// TMW2 scripts. // Author: // Saulc // Description: // Candor Armor&Weapon shop keeper. // Variables: // CandorQuest_Rosen // Suggestion: Deliver a letter to Zegas, giving player background about // Candor Island and Saxso. Requires level 5. Reward: 150 GP. // Could have an additional step related to Bifs. Even a daily quest asking // for (day % 8) ore, with suitable prices. 005-4,29,36,0 script Rosen NPC_GUARD1,{ function explain_ironingot { speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT, l("Did you see Jhedia the blacksmith in Tulimshar? She might know how you could get this."), l("Nevertheless, you probably need some base materials from Bifs. Who knows what it will drop if you are lucky?"); return; } speech S_LAST_NEXT, l("Welcome to Tolchi and Rosen Shop."), l("What would you like today?"); do { select menuaction(l("Trade")), l("How can I get iron ingot?"), l("I want to improve my equipment."), menuaction(l("Quit")); switch (@menu) { case 1: closedialog; shop "Shop#Candor"; close; case 2: explain_ironingot; break; case 3: goto L_Gloves; break; case 4: closedialog; goodbye; close; } } while (1); L_Gloves: .@q=getq(CandorQuest_Rosen); .@b=getq(ShipQuests_ChefGado); mes ""; if (BaseLevel < 4) goto L_NoLevel; if (.@b < 2) goto L_NoGloves; if (.@q >= 3) goto L_Complete; .@k=getq2(CandorQuest_Rosen); // Get number of kills (via getq2) mesn; if (.@q == 0) { mesq l("Ah, I see you have some used gloves. I'm not sure if you can even mine with it..."); next; mesn; mesq l("Uhm, maybe I could teach you something, too. Go mine 10 @@. You should find some at northeast of the Island.", getmonsterlink(DiamondBif)); next; mesn; mesq l("These monsters are a great source of raw crafting materials."); setq CandorQuest_Rosen, 1, 0; } else if (.@q == 1) { mesq l("You didn't mine enough @@. The perfect spot is at northeast of this island. It takes a while to them respawn, so don't hurry.", getmonsterlink(DiamondBif)); } else if (.@q == 2) { mesq l("Wow! those pity gloves aren'st made for mining. They're almost ruined!"); mesq l("Here, take this @@. It will be better suited!", getitemlink(CandorGloves)); inventoryplace CandorGloves, 1; getexp 30, 5; getitem CandorGloves, 1; setq CandorQuest_Rosen, 3, 0; } close; L_NoLevel: mesn; mesq l("You aren't strong enough."); next; mesn; mesq l("Go see someone else for now. Yes, you need level to take most tasks available on the world!"); close; L_NoGloves: mesn; mesq l("You should have some decent gloves, dude. These offer defense, as it's easier to handle your weapon and parry attacks."); next; mesn; mesq l("For sure the chef of Nard's ship could spare you a pair of gloves."); close; L_Complete: mesn; mesq l("Ah, uhm, I'm not sure. We at Candor don't need much."); next; mesn; mesq l("You could try to get new equipment by doing more quests. You need level to use them, though."); next; mesn; mesq l("Alternatively, I think someone at the Land Of Fire Village is able to refine some items. Why don't you try it sometime?"); close; function rosen_add_kills { .@qp=getq(CandorQuest_Rosen); .@kp=getq2(CandorQuest_Rosen); // Get number of kills (via getq2) setq CandorQuest_Rosen, .@qp, .@kp+1; //message strcharinfo(0), l("Set status @@ with @@ kills", .@qp, .@kp); } function rosen_max_kills { .@qp=getq(CandorQuest_Rosen); setq CandorQuest_Rosen, .@qp+1, 0; //message strcharinfo(0), l("End status @@", .@qp); } OnKillMBif: .@q=getq(CandorQuest_Rosen); .@k=getq2(CandorQuest_Rosen); // Get number of kills (via getq2) if (.@q == 1) { if (.@k+1 >= 10) { rosen_max_kills(); message strcharinfo(0), l("Go back to Rosen!"); } else { rosen_add_kills(); message strcharinfo(0), l("@@/10 @@", .@k+1, getmonsterlink(DiamondBif)); } } end; OnTimer1000: domovestep; OnInit: initpath "move", 28, 36, "dir", DOWN, 0, "wait", 31, 0, "move", 31, 36, "dir", DOWN, 0, "wait", 31, 0, "move", 25, 35, "dir", UP, 0, "wait", 2, 0, "move", 29, 36, "dir", DOWN, 0, "wait", 31, 0; initialmove; initnpctimer; .distance = 5; }