// TMW2 Script. // Author: // Jesusalva // Description: // Kfahr - Placeholder // Quests: // NivalisQuest_Baktar // Win arm wrestling to unlock Braknar Shield Secrets 012-2,54,46,2 script Khafar NPC_ORC,{ mesc l("You stand before a battle-scarred, darkly tanned warrior, brimming with muscles."); mesc l("Just looking at him you smell danger, adventure, excitement..."); next; mesc l("On second thought, he really could use a bath."); next; mesc l("The warrior turns towards you, grinning broadly."); next; mesn; mesq l("Why, hello there! Come to visit Kfahr the Warrior to hear of my exploits, have you?"); mesc l("He laughs heartily and gives you a slap on the back."); next; mesn; mesq l("Can't blame you, can't blame you at all! Here, take a seat!"); close; OnInit: npcsit; end; }