// TMW2 Script // Modified by Jesusalva // Evol scripts. // Authors: // gumi // Reid function script Banking { do { if (BankVault > 0) { speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT, l("You currently have @@ GP on your bank account.", format_number(BankVault)), l("What do you want to do with your money?"); } else { speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT, l("What do you want to do with your money?"); } select rif(Zeny > 0, l("Deposit.")), rif(BankVault > 0, l("Withdraw.")), l("Buy a Housing Letter"), l("I'm done."); switch (@menu) { case 1: speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT, l("How much do you want to deposit?"); menuint l("Other."), -1, rif(Zeny >= 1000, format_number(1000) + " GP."), 1000, rif(Zeny >= 2500, format_number(2500) + " GP."), 2500, rif(Zeny >= 5000, format_number(5000) + " GP."), 5000, rif(Zeny >= 10000, format_number(10000) + " GP."), 10000, rif(Zeny >= 25000, format_number(25000) + " GP."), 25000, rif(Zeny >= 50000, format_number(50000) + " GP."), 50000, rif(Zeny >= 100000, format_number(100000) + " GP."), 100000, l("All of my money."), -2, l("I changed my mind."), -3; switch (@menuret) { case -1: input @menuret; break; case -2: @menuret = Zeny; } if (@menuret > 0) { if (@menuret > Zeny) { speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT, l("You do not have enough Gold on yourself."); break; } @menuret = min(MAX_BANK_ZENY, @menuret); // make sure the variable can't overflow .@before = BankVault; // amount before the deposit .@max = MAX_BANK_ZENY - BankVault; // maximum possible deposit .@deposit = min(.@max, @menuret); // actual deposit if (.@deposit > 0) { BankVault += .@deposit; // add to bank Zeny -= .@deposit; // remove from inventory speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT, l("You made a cash deposit of @@ GP.", format_number(.@deposit)); } } break; case 2: speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT, l("How much do you want to withdraw?"); menuint l("Other."), -1, rif(BankVault >= 1000, format_number(1000) + " GP."), 1000, rif(BankVault >= 2500, format_number(2500) + " GP."), 2500, rif(BankVault >= 5000, format_number(5000) + " GP."), 5000, rif(BankVault >= 10000, format_number(10000) + " GP."), 10000, rif(BankVault >= 25000, format_number(25000) + " GP."), 25000, rif(BankVault >= 50000, format_number(50000) + " GP."), 50000, rif(BankVault >= 100000, format_number(100000) + " GP."), 100000, l("All of my money."), -2, l("I changed my mind."), -3; switch (@menuret) { case -1: input @menuret; break; case -2: @menuret = BankVault; } if (@menuret > 0) { if (@menuret > BankVault) { speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT, l("You do not have enough Gold Pieces on your bank account."); break; } @menuret = min(MAX_ZENY, @menuret); // make sure the variable can't overflow .@before = Zeny; // amount before the withdrawal .@max = MAX_ZENY - Zeny; // maximum possible withdrawal .@withdrawal = min(.@max, @menuret); // actual withdrawal if (.@withdrawal > 0) { Zeny += .@withdrawal; // add to inventory BankVault -= .@withdrawal; // remove from bank speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT, l("You withdrew a total of @@ GP.", format_number(.@withdrawal)); } } break; case 3: .@gp=REAL_ESTATE_CREDITS+Zeny; mesc l("You currently have @@ mobiliary credits + GP at your disposal.", format_number(.@gp)); mesc l("@@ - @@ - @@", getitemlink(HousingLetterI), getitemlink(HousingLetterII), getitemlink(HousingLetterIII)); next; select l("Nothing"), rif(.@gp >= 11000, l("Housing Letter I for 11,000 GP")), rif(.@gp >= 101000, l("Housing Letter II for 101,000 GP")), rif(.@gp >= 1001000, l("Housing Letter III for 1,001,000 GP")); mes ""; switch (@menu) { case 2: realestate_payment(11000); getitem HousingLetterI, 1; break; case 3: realestate_payment(101000); getitem HousingLetterII, 1; break; case 4: realestate_payment(1001000); getitem HousingLetterIII, 1; break; } break; default: return; } } while (true); } function script BKInfo { speech S_LAST_NEXT, l("We organize some auction and we help local merchants to launch their businesses."), l("We also feature some services like a storage and a bank for members."), l("Registration is open to everybody, but newcomers need to pay a fee for all of the paperwork."); narrator S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE, l("The bank and item storage is shared between all characters within a same account."), l("With it, you can safely move items and funds between your characters."), l("To move between characters that are on different accounts, you have to use the Trade function."); return; } // name, city, price function script BKReg { .@price=max(2000, getarg(2)-#BankP); @menu=3; do { mesn getarg(0); mesq l("Register fee is @@.", .@price); mesc l("The fee only need to be paid once and will work in every town."); next; select rif(Zeny >= .@price, l("Register")), l("Not at the moment"), l("Information"); mes ""; if (@menu == 1) { Zeny=Zeny-.@price; setq General_Banker, 1; #BankP=#BankP+rand(100,400); mesn getarg(0); mesq l("Registered! You can now use any banking service, of any town!"); } else if (@menu == 3) { BKInfo(); } } while (@menu == 3); return; } // name, city, price (defaults to 10k) function script Banker { mesn getarg(0); mesq l("Welcome! My name is @@, I am a representative of the Merchant Guild on @@.", getarg(0), getarg(1)); next; if (getq(General_Banker) == 0) { BKReg(getarg(0), getarg(1), getarg(2,10000)); } else { do { select l("I would like to store some items."), l("I would like to perform money transactions."), l("Did I received any mail?"), l("What is this guild for?"), l("Bye."); switch (@menu) { case 1: closeclientdialog; openstorage; close; break; case 2: Banking; break; case 3: // NOTE: This value is HARDCODED, do not try changing it! mesc l("Note: Transfering items on mail cost @@ GP/item", 500); mesc l("Money transference by mail is, however, free."); next; closeclientdialog; openmail(); close; break; case 4: mes ""; BKInfo(); break; } if (@menu != 4) { speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT | S_NO_NPC_NAME, l("Something else?"); } } while (@menu != 4); } closedialog; goodbye; close; }