// TMW2 Script // Evol scripts. // Author: // Travolta // Jesusalva // Description: // NPC to use shovel (dig, bury etc) - script Shovel -1,{ function CheckDigLocation { getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, 0); for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.WorldDigRect_Map$); .@i++) { if (!strcmp(.WorldDigRect_Map$[.@i], .@map$) && .WorldDigRect_x1[.@i] <= .@x && .WorldDigRect_x2[.@i] >= .@x && .WorldDigRect_y1[.@i] <= .@y && .WorldDigRect_y2[.@i] >= .@y) { return 1; } } return 0; } function AddDigRect { if (getargcount() < 5) { debugmes "usage: AddDigRect(map$,x1,y1,x2,y2)"; return 0; } .@map$ = str(getarg(0)); .@x1 = getarg(1); .@y1 = getarg(2); .@x2 = getarg(3); .@y2 = getarg(4); .@size = getarraysize(.WorldDigRect_Map$); .WorldDigRect_Map$[.@size] = .@map$; .WorldDigRect_x1[.@size] = .@x1; .WorldDigRect_y1[.@size] = .@y1; .WorldDigRect_x2[.@size] = .@x2; .WorldDigRect_y2[.@size] = .@y2; return 1; } function PlayerIsTired { .@tick = gettimetick(1); .@playertick = .PlayerTiredTime - (readparam(bStr)/5); if (@ShovelLastUsed + max(5, .@playertick) > .@tick) { narrator S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE, lg("You are exhausted, you should rest a bit."); return 1; } @ShovelLastUsed = .@tick; return 0; } function Dig { getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, 0); for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize($WorldBuriedTreasures_id); .@i++) { if (!strcmp($WorldBuriedTreasures_map$[.@i], .@map$) && $WorldBuriedTreasures_x[.@i] == .@x && $WorldBuriedTreasures_y[.@i] == .@y) { .@id = $WorldBuriedTreasures_id[.@i]; .@amount = $WorldBuriedTreasures_amount[.@i]; deletearray $WorldBuriedTreasures_id[.@i], 1; deletearray $WorldBuriedTreasures_amount[.@i], 1; deletearray $WorldBuriedTreasures_map$[.@i], 1; deletearray $WorldBuriedTreasures_x[.@i], 1; deletearray $WorldBuriedTreasures_y[.@i], 1; getitem .@id, .@amount; narrator S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE, l("You found something!"), l("It's @@ @@.", .@amount, getitemname(.@id)); return 1; } } narrator S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE, l("Sadly, you found nothing but dirt."); return 0; } function Bury { narrator S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_BLANK_LINE, l("What would you like to bury?"); .@items$ = ""; mes "##B" + l("Drag and drop an item from your inventory.") + "##b"; .@id = requestitem(); if (.@id < 1 || countitem(.@id) < 1 || .@id == IronShovel) { @ShovelLastUsed = 0; if (.@id == IronShovel) mesc l("Uh... You can't bury your own shovel!"); else mesc l("You give up."); return; } .@amount = 1; if (countitem(.@id) > 1) { narrator S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_BLANK_LINE, l("Amount?"); input .@amount, 0, countitem(.@id); } if (.@amount == 0 || .@amount > countitem(.@id)) return; getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, 0); delitem .@id, .@amount; .@wtc = getarraysize($WorldBuriedTreasures_id); $WorldBuriedTreasures_id[.@wtc] = .@id; $WorldBuriedTreasures_amount[.@wtc] = .@amount; $WorldBuriedTreasures_map$[.@wtc] = .@map$; $WorldBuriedTreasures_x[.@wtc] = .@x; $WorldBuriedTreasures_y[.@wtc] = .@y; narrator S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE, l("You buried @@ @@.", .@amount, getitemname(.@id)); return 0; } function ShovelQuests { getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, 0); for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(ShovelQuests_func$); .@i++) { if (!strcmp(ShovelQuests_map$[.@i], .@map$) && ShovelQuests_x[.@i] == .@x && ShovelQuests_y[.@i] == .@y) { .@func$ = ShovelQuests_func$[.@i]; deletearray ShovelQuests_func$[.@i], 1; deletearray ShovelQuests_map$[.@i], 1; deletearray ShovelQuests_x[.@i], 1; deletearray ShovelQuests_y[.@i], 1; callfunc(.@func$); return 1; } } return 0; } OnUse: if (!CheckDigLocation()) { message strcharinfo(0), l("I can't use the shovel here."); close; } narrator S_LAST_BLANK_LINE, l("You hold the shovel in your hands. What are you going to do?"); .@action = select( l("Dig."), l("Bury."), l("Nothing.")); switch(.@action) { case 1: if (PlayerIsTired()) close; if (!ShovelQuests()) Dig(); break; case 2: if (PlayerIsTired()) close; Bury(); break; case 3: narrator S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE, l("You hide your shovel."); break; } close; OnHour00: if (playerattached()) @ShovelLastUsed = 0; end; OnInit: .PlayerTiredTime = 25; // You can bury & dig on all mines AddDigRect("007-1", 20, 20, 180, 180); AddDigRect("011-1", 20, 20, 180, 180); AddDigRect("015-1", 20, 20, 180, 180); end; } function script shovel_addquest { if (getargcount() < 4) { debugmes "usage: shovel_addquest(map$,x,y,func$)"; return 0; } .@map$ = str(getarg(0)); .@x = getarg(1); .@y = getarg(2); .@func$ = str(getarg(3)); .@size = getarraysize(ShovelQuests_func$); ShovelQuests_func$[.@size] = .@func$; ShovelQuests_map$[.@size] = .@map$; ShovelQuests_x[.@size] = .@x; ShovelQuests_y[.@size] = .@y; return 1; } function script shovel_adddigrect { if (getargcount() < 5) { debugmes "usage: shovel_adddigrect(map$,x1,y1,x2,y2)"; return 0; } .@map$ = str(getarg(0)); .@x1 = getarg(1); .@y1 = getarg(2); .@x2 = getarg(3); .@y2 = getarg(4); .@size = getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.WorldDigRect_Map$, strnpcinfo(3))); set getvariableofnpc(.WorldDigRect_Map$[.@size], strnpcinfo(3)), .@map$; set getvariableofnpc(.WorldDigRect_x1[.@size], strnpcinfo(3)), .@x1; set getvariableofnpc(.WorldDigRect_y1[.@size], strnpcinfo(3)), .@y1; set getvariableofnpc(.WorldDigRect_x2[.@size], strnpcinfo(3)), .@x2; set getvariableofnpc(.WorldDigRect_y2[.@size], strnpcinfo(3)), .@y2; return 1; }