Orum Quest Orum needs your help to save his friend, Waric. Bring items to Orum. Quest Giver: Orum. Reward: Unknown. Orum Quest Explore the cave below Orum. Quest Giver: Orum. Reward: Unknown Orum Quest Talk to one torch, and return to Orum. Quest Giver: Orum. Reward: Unknown Orum Quest Bring more items to Orum to make special powders. Quest Giver: Orum. Reward: Unknown Orum Quest Return to the cave below Orum, and open all the barriers. Quest Giver: Orum. Reward: Unknown Orum Quest Talk to Orum again. Quest Giver: Orum. Reward: Unknown Orum Quest As a reward, you get the Candle Helmet. Congratz! Quest Giver: Orum. Reward: A [@@4020|Candle Helmet@@] Orum Quest Disobey Orum and go back into the cave and through the last barrier you opened. Quest Giver: Orum. Reward: A [@@4020|Candle Helmet@@] Orum Quest Surprise! You've finished the quest! Quest Giver: Orum. Reward: A [@@4020|Candle Helmet@@] and 10000 EXP. Orum You have already completed the Orum Quest, where you met Orum and Waric and got a Candle Helmet. Now it is time to see them again, in a different hideout. Orum Talk to Orum and offer your services. Orum Orum asks for items. %%E 5 [@@566|@@] %%E 5 [@@701|@@] %%E 1 [@@674|@@] Orum You get an Orange Summoning Flower. Leave the Woodland Hills Labyrinth and place the flower in the right location. Orum Return to Orum. Orum Orum asks for more items. %%E 5 [@@565|@@] %%E 5 [@@507|@@] %%E 1 [@@673|@@] Orum You get a second flower, a Purple Summoning Flower. Leave the Woodland Hills Labyrinth and place the flower in the right location. Orum Return to Orum. Orum Orum asks for more items. %%E 5 [@@611|@@] %%E 5 [@@517|@@] %%E 1 [@@672|@@] Orum You get a third flower, a White Summoning Flower. Leave the Woodland Hills Labyrinth and place the flower in the right location. Orum Return to Orum. Orum Orum asks for more items. %%E 5 [@@613|@@] %%E 5 [@@4000|@@] %%E 1 [@@665|@@] Orum You get a fourth flower, a Yellow Summoning Flower. Leave the Woodland Hills Labyrinth and place the flower in the right location. Orum Return to Orum. Orum Orum asks for more items. %%E 20 [@@743|@@] %%E 5 [@@709|@@] %%E 3 [@@700|@@] %%E 1 [@@661|@@] Orum Your choice did not work. But you get the beautiful [@@897|@@] ! Orum needs another [@@661|@@] to complete the mixture. Give it to him. Orum You get a fifth flower, a Red Summoning Flower. Leave the Woodland Hills Labyrinth and place the flower in the right location. Orum Return to Orum. Orum You have finished Part 1 of the quest, and received the rewards. Well done! (Part 2 is OPTIONAL.) You won 100,000 GP and 100,000 EXP. Waric If you choose to proceed, follow Waric's instructions and take the oath. Waric Don't be a coward, and say the oath ! It's your last chance. Waric Seem you are not made for the dark side... Waric You have received the Dark Magic Skill. Welcome to the dark side! You won 150,000 EXP. Waric Waric teaches you a spell to summon Wicked Mushrooms: #helorp (It requires 1 Dark Crystal and 1 Small Mushroom.) Waric Waric teaches you a spell to poison players with a poison dart: #phlex (It requires 2 Roots.) Waric Waric needs items before he will teach you the next spell. Gring him a [@@740|@@] and a [@@714|@@]. Waric Waric teaches you a spell to summon Snakes: #halhiss (It requires 1 Dark Crystal and 1 Snake Egg.) Waric That is all Waric will teach you, for now.