// Params usable in scripts // see SP enum in clif.t.hpp // TODO finish that list and add comments // TODO refactor: make the names match their SP:: counterpart <== halfway done SPEED 0 1 BASEEXP 1 1 JOBEXP 2 1 Hp 5 1 MaxHp 6 1 Sp 7 1 MaxSp 8 1 STATUSPOINT 9 1 HEALXP 10 1 BaseLevel 11 1 SKILLPOINT 12 1 Str 13 1 Agi 14 1 Vit 15 1 Int 16 1 Dex 17 1 Luk 18 1 Class 19 1 Zeny 20 1 Sex 21 1 NEXTBASEEXP 22 1 NEXTJOBEXP 23 1 Weight 24 1 MaxWeight 25 1 ATK1 41 1 ATK2 42 1 MATK1 43 1 MATK2 44 1 DEF1 45 1 DEF2 46 1 MDEF1 47 1 MDEF2 48 1 HIT 49 1 FLEE1 50 1 FLEE2 51 1 CRITICAL 52 1 JOBLEVEL 55 1 PARTNER 57 1 // stats from equipment Str2 61 1 Agi2 62 1 Vit2 63 1 Int2 64 1 Dex2 65 1 Luk2 66 1 GM 500 1 ATTACKRANGE 1000 1 ELTLVL 1001 1 ELTTYPE 1002 1 BASE_ATK 1014 1 POS_X 1074 1 POS_Y 1075 1 PVP_CHANNEL 1076 1 BL_ID 1077 1 BL_TYPE 1078 1 CHAR_ID 1079 1 INVISIBLE 1080 1 HIDDEN 1081 1 MUTE_GLOBAL 1082 1 MUTE_WHISPER 1083 1 MUTE_PARTY 1084 1 //MUTE_GUILD 1085 1 AUTOMOD 1086 1 bMaxHP 6 // MaxHP + n bMaxSP 8 // MaxSP + n bStr 13 // STR + n bAgi 14 // AGI + n bVit 15 // VIT + n bInt 16 // INT + n bDex 17 // DEX + n bLuk 18 // LUK + n bAtk 41 // ATK + n (Minimum attack power) bAtk2 42 // ATK2 + n (Maximum attack power) bMatk1 43 // MATK1 + n (Maximum magical attack power) bMatk2 44 // MATK2 + n (Minimum magical attack power) // Greatest of MATK1 and MATK2 is taken and becomes MATK1 and MATK2 is set to 0. // So using MATK2 bonus at the moment has no real benefit you only need greater values to reach same as MATK1. // MATK1 += INT + (INT / 5) * (INT / 5); // MATK2 += INT + (INT / 7) * (INT / 7); // The whole magic system is currently handled in serverdata which only uses MATK1 but the magic attack functions // do already exist in servercode only skills must be added there. bDef 45 // Equipment DEF + n bDef2 46 // VIT based DEF + n bMdef 47 // Equipment MDEF + n bMdef2 48 // INT based MDEF + n bHit 49 // Hit + n bFlee 50 // Flee + n bFlee2 51 // Perfect Dodge + n bCritical 52 // Critical + n bAspd 53 // Attack speed + n bDeaf 70 // Those which can be used with the arrow are only bCritical, bAtkEle, bHit, bAddEle, bAddRace, bAddSize and bAddEff. The other bonuses are ignored. // For more information, have a look here: http://code.google.com/p/eathena/source/browse/trunk/doc/item_bonus.txt bAtkRange 1000 // A range bonus of n (bAtkRange,n;). //bAtkEle 1001 // Gives the player's attacks a n element (bAtkEle,n;). //bDefEle 1002 // Gives the player's defense a n element (bDefEle,n;). //bCastrate 1003 // Adjusts casting time of skill n by x% (bCastrate,n,x;). bMaxHPrate 1004 // A max HP bonus of n (bMaxHPrate,n;). bMaxSPrate 1005 // A max SP bonus of n (bMaxSPrate,n;). //bUseSPrate 1006 // Increases the consumption of SP by n% (bUseSPrate,n;). // mana is subtracted at serverdata this can only become useable if spells are handled by servercode //bAddEle 1007 // +x% physical damage against a n element (bAddEle,n,x;). //bAddRace 1008 // +x% physical damage against a n race (bAddRace,n,x;). //bAddSize 1009 // +x% physical damage against a n size (bAddSize,n,x;). //bSubEle 1010 // +x% damage reduction against a n element (bSubEle,n,x;). //bSubRace 1011 // +x% damage reduction against race n (bSubRace,n,x;). //bAddEff 1012 // Adds a 1/100x% chance to cause effect e to the target when attacking (bAddEff,e,x;). //bResEff 