#include "skill.hpp" // skill.cpp - Old-style skills. // // Copyright © ????-2004 Athena Dev Teams // Copyright © 2004-2011 The Mana World Development Team // Copyright © 2011-2014 Ben Longbons // Copyright © 2012 Vincent Petithory // // This file is part of The Mana World (Athena server) // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include #include #include "../compat/attr.hpp" #include "../compat/fun.hpp" #include "../compat/nullpo.hpp" #include "../strings/mstring.hpp" #include "../strings/rstring.hpp" #include "../strings/astring.hpp" #include "../strings/zstring.hpp" #include "../strings/xstring.hpp" #include "../strings/literal.hpp" #include "../generic/random.hpp" #include "../io/cxxstdio.hpp" #include "../io/extract.hpp" #include "../io/read.hpp" #include "../net/timer.hpp" #include "../mmo/cxxstdio_enums.hpp" #include "../mmo/extract_enums.hpp" #include "battle.hpp" #include "battle_conf.hpp" #include "clif.hpp" #include "globals.hpp" #include "mob.hpp" #include "pc.hpp" #include "../poison.hpp" namespace tmwa { namespace map { static skill_name_db skill_names[] = { {SkillID::AC_OWL, "OWL"_s, "Owl's_Eye"_s}, {SkillID::NPC_EMOTION, "EMOTION"_s, "NPC_EMOTION"_s}, {SkillID::NPC_POISON, "POISON"_s, "NPC_POISON"_s}, {SkillID::NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION, "SELFDESTRUCTION"_s, "Kabooooom!"_s}, {SkillID::NPC_SUMMONSLAVE, "SUMMONSLAVE"_s, "NPC_SUMMONSLAVE"_s}, {SkillID::NV_EMOTE, "EMOTE"_s, "Emote_Skill"_s}, {SkillID::NV_TRADE, "TRADE"_s, "Trade_Skill"_s}, {SkillID::NV_PARTY, "PARTY"_s, "Party_Skill"_s}, {SkillID::TMW_MAGIC, "MAGIC"_s, "General Magic"_s}, {SkillID::TMW_MAGIC_LIFE, "MAGIC_LIFE"_s, "Life Magic"_s}, {SkillID::TMW_MAGIC_WAR, "MAGIC_WAR"_s, "War Magic"_s}, {SkillID::TMW_MAGIC_TRANSMUTE, "MAGIC_TRANSMUTE"_s, "Transmutation Magic"_s}, {SkillID::TMW_MAGIC_NATURE, "MAGIC_NATURE"_s, "Nature Magic"_s}, {SkillID::TMW_MAGIC_ETHER, "MAGIC_ETHER"_s, "Astral Magic"_s}, {SkillID::TMW_MAGIC_DARK, "MAGIC_DARK"_s, "Dark Magic"_s}, {SkillID::TMW_MAGIC_LIGHT, "MAGIC_LIGHT"_s, "Light Magic"_s}, {SkillID::TMW_BRAWLING, "BRAWLING"_s, "Brawling"_s}, {SkillID::TMW_LUCKY_COUNTER, "LUCKY_COUNTER"_s, "Lucky Counter"_s}, {SkillID::TMW_SPEED, "SPEED"_s, "Speed"_s}, {SkillID::TMW_RESIST_POISON, "RESIST_POISON"_s, "Resist Poison"_s}, {SkillID::TMW_ASTRAL_SOUL, "ASTRAL_SOUL"_s, "Astral Soul"_s}, {SkillID::TMW_RAGING, "RAGING"_s, "Raging"_s}, {SkillID::ZERO, ""_s, ""_s} }; static int skill_attack(BF attack_type, dumb_ptr src, dumb_ptr dsrc, dumb_ptr bl, SkillID skillid, int skilllv, tick_t tick, BCT flag); static void skill_status_change_timer(TimerData *tid, tick_t tick, BlockId id, StatusChange type); int skill_get_hit(SkillID id) { return skill_db[id].hit; } int skill_get_inf(SkillID id) { return skill_db[id].inf; } int skill_get_nk(SkillID id) { return skill_db[id].nk; } int skill_get_max(SkillID id) { return skill_db[id].max; } int skill_get_max_raise(SkillID id) { return skill_db[id].max_raise; } int skill_get_range(SkillID id, int lv) { return (lv <= 0) ? 0 : skill_db[id].range_k; } int skill_get_sp(SkillID id, int lv) { return (lv <= 0) ? 0 : skill_db[id].sp[lv - 1]; } int skill_get_num(SkillID id, int lv) { return (lv <= 0) ? 0 : skill_db[id].num_k; } int skill_get_cast(SkillID id, int lv) { return (lv <= 0) ? 0 : skill_db[id].cast[lv - 1]; } int skill_get_delay(SkillID id, int lv) { return (lv <= 0) ? 0 : skill_db[id].delay[lv - 1]; } int skill_get_inf2(SkillID id) { return skill_db[id].inf2; } int skill_get_maxcount(SkillID id) { return skill_db[id].maxcount; } static int skill_get_castnodex(SkillID id, int lv) { return (lv <= 0) ? 