// TMW2 script // Author: Jesusalva <admin@tmw2.org> // // Introduces @resync // // It'll cast slide to your own position // Hopefully making client update your real position without causing server warning - script @resync 32767,{ end; OnCall: if (ispcdead()) { dispbottom l("Impossible to resync: You are dead."); end; } if (@rsync_delay > gettimetick(2) && readparam(Hp) < readparam(MaxHp)) { dispbottom l("Not resync'ing to prevent flood."); end; } getmapxy(.@m$, .@x, .@y, 0); slide .@x, .@y; @rsync_delay=gettimetick(2)+rand(6,15); end; OnInit: bindatcmd "resync", "@resync::OnCall", 0, 60, 0; end; }