craft_db: ( // craft Database /****************************************************************************** ************* Entry structure ************************************************ ****************************************************************************** { Id: craft id [int] Name: craft name [string] Priority: craft priority [int] Price: craft price [int] Lv: base level [int] Flag: flag from craft object [string/int] ReturnCode: return code for scripts [int] SourceItems: ({ craft inventory source (will be deleted after crafting) Name: amount [int] ... }, ... ) CreateItems: ( // items what will be creted in crafting { Name: amount ... }, { Name: { Amount: amount Cards: ["card0", ...] }, }, ... ) DeleteItems: { additional items what will be deleted from inventory Name: amount [int] ... } RequiredItems: { required additional items. will be unchanged Name: amount [int] ... } RequiredSkills: { required skills and levels Name: level [int] ... } RequiredQuests: { Name: level [int] ... } RequiredEquips: { Name: true } }, ******************************************************************************/ // Cooking System (ID 0~20, Flag 4) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /****************************************************************************/ // Alchemy System (ID 21~50, Flag 8) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { Id: 21 Name: "CraftHastePotion" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { Plushroom: 15 }, ) CreateItems: ( { HastePotion: 3 }, { HastePotion: 3 }, { HastePotion: 2 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 22 Name: "CraftStrengthPotion" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { Chagashroom: 15 }, ) CreateItems: ( { StrengthPotion: 3 }, { StrengthPotion: 3 }, { StrengthPotion: 2 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 23 Name: "CraftResetPotion" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { ManaPiouFeathers: 90 Curshroom: 10 }, ) CreateItems: ( { StatusResetPotion: 1 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 24 Name: "CraftSpeedPotion" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { GemPowder: 1 FluoPowder: 5 }, ) CreateItems: ( { MoveSpeedPotion: 1 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 25 Name: "CraftPrecisionPotion" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { Piberries: 3 MountainSnakeEgg: 1 }, ) CreateItems: ( { PrecisionPotion: 1 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 26 Name: "CraftDodgePotion" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { Piberries: 3 SnakeEgg: 1 }, ) CreateItems: ( { DodgePotion: 1 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 27 Name: "CraftLukPotionA" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { EmeraldPowder: 1 HerbalTea: 1 }, ) CreateItems: ( { LukPotionA: 1 }, { LukPotionA: 1 }, { LukPotionA: 2 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 28 Name: "CraftLukPotionB" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { Emerald: 1 HerbalTea: 2 }, ) CreateItems: ( { LukPotionB: 1 }, { LukPotionB: 1 }, { LukPotionB: 2 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 29 Name: "CraftLukPotionC" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { PolishedEmerald: 1 HerbalTea: 3 }, ) CreateItems: ( { LukPotionC: 1 }, { LukPotionC: 1 }, { LukPotionC: 2 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 30 Name: "CraftDexPotionA" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { AmethystPowder: 1 HerbalTea: 1 }, ) CreateItems: ( { DexPotionA: 1 }, { DexPotionA: 1 }, { DexPotionA: 2 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 31 Name: "CraftDexPotionB" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { Amethyst: 1 HerbalTea: 2 }, ) CreateItems: ( { DexPotionB: 1 }, { DexPotionB: 1 }, { DexPotionB: 2 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 32 Name: "CraftDexPotionC" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { PolishedAmethyst: 1 HerbalTea: 3 }, ) CreateItems: ( { DexPotionC: 1 }, { DexPotionC: 1 }, { DexPotionC: 2 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 33 Name: "CraftIntPotionA" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { SapphirePowder: 1 HerbalTea: 1 }, ) CreateItems: ( { IntPotionA: 1 }, { IntPotionA: 1 }, { IntPotionA: 2 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 34 Name: "CraftIntPotionB" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { Sapphire: 1 HerbalTea: 2 }, ) CreateItems: ( { IntPotionB: 1 }, { IntPotionB: 1 }, { IntPotionB: 2 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 35 Name: "CraftIntPotionC" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { PolishedSapphire: 1 HerbalTea: 3 }, ) CreateItems: ( { IntPotionC: 1 }, { IntPotionC: 1 }, { IntPotionC: 2 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 36 Name: "CraftVitPotionA" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { DiamondPowder: 1 HerbalTea: 1 }, ) CreateItems: ( { VitPotionA: 1 }, { VitPotionA: 1 }, { VitPotionA: 2 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 37 Name: "CraftVitPotionB" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { Diamond: 1 HerbalTea: 2 }, ) CreateItems: ( { VitPotionB: 1 }, { VitPotionB: 1 }, { VitPotionB: 2 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 38 Name: "CraftVitPotionC" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { PolishedDiamond: 1 HerbalTea: 3 }, ) CreateItems: ( { VitPotionC: 1 }, { VitPotionC: 1 }, { VitPotionC: 2 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 39 Name: "CraftAgiPotionA" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { TopazPowder: 1 HerbalTea: 1 }, ) CreateItems: ( { AgiPotionA: 1 }, { AgiPotionA: 1 }, { AgiPotionA: 2 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 40 Name: "CraftAgiPotionB" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { Topaz: 1 HerbalTea: 2 }, ) CreateItems: ( { AgiPotionB: 1 }, { AgiPotionB: 1 }, { AgiPotionB: 2 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 41 Name: "CraftAgiPotionC" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { PolishedTopaz: 1 HerbalTea: 3 }, ) CreateItems: ( { AgiPotionC: 1 }, { AgiPotionC: 1 }, { AgiPotionC: 2 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 42 Name: "CraftSacredLifePot" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { GoldenApple: 1 ElixirOfLife: 1 }, ) CreateItems: ( { SacredLifePotion: 1 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ // CelestiaTea takes about 1 hour the unit to get ingame { Id: 43 Name: "CraftSacredManaPot" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { GoldenApple: 1 CelestiaTea: 15 }, ) CreateItems: ( { SacredManaPotion: 1 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 44 Name: "CraftPiberriesInfusion" Flag: 8 SourceItems: ( { Piberries: 5 Curshroom: 1 }, ) CreateItems: ( { PiberriesInfusion: 1 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ // Crafting System (ID 51~100, Flag 16) // 51~71 → Swords // 72~76 → Bows // 77~81 → Wands // 82 → Reserved for guns // 83~87 → Armor Chestplates // 88~92 → Armor Helmets // 93~97 → Shields // 98, 99, 100 → Reserved for guns ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Output PileOfAsh // Require 1x EverburnPowder to lit (maybe Sulphur?) // Require BentNeddle to costure (leather) // We rely on hardcoded values here, BEWARE { Id: 51 Name: "CraftWoodenSword" Flag: 16 ReturnCode: 3503 //WoodenSword