// TMW-2 Script // Author: // Jesusalva // Description: // Nicholas is Hurnscald's blacksmith. He forges some stuff, and sell other stuff. // Perhaps he should not forge armor? Remember he cannot forge EVERYTHING... // // PS. // Iridium + Platyna Platinum // Gold + Coal Gold // Silver + Coal Silver // Copper + Tin Bronze (9:1) // Terranite + Coal Terranite // Iron + Coal Iron // Resitance and Weight increasing ores // Lead → +++ res, ++++ wei // Titanium → + res, + wei // Originals: Setzer, Steel Shield, Chain Mail, Light Platemail, Warlord Plate, Warlord Boots 012-5,36,26,0 script Nicholas NPC_NICHOLAS,{ goto L_Menu; // blacksmith_header() function blacksmith_header { mesn; mesq l("Very well! We have seven class of items: Wood, Iron, Terranite, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum."); mesq l("Each of them require different items, I'll sort from weakest to strongest, so choose wisely."); return; } // blacksmith_create( BaseItem1, Amount, BaseItem2, Amount, PrizeItem, Price ) function blacksmith_create { .@base1=getarg(0); .@amon1=getarg(1); .@base2=getarg(2); .@amon2=getarg(3); .@prize=getarg(4); .@price=getarg(5); // Adjust price .@price=POL_AdjustPrice(.@price); mesn; mesq l("Do you want to craft @@? For that I will need:", getitemlink(.@prize)); mesc l("@@/@@ @@", countitem(.@base1), .@amon1, getitemlink(.@base1)); mesc l("@@/@@ @@", countitem(.@base2), .@amon2, getitemlink(.@base2)); mesc l("@@/@@ GP", format_number(Zeny), format_number(.@price)); select l("Yes"), l("No"); if (@menu == 2) return; if (countitem(.@base1) >= .@amon1 && countitem(.@base2) >= .@amon2 && Zeny >= .@price) { inventoryplace .@prize, 1; delitem .@base1, .@amon1; delitem .@base2, .@amon2; POL_PlayerMoney(.@price); // craft the item with +30% crit dmg (weapons) or +1 random stat (etc) if (array_find(.WeaponCraft, .@prize) >= 0) CsysNpcCraft(.@prize, IOPT_CRITDMG, rand(28,32)); else CsysNpcCraft(.@prize, any(0, VAR_STRAMOUNT, VAR_AGIAMOUNT, VAR_VITAMOUNT, VAR_INTAMOUNT, VAR_DEXAMOUNT, VAR_LUKAMOUNT), any(1,1,1,2)); // Yield some experience for the craft .@xp=getiteminfo(.@base1, ITEMINFO_SELLPRICE)*.@amon1+getiteminfo(.@base2, ITEMINFO_SELLPRICE)*.@amon2; .@xp=.@xp*2/3; getexp .@xp, rand(1,10); mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Many thanks! Come back soon."); } else { speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE,// | S_LAST_NEXT, l("You don't have enough material, sorry."); } return; } L_Menu: mesn; mesq l("Hello there, I am @@, blacksmith of this fine city. What do you want to forge today?", .name$); mes ""; select l("I just want to trade."), l("I want to forge One Handed Weapons!"), l("I want to forge Shields!"), l("I want to forge Quivers!"), rif(getskilllv(TMW2_CRAFT), l("I would like to REMOVE an item options")), rif(getskilllv(TMW2_CRAFT), l("I would like to change an item options")), l("Nothing, thanks!"); mes ""; switch (@menu) { case 1: npcshopattach(.name$); openshop; closedialog; close; break; case 2: goto L_Weapon; case 3: goto L_Shield; case 4: goto L_Quiver; case 5: mesn; mesc b(l("You are REMOVING an item option.")), 1; mesq col(b(l("Are you sure?"))+" "+l("I don't know for what crazy reason you might want to do this, there is absolutely no benefit to this. I think you just selected the wrong option."), 1); next; if (askyesno() == ASK_NO) { mes ""; mesc l("Wise choice."), 3; mes ""; goto L_Menu; } mes ""; SmithTweakReset(); goto L_Menu; case 6: mesn; mesq l("You'll be charged even if you fail, be warned."); next; if (!SmithTweakSystem()) { mes ""; mesn; mesq l("You can always try again another day!"); } next; goto L_Menu; } close; L_Weapon: blacksmith_header(); select l("Nothing, sorry!"), l("Wooden Sword"), l("Iron Bug Slayer"), l("Iron Short Gladius"), rif(countitem(BronzeGladius), l("Bronze Gladius")), l("Iron Backsword"); switch (@menu) { case 1: goto L_Menu; case 2: blacksmith_create(WoodenLog, 20, RawLog, 5, WoodenSword, 450); break; case 3: blacksmith_create(IronIngot, 8, Coal, 12, BugSlayer, 1000); break; case 4: blacksmith_create(IronIngot, 12, Coal, 16, ShortGladius, 1550); break; case 5: blacksmith_create(CopperIngot, 18, TinIngot, 2, RealBronzeGladius, 500); break; case 6: blacksmith_create(IronIngot, 18, TinIngot, 4, Backsword, 4550); break; } goto L_Weapon; L_Shield: blacksmith_header(); select l("Nothing, sorry!"), l("Wooden Shield"), l("Iron Blade Shield"), rif(getq(NivalisQuest_Baktar) >= 3, l("Bronze Braknar Shield")); switch (@menu) { case 1: goto L_Menu; case 2: blacksmith_create(WoodenLog, 40, LeatherPatch, 2, WoodenShield, 500); break; case 3: blacksmith_create(IronIngot, 14, TinIngot, 4, BladeShield, 1500); break; case 4: blacksmith_create(CopperIngot, 18, TinIngot, 2, BraknarShield, 8000); break; } goto L_Shield; L_Quiver: blacksmith_header(); select l("Nothing, sorry!"), l("Leather Quiver"), l("Iron Quiver"), l("Bronze Quiver"), l("Platinum Quiver"); switch (@menu) { case 1: goto L_Menu; case 2: blacksmith_create(LeatherPatch, 18, CottonCloth, 5, LeatherQuiver, 2000); break; case 3: blacksmith_create(IronIngot, 8, Coal, 21, IronQuiver, 3000); break; case 4: blacksmith_create(CopperIngot, 14, TinIngot, 3, BronzeQuiver, 4000); break; case 5: blacksmith_create(PlatinumIngot, 8, IridiumIngot, 2, PlatinumQuiver, 50000); break; } goto L_Quiver; OnInit: .sex = G_MALE; .distance = 5; setarray .WeaponsCraft, WoodenSword, BugSlayer, ShortGladius, RealBronzeGladius, Backsword; sleep(SHOPWAIT); tradertype(NST_MARKET); sellitem Backsword, -1, 1; sellitem ShortGladius, -1, 1; sellitem BugSlayer, -1, 1; sellitem WoodenSword, -1, 3; sellitem Dagger, 600, 5; sellitem SharpKnife, 450, 10; end; OnClock0009: restoreshopitem Backsword, 1; restoreshopitem ShortGladius, 1; restoreshopitem BugSlayer, 1; OnClock0603: OnClock1207: OnClock1801: restoreshopitem Dagger, 600, 5; restoreshopitem SharpKnife, 450, 10; end; // Pay your taxes! OnBuyItem: PurchaseTaxes("Hurns"); end; OnSellItem: debugmes("Sale confirmed"); SaleTaxes("Hurns"); end; }