// TMW2 Scripts // Author: // Jesusalva // Description: // Maze generation script (Protip: (30,30) is ALWAYS reachable - for @warp) // Based on https://wiki.themanaworld.org/index.php/Archive:Afterlife#maze_generation // Begin script, instance is required. Maze is Saved to player data. // Scopes: MAZE_ {ID, MX, MY} or {X_Y$} or {X_Y_ALLOWEDTYPES} or {X_Y_ID} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MazeVar(x,y,param) function script MazeVar { return "MAZE_"+getarg(0)+"_"+getarg(1)+getarg(2, ""); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SetMazeCon(Maze, north, west, east, south) function script SetMazeCon { setd(getarg(0)+"$["+MAZENORTH+"]", getarg(1)); setd(getarg(0)+"$["+MAZE_WEST+"]", getarg(2)); setd(getarg(0)+"$["+MAZE_EAST+"]", getarg(3)); setd(getarg(0)+"$["+MAZESOUTH+"]", getarg(4)); return; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UpdateMazeCon(Maze, x, y) function script UpdateMazeCon { if (getd(getarg(0)+"$["+MAZENORTH+"]") != "WALL") setd(getarg(0)+"$["+MAZENORTH+"]", str(getarg(1))+"_"+str(getarg(2)-1)); if (getd(getarg(0)+"$["+MAZE_WEST+"]") != "WALL") setd(getarg(0)+"$["+MAZE_WEST+"]", str(getarg(1)-1)+"_"+str(getarg(2))); if (getd(getarg(0)+"$["+MAZE_EAST+"]") != "WALL") setd(getarg(0)+"$["+MAZE_EAST+"]", str(getarg(1)+1)+"_"+str(getarg(2))); if (getd(getarg(0)+"$["+MAZESOUTH+"]") != "WALL") setd(getarg(0)+"$["+MAZESOUTH+"]", str(getarg(1))+"_"+str(getarg(2)+1)); return; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ParseMaze(mapType, x, y) function script ParseMaze { .@t=getarg(0); .@x=getarg(1); .@y=getarg(2); /* // Prepare .@sim, the simulator array copyarray(.@sim, getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y, "_ALLOWEDTYPES")), getarraysize(getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y, "_ALLOWEDTYPES")))); */ // Setup the maze connectors .@v$=MazeVar(.@x, .@y); switch (.@t) { case MAZEMAPTYPE_NULL: SetMazeCon(.@v$, "WALL", "WALL", "WALL", "WALL"); // It's a fallback Exception("ERROR IN PARSER, FALLBACK", RB_DEBUGMES|RB_IRCBROADCAST); return true; break; // N W E S case MAZEMAPTYPE_DEADS: SetMazeCon(.@v$, "WALL", "WALL", "WALL", ""); break; case MAZEMAPTYPE_DEADW: SetMazeCon(.@v$, "WALL", "", "WALL", "WALL"); break; case MAZEMAPTYPE_DEADN: SetMazeCon(.@v$, "", "WALL", "WALL", "WALL"); break; case MAZEMAPTYPE_DEADE: SetMazeCon(.@v$, "WALL", "WALL", "", "WALL"); break; // N W E S case MAZEMAPTYPE_CURVENW: SetMazeCon(.@v$, "", "", "WALL", "WALL"); break; case MAZEMAPTYPE_CURVENE: SetMazeCon(.@v$, "", "WALL", "", "WALL"); break; case MAZEMAPTYPE_CURVESW: SetMazeCon(.@v$, "WALL", "", "WALL", ""); break; case MAZEMAPTYPE_CURVESE: SetMazeCon(.@v$, "WALL", "WALL", "", ""); break; // N W E S case MAZEMAPTYPE_TNWS: SetMazeCon(.@v$, "", "", "WALL", ""); break; case MAZEMAPTYPE_TNES: SetMazeCon(.@v$, "", "WALL", "", ""); break; case MAZEMAPTYPE_TWEN: SetMazeCon(.@v$, "", "", "", "WALL"); break; case MAZEMAPTYPE_TWES: SetMazeCon(.@v$, "WALL", "", "", ""); break; // N W E S case MAZEMAPTYPE_LINENS: SetMazeCon(.@v$, "", "WALL", "WALL", ""); break; case MAZEMAPTYPE_LINEWE: SetMazeCon(.@v$, "WALL", "", "", "WALL"); break; // N W E S case MAZEMAPTYPE_CROSS: SetMazeCon(.@v$, "", "", "", ""); break; } // Now that connectors are set, we do simulations /* debugmes "(%d, %d) found %s (ID %d)", .