// TMW2 Scripts // Author: // Jesusalva // Description: // Controls Elenium Mines, specially the instances // Main Controller for Instanced maps 018-6-1,0,0,0 script #01861_InstCtrl NPC_HIDDEN,{ end; // Map, x, y, width, height, mob, amount function AreaMonsterB { .@m$=getarg(0); .@x1=getarg(1); .@x2=.@x1+getarg(3); .@y1=getarg(2); .@y2=.@y1+getarg(4); .@mi=getarg(5); .@am=getarg(6); areamonster(.@m$, .@x1, .@y1, .@x2, .@y2, strmobinfo(1, .@mi), .@mi, .@am, instance_npcname(.name$)+"::OnKill"+.@mi); return; } // (var, value) function SetIfVoid { if (!getarg(0)) return getarg(1); return 0; } // Bifs won't respawn OnKill1226: OnKill1227: OnKill1228: end; // Others: Wait 30 seconds and respawn OnKill1178: .@mi=SetIfVoid(.@mi, 1178); OnKill1051: .@mi=SetIfVoid(.@mi, 1051); OnKill1074: .@mi=SetIfVoid(.@mi, 1074); OnKill1123: .@mi=SetIfVoid(.@mi, 1123); OnKill1176: .@mi=SetIfVoid(.@mi, 1176); OnKill1026: .@mi=SetIfVoid(.@mi, 1026); // Common utils /* // Respawn monster after 30s getmapxy(.@m$, .@x, .@y, 0); sleep(30000); AreaMonsterB(.@m$, .@x-2, .@y-2, 4, 4, .@mi, 1); */ end; OnInstanceInit: // Generate map ID getmapxy(.@m$, .@x, .@y, UNITTYPE_NPC); // Bif monsters AreaMonsterB(.@m$, 40, 49, 7, 8, BigEleniumBif, 5); AreaMonsterB(.@m$, 95, 51, 7, 8, BigEleniumBif, 5); AreaMonsterB(.@m$, 145, 83, 6, 5, EleniumBif, 5); AreaMonsterB(.@m$, 62, 86, 6, 5, EleniumBif, 5); AreaMonsterB(.@m$, 65, 130, 6, 5, EleniumBif, 5); AreaMonsterB(.@m$, 125, 158, 6, 5, SmallEleniumBif, 4); AreaMonsterB(.@m$, 129, 183, 6, 5, SmallEleniumBif, 4); AreaMonsterB(.@m$, 34, 181, 5, 5, SmallEleniumBif, 4); // Common Monsters AreaMonsterB(.@m$, 80, 172, 54, 25, BlackSlime, 16); AreaMonsterB(.@m$, 89, 167, 54, 25, DarkLizard, 8); AreaMonsterB(.@m$, 96, 103, 56, 29, BlackScorpion, 17); AreaMonsterB(.@m$, 101, 105, 54, 25, MountainSnake, 9); AreaMonsterB(.@m$, 70, 45, 44, 25, WickedMushroom, 14); AreaMonsterB(.@m$, 68, 45, 31, 21, Archant, 7); end; } ///////////////////////////// 018-6-1,83,26,0 script #ToForgottenChamber NPC_SUMMONING_CIRC,0,0,{ dispbottom l("It looks dangerous."); end; OnTouch: .@q=getq(LoFQuest_Barbara); .@q2=getq2(LoFQuest_Barbara); .@q3=getq3(LoFQuest_Barbara); // Skipped cutscenes, show you the EXIT if (.@q == 1 && .@q3 != 1) cwarp "017-1", 32, 45; if (.@q >= 1) { warp BarbaraInstCheck(0), 90, 91; // Complete the first arc if possible if (.@q == 1) { setnpcdialogtitle l("Forgotten Chamber"); mesn l("Forgotten Chamber"); mesq l("You see yourself in a strange chamber. Strange drawings litter the walls."); next; mesn l("Forgotten Chamber"); mesq l("You can see in distance two portals working, and two portals offline."); next; mesn l("Forgotten Chamber"); mesq l("It seems to be a puzzle, you can only imagine what needs to be done in order to enable the right portals."); next; setq1 LoFQuest_Barbara, 2; setq3 LoFQuest_Barbara, 0; closeclientdialog; } // Update M0 NPCs based on quest state if (.@q > 2) enablenpc instance_npcname("#ToForgottenShrine", .@q2); if (.@q == 2) { if (.@q3 == 5) enablenpc instance_npcname("#ToForgottenShrine", .@q2); if (.@q3 == 3) enablenpc instance_npcname("#ToSouthHall", .@q2); // Note: state 64 and 128 are temporary and must be removed if (.