//############################################################################ //# # //# Illia Adventure # //# # //############################################################################ // $@ILLIA_STATUS values: // 0: None is fighting // 1: Hero paid the price and is naming his comrades, spell is being prepared // 2: Waiting for people to ask for the teleport // 3: People asked to teleport. Procedure is going on. // 4: Quest started. Leave subsequent progress to $@illia_progress // 253: Quest is being ended and cleaned: the hero won. // 254: Quest is being ended and cleaned: the hero logged off. // 255: Quest is being ended and cleaned: the hero died or he ran out of time 007-1.gat,77,81,0|script|Valia|370,{ set @illia_sapphire_powder, 3; set @illia_amethyst_powder, 1; set @illia_iron_powder, 13; set @illia_yeti_tear, 1; set @illia_iced_water, 4; set @illia_min_level, 90; if (getgmlevel() >= 40 && getequipid(equip_head) == 647 && (strcharinfo(0) == "AdminJen" || strcharinfo(0) == "V0id")) goto L_DeveloperBoard; if (BaseLevel < @illia_min_level) goto L_Unexperienced; if ($@ILLIA_STATUS == 0) goto L_Introduce; if ($@ILLIA_STATUS == 1) goto L_PreparingSpell; if ($@ILLIA_STATUS == 2) goto L_ReadyToTeleport; if ($@ILLIA_STATUS == 3) end; if ($@ILLIA_STATUS >= 4) goto L_AlreadyBegun; end; L_DeveloperBoard: mes "[Developer Board]"; mes "$Illia_Luvia_Harvest: "+$Illia_Luvia_Harvest; mes "$Illia_Win_Counter: "+$Illia_Win_Counter; next; mes "[Developer Board]"; mes "See winners?"; menu "Yes.", L_DeveloperBoardLoopWinners, "No.", -; close; L_DeveloperBoardLoopWinners: if (@illia_winner_loop == $Illia_Win_Counter) goto L_DeveloperBoardLoopClose; mes "Winner Team " + @illia_winner_loop + ": " + $Illia_Win_Records$[@illia_winner_loop]; // pager every 10. if (@illia_winner_loop != 0 && (@illia_winner_loop/10)*10 == @illia_winner_loop) next; set @illia_winner_loop, @illia_winner_loop + 1; goto L_DeveloperBoardLoopWinners; L_DeveloperBoardLoopClose: set @illia_winner_loop, 0; close; L_Introduce: if (@illia_go_find_items) goto L_AskTeleportSpellItems; if (@illia_know_witch == 1) goto L_QuickIntroduce; // FIXME BEGIN debug section menu "[Debug] Start the quest automatically using up to three players around you.", L_DebugAuto, "Configure the difficulty penalty.", L_DebugHarvest, "Configure my Illia_Uniques_Count.", L_DebugUniquesCount, "Normal dialogs.", -, "Quit.", L_Exit; // FIXME END debug section mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"I'm Valia Illia. Is it needed to say I am a witch?\""; next; mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"No I don't think so.\""; next; mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"And you, you seem to be quite an adventurer.\""; menu "Well... No.", L_Disappointed, "No doubt!", -; mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"Maybe you can help then.\""; mes "\"You see, I have a sister. Yes, a witch too. Very talented.\""; mes "\"But unfortunately not enough to avoid being captured.\""; menu "That's unfortunate...", L_Exit, "What informations do you have about all this?", -; set @illia_know_witch, 1; mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"Ismuth, some dark mage we both hate. He is the one holding her jailed for sure.\""; mes "\"She has knowledge about specific magic sides that no other sorcerer knows about.\""; next; mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"He has been looking for her for a long time because of that...\""; mes "\"I am worried about her.\""; mes "\"And I am unable to go help her.\""; menu "Why not? You seem to be quite talented as well.", -; mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"Sure. But I know the enemy. My chances are thin. And if I fail, no one will ever find us.