// Author:
//    Saulc

003-1,114,106,0	script	Malivox	NPC_PLAYER,{

    speech S_LAST_NEXT,
        l("I am Malivox, an alchemist specialized in reset potions.");

    if (BaseLevel < 10)
        .@plush_count = (BaseLevel*5)+5;
        .@plush_count = BaseLevel*190-(9*190);
    // Lv 9: 50 GP | Lv 10: 190 GP

    if (BaseLevel > 10)
        .@plush_count = .@plush_count/(BaseLevel/10);

        l("Can you reset my stats please?"),
        lg("You are weird, I have to go sorry.");

    switch (@menu)
        case 1:
            goto L_ResetStats;
        case 2:
            goto L_Quit;

    mesq l("Status point reset can't be undone. Do you really want this?");

    switch (select(lg("Yes, I am sure."),
                   lg("I need to think about it..."),
                   lg("I won't need it, thank you.")))
        case 1:
            speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT,
                l("Let me just have a quick look at you. Hm... I will need @@ GP to reset your stats.", .@plush_count);

                rif(Zeny >= .@plush_count, l("Here, take as much as you need, I have plenty!")),
                rif(Zeny > 0 && Zeny < .@plush_count, l("I don't have enough money...")),
                rif(Zeny == 0, l("Oh no, I don't have any money on me right now.")),
                l("I have to go, sorry.");

            if (@menu > 1)
                goto L_Quit;

            // TODO: I think there were functions to deal with GP
            set Zeny, Zeny-.@plush_count;

            speech S_FIRST_BLANK_LINE | S_LAST_NEXT,
                l("Thank you."),
                l("Now stand still... It should not take much time...");

            .@wasSP = StatusPoint;
            if (StatusPoint == .@wasSP)
                speech S_LAST_NEXT,
                    l("It seems that you have no status points to reset!"),
                    l("But the money you brought was really awesome you know."),
                    l("Come back when you will really need me.");
                speech S_LAST_NEXT,
                    l("Let's see... @@ of your status points have just been reset!", StatusPoint - .@wasSP),
                    l("Spend it wisely this time."),
                    l("But you are welcome to reset your stats again! I need the money.");
            goto L_Quit;

        case 2:
            goto L_Quit;
        case 3:
            goto L_Quit;



    .@npcId = getnpcid(.name$);
    setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADTOP, FancyHat);
    setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADMIDDLE, SailorShirt);
    setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADBOTTOM, BromenalPants);
    setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_WEAPON, LousyMoccasins); // Boots
    setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRSTYLE, 7);
    setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRCOLOR, 17);

    .sex = G_MALE;
    .distance = 3;