// TMW2 Script // Author: // TMW Org. (original code) // Jesusalva // Description: // Crazyfefe will wake up when he smells battle // Variables: // $@FEFE_CAVE_LEVEL // Tracks if a fight is going on, and the current round if true. // $@FEFE_DELAY // Tracks the delay between challenges. Also used to start the combat. Set it to zero so you can start fight at once. // $@FEFE_CAVE_HERO$ // Whoever started a fight. Also used to know if a fight is about to begin. // $@FEFE_CAVE_PLAYER_COUNT // How many players are there // $@FEFE_WAVE // Current wave // $@GM_OVERRIDE // Only possible with @set command, overrides the co-op requeriment. Affects other scripts. 006-1,47,22,0 script Crazyfefe NPC_STATUE_EVILMAN,{ if ($@FEFE_CAVE_LEVEL) goto L_Enjoy; if ($@FEFE_DELAY > gettimetick(2)) goto L_Wait; mesn; mesq l("Who dares to disturb my slumber?"); next; menu l("Sorry, sorry! Please rest, great Crazyfefe!"), L_Exit, l("I do. I want to challenge the Candor Cave!"), L_Next, l("What is this place anyway?"), L_Explain; L_Next: mesn; mesq l("Very well, but for a fee of @@ GP. There's no free lunch, after all!", .price); select rif(is_gm(), l("I'm GM and got the money. START THIS CRAP ALREADY!")), l("Sorry, I misclicked the first button. Have a nice nap, great Crazyfefe!"), l("Yeah, I have the money. Give me FIVE minutes, and Bring it on!"), l("Yeah, I have the money. Give me TEN minutes, and Bring it on!"), l("Yeah, I have the money. Give me FIFTEEN minutes, and Bring it on!"), "","", rif(is_gm(), l("I'm GM and got the money. Gimme HALF HOUR to invite everybody!")); // Cancel? if (@menu == 2) goto L_Exit; // Already started? if ($@FEFE_CAVE_LEVEL || $@FEFE_CAVE_HERO$ != "") goto L_AlreadyStarted; // Enough money? if (Zeny < .price) goto L_NotEnough; Zeny = Zeny - .price; // Time delay $@FEFE_DELAY = gettimetick(2)+300*(@menu-2); $@FEFE_CAVE_HERO$ = strcharinfo(0); if (@menu == 1) { closeclientdialog; goto L_StartFight; } initnpctimer; announce $@FEFE_CAVE_HERO$+" invites everyone to a challenge against Candor Cave. It'll start in "+FuzzyTime($@FEFE_DELAY,2,2)+". Prepare yourselves!", bc_all|bc_npc; mesn; mesq l("Please wait, the fight will start in @@, as requested.", FuzzyTime($@FEFE_DELAY,2,2)); close; L_StartFight: if (getmapusers("006-1") < 3 && !$@GM_OVERRIDE) goto L_NotEnoughPlayers; $@FEFE_CAVE_LEVEL = 1; $@FEFE_DELAY = gettimetick(2)+.delay; $@FEFE_CAVE_PLAYER_COUNT = getmapusers("006-1"); mapannounce("006-1", "The battle is about to begin!", bc_map); killmonsterall("006-1"); // Saulc likes to spawn stuff to heat stuff up initnpctimer; end; L_Enjoy: npctalk3 l("Pay attention to the fight, @@!", strcharinfo(0)); if (is_gm()) dispbottom l("Round @@", $@FEFE_CAVE_LEVEL); end; L_NotEnough: mesn; mesq l("You lack money. Go sell your stuff. And don't ask why a statue needs money!"); close; L_AlreadyStarted: mesn; mesq l("Sorry, @@ already started the fight.", $@FEFE_CAVE_HERO$); close; L_Wait: .@time$=FuzzyTime($@FEFE_DELAY,2,2); if ($@FEFE_DELAY-gettimetick(2) <= 30) { npctalk3 l("@@!", .@time$); end; } mesn; mesq l("Be Patient... You still need to wait @@.", .@time$); goto L_Exit; L_NotEnoughPlayers: mapannounce("006-1", "Oh noes! There's not enough players. Fight aborted, no refunds!", bc_map); goto L_CleanUp; L_Explain: mesn; mesq l("I am @@, guardian of Candor Cave. Below this cave, lies the legendary Fefe, arch-wizard from the Great War.", .name$); next; mesn; mesq l("During the war, the Monster King cursed the place where he died, but he fought back, and cursed the curse."); next; mesn; mesq l("For short, they had a fight with curses, and now there's a talking statue over his grave which can spawn monsters here."); next; mesn; mesq l("If you pay the fee, I'll spawn them, for no longer than 20 minutes. You should not fight alone, instead, you need a group of at least three, because, you know, the curse. Or something."); next; menu l("I need to think about this."), L_Exit, l("I'm interested."), L_Next; L_Exit: close; // Recalc difficulty OnSumLevel: if (ispcdead()) end; $@FEFE_DIFFICULTY+=BaseLevel; end; // Check if we're ready for next wave. Otherwise, do this check again after 5 seconds. L_CaveLogic: .wtime+=5; // This is looped every 5 s $@FEFE_CAVE_PLAYER_COUNT = getmapusers("006-1"); // New wave condition: All mobs dead, or 5 minutes have passed if (mobcount("006-1", "Crazyfefe::OnPetDeath") <= 0 || .wtime >= 240) goto L_NextRound; // Victory conditions: Too few players are alive OR twenty minutes went on. // WARNING, dead players still in cave are counted, we might never finish the fight. // And a GM might be called to ban everyone inside. if ($@FEFE_CAVE_PLAYER_COUNT <= any(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2) && !