\""; mes "\"And my magic skills aren't suited for this...\""; menu "That makes sense...", L_AskHelp, "For what are they suited then?", L_HideSkills; L_HideSkills: mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"Please, never ask a witch what she is skilled in.\""; next; goto L_AskHelp; L_QuickIntroduce: mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"My sister is in great danger, and time is running out.\""; // FIXME BEGIN debug section menu "[Debug] Start the quest automatically using up to three players around you.", L_DebugAuto, "Configure the difficulty penalty.", L_DebugHarvest, "Configure my Illia_Uniques_Count.", L_DebugUniquesCount, "Normal dialogs.", -, "Quit.", L_Exit; // FIXME END debug section next; goto L_AskHelp; L_AskHelp: mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"Will you help me?\""; menu "That sounds quite dangerous... I don't feel it.", L_Disappointed, "Ok, I can do that for you.", -; mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"Good. Now listen carefully. Ismuth owns an island where he makes his researchs.\""; mes "\"An island where no boat goes, and where no magic could teleport you to...\""; mes "\"Strong enchantments are protecting the area, however, I know about a mysterious waterfall, which can send you wherever you want, provided you pay the price.\""; next; mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"Of course, it would be a straight way to death if you go alone.\""; mes "\"You will need three experienced comrades that you would trust enough to leave your life in their's care.\""; next; if (getusers(1) < 4) goto L_NotEnoughPeopleAvailable; mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"Do you know such people?\""; menu "I'm afraid not. I should better look around.", L_Exit, "Yes I know such people!", -; mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"Good.\""; mes "\"I can teleport all of you close to that waterfall, but for that, I will need " + @illia_sapphire_powder + " bags of Sapphire Powder, " + @illia_amethyst_powder + " of Amethyst Powder, " + @illia_iron_powder + " Iron Powders," + @illia_yeti_tear + " Frozen Yeti Tear and " + @illia_iced_water + " bottles of Iced Water.\""; menu "I have them here.", L_CheckTeleportSpellItems, "I don't have them, but I'll try to find.", L_NoTeleportSpellItems; L_NotEnoughPeopleAvailable: mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"But it seems there are not enough people around."; mes "Come back later.\""; close; L_AskTeleportSpellItems: mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"So, did you bring me what I need?\""; menu "Hum, I forgot what you asked...", L_RepeatTeleportSpellItems, "Here they are!", L_CheckTeleportSpellItems; L_RepeatTeleportSpellItems: mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"I need " + @illia_sapphire_powder + " bags of Sapphire Powder, " + @illia_amethyst_powder + " of Amethyst Powder, " + @illia_iron_powder + " Iron Powders," + @illia_yeti_tear + " Frozen Yeti Tear and " + @illia_iced_water + " bottles of Iced Water.\""; next; mes "\"Hurry up.\""; close; L_NoTeleportSpellItems: set @illia_go_find_items, 1; close; L_MissingTeleportSpellItems: mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"Obviously you are missing some of the components.\""; mes "\"Go find the missing ones, fast. We lack time!