idx < MAX_PARTY); Packet_Fixed<0x3825> fixed_25; fixed_25.party_id = p.party_id; fixed_25.account_id = p->member[idx].account_id; fixed_25.map_name = p->member[idx].map; fixed_25.online = p->member[idx].online; fixed_25.level = p->member[idx].lv; for (Session *ss : iter_map_sessions()) { send_fpacket<0x3825, 29>(ss, fixed_25); } } // パーティ解散通知 void mapif_party_broken(PartyId party_id, int flag) { Packet_Fixed<0x3826> fixed_26; fixed_26.party_id = party_id; fixed_26.flag = flag; for (Session *ss : iter_map_sessions()) { send_fpacket<0x3826, 7>(ss, fixed_26); } PRINTF("int_party: broken %d\n"_fmt, party_id); CHAR_LOG("int_party: broken %d\n"_fmt, party_id); } // パーティ内発言 static void mapif_party_message(PartyId party_id, AccountId account_id, XString mes) { Packet_Head<0x3827> head_27; XString repeat_27 = mes; head_27.party_id = party_id; head_27.account_id = account_id; for (Session *ss : iter_map_sessions()) { send_vpacket<0x3827, 12, 1>(ss, head_27, repeat_27); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // map serverからの通信 // パーティ static void mapif_parse_CreateParty(Session *s, AccountId account_id, PartyName name, CharName nick, MapName map, int lv) { { if (!name.is_print()) { PRINTF("int_party: illegal party name [%s]\n"_fmt, name); mapif_party_created(s, account_id, None); return; } } if (search_partyname(name).is_some()) { PRINTF("int_party: same name party exists [%s]\n"_fmt, name); mapif_party_created(s, account_id, None); return; } PartyMost p {}; party_newid = next(party_newid); PartyPair pp{party_newid, borrow(p)}; p.name = name; p.exp = 0; p.item = 0; p.member[0].account_id = account_id; p.member[0].name = nick; p.member[0].map = map; p.member[0].leader = 1; p.member[0].online = 1; p.member[0].lv = lv; party_db.insert(pp.party_id, p); // pointer to noncanonical version mapif_party_created(s, account_id, Some(pp)); mapif_party_info(s, pp); } // パーティ情報要求 static void mapif_parse_PartyInfo(Session *s, PartyId party_id) { Option<P<PartyMost>> maybe_party_most = party_db.search(party_id); OMATCH_BEGIN (maybe_party_most) { OMATCH_CASE_SOME (party_most) { mapif_party_info(s, PartyPair{party_id, party_most}); } OMATCH_CASE_NONE () { mapif_party_noinfo(s, party_id); } } OMATCH_END (); } // パーティ追加要求 static void mapif_parse_PartyAddMember(Session *s, PartyId party_id, AccountId account_id, CharName nick, MapName map, int lv) { Option<P<PartyMost>> maybe_party_most = party_db.search(party_id); P<PartyMost> party_most = TRY_UNWRAP(maybe_party_most, { mapif_party_memberadded(s, party_id, account_id, 1); return; }); PartyPair p{party_id, party_most}; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PARTY; i++) { if (!p->member[i].account_id) { int flag = 0; p->member[i].account_id = account_id; p->member[i].name = nick; p->member[i].map = map; p->member[i].leader = 0; p->member[i].online = 1; p->member[i].lv = lv; mapif_party_memberadded(s, party_id, account_id, 0); mapif_party_info(nullptr, p); if (p->exp > 0 && !party_check_exp_share(p)) { p->exp = 0; flag = 0x01; } if (flag) mapif_party_optionchanged(s, p, AccountId(), 0); return; } } mapif_party_memberadded(s, party_id, account_id, 1); } // パーティー設定変更要求 static void mapif_parse_PartyChangeOption(Session *s, PartyId party_id, AccountId account_id, int exp, int item) { PartyPair p{party_id, TRY_UNWRAP(party_db.search(party_id), return)}; p->exp = exp; int flag = 0; if (exp > 0 && !party_check_exp_share(p)) { flag |= 0x01; p->exp = 0; } p->item = item; mapif_party_optionchanged(s, p, account_id, flag); } static void mapif_parse_PartyChangeLeader(Session *s, PartyId party_id, AccountId account_id, int leader) { PartyPair p{party_id, TRY_UNWRAP(party_db.search(party_id), return)}; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PARTY; i++) { if (p->member[i].account_id != account_id) continue; mapif_party_leaderchanged(s, p, account_id, leader); p->member[i].leader = leader; return; } } // パーティ脱退要求 void mapif_parse_PartyLeave(Session *, PartyId party_id, AccountId account_id) { PartyPair p{party_id, TRY_UNWRAP(party_db.search(party_id), return)}; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PARTY; i++) { if (p->member[i].account_id != account_id) continue; mapif_party_leaved(party_id, account_id, p->member[i].name); p->member[i] = PartyMember{}; if (party_check_empty(p) == 