SourceItems: ( { WoodenLog: 20 RawLog: 5 SharpKnife: 1 }, ) CreateItems: ( { RawLog: 1 }, { RustyKnife: 1 RawLog: 1 }, { RustyKnife: 1 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 52 Name: "CraftBugSlayer" Flag: 16 ReturnCode: 3501 //BugSlayer SourceItems: ( { IronIngot: 8 Coal: 12 EverburnPowder: 1 }, ) CreateItems: ( { PileOfAsh: 1 }, { PileOfAsh: 2 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 53 Name: "CraftShortGladius" Flag: 16 ReturnCode: 3502 //ShortGladius SourceItems: ( { IronIngot: 12 Coal: 16 EverburnPowder: 1 }, ) CreateItems: ( { PileOfAsh: 1 }, { PileOfAsh: 2 }, { PileOfAsh: 3 }, ) Priority: 20 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 54 Name: "CraftBacksword" Flag: 16 ReturnCode: 3504 //Backsword SourceItems: ( { IronIngot: 18 TinIngot: 3 Coal: 20 EverburnPowder: 1 }, ) CreateItems: ( { PileOfAsh: 1 }, { TinIngot: 1 PileOfAsh: 1 }, { PileOfAsh: 2 }, { PileOfAsh: 3 }, ) Priority: 30 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 55 Name: "CraftShortsword" Flag: 16 ReturnCode: 3527 //ShortSword SourceItems: ( { IronIngot: 24 TinIngot: 5 Coal: 24 EverburnPowder: 1 }, ) CreateItems: ( { PileOfAsh: 1 }, { TinIngot: 1 PileOfAsh: 1 }, { PileOfAsh: 2 }, { PileOfAsh: 3 }, ) Priority: 40 }, /****************************************************************************/ // 51~71 → Swords // 72~76 → Bows // 77~81 → Wands // 82 → Reserved for guns // 83~87 → Armor Chestplates // 88~92 → Armor Helmets // 93~97 → Shields // 98, 99, 100 → Reserved for guns ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { Id: 77 Name: "CraftTrainingWand" Flag: 16 ReturnCode: 7000 //WoodenSword SourceItems: ( { WoodenLog: 20 ManaPiouFeathers: 30 FluoPowder: 5 GemPowder: 1 }, ) CreateItems: ( { RawLog: 1 }, { PileOfAsh: 1 RawLog: 1 }, { PileOfAsh: 1 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 78 Name: "CraftNoviceWand" Flag: 16 ReturnCode: 7001 //WoodenSword SourceItems: ( { WoodenLog: 40 ManaPiouFeathers: 60 FluoPowder: 8 GemPowder: 2 }, ) CreateItems: ( { RawLog: 2 }, { PileOfAsh: 2 RawLog: 2 }, { PileOfAsh: 2 }, ) Priority: 20 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 79 Name: "CraftApprenticeWand" Flag: 16 ReturnCode: 7002 //WoodenSword SourceItems: ( { WoodenLog: 60 ManaPiouFeathers: 90 FluoPowder: 12 GemPowder: 3 }, ) CreateItems: ( { RawLog: 3 }, { PileOfAsh: 3 RawLog: 2 }, { PileOfAsh: 3 }, ) Priority: 30 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 80 Name: "CraftLeaderWand" Flag: 16 ReturnCode: 7003 //WoodenSword SourceItems: ( { WoodenLog: 100 ManaPiouFeathers: 120 FluoPowder: 15 GemPowder: 5 }, ) CreateItems: ( { PileOfAsh: 1 RawLog: 5 }, { PileOfAsh: 5 RawLog: 3 }, { PileOfAsh: 4 }, ) Priority: 40 }, /****************************************************************************/ { Id: 81 Name: "CraftLegendaryWand" Flag: 16 ReturnCode: 7004 //WoodenSword SourceItems: ( { WoodenLog: 110 GoldenApple: 3 FluoPowder: 20 GemPowder: 7 }, ) CreateItems: ( { PileOfAsh: 1 RawLog: 5 }, { PileOfAsh: 5 RawLog: 3 }, { PileOfAsh: 4 }, ) Priority: 50 }, /****************************************************************************/ // 51~71 → Swords // 72~76 → Bows // 77~81 → Wands // 82 → Reserved for guns // 83~87 → Armor Chestplates // 88~92 → Armor Helmets // 93~97 → Shields // 98, 99, 100 → Reserved for guns ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { Id: 82 Name: "CraftPynRevolver" Flag: 16 ReturnCode: 6040 //PynRevolver SourceItems: ( { LeadIngot: 4 TitaniumIngot: 5 Coal: 11 EverburnPowder: 1 }, ) CreateItems: ( { PileOfAsh: 1 }, { PileOfAsh: 1 LeadOre: 1 }, { PileOfAsh: 2 }, ) Priority: 10 }, /****************************************************************************/ )