// TMW2 scripts. // Author: // Diogo RBG from TMW-BR // Jesusalva // Description: // This is a very cute bear, it'll definitely earn your sympathy. // Pooh (original) has became Public Domain in January 2022. 015-3,127,181,0 script Pooh NPC_POOH,{ function poohNear; function poohFood; function poohSmell; inventoryplace BearHat, 1; .@q = getq(HurnscaldQuest_TeddyBear); mesc l("OMG so cute! This must be the cutest bear you ever seen your whole life."); // Minimum level not met (does it even make sense? It is within Pirate Map) if (BaseLevel < 39) close; mesc l("It seems to be concentrated on its small pot... So concentrated, it doesn't even realizes you're there."); mesc l("This is so amusing, you decide to stare for a while longer."); next; // Quest already finished if (.@q >= 3) { mesc l("It then looks at you with a pleasant smile, you definitely earned a new cute friend!"); close; } mesc l("And then you notice the small teddy is opening and closing the lid of this pot repeated times, as if it were looking for something."); mesc l("You ask yourself: What is the teddy looking for? How can I help him?"); compareandsetq HurnscaldQuest_TeddyBear, 0, 1; next; .@cont = false; // Main menu do { mesn strcharinfo(0); select l("Sing a song to brighten its mood."), l("Pet his wonderfully fluffy pelt."), l("Approach it softly."), l("Offer food to it."), l("Leave the poor thing in peace."); mes ""; switch (@menu) { case 1: mesc l("You sing a pretty song to the teddy, and this makes it very happy."); mesc l("You know this, because their big round eyes were shining."); next; mesc l("However, this only distracts him for a short while. Soon after, he returns to his small ritual with the pot."); next; mesc l("Poor teddy, not even a pretty music can comfort him for long. What can we do now?"); next; break; case 2: mesc l("With a big smile, you stretch your hand in the teddy's direction; But the little one gets scared with the movement and starts to move away from you."); next; mesc l("You give up after seeing its reaction, and try your best to resist the temptation of hugging this fluffy ball. Maybe we have another idea?"); next; break; case 3: poohNear(); next; break; case 4: poohFood(); .@cont = true; break; case 5: mesc l("You leave the teddy alone with its pot."); .@cont = true; break; default: mesc "FIXME", 1; next; break; } } while (!.@cont); close; function poohNear { mesc l("You take off your bag and put it on the floor, as you lower yourself and try to slowly get close to it."); next; mesc l("But the teddy, noticing your movement, starts getting farther from you. It doesn't seems scared, but it doesn't allows you to approach either."); next; if (countitem(Honey) || countitem(BeeStinger)) { poohSmell(); return; } mesc l("Insisting will do us no good, maybe we should try to gain its trust first?"); return; } function poohFood { mesc l("Maybe the teddy is hungry? What could we offer to it?"); .@honey = false; do { mes ""; mes "##B" + l("Drag and drop a healing item from your inventory.") + "##b"; .@id = requestitem(); // If ID is invalid, there's not enough items, it is bound, etc; if (.@id < 1) return; if (.@id < 1 || countitem(.@id) < 1 || checkbound(.@id) || getiteminfo(.@id, ITEMINFO_TYPE) != IT_HEALING) { if (checkbound(.@id)) { mesc l("You cannot part with this item!"); } else if (.@id == DeathPotion || .@id == NymphPoison) { mesc l("...Are you crazy?"); } else if (.@id == MagicApple || .@id == MysteriousFruit) { mesc l("This is too precious to offer, I think."); } else if (getiteminfo(.@id, ITEMINFO_TYPE) != IT_HEALING) { mesc l("I'm not sure if that's edible. For teddies, at least."); } else { mesc l("You give up."); mesc l("Maybe it is not hungry, after all."); return; } next; continue; } // Bad healing items if (.