<?php $file = 'versions/' . date('Y-m-d') . '.txt'; if (!file_exists($file)) touch($file); // Make sure it exists $versions = file($file); $verinfo = array(); foreach($versions as $version) { $ver = substr($version, 8); // Ignore time information if ($verinfo[$ver] != null) { $verinfo[$ver]++; } else { $verinfo[$ver] = 1; } } arsort($verinfo); $total = count($versions); print '<table border="1px" cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="1px"><tr><th>Client</th><th title="Count">n</th><th title="Percent of total">%</th></tr>'; foreach($verinfo as $vi=>$vc) { echo '<tr><td>' . $vi . '</td><td>' . $vc . '</td><td>' . round((100 / $total) * $vc, 2) . '</td></tr>'; } print '</table><br />Total number of connections: ' . $total . '<br />Number of different clients reported: ' . count($verinfo) . '<br /><br />Data retrieved: ' . date('D M d y, g:i a T', filemtime($file)); ?>