@x, .@y, getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y, "$["+MAZENORTH+"]")), getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y, "_ID")); debugmes "(%d, %d) is with north %s (ID %d)", .@x, .@y, getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y, "$["+MAZENORTH+"]")), getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y, "_ID")); debugmes ".@v$ is %s", .@v$; debugmes ".@v$[NORTH] is %s", getd(.@v$+"$["+MAZENORTH+"]"); */ ////////////////////////// // Way north if (getd(.@v$+"$["+MAZENORTH+"]") != "WALL") { // Does north map accept this? //debugmes "(%d, %d) is worth proccessing in NORTH", .@x, .@y; // Case 1: We're in the edge if (.@y == 0) return false; // Case 2: South direction thinks it is a wall if (getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y-1, "$["+MAZESOUTH+"]")) == "WALL") return false; //debugmes "(%d, %d) found %s (ID %d)", .@x, .@y, getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y-1, "$["+MAZESOUTH+"]")), getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y-1, "_ID")); // Okay, this is a valid movement, we continue } else { // Case 1: We're in the edge if (.@y != 0) { // Case 2: South direction thinks it is a wall if (getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y-1, "$["+MAZESOUTH+"]")) != "WALL") return false; } } ////////////////////////// // Way west if (getd(.@v$+"$["+MAZE_WEST+"]") != "WALL") { // Does west map accept this? // Case 1: We're in the edge if (.@x == 0) return false; // Case 2: West direction thinks it is a wall if (getd(MazeVar(.@x-1, .@y, "$["+MAZE_EAST+"]")) == "WALL") return false; // Okay, this is a valid movement, we continue } else { // Case 1: We're in the edge if (.@x != 0) { // Case 2: West direction thinks it is a wall if (getd(MazeVar(.@x-1, .@y, "$["+MAZE_EAST+"]")) != "WALL") return false; } } ////////////////////////// // Way down if (getd(.@v$+"$["+MAZESOUTH+"]") != "WALL") { // Can we do this? // Case 1: We're in the edge if (.@y == MAZE_MY-1) return false; // Case 2: Down direction is invalid? // TODO // Okay, this is a valid movement, we continue } ////////////////////////// // Way east if (getd(.@v$+"$["+MAZE_EAST+"]") != "WALL") { // Can we do this? // Case 1: We're in the edge if (.@x == MAZE_MX-1) return false; // Case 2: Right direction is invalid? // TODO // Okay, this is a valid movement, we continue } // All checks passed! UpdateMazeCon(.@v$, .@x, .@y); return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GenerateMaze(width, height) → Returns instance ID function script GenerateMaze { // Create the Maze instance or die trying .@inst = instance_create("Maze "+getcharid(0), getcharid(3), IOT_CHAR); if (.@inst < 0) end; MAZE_ID=.@inst; // Save maze configuration MAZE_MX=getarg(0); MAZE_MY=getarg(1); freeloop(true); // Delete previous maze data as relevant debugmes "[STATUS] Clean up"; for (.@y=0; .@y < MAZE_MY; .@y++) { for (.@x=0; .@x < MAZE_MX; .@x++) { setd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y, "_ID"), 0); deletearray(getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y, "_ALLOWEDTYPES"))); deletearray(getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y, "$"))); } } //////////////////// // SETUP .@x=0; .@y=0; debugmes "[STATUS] Setup"; // For every column: while (.@x < MAZE_MX) { // For every cell: while (.