\""; set @illia_go_find_items, 1; close; L_CheckTeleportSpellItems: if ( (countitem ("SapphirePowder") < @illia_sapphire_powder) || (countitem ("AmethystPowder") < @illia_amethyst_powder) || (countitem ("IronPowder") < @illia_iron_powder) || (countitem ("FrozenYetiTear") < @illia_yeti_tear) || (countitem ("IcedWater") < @illia_iced_water) ) goto L_MissingTeleportSpellItems; // someone started the quest in the meantime, so we cancel this one. if ($@ILLIA_STATUS > 0) goto L_Interrupt; // Block other players to start the quest, and start a timer to limit // the time a player will take to gather his team. // Considering the previous npc dialogs, we assume the player already designated his team mates, // hence 5 mins should be enough. set $@ILLIA_STATUS, 1; initnpctimer; set @illia_go_find_items, 0; delitem "SapphirePowder", @illia_sapphire_powder; delitem "AmethystPowder", @illia_amethyst_powder; delitem "IronPowder", @illia_iron_powder; delitem "FrozenYetiTear", @illia_yeti_tear; delitem "IcedWater", @illia_iced_water; mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"Very well! I can prepare the spell now!\""; next; goto L_PrepareTeam; L_Interrupt: mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"Unfortunately, someone else is already helping me.\""; close; L_PrepareTeam: // We clear early this variable. set @illia_know_witch, 0; mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"While I focus on preparing the spell, call your three comrades, and make sure they come here within five minutes. We don't have time.\""; next; set $@ILLIA_HERO$, strcharinfo(0); set $@ILLIA_HERO_ID, getcharid(3, $@ILLIA_HERO$); goto L_ChooseHelper1; L_Disappointed: mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"What a shame... You have no idea what you are missing, really.\""; close; L_Unexperienced: mes "You see a charismatic witch."; next; mes "But she seems to completely ignore your presence."; close; L_ChooseHelperConfirm1: mes "[Team Selector]"; mes "If it happens you cannot elect three players to help you, you can give up now."; menu "Continue.", L_ChooseHelper1, "I give up.", L_PlayerGaveUp; L_ChooseHelper1: mes "[Team Selector]"; mes "Name the first player to help you:"; input $@ILLIA_HELPER1$; if ($@ILLIA_HELPER1$ == "") goto L_ChooseHelperConfirm1; if (getcharid(3, $@ILLIA_HELPER1$) == $@ILLIA_HERO_ID) goto L_WrongHelper1; if (isloggedin(getcharid(3, $@ILLIA_HELPER1$)) == 0) goto L_HelperDoesNotExist1; attachrid(getcharid(3, $@ILLIA_HELPER1$)); if (BaseLevel < @illia_min_level) goto L_HelperTooWeak1; detachrid; if (isloggedin($@ILLIA_HERO_ID) == 0) goto L_Exit; attachrid($@ILLIA_HERO_ID); goto L_ChooseHelper2; L_HelperTooWeak1: detachrid; if (isloggedin($@ILLIA_HERO_ID) == 0) goto L_Exit; attachrid($@ILLIA_HERO_ID); mes "[Team Selector]"; mes "The player " + $@ILLIA_HELPER1$ + " is too weak to help you."; next; goto L_ChooseHelperConfirm1; L_HelperDoesNotExist1: mes "[Team Selector]"; mes "This player " + $@ILLIA_HELPER1$ + " seems offline or does not exist."; next; goto L_ChooseHelperConfirm1; L_WrongHelper1: mes "[Team Selector]"; mes "You can't name yourself."; next; goto L_ChooseHelperConfirm1; L_ChooseHelperConfirm2: mes "[Team Selector]"; mes "If it happens you cannot elect three players to help you, you can give up now."; menu "Continue.", L_ChooseHelper2, "I give up.", L_PlayerGaveUp; L_ChooseHelper2: mes "[Team Selector]"; mes "Name the second player to help you:"; input $@ILLIA_HELPER2$; if ($@ILLIA_HELPER2$ == "") goto L_ChooseHelperConfirm2; if (getcharid(3, $@ILLIA_HELPER2$) == getcharid(3, $@ILLIA_HELPER1$) || getcharid(3, $@ILLIA_HELPER2$) == $@ILLIA_HERO_ID) goto L_WrongHelper2; if (isloggedin(getcharid(3, $@ILLIA_HELPER2$)) == 0) goto L_HelperDoesNotExist2; attachrid(getcharid(3, $@ILLIA_HELPER2$)); if (BaseLevel < @illia_min_level) goto L_HelperTooWeak2; detachrid; if (isloggedin($@ILLIA_HERO_ID) == 0) goto L_Exit; attachrid($@ILLIA_HERO_ID); goto L_ChooseHelper3; L_HelperTooWeak2: detachrid; if (isloggedin($@ILLIA_HERO_ID) == 0) goto L_Exit; attachrid($@ILLIA_HERO_ID); mes "[Team Selector]"; mes "The player " + $@ILLIA_HELPER2$ + " is too weak to help you."; next; goto L_ChooseHelperConfirm2; L_HelperDoesNotExist2: mes "[Team Selector]"; mes "This player " + $@ILLIA_HELPER2$ + " seems offline or does not exist."; next; goto L_ChooseHelperConfirm2; L_WrongHelper2: mes "[Team Selector]"; mes "You can't name yourself or someone already chosen."; next; goto L_ChooseHelperConfirm2; L_ChooseHelperConfirm3: mes "[Team Selector]"; mes "If it happens you cannot elect three players to help you, you can give up now."; menu "Continue.", L_ChooseHelper3, "I give up.", L_PlayerGaveUp; L_ChooseHelper3: mes "[Team Selector]"; mes "Name the third player to help you:"; input $@ILLIA_HELPER3$; if ($@ILLIA_HELPER3$ == "") goto L_ChooseHelperConfirm3; if (getcharid(3, $@ILLIA_HELPER3$) == getcharid(3, $@ILLIA_HELPER2$) || getcharid(3, $@ILLIA_HELPER3$) == getcharid(3, $@ILLIA_HELPER1$) || getcharid(3, $@ILLIA_HELPER3$) == $@ILLIA_HERO_ID) goto L_WrongHelper3; if (isloggedin(getcharid(3, $@ILLIA_HELPER3$)) == 0) goto L_HelperDoesNotExist3; attachrid(getcharid(3, $@ILLIA_HELPER3$)); if (BaseLevel < @illia_min_level) goto L_HelperTooWeak3; detachrid; if (isloggedin($@ILLIA_HERO_ID) == 0) goto L_Exit; attachrid($@ILLIA_HERO_ID); mes $@ILLIA_HELPER1$ + ", " + $@ILLIA_HELPER2$ + " and " + $@ILLIA_HELPER3$ + " will be your three comrades."; close; L_HelperTooWeak3: detachrid; if (isloggedin($@ILLIA_HERO_ID) == 0) goto L_Exit; attachrid($@ILLIA_HERO_ID); mes "[Team Selector]"; mes "The player " + $@ILLIA_HELPER3$ + " is too weak to help you."; next; goto L_ChooseHelperConfirm3; L_HelperDoesNotExist3: mes "[Team Selector]"; mes "This player " + $@ILLIA_HELPER3$ + " seems offline or does not exist."; next; goto L_ChooseHelperConfirm3; L_WrongHelper3: mes "[Team Selector]"; mes "You can't name yourself or someone already chosen."; next; goto L_ChooseHelperConfirm3; L_PreparingSpell: mes "The witch looks busy with a spell, giving shape to strange rings,"; mes "and is not paying any attention to you."; close; L_ReadyToTeleport: if (strcharinfo(0) == $@ILLIA_HERO$) goto L_AskToTeleport; if (strcharinfo(0) == $@ILLIA_HELPER1$ || strcharinfo(0) == $@ILLIA_HELPER2$ || strcharinfo(0) == $@ILLIA_HELPER3$) goto L_TalkHelper; mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"I do not have time for you.\""; close; L_AskToTeleport: // Check area users just to give a hint if there are players around, // but do not actually check if the real helpers are here if (getareausers("007-1.gat", 66, 73, 92, 88) < 4) goto L_NotEveryoneHere; mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"Everyone seems to be here. Make sure to stay close to me.\""; menu "I'm ready.", -, "Wait a minute.", L_Exit; // Stop the 5mins timer and start it again. set $@ILLIA_STATUS, 3; initnpctimer; close; L_NotEveryoneHere: mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"I don't see your comrades around.\""; mes "\"Let's wait a little more.\""; close; L_TalkHelper: mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"" + strcharinfo(0) + ", do your best to assist " + $@ILLIA_HERO$ + ".\""; menu "What is " + $@ILLIA_HERO$ + " going to do?", -, "I will, no problem.", L_Exit; mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"You weren't told about it? This is about saving my captive sister.\""; next; mes "[Valia]"; mes "\"For the details, you'll have to ask " + $@ILLIA_HERO$ + "...\""; mes "\"I am not going to repeat myself...