0) mapif_party_info(nullptr, p); // まだ人がいるのでデータ送信 return; } } // パーティマップ更新要求 static void mapif_parse_PartyChangeMap(Session *s, PartyId party_id, AccountId account_id, MapName map, int online, int lv) { PartyPair p{party_id, TRY_UNWRAP(party_db.search(party_id), return)}; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PARTY; i++) { if (p->member[i].account_id != account_id) continue; int flag = 0; p->member[i].map = map; p->member[i].online = online; p->member[i].lv = lv; mapif_party_membermoved(p, i); if (p->exp > 0 && !party_check_exp_share(p)) { p->exp = 0; flag = 1; } if (flag) mapif_party_optionchanged(s, p, AccountId(), 0); return; } } // パーティメッセージ送信 static void mapif_parse_PartyMessage(Session *, PartyId party_id, AccountId account_id, XString mes) { mapif_party_message(party_id, account_id, mes); } // パーティチェック要求 static void mapif_parse_PartyCheck(Session *, PartyId party_id, AccountId account_id, CharName nick) { party_check_conflict(party_id, account_id, nick); } // map server からの通信 // ・1パケットのみ解析すること // ・パケット長データはinter.cにセットしておくこと // ・パケット長チェックや、RFIFOSKIPは呼び出し元で行われるので行ってはならない // ・エラーなら0(false)、そうでないなら1(true)をかえさなければならない RecvResult inter_party_parse_frommap(Session *ms, uint16_t packet_id) { RecvResult rv = RecvResult::Error; switch (packet_id) { case 0x3020: { Packet_Fixed<0x3020> fixed; rv = recv_fpacket<0x3020, 72>(ms, fixed); if (rv != RecvResult::Complete) break; AccountId account = fixed.account_id; PartyName name = fixed.party_name; CharName nick = fixed.char_name; MapName map = fixed.map_name; uint16_t lv = fixed.level; mapif_parse_CreateParty(ms, account, name, nick, map, lv); break; } case 0x3021: { Packet_Fixed<0x3021> fixed; rv = recv_fpacket<0x3021, 6>(ms, fixed); if (rv != RecvResult::Complete) break; PartyId party_id = fixed.party_id; mapif_parse_PartyInfo(ms, party_id); break; } case 0x3022: { Packet_Fixed<0x3022> fixed; rv = recv_fpacket<0x3022, 52>(ms, fixed); if (rv != RecvResult::Complete) break; PartyId party_id = fixed.party_id; AccountId account_id = fixed.account_id; CharName nick = fixed.char_name; MapName map = fixed.map_name; uint16_t lv = fixed.level; mapif_parse_PartyAddMember(ms, party_id, account_id, nick, map, lv); break; } case 0x3023: { Packet_Fixed<0x3023> fixed; rv = recv_fpacket<0x3023, 14>(ms, fixed); if (rv != RecvResult::Complete) break; PartyId party_id = fixed.party_id; AccountId account_id = fixed.account_id; uint16_t exp = fixed.exp; uint16_t item = fixed.item; mapif_parse_PartyChangeOption(ms, party_id, account_id, exp, item); break; } case 0x3024: { Packet_Fixed<0x3024> fixed; rv = recv_fpacket<0x3024, 10>(ms, fixed); if (rv != RecvResult::Complete) break; PartyId party_id = fixed.party_id; AccountId account_id = fixed.account_id; mapif_parse_PartyLeave(ms, party_id, account_id); break; } case 0x3025: { Packet_Fixed<0x3025> fixed; rv = recv_fpacket<0x3025, 29>(ms, fixed); if (rv != RecvResult::Complete) break; PartyId party_id = fixed.party_id; AccountId account_id = fixed.account_id; MapName map = fixed.map_name; uint8_t online = fixed.online; uint16_t lv = fixed.level; mapif_parse_PartyChangeMap(ms, party_id, account_id, map, online, lv); break; } case 0x3026: { Packet_Fixed<0x3026> fixed; rv = recv_fpacket<0x3026, 11>(ms, fixed); if (rv != RecvResult::Complete) break; PartyId party_id = fixed.party_id; AccountId account_id = fixed.account_id; uint8_t leader = fixed.leader; mapif_parse_PartyChangeLeader(ms, party_id, account_id, leader); break; } case 0x3027: { Packet_Head<0x3027> head; AString repeat; rv = recv_vpacket<0x3027, 12, 1>(ms, head, repeat); if (rv != RecvResult::Complete) break; PartyId party_id = head.party_id; AccountId account_id = head.account_id; AString& mes = repeat; mapif_parse_PartyMessage(ms, party_id, account_id, mes); break; } case 0x3028: { Packet_Fixed<0x3028> fixed; rv = recv_fpacket<0x3028, 34>(ms, fixed); if (rv != RecvResult::Complete) break; PartyId party_id = fixed.party_id; AccountId account_id = fixed.account_id; CharName nick = fixed.char_name; mapif_parse_PartyCheck(ms, party_id, account_id, nick); break; } default: return RecvResult::Error; } return rv; } // サーバーから脱退要求(キャラ削除用) void inter_party_leave(PartyId party_id, AccountId account_id) { mapif_parse_PartyLeave(nullptr, party_id, account_id); } } // namespace char_ } // namespace tmwa