@id == Beer || .@id == RedPlushWine || .@id == DwarvenSake || .@id == CrazyRum || .@id == WhiskeyAle) { mesc l("Offering alcohol to a teddy seems like a ugly thing to do. We should think on something else."); next; continue; } else if (.@id == ElixirOfLife) { mesc l("...I don't think the teddy is sick, so there's no point giving it an Elixir."); next; continue; } else if (.@id == BottleOfSewerWater) { mesc l("...I refuse to comment on this ridiculous idea."); next; continue; } else if (.@id == Honey) { .@honey = true; break; } mesc l("Really give your %s to the teddy?", getitemlink(.@id)), 1; mesc l("The item will be lost forever."); if (askyesno() == ASK_YES) { mes ""; mesc l("The teddy stares at it but does not approach. Maybe it is not hungry, or it doesn't want the food you offered."); // Item is NOT deleted because it did not approach next; } } while (!.@honey); // You're offering HONEY! But we must check if you CAN do this if (getq(HurnscaldQuest_TeddyBear) < 2) { percentheal -2, 0; SC_Bonus(15, SC_POISON, 1); getmapxy(.@m$, .@x, .@y, 0); .@u = monster(.@m$, .@x, .@y, strmobinfo(1, Bee), Bee, 1); unitattack(.@u, getcharid(3)); closeclientdialog; dispbottom l("Suddenly, a bee appears and attacks you out of NOWHERE!"); end; // TERM } // You can, so we go ahead. mesc l("Our plushy friend knows what is really sweet on this life. It likes honey a great deal, and by the way it looks you, it probably wants more."); next; mesc l("It is... SO CUTE! You won't refuse honey to a teddy, will you?"); mesc l("How much honey will you give it? (You have: %d)", countitem(Honey)), 3; input .@honey, 0, countitem(Honey); if (.@honey < 1) return; delitem Honey, .@honey; setq2 HurnscaldQuest_TeddyBear, getq2(HurnscaldQuest_TeddyBear) + .@honey; getexp 0, .@honey * 14; mesc l("The teddy quickly takes the honey and fills the pot. It is really hungry!"); if (getq2(HurnscaldQuest_TeddyBear) >= 27) { mesc l("...And at long last, the teddy's pot is full of honey."); mesc l("It seems happy, but it quickly goes to a dark honey after finishing."); next; mesc l("When it returns, it is holding a cute %s. Understanding it is a gift, you take it.", getitemlink(BearHat)); mesc l("Doesn't it feel good to help?"); getitem BearHat, 1; setq HurnscaldQuest_TeddyBear, 3; // Half of needed exp, but treasure map may require more level getexp 15750, 0; } return; } function poohSmell { mesc l("But the teddy unexpectedly starts moving towards your bag, possibly attracted by some smell. You give up on approaching it, and starts watching it."); next; if (@stingpooh) { mesc l("However, it stops abruptly and quickly moves away from it."); mesc l("I guess it still remembers the sting on the snout. Ouch!"); return; } mesc l("Without any ceremony or further ado, the teddy starts poking on your things."); next; if (countitem(BeeStinger)) { mesc l("However, it comes back crying! Poor teddy, it got attracted by a sweet smell but it found a %s instead!", getitemlink(BeeStinger)); delitem BeeStinger, 1; @stingpooh = true; next; mesc l("Unsatisfied, it goes away from you and your bag. Such a shame, we almost had got its trust."); return; } mesc l("After turning it upside down, it finds something which makes it really happy: %s! And there's nothing a teddy likes more than honey.", getitemlink(Honey)); next; mesc l("The teddy picks it and goes running to somewhere it can eat in peace. Now we know how we can please our little friend - with %s! How we didn't think on that before?!", getitemlink(Honey)); delitem Honey, 1; compareandsetq HurnscaldQuest_TeddyBear, 1, 2; setq2 HurnscaldQuest_TeddyBear, getq2(HurnscaldQuest_TeddyBear) + 1; getexp 0, 14; return; } OnInit: .sex = G_OTHER; .distance = 4; end; }