// TMW-2 script. // Author: // Jesusalva // Description: // Recipe Books in TMW2 - script #RecipeBook NPC_HIDDEN,{ function showRecipe; function readCooking; function readAlchemy; function readCrafting; OnUse: setnpcdialogtitle l("Recipe Book"); mesc l("You open the Recipe Book. Each recipe you get can be put here."); next; do { mesc l("Which recipes do you want to read?"); select l("Nothing."), l("Cooking Recipes."), l("Alchemy Recipes."), l("Crafting Recipes."); mes ""; switch (@menu) { case 2: readCooking(); break; case 3: readAlchemy(); break; case 4: readCrafting(); break; } } while (@menu != 1); closeclientdialog; close; // Expects: @scope$ // showRecipe( recipe{, recipe...} ) function showRecipe { if (@scope$ == "") return Exception("Faulty recipe skill command invoked - error"); freeloop(true); for (.@a = 0; .@a < getargcount(); ++.@a) { .@const$ = data_to_string(getarg(.@a)); if (startswith(.@const$, "Craft")) { // infer the item constant from the craft constant .@recipe = getarg(.@a); .@item = string_to_data(substr(.@const$, 5, getstrlen(.@const$) - 1)); } else { // infer the craft constant from the item constant .@recipe = string_to_data(sprintf("Craft%s", .@const$)); .@item = getarg(.@a); } if (.@item <= 0) { // target item not found debugmes("ERROR, INVALID ITEM ID DETECTED at showRecipe"); continue; } if (!getd("RECIPES_"+@scope$+"["+.@recipe+"]") && !$@GM_OVERRIDE) { // does not have the recipe continue; } for (.@inv = 0; .@inv < 9; ++.@inv) { .@size = getcraftrecipe(.@recipe, .@inv, .@qty[0], .@item_id[0]); if (.@size < 0) { if (.@size == -1) { // recipe does not exist break; } // inventory does not exist break; } mes(l(".:: %s Recipe ::.", getitemlink(.@item))); for (.@it = 0; .@it < .@size; ++.@it) { .@recipe_item = .@item_id[.@it]; .@recipe_qty = .@qty[.@it]; if (.@recipe_item <= 0) { break; } mesc(sprintf("%d/%d %s", countitem(.@recipe_item), .@recipe_qty, getitemlink(.@recipe_item))); } mes(""); .@count++; } } freeloop(false); return .@count > 0; } // =============================== Cooking Functions function readCooking { setnpcdialogtitle l("Cooking Recipes"); @scope$="COOKING"; mesc l("Eating is a necessity, but cooking is an art."); mesc l("(All items must be placed exactly in this order.)"); next; mesc l("List of known cooking recipes:"); mes ""; //showRecipe(0, Iten, WarpedLog, 9999); next; @scope$=""; return; } // =============================== Cooking Functions function readAlchemy { setnpcdialogtitle l("Alchemy Recipes"); @scope$="ALCHEMY"; mesc l("Alchemy. The art of having quasi-magical effects without magic."); mesc l("(All items must be placed exactly in this order.)"); next; mesc l("List of known alchemy recipes:"); mes ""; // Healing mesc "----------"+l("Healing Recipes")+"----------", 2; showRecipe(CraftPiberriesInfusion, PiberriesInfusion, 5, Piberries, 1, Curshroom); dnext; // General Boosts mesc "----------"+l("General Recipes")+"----------", 2; showRecipe(HastePotion, StrengthPotion, StatusResetPotion, MoveSpeedPotion, PrecisionPotion, DodgePotion); dnext; // Stats Boosts mesc "----------"+l("Stat Boost Recipes")+"----------", 2; showRecipe(LukPotionA, LukPotionB, LukPotionC); showRecipe(IntPotionA, IntPotionB, IntPotionC); showRecipe(VitPotionA, VitPotionB, VitPotionC); showRecipe(AgiPotionA, AgiPotionB, AgiPotionC); showRecipe(DexPotionA, DexPotionB, DexPotionC); next; @scope$=""; return; } // =============================== Crafting