// function script KadiyaSubquestConsts { set @Q_kadiya_status, (QUEST_MAGIC2 & NIBBLE_3_MASK) >> NIBBLE_3_SHIFT; set @Q_STATUS_NONE, 0; set @Q_STATUS_KNOWS_MOPOX, 1; set @Q_STATUS_MADE_MOPOX, 2; set @Q_STATUS_DIDNT_DRINK, 3; set @Q_STATUS_WANTS_CHOCOCAKE, 4; set @Q_STATUS_WANTS_ORANGECUPCAKE, 5; set @Q_STATUS_COMPLETED, 6; set @Q_STATUS_COMPLETED_ELANORE, 7; set @Q_STATUS_COMPLETED_NOELANORE, 8; set @Q_STATUS_COMPLETED_POST_ELANORE, 9; if (((QUEST_MAGIC2 & NIBBLE_1_MASK) >> NIBBLE_1_SHIFT) < 4) set @Q_kadiya_status, @Q_STATUS_NONE; if (((QUEST_MAGIC2 & NIBBLE_1_MASK) >> NIBBLE_1_SHIFT) > 4) set @Q_kadiya_status, @Q_STATUS_COMPLETED_POST_ELANORE; return; } 001-2.gat,70,60,0 script Omar 162,{ callfunc "ElanoreFix"; callfunc "KadiyaSubquestConsts"; set @Q_status, @Q_kadiya_status; if (@Q_status >= @Q_STATUS_COMPLETED) goto L_cured; if (@Q_status == @Q_STATUS_DIDNT_DRINK) goto L_didnt_drink; if (@Q_status > @Q_STATUS_DIDNT_DRINK) goto L_make_food; mes "[Omar]"; mes "\"Welcome to my humble abode.\""; next; menu "Well met! May I ask who you are?", L_omar, "What's wrong with your daughter?", L_kadiya_sick, "Thank you!", -; close; L_omar: mes "[Omar]"; mes "\"My name is Omar; I am a trader of oils and spices.\""; close; L_kadiya_sick: mes "[Omar]"; mes "\"Kadiya has caught Ponderpox, I fear.\""; mes "He sighs."; mes "\"She's has been feverish for many days now. I wish there were something I could do.\""; next; menu "Have you asked Elanore the healer?", L_sick_elanore, "How about the Hurnscald hospital?", L_sick_hospital, "Can I help?", L_sick_self, "I'm sorry to hear that.", -; mes "[Omar]"; mes "\"Well, she is a strong girl. I am sure that she will get over it eventually.\""; mes "He smiles, but you see doubt in his eyes."; close; L_sick_elanore: mes "[Omar]"; mes "\"Elanore?\""; mes "He frowns."; mes "\"She knows nothing. I see no point in talking to her.\""; close; L_sick_hospital: mes "[Omar]"; mes "\"Hurnscald is too far away. I don't think that it would be good for her to go on such a long trip.\""; close; L_sick_self: mes "[Omar]"; mes "\"You are very kind, but I don't think there is anything you can do.\""; close; L_didnt_drink: mes "[Omar]"; mes "\"So she has Mopox, not Ponderpox, you say? Hmm. That is much harder to cure, I think.\""; mes "\"I am grateful for the effort you put into brewing a potion for her. But it does smell vile...\""; next; mes "[Omar]"; mes "\"I promised my dear wife that I would never make Kadiya eat or drink anything she doesn't like. So I won't force her to drink this.\""; next; mes "[Omar]"; set @Q_status, (@Q_STATUS_WANTS_CHOCOCAKE + rand(2)); callsub S_update_var; if (@Q_status == @Q_STATUS_WANTS_ORANGECUPCAKE) mes "\"If only we could make it smell and taste like orange cupcakes... she really loves those cupcakes.\""; if (@Q_status == @Q_STATUS_WANTS_CHOCOCAKE) mes "\"If only this were a chocolate cake and not a potion... she really loves chocolate cakes.\""; close; L_make_food: mes "[Omar]"; mes "\"I should stay here to watch over her. I wish I could think of a way to convince her to drink the potion...\""; if (@Q_status == @Q_STATUS_WANTS_ORANGECUPCAKE) mes "\"Alas, it is not an orange cupcake.\""; if (@Q_status == @Q_STATUS_WANTS_CHOCOCAKE) mes "\"If only it were to smell and taste like her favourite chocolate cake...\""; close; L_cured: if (@Q_status == @Q_STATUS_COMPLETED) goto L_cured_choice; mes "[Omar]"; mes "\"She is sleeping now, but she seems to be much better. I am sure that she will be up and running around again soon.\""; close; L_cured_choice: mes "[Omar]"; mes "\"I am very grateful for your help. I really was sure that it was Ponderpox, not Mopox, that she had.\""; next; menu "Oh, it was nothing.", L_cured_nothing, "I didn't do it alone; Elanore helped.", L_cured_elanore, "That will be 5000 GP.", -; mes "[Omar]"; mes "\"Ah, certainly.\""; mes "He hands you a small bag of money."; next; set @Q_status, @Q_STATUS_COMPLETED_NOELANORE; callsub S_update_var; set zeny, zeny + 5000; close; L_cured_nothing: mes "[Omar]"; mes "\"No, this wasn't nothing. She is everything to me. Here, you deserve a reward.\""; mes "He hands you a bag of money containing 10,000 GP and two pearls."; mes "\"And feel free to drop by again whenever you would like!\""; set @Q_status, @Q_STATUS_COMPLETED_NOELANORE; callsub S_update_var; getitem "Pearl", 2; set zeny, zeny + 10000; close; L_cured_elanore: mes "[Omar]"; mes "Omar frowns."; mes "\"That witch? You worked with her without telling me?