// This file is generated automatically. All manually added changes will be removed when running the Converter. // Map 017-0: Mystic Forest mobs 017-0,54,49,26,23 monster Centaur 1139,8,90000,80000 017-0,55,40,32,19 monster Living Potato 1181,15,60000,45000 017-0,57,76,20,19 monster Fluffy 1022,8,60000,45000 017-0,53,83,43,59 monster Red Butterfly 1025,30,60000,45000 017-0,262,182,66,63 monster Red Butterfly 1025,30,60000,45000 017-0,162,121,133,110 monster Cyan Butterfly 1172,140,60000,30000 017-0,125,131,108,114 monster Alizarin Plant 1188,45,45000,45000 017-0,161,130,98,102 monster Cobalt Plant 1136,45,45000,45000 017-0,187,119,98,102 monster Gamboge Plant 1134,45,45000,45000 017-0,156,143,98,102 monster Mauve Plant 1135,45,45000,45000 017-0,152,112,31,32 monster Shadow Plant 1189,25,60000,45000