@y < MAZE_MY) { // Case 1: Left column if (.@y == 0) { // NW edge if (.@x == 0) setarray getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y, "_ALLOWEDTYPES")), MAZEMAPTYPE_DEADS, MAZEMAPTYPE_DEADE, MAZEMAPTYPE_CURVESE; // NE edge else if (.@x == MAZE_MX-1) setarray getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y, "_ALLOWEDTYPES")), MAZEMAPTYPE_DEADS, MAZEMAPTYPE_DEADW, MAZEMAPTYPE_CURVESW; // North wall else setarray getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y, "_ALLOWEDTYPES")), MAZEMAPTYPE_DEADS, MAZEMAPTYPE_DEADW, MAZEMAPTYPE_DEADE, MAZEMAPTYPE_TWES, MAZEMAPTYPE_LINEWE, MAZEMAPTYPE_CURVESE, MAZEMAPTYPE_CURVESW; // Case 2: Right column } else if (.@y == MAZE_MY-1) { // SW edge if (.@x == 0) setarray getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y, "_ALLOWEDTYPES")), MAZEMAPTYPE_DEADN, MAZEMAPTYPE_DEADE, MAZEMAPTYPE_CURVENE; // SE edge else if (.@x == MAZE_MX-1) setarray getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y, "_ALLOWEDTYPES")), MAZEMAPTYPE_DEADN, MAZEMAPTYPE_DEADW, MAZEMAPTYPE_CURVENW; // South wall else setarray getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y, "_ALLOWEDTYPES")), MAZEMAPTYPE_DEADN, MAZEMAPTYPE_DEADW, MAZEMAPTYPE_DEADE, MAZEMAPTYPE_TWEN, MAZEMAPTYPE_LINEWE, MAZEMAPTYPE_CURVENE, MAZEMAPTYPE_CURVENW; // Case 3: Nothing in special } else { setarray getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y, "_ALLOWEDTYPES")), MAZEMAPTYPE_DEADN, MAZEMAPTYPE_DEADW, MAZEMAPTYPE_DEADE, MAZEMAPTYPE_DEADS, MAZEMAPTYPE_CURVENW, MAZEMAPTYPE_CURVENE, MAZEMAPTYPE_CURVESW, MAZEMAPTYPE_CURVESE, MAZEMAPTYPE_TNWS, MAZEMAPTYPE_TNES, MAZEMAPTYPE_TWEN, MAZEMAPTYPE_TWES, MAZEMAPTYPE_LINEWE, MAZEMAPTYPE_LINENS, MAZEMAPTYPE_CROSS; } // End the setup loop .@y++; } .@x++; .@y=0; } //////////////////// // BUILDING .@x=0; .@y=0; debugmes "[STATUS] Build"; // For every line: while (.@y < MAZE_MY) { // For every cell: while (.@x < MAZE_MX) { //debugmes "[STATUS] [BUILD %d %d] Running...", .@x, .@y; // While connections weren't parsed do { // We start at (0,0) and go to (MAZE_MX,0) // Then we go to (0,MAZE_MY) until (MAZE_MX,MAZE_MY) // Shuffle the array array_shuffle(getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y, "_ALLOWEDTYPES"))); freeloop(true); if (getarraysize(getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y, "_ALLOWEDTYPES")))) .@mztype=array_pop(getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y, "_ALLOWEDTYPES"))); else .@mztype=-1; // XXX: MAZEMAPTYPE_NULL is also a bug if (.@mztype <= 0) { Exception("ERROR IN MAZE BUILDER ("+.@x+","+.@y+") MTYPEXY", RB_DEBUGMES|RB_IRCBROADCAST); .@mztype=MAZEMAPTYPE_NULL; } setd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y, "_ID"), .@mztype); // Attempt to parse connections } while (!ParseMaze(.@mztype, .@x, .@y)); // End the build loop .@x++; } .@y++; .@x=0; } // Debug the statuses .@x=0; .@y=0; debugmes "[STATUS] Finishing..."; for (.@y=0; .@y < MAZE_MY; .@y++) { .@l$=""; freeloop(true); for (.@x=0; .@x < MAZE_MX; .@x++) { //debugmes "[rpts] %d %d = %d", .@x, .@y, getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y, "_ID")); .@l$=.@l$+","+getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y, "_ID")); } debugmes "[REPORT] %s", .@l$; } // Sanity Check if ($@GM_OVERRIDE) { for (.@y=0; .@y < MAZE_MY; .