// TMW2 scripts. // Authors: // Jesusalva // Description: // Leader of the SAGE class 003-0,61,25,0 script Sage Master NPC_PLAYER,{ /* if (!is_staff()) goto L_Close; */ if (!(MAGIC_SUBCLASS & CL_SAGE)) goto L_SignUp; goto L_Member; // Sign Up L_SignUp: // Not allowed if subclass filled or not from main class if (total_subclass() >= max_subclass() || getskilllv(WIZARD_MAGE) < 2) goto L_Close; mesn; mesq l("Hey there! Do you want to join the Sage Class?"); mesc l("Warning: If you join a subclass, you can't leave it later!"), 1; mesc b(l("Warning: This class haven't been tested/balanced yet. Feedback is required!")), 1; next; if (askyesno() != ASK_YES) close; // TODO: Requeriment for signing up to a subclass? Or is the tier + skill quest hard enough? MAGIC_SUBCLASS=MAGIC_SUBCLASS|CL_SAGE; mesn; mesq l("Welcome to the sage guild!"); close; // Close L_Close: goodbye; closedialog; close; L_Missing: mesn; mesq l("Hey hey! You don't have that stuff, CAN'T YOU READ?!"); percentheal 0, -10; next; goto L_Member; // Membership area // Sage // CR_TRUST (raise Max HP in 200 and Holy Resistance in 5%, passive) // AL_ANGELUS (DEF Increase 5% for 15s/LVL, 14x14 area for PARTY) // PR_REDEMPTIO (suicide with death penalty. Revive dead party members on a 29x29 area. Min. 1% xp. 0.01% xp penalty reduction per revive) // MER_INCAGI (raise agi and move speed for 20s/LVL. Have an HP cost.) // SM_BASH up to level 4 (+220% dmg and +20% acc). PS. If you have MP, SM_BASH is very powerful. L_Member: mesn; mesq l("Hey there! Do you want to learn new skills for a very small teaching fee?"); select rif(sk_intcost(SA_FREECAST) && getskilllv(SA_FREECAST) < (1+degree_subclass()/2), l("Learn Action Casting")), rif(sk_intcost(SA_DRAGONOLOGY) && getskilllv(SA_DRAGONOLOGY) < (1+degree_subclass()/2), l("Learn Dragon Slayer")), rif(sk_intcost(TMW2_SAGE) && sk_canlvup(TMW2_SAGE), l("Improve Mana Wisdom")), rif(sk_intcost(SA_FLAMELAUNCHER) && sk_canlvup(SA_FLAMELAUNCHER), l("Improve Fire Weapon")), rif(sk_intcost(SA_FROSTWEAPON) && sk_canlvup(SA_FROSTWEAPON), l("Improve Ice Weapon")), rif(sk_intcost(SA_LIGHTNINGLOADER) && sk_canlvup(SA_LIGHTNINGLOADER), l("Improve Wind Weapon")), rif(sk_intcost(SA_SEISMICWEAPON) && sk_canlvup(SA_SEISMICWEAPON), l("Improve Earth Weapon")), l("Leave Subclass"), l("Nothing at the moment."); mes ""; switch (@menu) { case 1: mesc l("[Action Casting]"); mesc l("Allows to move/attack while casting. (Melee attacks still interrupt casting!)"); mes ""; mesn; if (!mlearn(SA_FREECAST, Tentacles, 10, MushroomSpores, 5, WolvernTooth, 3, RedScorpionClaw, 1)) goto L_Missing; break; case 2: mesc l("[Dragon Slayer]"); mesc l("Raises attack and resistance against dragons. Also raises int. Passive."); mes ""; mesn; if (!mlearn(SA_DRAGONOLOGY, Acorn, 70, Root, 10, FrozenYetiTear, 2, FluoPowder, 1)) goto L_Missing; break; case 3: mesc l("[Mana Wisdom]"); mesc l("Increase mana experience gain, when using mana skills."); mes ""; mesn; if (!mlearn(TMW2_SAGE, Acorn, 60, Bread, 25, PinkBlobime, 20, SmallMushroom, 15, RedApple, 12)) goto L_Missing; break; // Weapon Enhance case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: setarray .@ASkill, SA_FLAMELAUNCHER, SA_FROSTWEAPON, SA_LIGHTNINGLOADER, SA_SEISMICWEAPON; setarray .@AItem, Curshroom, Coral, BatWing, PileOfAsh; setarray .@BItem, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Topaz; setarray .@ASkill$, "Fire", "Ice", "Wind", "Earth"; .@index=@menu-4; .@Skill$=.@ASkill$[.@index]; .@Skill=.@ASkill[.@index]; .@Item=.@AItem[.@index]; .@ItemB=.@BItem[.@index]; deletearray(.@ASkill); deletearray(.@AItem); deletearray(.@BItem); deletearray(.@ASkill$); mesc l("[@@ Weapon]", .@Skill$); mesc l("Temporaly switch weapon element to @@. Success rate is fixed at 70%.", .@Skill$); mes ""; mesn; if (!mlearn(.@Skill, .@Item, 30, FluoPowder, 10, WoodenLog, 5, HerbalTea, 3, .@ItemB, 1)) goto L_Missing; break; case 8: // All skills related may include the basic class skills if they're related. mesc l("WARNING: If you leave the subclass, you'll lose all skills related to it!"), 1; mesc l("This cannot be undone. Are you sure?"), 1; mes ""; if (askyesno() == ASK_YES) { mes ""; if (validatepin()) { skill SA_FREECAST, 0, 0; skill SA_DRAGONOLOGY, 0, 0; skill TMW2_SAGE, 0, 0; skill SA_FLAMELAUNCHER, 0, 0; skill SA_FROSTWEAPON, 0, 0; skill SA_LIGHTNINGLOADER, 0, 0; skill SA_SEISMICWEAPON, 0, 0; MAGIC_SUBCLASS=MAGIC_SUBCLASS^CL_SAGE; mesc l("You abandoned the SAGE class!"), 1; close; } else { mesc l("Failed to validate pin. Aborting."); next; } } else { mes ""; mesc l("Operation aborted. Phew!"); next; } break; default: goto L_Close; } goto L_Member; OnInit: .@npcId = getnpcid(.name$); //setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADTOP, WarlordHelmet); // TODO: wizard hat setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADMIDDLE, SorcererRobe); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADBOTTOM, NPCEyes); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_WEAPON, JeansChaps); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRSTYLE, 2); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRCOLOR, 4); .sex=G_MALE; .distance=5; end; }