function|script|MaybeAnnounceBirthday { if (gettime(7) == 2019 && gettime(6) == 4 && gettime(5) == 11) goto L_B15; return; L_B15: announce "It is TMW's 15th Anniversary! Log out and log back in to [@@|receive your present@@]", 0; return; } function|script|MaybeGiveBirthday { if ((gettime(7) == 2019) && (gettime(6) == 4) && ((gettime(5) == 11) || (gettime(5) == 12) || (gettime(5) == 13)) && #TMW15 == 0) goto L_Give; return; L_Give: set #TMW15, gettimetick(2); getitem "TMWBirthdayGift", 1; message strcharinfo(0), "Server : ##BIt's TMW's 15th Anniversary! You have [@@|received a present@@]!"; return; } function|script|TMWBirthdayGift { setarray .@gifts$, "RedPresentHat", "GreenPresentHat", "BluePresentHat", "YellowPresentHat"; getitem .@gifts$[rand(4)], 1; return; }