// TMW 2 Script // Author: // Jesusalva // Micksha // Description: // Part of Kamelot Guild Dungeon 042-0,58,28,0 script King Arthur NPC_KING_ARTHUR,{ .@g=getcharid(2); .@pos=getguildrole(.@g, getcharid(3)); if (.@pos > GPOS_VICELEADER) goto L_Refusal; npctalk l("Don't bore me."); end; L_Refusal: mesc l("This man is THE LEGENDARY KING ARTHUR!"); mes ""; mesc l("I better leave talking to him to the guild Vice Leaders and Master."); close; OnInit: .distance=4; .sex=G_MALE; npcsit; end; OnInstanceInit: .distance=4; .sex=G_MALE; npcsit; end; }