\""; close; // Timed Warp logic OnWarpHero: if (strcharinfo(0) == $@ILLIA_HERO$) goto L_Warp; end; OnWarpHelper1: if (strcharinfo(0) == $@ILLIA_HELPER1$) goto L_Warp; end; OnWarpHelper2: if (strcharinfo(0) == $@ILLIA_HELPER2$) goto L_Warp; end; OnWarpHelper3: if (strcharinfo(0) == $@ILLIA_HELPER3$) goto L_Warp; end; L_Warp: misceffect FX_MAGIC_BLUE_TELEPORT, strcharinfo(0); set @illia_got_rewards, 0; set @illia_current_num_rewards, 0; addtimer 2000, "Valia::OnRealWarp"; end; OnRealWarp: warp "051-1.gat", 23 + rand(2), 24 + rand(3); if (strcharinfo(0) == $@ILLIA_HERO$) goto L_InitVars; end; L_InitVars: set $@ILLIA_STATUS, 4; cmdothernpc "#IlliaDaemon", "Toggle"; // init various variables set $@illia_progress, 1; set $@illia_level_1_progress, 0; set $@illia_level_2_progress, 0; set $@illia_level_3_progress, 0; set $@illia_level_4_progress, 0; set $@illia_level_5_progress, 0; set $@illia_level_6_progress, 0; set $@illia_level_7_progress, 0; set $@illia_players_in_luvia_territory, 0; // Save the time at which the quest started set $@illia_begin_time, gettimetick(2); // Clean all levels cmdothernpc "#IlliaJanitor1", "Clean"; cmdothernpc "#IlliaJanitor2", "Clean"; cmdothernpc "#IlliaJanitor3", "Clean"; cmdothernpc "#IlliaJanitor4", "Clean"; cmdothernpc "#IlliaJanitor5", "Clean"; cmdothernpc "#IlliaJanitor6", "Clean"; cmdothernpc "#IlliaJanitor7", "Clean"; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; end; L_AlreadyBegun: mes "At the moment you are about to talk to her, she briefly shows a malicious smile and looks away."; next; mes "Probably it is best to not annoy her."; close; L_Exit: close; L_ReactToPlayersReturn: // If players did not enter the Inn's lobby, they arent aware of the trap. // Otherwise, they are aware of the trap. Whether they died or not, // the rings will have deleted their memories. // So the same dialog can apply. if ($@illia_progress < 8) goto L_DisappointedByHeroFail; if ($@illia_progress == 8) goto L_SurprisedByHeroWin; end; L_SurprisedByHeroWin: npctalk "(How is it possible... " + $@ILLIA_HERO$ + " survived...)"; emotion EMOTE_SURPRISE; goto L_EndQuest; L_DisappointedByHeroFail: npctalk "Oh no... It seems " + $@ILLIA_HERO$ + " did not make it... Who will save my sister now?"; emotion EMOTE_SAD; goto L_EndQuest; L_PlayerGaveUp: close2; npctalk "Well... It seems you can't do it " + $@ILLIA_HERO$ + ". I knew it as soon as I saw you!"; emotion EMOTE_UPSET; goto L_EndQuest; L_EndQuest: set $@ILLIA_STATUS, 0; set $@ILLIA_HERO$, ""; set $@ILLIA_HERO_ID, 0; set $@ILLIA_HELPER1$, ""; set $@ILLIA_HELPER2$, ""; set $@ILLIA_HELPER3$, ""; set $@illia_progress, 0; set $@illia_level_1_progress, 0; set $@illia_level_2_progress, 0; set $@illia_level_3_progress, 0; set $@illia_level_4_progress, 0; set $@illia_level_5_progress, 0; set $@illia_level_6_progress, 0; set $@illia_level_7_progress, 0; set $@illia_players_in_luvia_territory, 0; // Clean all levels cmdothernpc "#IlliaJanitor1", "Clean"; cmdothernpc "#IlliaJanitor2", "Clean"; cmdothernpc "#IlliaJanitor3", "Clean"; cmdothernpc "#IlliaJanitor4", "Clean"; cmdothernpc "#IlliaJanitor5", "Clean"; cmdothernpc "#IlliaJanitor6", "Clean"; cmdothernpc "#IlliaJanitor7", "Clean"; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; end; // Timer for the witch to react to the players' return OnTimer3000: if ($@ILLIA_STATUS >= 253) goto L_ReactToPlayersReturn; end; // Timer for the witch giving instructions to players about to be teleported OnTimer2500: if ($@ILLIA_STATUS != 3) end; npctalk "All of you, listen!"; end; OnTimer7500: if ($@ILLIA_STATUS != 3) end; npctalk "I will teleport the 4 of you in a forest that isn't far from the waterfall."; end; OnTimer14000: if ($@ILLIA_STATUS != 3) end; npctalk "Each of you takes one of these rings. They will allow you to come back here when needed."; end; OnTimer24000: if ($@ILLIA_STATUS != 3) end; if ($Illia_Luvia_Harvest < 10) npctalk "Do your best and save my sister!"; if ($Illia_Luvia_Harvest >= 10 && $Illia_Luvia_Harvest < 35) npctalk "This will be quite dangerous, but do your best and save my sister!"; if ($Illia_Luvia_Harvest >= 35) npctalk "This will be awfully dangerous, but do your best and save my sister!"; end; OnTimer32000: if ($@ILLIA_STATUS != 3) end; npctalk "Get ready!"; end; OnTimer38000: if ($@ILLIA_STATUS != 3) end; // Trigger 4 areatimers to show the teleport spell // This is better looking than a basic areawarp areatimer "007-1.gat", 66, 73, 92, 88, 3000, "Valia::OnWarpHero"; areatimer "007-1.gat", 66, 73, 92, 88, 3500, "Valia::OnWarpHelper1"; areatimer "007-1.gat", 66, 73, 92, 88, 4000, "Valia::OnWarpHelper2"; areatimer "007-1.gat", 66, 73, 92, 88, 4500, "Valia::OnWarpHelper3"; npctalk "Spiralis Major!"; misceffect FX_BLUE_MAGIC_CAST; end; OnTimer50000: // Add a check that the quest started. // This timer on status 3 should be reached since L_Init_Vars will have // stopped it before. // It may happen it didn't if the hero logged off during the warp sequence // Hence we'll just init what's necessary to trigger the end sequence if ($@ILLIA_STATUS != 3) end; goto L_InitVars; // Timers for the witch waiting. OnTimer150000: if ($@ILLIA_STATUS != 1) end; set $@ILLIA_STATUS, 2; npctalk $@ILLIA_HERO$ + ", I am ready to cast the teleport spell. You and your comrades should not wait any longer!"; end; OnTimer280000: if ($@ILLIA_STATUS != 2) end; npctalk "Hurry up " + $@ILLIA_HERO$ + ", I am losing patience."; end; OnTimer300000: if ($@ILLIA_STATUS != 2) end; npctalk $@ILLIA_HERO$ + ", you and your missing comrades made me lose a precious time! Out of my sight!"; emotion EMOTE_UPSET; goto L_EndQuest; // FIXME BEGIN debug section L_DebugHarvest: mes "[Debug]"; mes "This quest is designed for a group of 4 players and is repeatable."; mes "When the team fails to complete the quest after a certain progress, the difficulty will be increased for the next team."; mes "The rewards will also be increased. Engaging?"; mes "Right now, the difficulty penalty is " + $Illia_Luvia_Harvest + "."; menu "Change it?", -, "No.", L_Exit; input $Illia_Luvia_Harvest; if ($Illia_Luvia_Harvest < 0) set $Illia_Luvia_Harvest, 0; if ($Illia_Luvia_Harvest > 50) set $Illia_Luvia_Harvest, 50; next; mes "The difficulty penalty is now " + $Illia_Luvia_Harvest + "."; goto L_Exit; L_DebugUniquesCount: mes "[Debug]"; mes "Right now, your Illia_Uniques_Count is " + Illia_Uniques_Count + "."; menu "Change it?", -, "No.", L_Exit; input Illia_Uniques_Count; if (Illia_Uniques_Count < 0) set Illia_Uniques_Count, 0; if (Illia_Uniques_Count > 2) set Illia_Uniques_Count, 2; next; mes "Your Illia_Uniques_Count is now " + Illia_Uniques_Count + "."; goto L_Exit; L_DebugAuto: mes "[Debug]"; mes "This quest is designed for a group of 4 players. The recommended level is 90+, but " + @illia_min_level + " is the minimum."; mes "You can start the quest automatically with this debug section, without having to wait the intro of the quest."; mes "Once warped to the forest, you will have the option to jump to another level of the quest to debug it."; mes "Enter here how many players will debug this quest (N = [1,4]). Enter 1 if you are alone."; input $@illia_debug_num_players; if ($@illia_debug_num_players < 1) goto L_Cancelled; if ($@illia_debug_num_players > 4) goto L_DebugAuto; mes "The quest will be started with " + $@illia_debug_num_players + " players."; // temporary block other accesses while warping timer will set this var to 3. set $@ILLIA_STATUS, 3; set $@illia_debug_count, 1; set $@ILLIA_HERO$, strcharinfo(0); set $@ILLIA_HERO_ID, getcharid(3, $@ILLIA_HERO$); areatimer "007-1.gat", 66, 73, 92, 88, 10, "Valia::OnDetect"; npctalk "Spiralis Major (Debug)!"; addtimer 1500, "Valia::OnStartDebug"; // Start the timer to trigger the OnTimer50000 check. setnpctimer 40000; startnpctimer; close; L_Cancelled: mes "[Debug]"; mes "Debug session cancelled."; close; OnDetect: if (strcharinfo(0) == $@ILLIA_HERO$) end; set $@illia_debug_count, $@illia_debug_count + 1; if ($@illia_debug_count > $@illia_debug_num_players) end; if ($@illia_debug_count == 2) set $@ILLIA_HELPER1$, strcharinfo(0); if ($@illia_debug_count == 3) set $@ILLIA_HELPER2$, strcharinfo(0); if ($@illia_debug_count == 4) set $@ILLIA_HELPER3$, strcharinfo(0); end; OnStartDebug: goto L_DebugStart; L_DebugStart: // Trigger 4 areatimers to show the teleport spell // This is better looking than an areawarp mapannounce "007-1.gat", "Debugging Illia Quest with " + $@ILLIA_HERO$ + " (Hero), " + $@ILLIA_HELPER1$ + ", " + $@ILLIA_HELPER2$ + ", " + $@ILLIA_HELPER3$ + ".",0; areatimer "007-1.gat", 66, 73, 92, 88, 1000, "Valia::OnWarpHero"; areatimer "007-1.gat", 66, 73, 92, 88, 1500, "Valia::OnWarpHelper1"; areatimer "007-1.gat", 66, 73, 92, 88, 2000, "Valia::OnWarpHelper2"; areatimer "007-1.gat", 66, 73, 92, 88, 2500, "Valia::OnWarpHelper3"; misceffect FX_BLUE_MAGIC_CAST; end; // FIXME END debug section } 007-1.gat,128,100,0|script|#IlliaDaemon|127,{ end; onInit: set $@illia_max_time, 900; end; OnCommandToggle: set $@illia_max_time, 900; if ($@ILLIA_STATUS >= 253) goto L_Stop; if ($@ILLIA_STATUS >= 4) goto L_Start; end; OnTimer1000: if ($@ILLIA_STATUS < 4 || $@ILLIA_STATUS >= 254) end; goto L_Check; OnTimer2000: if ($@ILLIA_STATUS < 4 || $@ILLIA_STATUS >= 254) end; // This is executed only when making a double check when we detected // the hero offline/not in the good map previously. goto L_Check; OnTimer4000: // Check if we need to force-warp the hero if (isloggedin($@ILLIA_HERO_ID) == 0) end; if ($@ILLIA_STATUS == 255 && attachrid($@ILLIA_HERO_ID) && ( isin("051-1.gat",1,1,190,80) || isin("051-3.gat",1,1,115,130) || isin("052-1.gat",1,1,100,80) || isin("052-2.gat",1,1,150,100) ) ) goto L_WarpHero; detachrid; end; OnTimer4500: if ($@ILLIA_STATUS < 254) end; // send a message to all the helpers setarray $@illia_helpers$, $@ILLIA_HELPER1$,$@ILLIA_HELPER2$,$@ILLIA_HELPER3$; set $@illia_helper_index,0; goto L_CheckHelperNeedNotification; OnTimer6500: if ($@ILLIA_STATUS < 254) end; // Make the first witch to say something happened, when she will see people back // If no helpers will be warped, it still makes sense: she felt the hero died. startnpctimer "Valia"; // $@illia_players_in_luvia_territory is set when players enter the island set $Illia_Luvia_Harvest, $Illia_Luvia_Harvest + $@illia_players_in_luvia_territory; // Cap the difficulty to 50. We do not want the quest to really be impossible to finish. if ($Illia_Luvia_Harvest > 50) set $Illia_Luvia_Harvest, 50; set $@illia_players_in_luvia_territory, 0; end; L_CheckHelperNeedNotification: if ($@illia_helper_index >= 4) goto L_CleanHelpersNotifications; set $@illia_helper$, $@illia_helpers$[$@illia_helper_index]; if (isloggedin(getcharid(3, $@illia_helper$)) == 0) goto L_NextHelperToNotify; if ( $@illia_helper$ != "" && attachrid(getcharid(3, $@illia_helper$)) && ( isin("051-1.gat",1,1,190,80) || isin("051-3.gat",1,1,115,130) || isin("052-1.gat",1,1,100,80) || isin("052-2.gat",1,1,150,100) ) ) goto L_NotifyHelperFail; detachrid; goto L_NextHelperToNotify; L_NextHelperToNotify: set $@illia_helper_index, $@illia_helper_index + 1; goto L_CheckHelperNeedNotification; L_CleanHelpersNotifications: cleararray $@illia_helpers$, "", 3; set $@illia_helper$, ""; set $@illia_helper_index,0; end; L_NotifyHelperFail: