// TMW2 scripts. // Authors: // Jesusalva // TMW LoF (Paxel) // Description: // Gives Coal in exchange for Raw Logs daily 020-7-2,72,23,0 script Connor NPC_LOF_FURNACE,{ .@l=CONNOR_LASTDAY; .@t=gettimeparam(GETTIME_DAYOFMONTH); mesn; mesq l("Meh, the Blue Sage is truly wasteful. We use %s even for the simplest things such as keeping the house warm.", getitemlink(Coal)); next; mesn; if (.@t == .@l) { mesq l("But you have already given me firewood today. Come back tomorrow, pal."); close; } mesq l("But %s is too valuable to burn and there is no alternative fuel for forges. It sells for %d GP and we are just wasting it here.", getitemlink(Coal), getiteminfo(Coal, ITEMINFO_SELLPRICE)); next; mesn; mesq l("Yet, I could burn %d %s to keep the house just as warm, maybe even cozier, and the Blue Sage would be none the wiser. Fire is fire, warmth is warmth.", 15, getitemlink(RawLog)); next; mesn; mesq l("I can even give you the %s lumps of precious %s we would have burned. Whaddaya say, do we have a deal?", l("five"), getitemlink(Coal)); // ie. whaddaya say -> what do you say if (countitem(RawLog) < 15) close; if (askyesno() == ASK_YES) { inventoryplace Coal, 5; delitem RawLog, 15; getitem Coal, 5; CONNOR_LASTDAY=.@t; .@exp=getiteminfo(Coal, ITEMINFO_SELLPRICE)+BaseLevel+JobLevel; .@jobexp=15+JobLevel; getexp .@exp, .@jobexp; mesc l("* Gained %d EXP and %d Job EXP", .@exp, .@jobexp); mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Thanks, pal. See you tomorrow."); } close; OnInit: .sex=G_MALE; .distance=5; end; }