// This file is generated automatically. All manually added changes will be removed when running the Converter.
// Map 015-3: Butterfly Caves mobs
015-3,160,179,19,18 monster Cave Bat 1039,24,30000,40000
015-3,142,31,24,14 monster Green Slime 1085,5,30000,40000
015-3,118,179,22,18 monster Cave Snake 1035,9,30000,20000
015-3,157,110,22,18 monster Snake 1122,12,30000,20000
015-3,144,94,32,39 monster Black Scorpion 1074,12,30000,20000
015-3,156,66,24,14 monster Robin Bandit 1153,5,30000,40000
015-3,113,100,55,37 monster Red Slime 1092,47,30000,40000
015-3,107,177,14,8 monster Archant 1026,2,30000,40000
015-3,46,44,31,18 monster Night Scorpion 1077,1,3600000,1800000
015-3,86,59,28,32 monster Terranite 1167,3,100000,40000
015-3,69,89,33,28 monster Wicked Mushroom 1176,6,100000,30000
015-3,84,142,23,50 monster Troll 1171,6,100000,30000
015-3,32,37,31,12 monster Copper Slime Mother 1238,1,300000,120000
015-3,38,49,26,17 monster Gobo Bear 1214,5,40000,20000
015-3,132,189,8,10 monster Snake 1122,1,30000,20000
015-3,102,105,81,87 monster Small Emerald Bif 1104,6,65000,45000
015-3,98,123,24,62 monster Copper Slime 1088,10,40000,40000