message strcharinfo(0), $@ILLIA_HERO$ + " disappeared. There is no way I continue like this... Let's use the ring Valia gave!"; // display the warp spell already if needed misceffect FX_MAGIC_BLUE_TELEPORT, strcharinfo(0); detachrid; goto L_NextHelperToNotify; OnTimer8000: if ($@ILLIA_STATUS < 254) end; // Warp remaining helpers back to the origin if needed setarray $@illia_helpers$, $@ILLIA_HELPER1$,$@ILLIA_HELPER2$,$@ILLIA_HELPER3$; set $@illia_helper_index,0; goto L_CheckHelperNeedWarp; L_CheckHelperNeedWarp: if ($@illia_helper_index >= 4) goto L_CleanHelpersWarps; set $@illia_helper$, $@illia_helpers$[$@illia_helper_index]; if (isloggedin(getcharid(3, $@illia_helper$)) == 0) goto L_NextHelperToWarp; if ($@illia_helper$ != "" && attachrid(getcharid(3, $@illia_helper$))) goto L_WarpHelper; detachrid; goto L_NextHelperToWarp; L_NextHelperToWarp: set $@illia_helper_index, $@illia_helper_index + 1; goto L_CheckHelperNeedWarp; L_CleanHelpersWarps: cleararray $@illia_helpers$, "", 3; set $@illia_helper$, ""; set $@illia_helper_index,0; end; L_WarpHelper: // Proceed only if the helper is still on one of the quest's maps if ( isin("051-1.gat",1,1,190,80 ) || isin("051-3.gat",1,1,115,130) || isin("052-1.gat",1,1,100,80 ) || isin("052-2.gat",1,1,150,100) ) goto L_DoWarpHelper; detachrid; goto L_NextHelperToWarp; L_DoWarpHelper: // At this point, the player has been attached if ($@illia_progress >= 5) message strcharinfo(0), "You feel dizzy, and that your memory is being rewritten... Who is Luvia? Something isn't alright."; warp "007-1.gat",85 + rand(0,2),75 + rand(0,2); detachrid; goto L_NextHelperToWarp; L_Check: // We check for the hero to be logged in, alive, and in one of the quest's maps if (isloggedin($@ILLIA_HERO_ID) == 0) goto L_HeroLogOff; if (attachrid($@ILLIA_HERO_ID) && (isin("051-1.gat",1,1,190,80 ) == 0) && (isin("051-3.gat",1,1,115,130) == 0) && (isin("052-1.gat",1,1,100,80 ) == 0) && (isin("052-2.gat",1,1,150,100) == 0) ) goto L_HeroEscape; if (isdead()) goto L_HeroDead; // If the quest lasts more than $@illia_max_time seconds, abort it if (gettimetick(2) - $@illia_begin_time > $@illia_max_time) goto L_HeroRingActivated; // Conditions are all met. schedule another check 1s later setnpctimer 0; detachrid; end; L_HeroRingActivated: misceffect FX_MAGIC_BLUE_TELEPORT, strcharinfo(0); message strcharinfo(0), "The ring Valia gave you seems to activate itself!"; detachrid; set $@ILLIA_STATUS, 255; setnpctimer 0; end; L_HeroLogOff: if (getnpctimer(0) < 1900) end; set $@ILLIA_STATUS, 254; setnpctimer 0; end; L_HeroEscape: detachrid; // because of lags, warps between maps, etc // let's assume a check can detect the player to not be in any of the map, // while he is supposed to be in one. // it does not hurt to make a double check 1sec later if (getnpctimer(0) < 1900) end; set $@ILLIA_STATUS, 254; setnpctimer 0; end; L_WarpHero: // At this point, the player has been attached if ($@illia_progress >= 5) message strcharinfo(0), "You feel dizzy, and that your memory is being rewritten... Who is Luvia? Something isn't alright."; warp "007-1.gat",85 + rand(0,2),75 + rand(0,2); detachrid; end; L_HeroDead: // we notify the player that his death will add luvia's power. // her power is increasing once players reach her island, // but they didn't find out about her yet on the island, // so we notify the hero only once they met her in the Inn if ($@illia_progress >= 5 && $@illia_progress < 8) message strcharinfo(0), "You are in Luvia's hands, and your soul is now meant to serve her dark purposes."; detachrid; set $@ILLIA_STATUS, 255; setnpctimer 0; end; L_Stop: stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; end; L_Start: initnpctimer; end; }