$@GM_OVERRIDE || gettimetick(2) >= $@FEFE_DELAY - (60*20)) { goto L_CleanUp; } // Recalculate difficulty $@FEFE_DIFFICULTY=0; areatimer "006-1", 20, 20, 70, 60, 10, "Crazyfefe::OnSumLevel"; // reset timer initnpctimer; end; L_NextRound: .wtime=0; $@FEFE_WAVE = $@FEFE_WAVE + 1; // Prepare next round, and reward survivors $@FEFE_CAVE_LEVEL = $@FEFE_CAVE_LEVEL + $@FEFE_CAVE_PLAYER_COUNT + rand(1,3) + $@FEFE_WAVE; $@FEFE_DIFFICULTY+=$@FEFE_CAVE_PLAYER_COUNT+$@FEFE_WAVE; areatimer "006-1", 20, 20, 70, 60, 10, "Crazyfefe::OnReward"; mapannounce "006-1", "The wave nÂș "+$@FEFE_WAVE+" is starting with " + $@FEFE_CAVE_PLAYER_COUNT + " player(s) left alive." , 0; goto L_Summon; // TODO L_Summon: .@amount=($@FEFE_CAVE_LEVEL/rand(4,6))+1; freeloop(true); for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@amount; ++.@i) { .@monsterId=Piou; .@lv=max(1, $@FEFE_DIFFICULTY/10); // Luck shall interfer with .@lv (up to +20 random levels) // This prevents from excess of House Maggots, for example .@lv+=any(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2); debugmes("[Candor] Difficulty is %d, pool is %d", .@lv, $@FEFE_DIFFICULTY); switch (.@lv) { case 1: case 2: .@monsterId = any(HouseMaggot, SlimeBlast) ; break; case 3: case 4: //.@monsterId = Wolvern ; break; .@monsterId = any(AngryScorpion, CaveMaggot, MagicGoblin, ViciousSquirrel, AngryBat) ; break; case 5: case 6: .@monsterId = any(AngryBat, RedSlime, AngryRedScorpion, DesertBandit, Bandit, Sarracenus, VampireBat, Skeleton, GreenSlime) ; break; case 7: case 8: .@monsterId = any(GreenSlime, LavaSlime, Bluepar, RedMushroom, CandiedSlime, RobinBandit, AngryYellowSlime, OldSnake, GrassSnake, BlueSlime) ; break; case 9: case 10: .@monsterId = any(BlueSlime, SaxsoGhost, Snake, BlackSlime, Wolvern, FireSkull, DarkLizard, BlackScorpion) ; break; case 11: case 12: .@monsterId = any(BlackScorpion, DustRifle, DustGatling, DustRevolver) ; break; case 13: case 14: .@monsterId = any(DustRifle, DustGatling, DustRevolver, MountainSnake, Yeti, FallenGuard1, FallenGuard2) ; break; case 15: case 16: .@monsterId = any(FallenGuard1, FallenGuard2, BanditLord, Yeti, WickedMushroom) ; break; case 17: case 18: .@monsterId = any(Forain, GreenDragon, Michel) ; break; case 19: case 20: .@monsterId = any(FafiDragon, BlackMamba, JackO, Terranite) ; break; default: .@monsterId = any(Tipiu, GiantMutatedBat, Terranite, Reaper) ; break; } areamonster "006-1", 20, 20, 70, 60, strmobinfo(1, .@monsterId), .@monsterId, 1, "Crazyfefe::OnPetDeath"; // We must lower difficulty according to summoned monster. Only 80% is lowered. $@FEFE_DIFFICULTY=$@FEFE_DIFFICULTY-max(1, .@lv*8); } freeloop(false); initnpctimer; end; L_CleanUp: mapannounce "006-1", "Game over! Who will be the next to fall on Crazyfefe's Cave?", 0; areatimer "006-1", 20, 20, 70, 60, 10, "Crazyfefe::OnReward"; $@FEFE_CAVE_LEVEL = 0; $@FEFE_WAVE = 0; $@FEFE_CAVE_HERO$ = ""; .wtime=0; killmonster "006-1", "Crazyfefe::OnPetDeath"; stopnpctimer; initnpctimer; stopnpctimer; end; // Rewards surviving players between rounds, according to performance, and get rid of dead PCs. OnReward: if (ispcdead()) { recovery(getcharid(3)); warp "Save", 0, 0; end; } // Player reward is a random number based on current wave + lvl/50 (1 point ~= 12~8 mobs) .@prize=rand($@FEFE_WAVE/2,$@FEFE_WAVE) + ($@FEFE_CAVE_LEVEL/50); Zeny=Zeny+.@prize; getexp .@prize, rand(1,3); end; // Every 5 seconds, handle cave, if fighting. Does nothing when waiting. OnTimer5000: if ($@FEFE_CAVE_LEVEL) goto L_CaveLogic; end; // Announces and attempts to start the fight once time run out //OnTimer30000: // If you need to start without 5 minutes delay, this line must be uncommented. OnTimer300000: if ($@FEFE_CAVE_LEVEL > 0) end; if ($@FEFE_DELAY <= gettimetick(2)) goto L_StartFight; announce $@FEFE_CAVE_HERO$+" invites everyone to a challenge against Candor Cave. It'll start in "+FuzzyTime($@FEFE_DELAY,2,2)+". Prepare yourselves!", bc_all|bc_npc; initnpctimer; end; OnPetDeath: end; OnInit: .sex=G_OTHER; .distance=5; .price=400; .delay=(60*45); .wtime=0; end; }