@y++) { for (.@x=0; .@x < MAZE_MX; .@x++) { .@mid=getd(MazeVar(.@x, .@y, "_ID")); .@v$=MazeVar(.@x, .@y); .@n$=getd(.@v$+"$["+MAZENORTH+"]"); .@w$=getd(.@v$+"$["+MAZE_WEST+"]"); .@e$=getd(.@v$+"$["+MAZE_EAST+"]"); .@s$=getd(.@v$+"$["+MAZESOUTH+"]"); debugmes "\t%s\t\t\t", .@n$; debugmes "%s|%s|%s\t\t", .@w$, .@s$, .@e$; } debugmes "%s (%d)", .@v$, .@mid; } } freeloop(false); debugmes "[STATUS] Finished"; // Attach instance maps instance_attachmap("maze0", .@inst, false, "mz0@"+getcharid(0)); instance_attachmap("maze1", .@inst, false, "mz1@"+getcharid(0)); instance_attachmap("maze2", .@inst, false, "mz2@"+getcharid(0)); instance_attachmap("maze3", .@inst, false, "mz3@"+getcharid(0)); instance_attachmap("maze4", .@inst, false, "mz4@"+getcharid(0)); instance_attachmap("maze5", .@inst, false, "mz5@"+getcharid(0)); instance_attachmap("maze6", .@inst, false, "mz6@"+getcharid(0)); instance_attachmap("maze7", .@inst, false, "mz7@"+getcharid(0)); instance_attachmap("maze8", .@inst, false, "mz8@"+getcharid(0)); instance_attachmap("maze9", .@inst, false, "mz9@"+getcharid(0)); instance_attachmap("maze10", .@inst, false, "mz10@"+getcharid(0)); instance_attachmap("maze11", .@inst, false, "mz11@"+getcharid(0)); instance_attachmap("maze12", .@inst, false, "mz12@"+getcharid(0)); instance_attachmap("maze13", .@inst, false, "mz13@"+getcharid(0)); instance_attachmap("maze14", .@inst, false, "mz14@"+getcharid(0)); instance_attachmap("maze15", .@inst, false, "mz15@"+getcharid(0)); // Instance lasts one hour instance_set_timeout(3600, 3600, .@inst); instance_init(.@inst); return .@inst; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WarpToMaze(dir) function script WarpToMaze { // Look up the destination map switch (getarg(0)) { case DIR_NORTH: .@dst$=getd(MazeVar(MAZE_X, MAZE_Y, "$["+MAZENORTH+"]")); .@x=29; .@y=38; break; case DIR_SOUTH: .@dst$=getd(MazeVar(MAZE_X, MAZE_Y, "$["+MAZESOUTH+"]")); .@x=29; .@y=21; break; case DIR_WEST: .@dst$=getd(MazeVar(MAZE_X, MAZE_Y, "$["+MAZE_WEST+"]")); .@x=38; .@y=31; break; case DIR_EAST: .@dst$=getd(MazeVar(MAZE_X, MAZE_Y, "$["+MAZE_EAST+"]")); .@x=21; .@y=31; break; default: return Exception("INVALID DIRECTION", RB_DEFAULT|RB_ISFATAL); } // Get MAPID .@id=getd("MAZE_"+.@dst$+"_ID"); explode(.@crd$, .@dst$, "_"); debugmes "%s = (%d,%d)", .@dst$, .@crd$[0], .@crd$[1]; // Warp you based on MAPID and update your coordinates MAZE_X=atoi(.@crd$[0]); MAZE_Y=atoi(.@crd$[1]); switch (.@id) { // If a special map have different warp rules, specify here case MAZEMAPTYPE_NULL: .@x=30; .@y=30; break; } // We don't need MAZE_ID do we? warp "mz"+.@id+"@"+getcharid(0), .@x, .@y; return; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // InitMaze(maze_x, maze_y) function script InitMaze { MAZE_X=getarg(0); MAZE_Y=getarg(1); .@id=getd(MazeVar(MAZE_X, MAZE_Y, "_ID")); warp "mz"+.