// Pumpkin mobs for the seasonal halloween event with Oscar 055-1.gat,48,25,16,8|monster|Spawn Pumpkin|1063,12,10000,5000,PumpkinMob055-1::On1063 055-1.gat,139,29,5,7|monster|Spawn Pumpkin|1063,7,10000,5000,PumpkinMob055-1::On1063 055-1.gat,132,24,6,4|monster|Spawn Pumpkin|1063,4,10000,5000,PumpkinMob055-1::On1063 055-1.gat,0,0,0|script|PumpkinMob055-1|-1, { On1063: if (Quest_Halloween != 1 || !(gettime(6) == 11 && (gettime(5) >= 4 && gettime(5) <= 30))) goto L_HeavyPoison; if (@discover_poisonous_pumpkin == 0) message strcharinfo(0), "Yuke, this pumpkin released some ugly poison gas!"; set @discover_poisonous_pumpkin, 1; misceffect FX_PUMPKIN_EXPLOSION, strcharinfo(0); heal -15, 0; sc_start sc_poison, 1, 4; if (rand(0,100) < 10) getitem "PumpkinSeeds", 1; if (countitem("PumpkinSeeds") >= $@halloween_num_seeds) goto L_EnoughSeeds; set @mobID, 1063; callfunc "MobPoints"; end; L_EnoughSeeds: message strcharinfo(0), $@halloween_num_seeds + " should be enough seeds for Oscar. And this pumpkin gas gets too bad to stand it any longer..."; set Quest_Halloween, 2; // Reset this to get the message for the "heavy" poison set @discover_poisonous_pumpkin, 0; end; L_HeavyPoison: if (@discover_poisonous_pumpkin == 0) goto L_HeavyPoison0; if (@discover_poisonous_pumpkin == 1) goto L_HeavyPoison1; if (@discover_poisonous_pumpkin > 1) goto L_HeavyPoison2; end; L_HeavyPoison0: set @discover_poisonous_pumpkin, @discover_poisonous_pumpkin + 1; message strcharinfo(0), "Ouch, this pumpkin is totally poisonous! Let's get away from them!"; misceffect FX_PUMPKIN_EXPLOSION, strcharinfo(0); heal -150,0; sc_start sc_poison, 1, 60; end; L_HeavyPoison1: set @discover_poisonous_pumpkin, @discover_poisonous_pumpkin + 1; message strcharinfo(0), "This is really awful! I should not touch them!"; misceffect FX_PUMPKIN_EXPLOSION, strcharinfo(0); heal -350,0; sc_start sc_poison, 1, 120; end; L_HeavyPoison2: set @discover_poisonous_pumpkin, @discover_poisonous_pumpkin + 1; misceffect FX_PUMPKIN_EXPLOSION, strcharinfo(0); percentheal -100,0; end; }