1013 // Adds a 1/100x% tolerance to an effect (bResEff,e,x;). bBaseAtk 1014 // A n bonus to the basic attack power (bBaseAtk,n;). bAspdRate 1015 // +n% attack speed (bAspdRate,n;). bHPrecovRate 1016 // Natural HP recovery ratio increased of n% (bHPrecovRate,n;). bSPrecovRate 1017 // Natural SP recovery ratio increased of n% (bSPrecovRate,n;). bSpeedRate 1018 // Moving speed increased of n% and only the highest among all is applied (bSpeedRate,n;). bCriticalDef 1019 // Decreases the chance of being hit by critical hits of n% (bCriticalDef,n;). //bNearAtkDef 1020 // Adds n% damage reduction against melee physical attacks (bNearAtkDef,n;). //bLongAtkDef 1021 // Adds n% damage reduction against ranged physical attacks (bLongAtkDef,n;). bDoubleRate 1022 // Adds a n% probability of doing a double attack (bDoubleRate,n;). bDoubleAddRate 1023 // Adds another +n% probability of doing a double attack (bDoubleAddRate,n;). //bMatk 1024 // Adds a magical attack bonus of n (bMatk,n;). bMatkRate 1025 // Adds a magical attack bonus percentage n% (bMatkRate,n;). //bIgnoreDefEle 1026 // Disregards defense against enemies of a n element (bIgnoreDefEle,n;). //bIgnoreDefRace 1027 // Disregards defense against enemies of a n race (bIgnoreDefRace,n;). bAtkRate 1028 // Adds an attack bonus of n% (bAtkRate,n;). bSpeedAddRate 1029 // Adds a n% of walking speed (bSpeedAddRate,n;). bAspdAddRate 1030 // Adds a n% of attack speed (bAspdAddRate,n;). //bMagicAtkDef 1031 // Adds a n% damage reduction against magical attacks (bMagicAtkDef,n;). //bMiscAtkDef 1032 // Adds a n% damage reduction against miscellaneous attacks (traps, falcon, ...) (bMiscAtkDef,n;). //bIgnoreMdefEle 1033 // Disregards magical defense against enemies of a n element (bIgnoreMdefEle,n;). //bIgnoreMdefRace 1034 // Disregards magical defense against enemies of a n race (bIgnoreMdefRace,n;). //bMagicAddEle 1035 // Adds x% of magical damage against a n element (bMagicAddEle,n,x;). //bMagicAddRace 1036 // Adds x% of magical damage against a n race (bMagicAddRace,n,x;). //bMagicSubRace 1037 // Removes a x% of magical damage against a n race (bMagicSubRace,n,x;). bPerfectHitRate 1038 // On-target impact attack probability n% and only the highest among all is applied (bPerfectHitRate,n;). bPerfectHitAddRate 1039 // A n% bonus of an on-target impact (bPerfectHitAddRate,n;). bCriticalRate 1040 // Add a n% to the critical hits percentage (bCriticalRate,n;). //bGetZenyNum 1041 // When killing a monster, there is a x% chance of gaining about n zeny (bGetZenyNum,n;). //bAddGetZenyNum 1042 // Same as bGetZenyNum, but the rates and zeny to gain stack (bAddGetZenyNum,n,x;). //bAddDamageClass 1043 // +x% of extra physical damage against monsters of class n, against players n is their job id (bAddDamageClass,n,x;). //bAddMagicDamageClass 1044 // +x% of extra magical damage against monsters of class n, against players n is their job id (bAddDamageClass,n,x;). //bAddDefClass 1045 // +x% physical damage reduction against monsters of class n, against players n is their job id (bAddDefClass,n,x;) //bAddMdefClass 1046 // +x% magical damage reduction against monsters of class n, against players n is their job id (bAddDefClass,n,x;) //bAddMonsterDropItem 1047 // Adds a x/100% chance for a n item to be dropped, when killing any monster (bAddMonsterDropItem,n,x;) //bDefRatioAtkEle 