@q3 & 64) setq3 LoFQuest_Barbara, .@q3^64; // Safety update .@q3=getq3(LoFQuest_Barbara); if (.@q3 & 128) setq3 LoFQuest_Barbara, .@q3^128; } } else { Exception("ERROR, YOU SHOULD NOT BEEN SEEING THIS. 018-6-1.TFC"); } end; OnInit: disablenpc .name$; end; } ///////////////////////////// Minievents 018-6-1,128,131,0 script Wounded Soldier#01861 NPC_GUARD_DEAD,{ //npctalk3 l("Please find her and don't worry with me! And be careful!"); npctalk3 l("*scream in pain*"); close; OnMain: mesn l("Wounded Soldier"); mesq l("Hey, you! Are you here on Kenton's orders?!"); next; setnpcdialogtitle l("Benjamin, Wounded Soldier"); mesn l("Benjamin, Wounded Soldier"); mesq l("My name is Benjamin, and I was in charge of an incursion here to capture Barbara."); next; mesn l("Benjamin, Wounded Soldier"); mesq l("My unit, however, was attacked! An assassin snuck up on us!"); mesc l("You help Benjamin in getting up."); next; mesn l("Benjamin, Wounded Soldier"); mesq l("I hope my men are safe, that was yesterday. I am barely alive."); mesc l("You know what is worse? THIS WHOLE CAVE HAVE DEATH PENALTY ON!!!"), 1; next; mesn l("Benjamin, Wounded Soldier"); mesq l("I shall report to Kenton. I now entrust this quest in your hands!"); next; mesn l("Benjamin, Wounded Soldier"); mesq l("And please, bring those criminals to justice! Barbara and the Assassin!"); next; mesc l("With a wave, Benjamin returns to report Kenton about the outcome."); setq3 LoFQuest_Barbara, 1; disablenpc instance_npcname(.name$); // NPC will now go to rest close; OnInit: .sex=G_MALE; disablenpc .name$; end; OnInstanceInit: if (debug) setnpcdisplay instance_npcname(.name$), NPC_WOUNDEDSOLDIER; disablenpc instance_npcname(.name$); end; } // Event trigger 018-6-1,121,132,0 script #01861TriggerWS1 NPC_HIDDEN, 0, 10,{ end; OnTouch: .@q=getq(LoFQuest_Barbara); .@q2=getq2(LoFQuest_Barbara); .@q3=getq3(LoFQuest_Barbara); if (.@q == 1 && .@q3 == 0) { enablenpc instance_npcname("Wounded Soldier#01861", .@q2); addtimer2(500, instance_npcname("Wounded Soldier#01861", .@q2)+"::OnMain"); } end; OnInit: disablenpc .name$; end; } ///////////////////////////// Minievents 018-6-1,89,70,0 script Barbara#01861 NPC_GUARD_DEAD,{ //npctalk3 l("Please find her and don't worry with me! And be careful!"); npctalk3 l("*scream in pain*"); close; OnMain: .@q=getq(LoFQuest_Barbara); .@q2=getq2(LoFQuest_Barbara); .@q3=getq3(LoFQuest_Barbara); // TODO stop here FIXME mesc l("@@ You need to wait further releases to continue this quest!", b(l("WARNING:"))), 1; close; // Barbara was taken hostage or murdered - save this data setq3 LoFQuest_Barbara, .@q3|2; disablenpc instance_npcname(.name$); // NPC will now go to rest close; OnInit: .sex=G_FEMALE; disablenpc .name$; end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname(.name$); end; } // Event trigger 018-6-1,84,71,0 script #01861TriggerBB1 NPC_HIDDEN, 0, 10,{ end; OnTouch: .@q=getq(LoFQuest_Barbara); .@q2=getq2(LoFQuest_Barbara); .@q3=getq3(LoFQuest_Barbara); if (.@q == 4 && !(.@q3 & 2)) { enablenpc instance_npcname("Barbara#01861", .@q2); addtimer2(500, instance_npcname("Barbara#01861", .@q2)+"::OnMain"); } end; OnInit: disablenpc .name$; end; }