@id+"@"+getcharid(0), 30, 30; dispbottom l("Good luck!"); return; } // Warp NPCs maze1,29,39,0 script #MZSOUTH NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0,{ end; OnTouch: WarpToMaze(DIR_SOUTH); end; } maze2,20,31,0 script #MZWEST NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0,{ end; OnTouch: WarpToMaze(DIR_WEST); end; } maze3,29,20,0 script #MZNORTH NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0,{ end; OnTouch: WarpToMaze(DIR_NORTH); end; } maze4,39,31,0 script #MZEAST NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0,{ end; OnTouch: WarpToMaze(DIR_EAST); end; } maze5,29,20,0 duplicate(#MZNORTH) #MZ5N NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze5,20,31,0 duplicate(#MZWEST) #MZ5W NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze6,29,20,0 duplicate(#MZNORTH) #MZ6N NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze6,39,31,0 duplicate(#MZEAST) #MZ6E NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze7,29,39,0 duplicate(#MZSOUTH) #MZ7S NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze7,20,31,0 duplicate(#MZWEST) #MZ7W NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze8,29,39,0 duplicate(#MZSOUTH) #MZ8S NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze8,39,31,0 duplicate(#MZEAST) #MZ8E NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze9,29,20,0 duplicate(#MZNORTH) #MZ9N NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze9,20,31,0 duplicate(#MZWEST) #MZ9W NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze9,29,39,0 duplicate(#MZSOUTH) #MZ9S NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze10,29,20,0 duplicate(#MZNORTH) #MZ10N NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze10,39,31,0 duplicate(#MZEAST) #MZ10E NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze10,29,39,0 duplicate(#MZSOUTH) #MZ10S NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze11,20,31,0 duplicate(#MZWEST) #MZ11W NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze11,39,31,0 duplicate(#MZEAST) #MZ11E NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze11,29,20,0 duplicate(#MZNORTH) #MZ11N NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze12,20,31,0 duplicate(#MZWEST) #MZ12W NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze12,39,31,0 duplicate(#MZEAST) #MZ12E NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze12,29,39,0 duplicate(#MZSOUTH) #MZ12S NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze13,29,20,0 duplicate(#MZNORTH) #MZ13N NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze13,29,39,0 duplicate(#MZSOUTH) #MZ13S NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze14,20,31,0 duplicate(#MZWEST) #MZ14W NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze14,39,31,0 duplicate(#MZEAST) #MZ14E NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze15,29,20,0 duplicate(#MZNORTH) #MZ15N NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze15,20,31,0 duplicate(#MZWEST) #MZ15W NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze15,29,39,0 duplicate(#MZSOUTH) #MZ15S NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 maze15,39,31,0 duplicate(#MZEAST) #MZ15E NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0 // Testing framework maze0,30,30,0 script #MazeMaster NPC_MONA,{ /* function mazeGen; function parseConnections; */ //GenerateMaze(7, 7, 0); GenerateMaze(5, 5); InitMaze(0, 0); end; } // Mapflags /* maze0 mapflag nowarpto maze1 mapflag nowarpto maze2 mapflag nowarpto maze3 mapflag nowarpto maze4 mapflag nowarpto maze5 mapflag nowarpto maze6 mapflag nowarpto maze7 mapflag nowarpto maze8 mapflag nowarpto maze9 mapflag nowarpto maze10 mapflag nowarpto maze11 mapflag nowarpto maze12 mapflag nowarpto maze13 mapflag nowarpto maze14 mapflag nowarpto maze15 mapflag nowarpto */