// This file is generated automatically. All manually added changes will be removed when running the Converter. // Map 025-2-1: Fortress Island Cave mobs 025-2-1,37,89,13,28 monster Archant 1026,6,60000,60000 025-2-1,107,42,11,10 monster Crafty 1018,6,60000,60000 025-2-1,85,96,7,8 monster Whirly Bird 1232,3,60000,60000 025-2-1,59,40,22,13 monster Terranite Protector 1212,6,60000,60000 025-2-1,98,97,16,19 monster Terranite 1167,4,60000,60000 025-2-1,66,83,16,31 monster Troll 1171,10,60000,60000 025-2-1,70,71,50,48 monster Archant 1026,24,60000,60000