Functions function readCrafting { setnpcdialogtitle l("Crafting Recipes"); @scope$="EQUIPMENT"; mesc l("There is only one way towards the best equipment: Smith away!"); mesc l("(All items must be placed exactly in this order.)"); next; mesc l("List of known crafting recipes:"); mes ""; // Melee Weapons: Never use Titanium nor Lead. Iron-based, no silver mesc "----------"+l("One Hand Weapon Recipes")+"----------", 2; showRecipe(Dagger, WoodenSword, BugSlayer, ShortGladius, Backsword, ShortSword, Kitana, BoneKnife, LongSword, RockKnife, DivineSword); dnext; // Two Hands Melee Weapons: Never use Titanium nor Lead. Silver-based. mesc "----------"+l("Two Hands Weapon Recipes")+"----------", 2; // Reserved ID 63 and 64 // Halberd is really cheap as it doesn't uses Platinum/Iridium :P showRecipe(MiereCleaver, Broadsword, Halberd, ImmortalSword); dnext; // Archery Weapons: Always use Wood, Root and Carp. mesc "----------"+l("Archery Weapon Recipes")+"----------", 2; showRecipe(ShortBow, ForestBow, ElficBow, ChampionshipBow, BansheeBow); dnext; // Magical Weapons: Wood + powders mesc "----------"+l("Magical Weapon Recipes")+"----------", 2; showRecipe(TrainingWand, NoviceWand, ApprenticeWand, LeaderWand, LegendaryWand); dnext; // Firestaff Weapons: Lead + Titanium mesc "----------"+l("Fire Staffs Recipes")+"----------", 2; showRecipe(PynRevolver, PynRifle, PynGatling, PynShotgun); dnext; // Shields: May use Leather. Titanium or Lead, but never both mesc "----------"+l("Shield Recipes")+"----------", 2; // Exception to shield rule: Braknar Shield showRecipe(WoodenShield, BladeShield, BraknarShield, BritShield, BromenalShield, BlueKnightShield, SteelShield, DragonShield, SaviorShield); dnext; // Chest Armors -> Primary Ore + Secondary Ore + Iron Powder + Earth Powder mesc "----------"+l("Chest Armor Recipes")+"----------", 2; showRecipe(LeatherShirt, LieutenantArmor, Chainmail, CopperArmor, LightPlatemail, GoldenLightPlatemail, WarlordPlate, CraftGoldenWarlord, BromenalChest, AssassinChest); dnext; // Pants -> Primary Item + Secondary Item + Leather Patch + Earth Powder mesc "----------"+l("Pants Recipes")+"----------", 2; showRecipe(JeansShorts, RaidTrousers, LeatherTrousers, JeansChaps, SilkPants, ChainmailSkirt, BromenalPants, WarlordPants, AssassinPants); dnext; // Gloves: Gloves items mesc "----------"+l("Gloves Recipes")+"----------", 2; showRecipe(SilkGloves, LeatherGloves, BromenalGloves, ManaGloves, WarlordGloves, AssassinGloves); dnext; // Helmets: Helmet items mesc "----------"+l("Helmet Recipes")+"----------", 2; showRecipe(InfantryHelmet, DesertHelmet, BromenalHelmet, CandleHelmet, CrusadeHelmet, WarlordHelmet, VikingHelmet, TerraniteHelmet, CenturionHelmet, BullHelmet, DarkHelm, DarkKnightHelmet, SamuraiHelmet); dnext; // Misc: Misc items mesc "----------"+l("Miscellaneous Recipes")+"----------", 2; showRecipe(GoldenRing, TerranitePants, TerraniteArmor, Skypiercer); next; @scope$=""; return; } OnInit: .sex = G_OTHER; .distance = 1; end; } // Below this line are utils for Gacha. We use callfunc() on itemDB. // Types: CRAFT_COOKING, CRAFT_ALCHEMY, CRAFT_EQUIPMENT // Rarity: 1 - basic, 2 - intermediary, 4 - advanced, 8 - expert, 16 - master // Level equivalents: 1: (1~20) 2: (21~44), 3: (45~75), 4: (76~99), 5: 100+ function script MakeBlueprint { .@type=getarg(0, -1); .@rarity=getarg(1, 1); switch (.