// TMW2 Scripts
// Evol functions.
// Author:
//    4144
//    Jesusalva
// Description:
//    Function checking the client version and reports if it is too old.
//    This also handles all updates, and usually have priority.

function	script	checkclientversion	{
    // Skip any update for newcomers
    if (isin("000-0", 0, 0, 40, 40))

    // Update handler (use `date +%s` for this)
    // Current UPDATE value: Qui Jun  7 08:10:55 -03 2018
    if (Lang > 5 && UPDATE < 1528369855) {
        mesn "Jesus Saves";
        mes col(l("Oh, noes! Due lack of translators, some languages were removed from this project."), 9);
        mes col(l("You might have been affected. Please, select your desired language."), 9);
        if (!#ADD_LVL)
    // #ADD_LVL means the user have to right to get some levels. This is a sketch. The code might be deleted.
    if (#ADD_LVL) {
        mesn "Jesus Saves";
        mes col(l("Oh - Welcome to TMW2: Moubootaur Legends!"), 3);
        mesn "Jesus Saves";
        mes col(l("Please, fell at home. You can use ##B#world##b channel to speak to everyone on Discord, IRC and ingame."), 3);
        mesn "Jesus Saves";
        mes col(l("Our mission statement is to bring fun to all players. You'll get some levels automatically. We advise you to join a guild."), 3);
        mesn "Jesus Saves";
        mes col(l("If you have any trouble or doubt, don't hesit to call us. There are some cooperative quests, and more of them are being added."), 3);
        mesn "Jesus Saves";
        mes col(l("Anyway, ##Bwelcome##b, and have fun! If you need anything, we are a keypress from distance!"), 3);
        atcommand "@blvl "+#ADD_LVL;
        // TODO: Use @super debug functions and force player to join a guild. We will need the guild ID, though.
        rodex_sendmail(getcharid(0), "TMW2 Team", "Welcome to Moubootaur Legends", "Hey, thanks for believing on us! We hope to have a great time togheter. Any problem, ask for help in #world - the Discord bridge! And take this change!", 20);
        if (ClientVersion >= 24) close;
        mesn "Failsafe Mechanism";
        mes col(l("Ah... You must update your client first."), 1);
    if (is_admin() && UPDATE < 1528369855) {
        UPDATE=gettimetick(2); // Perhaps we should use above number, and leave all UPDATE fields here?
        dispbottom l("Client Version: @@", ClientVersion); // This is to debug UPDATE system.

    if (ClientVersion >= 24) return;

    mesn "Narrator";
    mes col(l("Warning."), 1);
    mes col(l("Warning."0, 1);
    mes col(l("Warning: You are using an old client."), 9);
    mes col(l("Please install the new client from [@@https://manaplus.org/|https://manaplus.org/@@]"), 9);
    if (ClientVersion >= 22) return;
    mes col(l("You won't be allowed to play this game until you have an updated client."), 9);
    // Force user to disconnect
    atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0);