// TMW2 scripts. // Author: // Jesusalva // Notes: // TW: Tulimshar, West // TE: Tulimshar, East 003-1-1,100,58,0 script #SewerDD-TW NPC_NO_SPRITE,{ mesc l("There's a small, damp corritor, which you could crawl though."); mesc l("It's not possible to see any light, and it seems to small and damp to have monsters."); mesc l("You could barely fit on it, and your clothes will be ruined, in need of washing."); next; mesc l("Descend into the small corritor?"); mesc l("Note: You'll be vulnerable for a short while!"), 1; if (askyesno() == ASK_YES) { closedialog; sc_start SC_STUN, 3000, 1, 10000, SCFLAG_NOAVOID|SCFLAG_FIXEDTICK, getcharid(3); sleep2(3000); warp "003-1-3", 45, 36; dispbottom l("At long last, you see the end of the corritor."); end; } close; } 003-1-1,150,140,0 script #SewerDD-TE NPC_NO_SPRITE,{ dispbottom l("The sewer mouth is locked."); end; }