// TMW2 Script // Author: Jesusalva // With parts from The Mana World. function script SoulMenhir { // Create @x and @y for this script @n = rand2(getarraysize(@Xs)); @x = @Xs[@n]; @y = @Ys[@n]; deletearray @Xs; deletearray @Ys; @n = 0; mes l("[Soul Menhir]"); mes l("(A mystical aura surrounds this stone. You feel mysteriously attracted to it. Something tells you to touch it. What do you do?)"); menu rif(@x && @y, l("Touch it.")), L_Bind, rif($@GM_EVENT, l("Send soul to the Mana Plane for GM events")), L_Aeros, rif($EVENT$ == "Valentine", l("[Valentine Day] Send soul to the Valentine Highlands!")), L_Valentine, rif($EVENT$ == "Easter", l("[Easter] Send soul to the Mana Forest!")), L_Easter, rif($EVENT$ == "Worker", l("[Worker Day] Send soul to the Contributor Cave!")), L_Worker, rif($EVENT$ == "Christmas" && BaseLevel >= 20, l("[Christmas] Send soul to the Christmas Workshop!")), L_Xmas, // TODO: In future there'll be an event map rif($EVENT$ == "Tower" && countitem(EventDreamTicket), l("Dream Tower")), L_Tower, rif($EVENT$ == "Raid", l("Boss Raid")), L_Raid, rif($EVENT$ == "Olympics", l("[Magic Olympics] Send soul to Porthos")), L_Porthos, l("Leave it alone."), -; return; L_Bind: if (@map$ == "003-1" && !(TELEPORTERS & TP_TULIM)) TELEPORTERS=TELEPORTERS|TP_TULIM; if (@map$ == "012-1" && !(TELEPORTERS & TP_HURNS)) TELEPORTERS=TELEPORTERS|TP_HURNS; if (@map$ == "020-1" && !(TELEPORTERS & TP_NIVAL)) TELEPORTERS=TELEPORTERS|TP_NIVAL; if (Menhir_Activated == 1) goto L_Shortversion; mes l("[Soul Menhir]"); mes l("(You touch the mysterious stone. Somehow it feels warm and cold at the same time.)"); mes l("(Suddenly a strange sensation flows through you. It feels like your soul leaves your body and becomes one with the stone.)"); mes l("(As suddenly as the feeling started it stops. The strange attraction is away from one moment to the next and the menhir feels like just an ordinary stone.)"); Menhir_Activated = 1; goto L_Save; L_Shortversion: mes l("[Soul Menhir]"); mes l("(A strange sensation flows through you. It feels like your soul leaves your body and becomes one with the stone. As suddenly as the feeling started it stops.)"); goto L_Save; L_Aeros: if (!$@GM_EVENT) goto L_DontPanic; .@gt=$@AEROS_SPWN; if (.@gt == 2) { select l("East Aeros"), l("West Aeros"); .@gt=@menu-1; } switch (.@gt) { case 0: warp "001-1", 235, 26; break; case 1: warp "001-1", 23, 108; break; } specialeffect(63, AREA, getcharid(3)); message strcharinfo(0), l("You are now at the Mana Plane of Existence, at the Floating Island of Aeros."); close; L_Valentine: if ($EVENT$ != "Valentine") goto L_DontPanic; warp "001-11", 38, 32; message strcharinfo(0), l("You are now at the Valentine Highlands."); close; L_Easter: if ($EVENT$ != "Easter") goto L_DontPanic; warp "001-4", 151, 157; message strcharinfo(0), l("You are now at the Mana Plane of Existence, at the Magical Forest."); close; L_Worker: if ($EVENT$ != "Worker") goto L_DontPanic; warp "001-5", 22, 79; message strcharinfo(0), l("You are now at the Mana Plane of Existence, at the Contributor's Cave."); close; L_Xmas: if ($EVENT$ != "Christmas") goto L_DontPanic; warp "019-4-1", 32, 36; message strcharinfo(0), l("You are now at the Christmas Workshop."); close; L_Tower: if ($EVENT$ != "Tower") goto L_DontPanic; if (!countitem(EventDreamTicket)) goto L_DontPanic; doevent "sDreamTower::OnWarpTo"; close; L_Raid: if ($EVENT$ != "Raid") goto L_DontPanic; callfunc("FYRaid_Select"); close; L_Porthos: if ($EVENT$ != "Olympics") goto L_DontPanic; callfunc("FYE_Olympics_TO"); close; L_DontPanic: message strcharinfo(0), l("(A strange barrier keeps you from touching the stone at this time.)"); return; L_Save: if (GSET_SOULMENHIR_MANUAL) { .@v$=MapToLoc(@map$); .@tp=POL_LocToTP(strtoupper(.@v$)); if (!(#EXILED & .@tp)) { savepoint @map$, @x, @y; specialeffect(4, SELF, getcharid(3)); } else { mesc l("You are exiled from this town and therefore, unable to use the Menhir."), 1; } } else { EnterTown(MapToLoc(@map$)); dispbottom col(l("Your position is auto-saved when entering a town - use @ucp to change this behavior."), 1); } return; }