// TMW2 scripts. // Authors: // Jesusalva // TMW Org. // Description: // In charge to clear the mess // helperCleaning* + helperJanitor // Quest: NivalisQuest_BlueSageSlimes // 1: Acception state (0 - Not accepted, 1 - Accepted, 2 - Complete) // 2: Killed Slimes Control // 3: Killed Nests Control 020-7-1,62,83,0 script Kristian NPC_BLUESAGEWORKER_MA,{ function askQuestion; mesn; mesq l("Welcome. Please don't go deeper into the library, there are still some slimes left. But in spite of that we have made quite a bit of progress. You should have seen the mess just after most of the slimes escaped!"); askQuestion(); close; function askQuestion { do { .@q=getq(NivalisQuest_BlueSage); .@q2=getq2(NivalisQuest_BlueSage); .@q3=getq3(NivalisQuest_BlueSage); .@qs=BSQuestion(getq(NivalisQuest_BlueSage)); .@qt=getq3(NivalisQuest_BlueSageSlimes); next; if (.@qt >= 255) { mesn; mesq l("I'm so glad that you took care of the remaining slimes. Thanks! Do you need anything else?"); } else if (.@qt) { mesn; mesq l("Wow, it's really generous of you to fight those slimes for us. Do you need anything else?"); } else { mesn; mesq l("Do you need anything else?"); } mes ""; select rif(.@qt < BS_SNESTALL, ""), rif(.@qs & BS_QVISITOR, l("Do you know anything about the strange visitor?")), rif(.@qs & BS_QHELPER, l("What's your opinion of Peetu and his work?")), any(l("I need to leave."), l("See you."), l("Bye.")); mes ""; switch (@menu) { case 2: mesn; mesq l("Oh, there was such a visitor, yes. Strange guy, and didn't really know how to behave. He sneaked into the workshop area all the time, I think he was rather curious about the things going on there."); next; mesn; mesq l("But still, he can't just walk in there, fiddle with the experiments and disturb the helpers doing their work."); if (!(.@q2 & .bsId)) setq2 NivalisQuest_BlueSage, .@q2 | .bsId; break; case 3: mesn; mesq l("Peetu? I think he's a good guy. Very focused on his work, I think. I don't have that much to do with him, so I can't really tell."); break; } } while (@menu != 4); close; } OnInit: .bsId=BS_NPC05; .sex=G_MALE; .distance=5; end; }