#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ## tmx_converter.py - Extract walkmap, warp, and spawn information from maps. ## ## Copyright © 2012 Ben Longbons ## ## This file is part of The Mana World ## ## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program. If not, see . from __future__ import print_function import sys import os import posixpath import struct import xml.sax import base64 import zlib dump_all = False # wall of text check_mobs = True # mob_db.txt # lower case versions of everything except 'spawn' and 'warp' other_object_types = set([ 'particle_effect', 'npc', # not interpreted by client 'script', # for ManaServ 'fixme', # flag for things that didn't have a type before 'music', ]) # Somebody has put ManaServ fields in our data! other_spawn_fields = ( 'spawn_rate', ) other_warp_fields = ( ) TILESIZE = 32 SEPARATOR = '|' MESSAGE = 'This file is generated automatically. All manually added changes will be removed when running the Converter.' CLIENT_MAPS = 'maps' SERVER_WLK = 'data' SERVER_NPCS = 'npc' TMWA_MAP_CONF = 'conf/tmwa-map.conf' NPC_MOBS = '_mobs.txt' NPC_NODES = '_nodes.txt' NPC_WARPS = '_warps.txt' NPC_IMPORTS = '_import.txt' NPC_MASTER_IMPORTS = NPC_IMPORTS class State(object): pass State.INITIAL = State() State.LAYER = State() State.DATA = State() State.FINAL = State() class Object(object): __slots__ = ( 'name', #'map', 'x', 'y', 'w', 'h', 'ignore', ) class Mob(Object): __slots__ = ( 'monster_id', 'max_beings', 'spawn', 'death', ) + other_spawn_fields def __init__(self): self.max_beings = 1 self.spawn = 0 self.death = 0 class Node(Object): __slots__ = ( 'subtype' ) def __init__(self): self.subtype = 0 class Switch(Object): __slots__ = ( 'subtype' ) def __init__(self): self.subtype = 0 class Warp(Object): __slots__ = ( 'dest_map', 'dest_x', 'dest_y', ) + other_warp_fields class ContentHandler(xml.sax.ContentHandler): __slots__ = ( 'locator', # keeps track of location in document 'out', # open file handle to .wlk 'state', # state of collision info 'tilesets', # first gid of each tileset 'buffer', # characters within a section 'encoding', # encoding of layer data 'compression', # compression of layer data 'width', # width of the collision layer 'height', # height of the collision layer 'base', # base name of current map 'npc_dir', # world/map/npc/ 'mobs', # open file to _mobs.txt 'nodes', # open file to _nodes.txt 'warps', # open file to _warps.txt 'imports', # open file to _import.txt 'name', # name property of the current map 'object', # stores properties of the latest tag 'mob_ids', # set of all mob types that spawn here 'node_types', # set of all node types that appear here 'node_objs', # set of all node objects that appear here ) def __init__(self, out, npc_dir, mobs, warps, imports, nodes): xml.sax.ContentHandler.__init__(self) self.locator = None self.out = open(out, 'w') self.state = State.INITIAL self.tilesets = set([0]) # consider the null tile as its own tileset self.buffer = bytearray() self.encoding = None self.compression = None self.width = None self.height = None self.base = posixpath.basename(npc_dir) self.npc_dir = npc_dir self.mobs = mobs self.nodes = nodes self.warps = warps self.imports = imports self.object = None self.mob_ids = set() self.node_types = set() self.node_objs = set() def setDocumentLocator(self, loc): self.locator = loc # this method randomly cuts in the middle of a line; thus funky logic def characters(self, s): if not s.strip(): return if self.state is State.DATA: self.buffer += s.encode('ascii') def startDocument(self): pass def startElement(self, name, attr): if dump_all: attrs = ' '.join('%s="%s"' % (k,v) for k,v in attr.items()) if attrs: print('<%s %s>' % (name, attrs)) else: print('<%s>' % name) if self.state is State.INITIAL: if name == u'property' and attr[u'name'].lower() == u'name': self.name = attr[u'value'] self.mobs.write('// %s\n' % MESSAGE) self.mobs.write('// %s mobs\n\n' % self.name) self.warps.write('// %s\n' % MESSAGE) self.warps.write('// %s warps\n\n' % self.name) self.nodes.write('// %s\n' % MESSAGE) self.nodes.write('// %s nodes\n\n' % self.name) if name == u'tileset': self.tilesets.add(int(attr[u'firstgid'])) if name == u'layer' and attr[u'name'].lower().startswith(u'collision'): self.width = int(attr[u'width']) self.height = int(attr[u'height']) self.out.write(struct.pack(' 1: w -= 1 if h > 1: h -= 1 x += w/2 y += h/2 elif obj_type == 'warp': self.object = Warp() x += w/2 y += h/2 w -= 2 h -= 2 elif obj_type == 'node': self.object = Node() w += x - 1 h += y - 1 if w == x and h == y: w = 0 h = 0 elif obj_type == 'switch': self.object = Switch() else: if obj_type not in other_object_types: print('Unknown object type:', obj_type, file=sys.stderr) self.object = None return obj = self.object obj.x = x obj.y = y obj.w = w obj.h = h obj.name = attr[u'name'] elif name == u'property': obj = self.object if obj is None: return key = attr[u'name'].lower() value = attr[u'value'] # Not true due to defaulting #assert not hasattr(obj, key) try: value = int(value) except ValueError: pass setattr(obj, key, value) def add_warp_line(self, line): self.warps.write(line) def endElement(self, name): if dump_all: print('' % name) if name == u'object': if hasattr(self.object, 'ignore'): return; obj = self.object if isinstance(obj, Mob): mob_id = obj.monster_id if mob_id < 1000: mob_id += 1002 if check_mobs: try: name = mob_names[mob_id] except KeyError: print('Warning: unknown mob ID: %d (%s)' % (mob_id, obj.name)) else: if name != obj.name: print('Warning: wrong mob name: %s (!= %s)' % (obj.name, name)) obj.name = name self.mob_ids.add(mob_id) self.mobs.write( SEPARATOR.join([ '%s,%d,%d,%d,%d' % (self.base, obj.x, obj.y, obj.w, obj.h), 'monster', obj.name, '%d,%d,%dms,%dms\n' % (mob_id, obj.max_beings, obj.spawn, obj.death), ]) ) elif isinstance(obj, Warp): self.warps.write( SEPARATOR.join([ '%s,%d,%d' % (self.base, obj.x, obj.y), 'warp', '%d,%d,%s,%d,%d\n' % (obj.w, obj.h, obj.dest_map, obj.dest_x, obj.dest_y), ]) ) elif isinstance(obj, Switch): obj_name = "#%s_%s_%s" % (self.base, obj.x, obj.y) self.warps.write( SEPARATOR.join([ '%s,%d,%d,0|script|%s|422\n{\n\t// REPLACE ME\n}\n' % (self.base, obj.x, obj.y, obj_name), ]) ) elif isinstance(obj, Node): self.node_types.add(obj.name) self.node_objs.add(obj) if name == u'data': if self.state is State.DATA: if self.encoding == u'csv': for x in self.buffer.split(','): self.out.write(chr(int(x) not in self.tilesets)) elif self.encoding == u'base64': data = base64.b64decode(str(self.buffer)) if self.compression == u'zlib': data = zlib.decompress(data) elif self.compression == u'gzip': data = zlib.decompressobj().decompress('x\x9c' + data[10:-8]) for