@type) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// Alchemy Recipes ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// case CRAFT_ALCHEMY: if (.@rarity & CRAFT_BASIC) { array_push(.@recipes, CraftPiberriesInfusion); array_push(.@recipes, CraftHastePotion); array_push(.@recipes, CraftStrengthPotion); } if (.@rarity & CRAFT_INTERMEDIARY) { array_push(.@recipes, CraftLukPotionA); array_push(.@recipes, CraftDexPotionA); array_push(.@recipes, CraftIntPotionA); array_push(.@recipes, CraftAgiPotionA); array_push(.@recipes, CraftVitPotionA); array_push(.@recipes, CraftSpeedPotion); } if (.@rarity & CRAFT_ADVANCED) { array_push(.@recipes, CraftResetPotion); array_push(.@recipes, CraftPrecisionPotion); array_push(.@recipes, CraftDodgePotion); } if (.@rarity & CRAFT_EXPERT) { array_push(.@recipes, CraftLukPotionB); array_push(.@recipes, CraftDexPotionB); array_push(.@recipes, CraftIntPotionB); array_push(.@recipes, CraftAgiPotionB); array_push(.@recipes, CraftVitPotionB); } if (.@rarity & CRAFT_MASTER) { array_push(.@recipes, CraftLukPotionC); array_push(.@recipes, CraftDexPotionC); array_push(.@recipes, CraftIntPotionC); array_push(.@recipes, CraftAgiPotionC); array_push(.@recipes, CraftVitPotionC); } // Now you'll learn some recipe! .@rcp=any_of(.@recipes); if (RECIPES_ALCHEMY[.@rcp]) { .@mpot=rand2(900, 1000*.@rarity); dispbottom l("It was a recipe you already knew... (+ @@ Mobpt)", .@mpot); getexp (BaseLevel+JobLevel)*rand2(1,.@rarity), JobLevel+rand2(1,.@rarity); // Give you some Monster Points to use with Intense Beard // You do NOT need to be registered with Aidan for this. Mobpt+=.@mpot; } else { dispbottom l("Learned a new recipe!"); RECIPES_ALCHEMY[.@rcp]=true; } break; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// Equipment Recipes ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // array_push(.@recipes, Craft); case CRAFT_EQUIPMENT: if (.@rarity & CRAFT_BASIC) { array_push(.@recipes, CraftWoodenSword); array_push(.@recipes, CraftWoodenShield); array_push(.@recipes, CraftTrainingWand); array_push(.@recipes, CraftShortBow); array_push(.@recipes, CraftSilkGloves); array_push(.@recipes, CraftInfantryHelmet); array_push(.@recipes, CraftLeatherShirt); array_push(.@recipes, CraftJeansShorts); } if (.@rarity & CRAFT_INTERMEDIARY) { array_push(.@recipes, CraftBugSlayer); array_push(.@recipes, CraftShortGladius); array_push(.@recipes, CraftMiereCleaver); array_push(.@recipes, CraftBladeShield); array_push(.@recipes, CraftNoviceWand); array_push(.@recipes, CraftForestBow); array_push(.@recipes, CraftLeatherGloves); array_push(.@recipes, CraftDesertHelmet); array_push(.@recipes, CraftBromenalHelmet); array_push(.@recipes, CraftLieutenantArmor); array_push(.@recipes, CraftRaidTrousers); } if (.@rarity & CRAFT_ADVANCED) { array_push(.@recipes, CraftBacksword); array_push(.@recipes, CraftShortSword); array_push(.@recipes, CraftBoneKnife); array_push(.@recipes, CraftKitana); array_push(.@recipes, CraftBroadsword); array_push(.@recipes, CraftPynRevolver); array_push(.@recipes, CraftApprenticeWand); array_push(.@recipes, CraftElficBow); array_push(.@recipes, CraftBritShield); array_push(.@recipes, CraftBromenalShield); array_push(.@recipes, CraftBlueKnightShield); array_push(.@recipes, CraftBromenalGloves); array_push(.@recipes, CraftCandleHelmet); array_push(.@recipes, CraftCrusadeHelmet); array_push(.@recipes, CraftWarlordHelmet); array_push(.@recipes, CraftVikingHelmet); array_push(.@recipes, CraftChainmail); array_push(.