// TMW2 scripts. // Author: // Jesusalva // Description: // Pinkie Cave Tree is part of Legendary Weapons 025-2-4,39,33,0 script Mana Tree NPC_MANATREE,{ function manatreeOff; function manatreeAgain; function manatreeAegis; setpcblock(PCBLOCK_HARD, true); mesc l("A tree glows in this dark cave, surrounded by mana lanes."); next; mesc l("This might be the place of a great secret, but yet, all you can do is stare."); next; if (!true) manatreeOff(); else if ($AEGIS_HOLDER$ == "" && @manacool < gettimetick(2)) manatreeAegis(); else manatreeAgain(); next; setpcblock(PCBLOCK_HARD, false); closeclientdialog; close; function manatreeOff { mesc l("...for now."); return; } function manatreeAgain { // TODO: getitem Manapple, 1; // Maybe can obtain one daily/weekly? return; } function manatreeAegis { mesc l("For which player do you wish to pray?"); next; input .@prayer$; if (.@prayer$ == strcharinfo(0)) { mesc l("The tree doesn't likes your selfishness."); percentheal -20, -50; return; } @manacool=gettimetick(2)+30; .@cid=getcharid(3, .@prayer$); if (.@cid < 1) { mesc l("Did you just make up that someone?"); return; } 02524_Tree_BlackBox(.@prayer$, .@cid); @manacool+=150; return; } OnInit: .sex = G_OTHER; .distance = 2; end; }