/* Atcommands and charcommands configuration file */ /* The symbol that will be used to recognize commands. You can set any one character except: - control-characters (0x00-0x1f), - '%' (party chat symbol) - '$' (guild chat symbol) - '/' (client commands symbol) atcommand_symbol represents @commands used locally. charcommand_symbol represents #commands used on other players. */ atcommand_symbol : "@" charcommand_symbol: "$" /* Command aliases You can define aliases for any command. Aliases work just like the original command. Format is <commandname>: ["<alias>", ...] */ aliases: { mobinfo: ["mi"] iteminfo: ["ii"] time: ["date", "serverdate", "servertime"] tonpc: ["npc"] autotrade: ["at"] help: ["h"] jumpto: ["goto", "warpto"] mount: ["mountpeco"] who: ["whois"] npctalk: ["npctalkc"] gvgon: ["gpvpon"] gvgoff: ["gpvpoff"] jobchange: ["job"] load: ["return"] warp: ["rura", "mapmove"] dye: ["ccolor"] hairstyle: ["hstyle"] haircolor: ["hcolor"] monster: ["spawn"] blvl: ["lvup", "blevel", "baselvl", "baselvup", "baselevel", "baselvlup"] jlvl: ["jlevel", "joblvl", "joblvup", "joblevel", "joblvlup"] glvl: ["glevel", "guildlvl", "guildlvup", "guildlevel", "guildlvlup"] allskill: ["allskills", "skillall", "skillsall"] allstats: ["allstat", "statall", "statsall"] ban: ["banish"] unban: ["unbanish"] unjail: ["discharge"] homlevel: ["hlvl", "hlevel", "homlvl", "homlvup"] homevolution: ["homevolve"] mutearea: ["stfu"] monsterignore: ["battleignore"] raise: ["revive"] kill: ["die"] guildstorage: ["gstorage"] accinfo: ["accountinfo"] itemreset: ["clearinventory"] channel: ["main"] autoloottype: ["aloottype"] camerainfo: ["setcamera", "viewpointvalue"] effect: ["specialeffect"] } /* List of commands that should not be logged at all */ /* Add as many commands as you like */ nolog: { iteminfo: 1 mobinfo: 1 time: 1 whereis: 1 whodrops: 1 rates: 1 uptime: 1 refresh: 1 effect: 1 misceffect: 1 mapinfo: 1 mobsearch: 1 who: 1 who2: 1 who3: 1 users: 1 where: 1 hugo: 1 linus: 1 } /* Commands help file */ help: { @include "conf/map/help.txt" }