1048 // Does more damage depending on the monster's defense against a n element (bDefRatioAtkEle,n;). //bDefRatioAtkRace 1049 // Does more damage depending on the monster's defense against a n race (bDefRatioAtkRace,n;). bAddSpeed 1050 // Adds a n speed to the player (bAddSpeed,n;). bHitRate 1051 // Adds a n% rate to hit (bHitRate,n;). bFleeRate 1052 // Adds a n% to flee a monster's attack (bFleeRate,n;). bFlee2Rate 1053 // Adds a n% to dodge a monster's attack (bFleeRate,n;). bDefRate 1054 // Adds a n% of defense to the equipment (bDefRate,n;). bDef2Rate 1055 // Adds a n% of defense based on the vitality to the equipment (bDef2Rate,n;). bMdefRate 1056 // Adds a n% of magical defense to the equipment (bMdefRate,n;). bMdef2Rate 1057 // Adds a n% of magical defense based on inteligence to the equipment (bMdef2Rate,n;). //bSplashRange 1058 // Adds n to the splash attack radius and only the highest among all is applied (bSplashRange,n;). //bSplashAddRange 1059 // Adds n to the splash attack radius (bSplashRange,n;). //bAutoSpell 1060 // Auto Spell casting on attack of spell n at level x with a y/10% chance (bAutoSpell,n,x,y;). bHPDrainRate 1061 // Adds a n/10% chance to receive x% of dealed damage as HP from a monster of race r with normal attack (bHPDrainRateRace,r,n,x;). bSPDrainRate 1062 // Adds a n/10% chance to receive x% of dealed damage as SP from a monster of race r with normal attack (bSPDrainRateRace,r,n,x;). //bShortWeaponDamageReturn 1063 // Reflects n% of received melee damage back to the enemy that caused it (bShortWeaponDamageReturn,n;). //bLongWeaponDamageReturn 1064 // Reflects n% of received ranged damage back to the enemy that caused it (bShortWeaponDamageReturn,n;). //bWeaponComaEle 1065 // Adds a n/100% chance to cause coma when attacking a monster of a x element with a normal attack (bWeaponComaEle,x,n;). //bWeaponComaRace 1066 // Adds a n/100% chance to cause coma when attacking a monster of a x race with a normal attack (bWeaponComaEle,x,n;). //bAddEff2 1067 // Adds a n/100% chance to cause status change x on self when attacking (bAddEff2,x,n;). //bMagicDamageReturn 1068 // Adds a n% chance to reflect targetted magic spells back to the enemy that caused it (bMagicDamageReturn,n;). //bRandomAttackIncrease 1069 // Adds a n% chance to inflict x% additional damage to the enemy with normal attack (bRandomAttackIncrease,x,n;). //bPerfectHide 1073 // A hidden character is no longer detected by monsters with 'detector' mode (bPerfectHide,1;). bSpeedCap 1087 // Caps speed to a certain value, faster is not posible but slower yes, if this bonus is on multiple items the highest value (slowest speed) is used (bSpeedCap,n;). bAllStats 1088 // Adds a n number in Strengh, Agility, Vitality, Intelligence, Dexterity and Luck (bAllStats,n;). bAgiVit 1089 // Adds a n number in Agility and Vitality (bAgiVit,n;). bAgiDexStr 1090 // Adds a n number in Agility, Dexterity and Strengh (bAgiDexStr,n;). bDeadlyStrikeRate 1091 // Deadly attack probability n% and only the highest among all is applied (bDeadlyStrikeRate,n;). bDeadlyStrikeAddRate 1092 // A n% bonus of an deadly attack (bDeadlyStrikeAddRate,n;). bBaseWeaponDelayAdjust 1093 // Modifies the base attack delay of a weapon, positive values slow down weapons, negative values increase weapon speed (bBaseWeaponDelayAdjust,n;).