i in range(self.width*self.height): self.out.write(chr(int(struct.unpack(' 0: self.nodes.write('%s,0,0,0|script|Node%s|32767\n{\n end;\nOnInit:\n' % (self.base, self.base)) for ntype in sorted(self.node_types): self.nodes.write(' setarray .m$, "_N-%s"' % (ntype)) for nm in self.node_objs: self.nodes.write(', "%s"' % (self.base)) self.nodes.write(';\n setarray .x1, "_N-%s"' % (ntype)) for nx in self.node_objs: self.nodes.write(', %d' % (nx.x)) self.nodes.write(';\n setarray .y1, "_N-%s"' % (ntype)) for ny in self.node_objs: self.nodes.write(', %d' % (ny.y)) self.nodes.write(';\n setarray .x2, "_N-%s"' % (ntype)) for nw in self.node_objs: self.nodes.write(', %d' % (nw.w)) self.nodes.write(';\n setarray .y2, "_N-%s"' % (ntype)) for nh in self.node_objs: self.nodes.write(', %d' % (nh.h)) self.nodes.write(';\n setarray .id, "_N-%s"' % (ntype)) for nt in self.node_objs: self.nodes.write(', %d' % (nt.subtype)) self.nodes.write(';\n') # TODO don't make .id, .x2, .y2 when they are empty # TODO custom properties self.nodes.write(' donpcevent "_N-%s::OnMaybeStart";\n' % (ntype)) self.nodes.write(' destroy;\n}\n') else: self.nodes.write('// (no nodes)\n') self.imports.write('// Map %s: %s\n' % (self.base, self.name)) self.imports.write('// %s\n' % MESSAGE) self.imports.write('map: %s\n' % self.base) npcs = os.listdir(self.npc_dir) npcs.sort() for x in npcs: if x == NPC_IMPORTS: continue if x.startswith('.'): continue if x.endswith('.txt'): self.imports.write('npc: %s\n' % posixpath.join(SERVER_NPCS, self.base, x)) pass def main(argv): _, client_data, server_data = argv tmx_dir = posixpath.join(client_data, CLIENT_MAPS) wlk_dir = posixpath.join(server_data, SERVER_WLK) npc_dir = posixpath.join(server_data, SERVER_NPCS) if check_mobs: global mob_names mob_names = {} with open(posixpath.join(server_data, TMWA_MAP_CONF)) as mob_dbs: for mob_db_line in mob_dbs: if mob_db_line.startswith('mob_db:'): with open(posixpath.join(server_data, mob_db_line.split(':')[1].strip())) as mob_db: for line in mob_db: if not line.strip(): continue if line.startswith('//'): continue k, v, _ = line.split(',', 2) mob_names[int(k)] = v.strip() npc_master = [] map_basenames = [] for arg in os.listdir(tmx_dir): base, ext = posixpath.splitext(arg) if ext == '.tmx': map_basenames.append(base) tmx = posixpath.join(tmx_dir, arg) wlk = posixpath.join(wlk_dir, base + '.wlk') this_map_npc_dir = posixpath.join(npc_dir, base) os.path.isdir(this_map_npc_dir) or os.mkdir(this_map_npc_dir) print('Converting %s to %s' % (tmx, wlk)) with open(posixpath.join(this_map_npc_dir, NPC_MOBS), 'w') as mobs: with open(posixpath.join(this_map_npc_dir, NPC_WARPS), 'w') as warps: with open(posixpath.join(this_map_npc_dir, NPC_IMPORTS), 'w') as imports: with open(posixpath.join(this_map_npc_dir, NPC_NODES), 'w') as nodes: xml.sax.parse(tmx, ContentHandler(wlk, this_map_npc_dir, mobs, warps, imports, nodes)) npc_master.append('import: %s\n' % posixpath.join(SERVER_NPCS, base, NPC_IMPORTS)) with open(posixpath.join(wlk_dir, 'resnametable.txt'), 'w') as resname: for base in sorted(map_basenames): resname.write('%s#%s.wlk#\n' % (base, base)) with open(posixpath.join(npc_dir, NPC_MASTER_IMPORTS), 'w') as out: out.write('// %s\n\n' % MESSAGE) npc_master.sort() for line in npc_master: out.write(line) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv)