import { SQLHandler } from "./sql.ts"; class PartyParser { private party_line = "^" + "(?[0-9]+)\t" + "(?[^\t]*)\t" + // bug: name can be empty "(?[01]),(?(?:[01]|65535))\t" + // bug: item share can be 0xFFFF "(?((?[0-9]+),(?[01])\t(?[^\t]+)\t)*)" + "$"; private member_line = "(?[0-9]+),(?[01])\t(?[^\t]+)\t"; private party_regex: RegExp; private party_regex_members: RegExp; private encoder: TextEncoder; constructor () { this.party_regex = new RegExp(this.party_line); this.party_regex_members = new RegExp(this.member_line, "g"); this.encoder = new TextEncoder(); } private parseLine (line: string) { const match = this.party_regex.exec(line); if (!(match instanceof Object) || !Reflect.has(match, "groups")) { console.error("\nline does not match the regex:", line); throw new SyntaxError(); } const groups = (match as any).groups; let members = []; if (groups.members.length > 1) { let match_members = this.party_regex_members.exec(groups.members); while (match_members !== null) { members.push((match_members as any).groups); match_members = this.party_regex_members.exec(groups.members); } } if (+groups.item_share === 65535) { groups.item_share = 1; // old bug that was fixed in tmwa but not in the db } groups.members = members; if ( == 0) { console.warn(`\rdiscarding party ${groups.party_id}: no name `); return null; } else if (groups.members.length == 0) { console.warn(`\rdiscarding party ${groups.party_id}: no members `); return null; } Deno.write(Deno.stdout.rid, this.encoder.encode(`\r⌛ processing members of party ${groups.party_id}...`)); return groups; } public async * readDB () { const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");"\r \nwalking through party.txt..."); const file = await"world/save/party.txt"); const buf = new Uint8Array(1024); let accumulator = ""; while (true) { const nread = await, buf); if (nread === null) { break; } const str = decoder.decode(buf); if (nread < 1024) { for (let c of str) { if (c === "\n") { yield this.parseLine(accumulator); break; } else { accumulator += c; } } break; } for (let c of str) { if (c === "\n") { yield this.parseLine(accumulator); accumulator = ""; } else { accumulator += c; } } } } } class PartySQL { private sql: SQLHandler; constructor (sql: SQLHandler) { this.sql = sql; } async write (party: any) { if (party === null) return Promise.resolve(false); // we cannot handle duplicate parties = this.sql.escape(; await"INSERT INTO `party` ?? values?", [ ["party_id", "name", "exp_share", "item_share"], [party.party_id,, +party.exp_share, +party.item_share] ]); for (const member of party.members) { await"UPDATE `char` SET ?? = ? WHERE ?? = ? AND ?? = ?", [ "party_isleader", +member.leader, "party_id", +party.party_id, "account_id", +member.account_id ]); } } } export { PartyParser, PartySQL, }