@recipes, CraftCopperArmor); array_push(.@recipes, CraftLightPlatemail); array_push(.@recipes, CraftWarlordPlate); array_push(.@recipes, CraftBromenalChest); array_push(.@recipes, CraftLeatherTrousers); array_push(.@recipes, CraftJeansChaps); array_push(.@recipes, CraftSilkPants); array_push(.@recipes, CraftChainmailSkirt); array_push(.@recipes, CraftBromenalPants); array_push(.@recipes, CraftWarlordPants); } if (.@rarity & CRAFT_EXPERT) { array_push(.@recipes, CraftGoldenRing); array_push(.@recipes, CraftLongSword); array_push(.@recipes, CraftRockKnife); array_push(.@recipes, CraftHalberd); array_push(.@recipes, CraftPynRifle); array_push(.@recipes, CraftPynGatling); array_push(.@recipes, CraftLeaderWand); array_push(.@recipes, CraftChampionshipBow); array_push(.@recipes, CraftSteelShield); array_push(.@recipes, CraftDragonShield); array_push(.@recipes, CraftManaGloves); array_push(.@recipes, CraftWarlordGloves); array_push(.@recipes, CraftTerraniteHelmet); array_push(.@recipes, CraftCenturionHelmet); array_push(.@recipes, CraftBullHelmet); array_push(.@recipes, CraftDarkHelm); array_push(.@recipes, CraftTerraniteArmor); array_push(.@recipes, CraftTerranitePants); array_push(.@recipes, CraftAssassinChest); array_push(.@recipes, CraftAssassinPants); } if (.@rarity & CRAFT_MASTER) { array_push(.@recipes, CraftDivineSword); array_push(.@recipes, CraftImmortalSword); array_push(.@recipes, CraftPynShotgun); array_push(.@recipes, CraftLegendaryWand); array_push(.@recipes, CraftBansheeBow); array_push(.@recipes, CraftSaviorShield); array_push(.@recipes, CraftAssassinGloves); array_push(.@recipes, CraftDarkKnightHelmet); array_push(.@recipes, CraftSamuraiHelmet); } // Now you'll learn some recipe! .@rcp=any_of(.@recipes); // Double precision failsafe if (RECIPES_EQUIPMENT[.@rcp]) .@rcp=any_of(.@recipes); // Maybe you already knew it? if (RECIPES_EQUIPMENT[.@rcp]) { .@mpot=rand2(900*.@rarity, 1000*.@rarity); dispbottom l("It was a recipe you already knew... (+ @@ Mobpt)", .@mpot); getexp (BaseLevel+JobLevel)*rand2(1,.@rarity), JobLevel+rand2(1,.@rarity); // Give you some Monster Points to use with Intense Beard // You do NOT need to be registered with Aidan for this. Mobpt+=.@mpot; } else { dispbottom l("Learned a new recipe!"); RECIPES_EQUIPMENT[.@rcp]=true; } break; default: return Exception("Invalid blueprint type "+.@type+" - item was lost."); } return; } // Create a blueprint based on level. Extra chance for weaker Blueprint. // Level equivalents: 1: (1~20) 2: (21~44), 3: (45~75), 4: (76~99), 5: 100+ function script MakeRandomBlueprint { array_push(.@blueprints, AlchemyBlueprintA); array_push(.@blueprints, EquipmentBlueprintA); if (BaseLevel > 20) { array_push(.@blueprints, AlchemyBlueprintB); array_push(.@blueprints, EquipmentBlueprintB); } if (BaseLevel > 44) { array_push(.@blueprints, AlchemyBlueprintB); array_push(.@blueprints, EquipmentBlueprintB); array_push(.@blueprints, AlchemyBlueprintC); array_push(.@blueprints, EquipmentBlueprintC); } if (BaseLevel > 75) { array_push(.@blueprints, AlchemyBlueprintC); array_push(.@blueprints, EquipmentBlueprintC); array_push(.@blueprints, AlchemyBlueprintD); array_push(.@blueprints, EquipmentBlueprintD); } if (BaseLevel > 100) { array_push(.@blueprints, AlchemyBlueprintD); array_push(.@blueprints, EquipmentBlueprintD); array_push(.@blueprints, AlchemyBlueprintE); array_push(.@blueprints, EquipmentBlueprintE); } getitem any_of(.@blueprints), 1; return; }