// TMW2 functions.
// Author:
//    Jesusalva
// Description:
//    Random Treasure Box Utils

function	script	TreasureBox	{
        if (RNGTREASURE_DATE[.@id] > gettimetick(2)) {
            mesc l("The chest is unlocked and empty.");

        mesc l("Open the chest?");
        mesc l("Cost: 1 @@", getitemlink(TreasureKey)), 1;
        if (!countitem(TreasureKey))
        if (askyesno() == ASK_NO)

        delitem TreasureKey, 1;
        mesc l("You open the chest!");
        RNGTREASURE_DATE[.@id]=gettimetick(2)+60*4; // Minimum 4 hours

        .@empty=getvariableofnpc(.empty, strnpcinfo(0));
        if (!.@empty) {

            // Select treasure list
            // You're warranted an ultra rare (0.1%) every 149 open chests
            // You're warranted a super rare (1%) every 50 open chests
            // There's also rares (9%), uncommons (30%) and commons (60%)
            .@ur_rate=min(10, (TREASURE_OPEN/10));
            if (.@t % 149 == 0 || .@r < .@ur_rate)
                .@loot=any(AtroposMixture, GoldenApple, DivineApple, MercBoxA, MoveSpeedPotion, Shemagh, EverburnPowder, IridiumOre, PlatinumOre);
            else if (.@t % 50 == 0 || .@r < 100)
                .@loot=any(Grenade, SnakeEgg, LachesisBrew, ArrowAmmoBox, CoinBag, SilverGift, TerraniteOre, LeadOre, TinOre, SilverOre, GoldOre, TitaniumOre, FluoPowder);
            else if (.@r < 1000 || .@t == 0)
                .@loot=any(MoubooSteak, ClothoLiquor, Coal, RedPlushWine, HastePotion, StrengthPotion, Dagger, BronzeGift, IronOre, CopperOre);
            else if (.@r < 4000)
                .@loot=any(Croconut, Potatoz, MoubooSteak, ClothoLiquor, Coal, SmallMushroom, HastePotion, StrengthPotion, Beer);
                .@loot=any(FatesPotion, ChocolateBar, Plushroom, Chagashroom, RawLog, LeatherPatch, BugLeg, ScorpionStinger, SmallKnife, StrangeCoin);

            inventoryplace .@loot, 1;
            mesc l("You find @@ inside!", getitemlink(.@loot));
            getitem .@loot, 1;
        } else {
            mesc l("You find @@ inside!", l("nothing"));