\""; mes "He looks over to his daughter, concern suddenly in his eyes."; mes "\"She is looking better, though...\""; next; mes "[Omar]"; mes "Omar shakes his head."; mes "\"I will have to think about this. Please leave me alone.\""; next; set @Q_status, @Q_STATUS_COMPLETED_ELANORE; callsub S_update_var; close; S_update_var: set QUEST_MAGIC2, (QUEST_MAGIC2 & ~(NIBBLE_3_MASK) | (@Q_status << NIBBLE_3_SHIFT)); return; } 001-2.gat,76,59,0 script _______Kadiya 174,{ callfunc "ElanoreFix"; set @Q_MASK, NIBBLE_3_MASK; set @Q_SHIFT, NIBBLE_3_SHIFT; callfunc "KadiyaSubquestConsts"; set @Q_status, @Q_kadiya_status; if (@Q_status >= @Q_STATUS_COMPLETED) goto L_cured; mes "You see a young girl lying in bed. At first she doesn't seem to notice you approaching."; mes "Finally, she turns her head towards you. Judging from the sweat on her forehead and look in her eyes, she is suffering from some kind of fever."; next; mes "[Kadiya]"; mes "\"Hello,\" she says in a tiny voice."; next; set @M_NAME, 1; set @M_CANDY, 2; set @M_POTION, 3; set @M_CHOCOCAKE, 4; set @M_CUPCAKE, 5; setarray @choice$, "Hello! What's your name?", "Would you like some candy?", "", "", "", "", "", ""; setarray @choice_idx, @M_NAME, @M_CANDY, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; set @choices_nr, 2; if (countitem("MopoxCurePotion") == 0) goto L_M_no_cure; set @choice_idx[@choices_nr], @M_POTION; set @choice$[@choices_nr], "This potion will cure your illness!"; set @choices_nr, @choices_nr + 1; L_M_no_cure: if ((countitem("LacedChocolateCake") == 0) || (@Q_status != @Q_STATUS_WANTS_CHOCOCAKE)) goto L_M_no_chococake; set @choice_idx[@choices_nr], @M_CHOCOCAKE; set @choice$[@choices_nr], "Would you like special chocolate cake?"; set @choices_nr, @choices_nr + 1; L_M_no_chococake: if ((countitem("LacedOrangeCupcake") == 0) || (@Q_status != @Q_STATUS_WANTS_ORANGECUPCAKE)) goto L_M_no_cupcake; set @choice_idx[@choices_nr], @M_CUPCAKE; set @choice$[@choices_nr], "Would you like special orange cupcake?"; set @choices_nr, @choices_nr + 1; L_M_no_cupcake: set @choice_idx[@choices_nr], 0; set @choice$[@choices_nr], "Goodbye."; set @choices_nr, @choices_nr + 1; menu @choice$[0], -, @choice$[1], -, @choice$[2], -, @choice$[3], -, @choice$[4], -, @choice$[5], -; set @choice, @choice_idx[@menu - 1]; if (@choice == @M_NAME) goto L_name; if (@choice == @M_CANDY) goto L_no_candy; if (@choice == @M_POTION) goto L_potion; if (@choice == @M_CHOCOCAKE) goto L_chococake; if (@choice == @M_CUPCAKE) goto L_cupcake; close; L_name: mes "[Kadiya]"; mes "She smiles a faint smile."; mes "\"My name is Kadiya.\""; close; L_no_candy: mes "[Kadiya]"; mes "She hesitates for a moment."; mes "\"No, thank you. I don't think I should.\""; close; L_potion: mes "[Kadiya]"; if (@Q_status < @Q_STATUS_DIDNT_DRINK) set @Q_status, @Q_STATUS_DIDNT_DRINK; callsub S_update_var; mes "Kadiya grimaces and pushes the bottle away."; mes "\"That smells terrible!\""; next; mes "[Kadiya]"; mes "She pulls the sheets over her head."; mes "\"I won't drink that!\""; next; close; L_chococake: delitem "LacedChocolateCake", 1; goto L_do_cure; L_cupcake: delitem "LacedOrangeCupcake", 1; goto L_do_cure; L_do_cure: if (@Q_status < @Q_STATUS_COMPLETED) set @Q_status, @Q_STATUS_COMPLETED; callsub S_update_var; mes "[Kadiya]"; mes "Kadiya's eyes widen."; mes "\"Oh! Daddy, is it okay if I eat this?\""; mes "Omar nods and smiles. \"You should eat a bit to regain your strength, sweetheart.\""; next; mes "[Kadiya]"; mes "Kadiya devours your gift in just a handful of bites."; next; mes "[Kadiya]"; mes "She smiles. \"Thank you! I feel better already!\"."; next; mes "[Kadiya]"; mes "She looks much healthier, too. Omar walks over and touches her forehead."; mes "\"Now that is funny-- your fever has gone down quite a bit!\""; mes "He smiles at you. \"Thank you for your help!\""; next; mes "[Kadiya]"; mes "\"You should get some sleep now, sweetheart. I'm sure that you will be better soon.\""; close; L_goodbye: mes "[Kadiya]"; mes "Goodbye!"; close; L_cured: mes "[Kadiya]"; mes "Kadiya seems to be sleeping calmly. She looks much less sweaty than earlier; unless you are very much mistaken, her fever has disappeared."; close; S_update_var: set QUEST_MAGIC2, (QUEST_MAGIC2 & ~(@Q_MASK) | (@Q_status << @Q_SHIFT)); return; }