// TMW2 Script // Author: // Saulc // Vasily_Makarov (original from Evol) // Jesusalva // Description: // Hurnscald Potion Shopkeeper // Notes: // Reset must be turned in function 012-4,29,28,0 script Wyara NPC_FEMALE,{ speech S_LAST_NEXT, l("I am @@, an alchemist specialized in reset potions.", .name$); L_Menu: .@plush_count = BaseLevel*210-(10*210); // Lv 10: 210 GP // Lv 90: 1.867 GP if (BaseLevel > 10) .@plush_count = .@plush_count/(BaseLevel/10); .@n=getq(General_Narrator); select l("Can you reset my stats please?"), rif($ARKIM_ST >= 1200,l("I want Piberries Infusion!")), rif(getq(HurnscaldQuest_InjuriedMouboo) == 2,l("Do you know how to break curses?")), rif(.@n >= 6,l("I am in dire need of Return Potions!")), lg("You are weird, I have to go sorry."); mes ""; switch (@menu) { case 1: goto L_ResetStats; case 2: goto L_Piberries; case 3: goto L_Uncurse; case 4: goto L_ReturnPot; case 5: goto L_Quit; } L_ResetStats: mesn; mesq l("Status point reset can't be undone. Do you really want this?"); L_ConfirmReset: ConfirmStatusReset(); goto L_Quit; L_Piberries: mesn; mesq l("For (another) one @@, I'll need 3~4 @@ and 50 GP.", getitemlink(PiberriesInfusion), getitemlink(Piberries)); next; select rif(Zeny >= 50 && countitem(Piberries) >= 4, l("Do it!")), l("Not now, sorry."); if (@menu == 2) goto L_Quit; mes ""; inventoryplace PiberriesInfusion, 1; Zeny=Zeny-50; delitem Piberries, rand(3,4); getitem PiberriesInfusion, 1; getexp 10, 0; goto L_Piberries; L_Uncurse: mesn; mesq l("Well, it depends on the curse. Some are easy to break, and others are... well..."); next; select l("It's a simple curse."), l("It's a complex curse."), l("It's a cursed mouboo."); mes ""; mesn; switch (@menu) { case 1: mesq l("Then you should look in buying Caffeinne. Curse is a status ailment which reduces your attack, nullifies your luck and makes you a snail. Simple Curses can be cured with time, too."); break; case 2: mesq l("Oh, then you should seek the help of an specialist. These curses have an specific condition to break, like leveling up or being killed. Force-breaking them can be difficult."); break; case 3: mesq l("A... Mouboo? Well, I know who can handle curses on cute Mouboos."); next; mesn; mesq l("Go talk to Sagratha, she is usually in a hut in northen forest. The door have a magic barrier, so you'll need to have minimal magic skills to get close enough to open it."); next; mesn; mesq l("She doesn't likes @@s, only cute animals. She doesn't likes Ghosts, Undeads, and Shadow monsters either.", get_race()); next; mesn; mesq l("So, when you get on the door, knock it, and say this: \"@@\". She will open the door for you.", b(l("Mouboos are cute"))); compareandsetq HurnscaldQuest_Sagratha, 0, 1; break; } close; L_ReturnPot: .@price=10000-(reputation("Hurns")*20); .@craft=2001-(reputation("Hurns")*20); mesn; mesq l("I understand. Rakinorf told me to stuff you with them if needed."); next; mesn; mesq l("Be aware I can only bake batches of 5 potions."); next; mesn; mesq l("So, it is @@ GP each one up-front. Or I can brew with your materials:", .@price); mes ""; mesn l("Craft Recipe"); mesc l("- @@/@@ @@", countitem(MauveHerb), 100, getitemlink(MauveHerb)); mesc l("- @@/@@ @@", countitem(MushroomSpores), 20, getitemlink(MushroomSpores)); mesc l("- @@/@@ @@", countitem(Potatoz), 10, getitemlink(Potatoz)); mesc l("- @@/@@ @@", countitem(Coral), 10, getitemlink(Coral)); mesc l("- @@/@@ @@", countitem(EverburnPowder), 1, getitemlink(EverburnPowder)); mesc l("- @@/@@ GP", format_number(.@craft), format_number(Zeny)); next; select l("Too expensive %%n"), rif(Zeny >= .@price, l("I want to pay the full price.")), l("I want you to brew some for me."); mes ""; switch (@menu) { case 1: close; case 2: mesc l("How many? Max. @@", (Zeny/.@price)); input .@c, 0, (Zeny/.@price); .@payment=.@price*.@c; if (Zeny >= .@payment) { inventoryplace ReturnPotion, .@c*5; Zeny-=.@payment; getitem ReturnPotion, .@c*5; mesn; mesq l("There you go!"); } else { Exception("Illegal input.", RB_DEFAULT | RB_SPEECH); } break; case 3: mesc l("How many?"); input .@c, 0, 100; inventoryplace ReturnPotion, .@c*5; if ( countitem(MauveHerb) < 100*.@c || countitem(MushroomSpores) < 20*.@c || countitem(Potatoz) < 10*.@c || countitem(Coral) < 10*.@c || countitem(EverburnPowder) < 1*.@c || Zeny < .@craft*.@c ) Exception("You don't have that much material.", RB_ISFATAL|RB_SPEECH); delitem MauveHerb, 100*.@c; delitem MushroomSpores, 20*.@c; delitem Potatoz, 10*.@c; delitem Coral, 10*.@c; delitem EverburnPowder, 1*.@c; Zeny-=.@craft*.@c; getitem ReturnPotion, .@c*5; mesn; mesq l("There you go!"); break; } close; L_Quit: goodbye; close; OnInit: .@npcId = getnpcid(.name$); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADTOP, FancyHat); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADMIDDLE, SailorShirt); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADBOTTOM, BromenalPants); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_WEAPON, LousyMoccasins); // Boots setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRSTYLE, 8); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRCOLOR, 18); .sex = G_FEMALE; .distance = 4; end; }