0 : skill_db[id].castnodex[lv - 1]; } /*========================================== * スキル追加効果 *------------------------------------------ */ int skill_additional_effect(dumb_ptr src, dumb_ptr bl, SkillID skillid, int skilllv) { dumb_ptr sd = nullptr; dumb_ptr md = nullptr; int luk; int sc_def_mdef, sc_def_vit, sc_def_int, sc_def_luk; int sc_def_phys_shield_spell; nullpo_retz(src); nullpo_retz(bl); if (skilllv < 0) return 0; if (src->bl_type == BL::PC) { sd = src->is_player(); } else if (src->bl_type == BL::MOB) { md = src->is_mob(); } sc_def_phys_shield_spell = 0; if (battle_get_sc_data(bl)[StatusChange::SC_PHYS_SHIELD].timer) sc_def_phys_shield_spell = battle_get_sc_data(bl)[StatusChange::SC_PHYS_SHIELD].val1; //対象の耐性 luk = battle_get_luk(bl); sc_def_mdef = 100 - (3 + battle_get_mdef(bl) + luk / 3); sc_def_vit = 100 - (3 + battle_get_vit(bl) + luk / 3); sc_def_int = 100 - (3 + battle_get_int(bl) + luk / 3); sc_def_luk = 100 - (3 + luk); //自分の耐性 luk = battle_get_luk(src); if (bl->bl_type == BL::MOB) { if (sc_def_mdef > 50) sc_def_mdef = 50; if (sc_def_vit > 50) sc_def_vit = 50; if (sc_def_int > 50) sc_def_int = 50; if (sc_def_luk > 50) sc_def_luk = 50; } if (sc_def_mdef < 0) sc_def_mdef = 0; if (sc_def_vit < 0) sc_def_vit = 0; if (sc_def_int < 0) sc_def_int = 0; switch (skillid) { case SkillID::NPC_POISON: // blame Fate for this if (random_::chance({50 - (sc_def_vit >> 2) - (sc_def_phys_shield_spell) + (skilllv >> 2), 100})) skill_status_change_start(bl, StatusChange::SC_POISON, skilllv, static_cast(skilllv)); break; } return 0; } /* * ========================================================================= * スキル攻撃効果処理まとめ * flagの説明。16進図 * 00XRTTff * ff = magicで計算に渡される) * TT = パケットのtype部分(0でデフォルト) * X = パケットのスキルLv * R = 予約(skill_area_subで使用する) *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int skill_attack(BF attack_type, dumb_ptr src, dumb_ptr dsrc, dumb_ptr bl, SkillID skillid, int skilllv, tick_t tick, BCT flag) { struct Damage dmg; eptr sc_data; int type, lv, damage; nullpo_retz(src); nullpo_retz(dsrc); nullpo_retz(bl); sc_data = battle_get_sc_data(bl); //何もしない判定ここから if (dsrc->bl_m != bl->bl_m) //対象が同じマップにいなければ何もしない return 0; if (src->bl_prev == nullptr || dsrc->bl_prev == nullptr || bl->bl_prev == nullptr) //prevよくわからない※ return 0; if (src->bl_type == BL::PC && pc_isdead(src->is_player())) //術者?がPCですでに死んでいたら何もしない return 0; if (dsrc->bl_type == BL::PC && pc_isdead(dsrc->is_player())) //術者?がPCですでに死んでいたら何もしない return 0; if (bl->bl_type == BL::PC && pc_isdead(bl->is_player())) //対象がPCですでに死んでいたら何もしない return 0; //何もしない判定ここまで type = -1; lv = flag.level; dmg = battle_calc_attack(attack_type, src, bl, skillid, skilllv, flag.lo); //ダメージ計算 damage = dmg.damage; if (lv == 15) lv = -1; if (flag.mid) type = flag.mid; switch (skillid) { case SkillID::NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION: break; default: clif_skill_damage(dsrc, bl, tick, dmg.amotion, dmg.dmotion, damage, dmg.div_, skillid, (lv != 0) ? lv : skilllv, (skillid == SkillID::ZERO) ? 5 : type); } MapBlockLock lock; /* 実際にダメージ処理を行う */ battle_damage(src, bl, damage, 0); /* ダメージがあるなら追加効果判定 */ if (bl->bl_prev != nullptr) { dumb_ptr sd = bl->is_player(); if (bl->bl_type != BL::PC || !pc_isdead(sd)) { if (damage > 0) skill_additional_effect(src, bl, skillid, skilllv); if (bl->bl_type == BL::MOB && src != bl) /* スキル使用条件のMOBスキル */ { dumb_ptr md = bl->is_mob(); if (battle_config.mob_changetarget_byskill == 1) { BlockId target = md->target_id; if (src->bl_type == BL::PC) md->target_id = src->bl_id; mobskill_use(md, tick, MobSkillCondition::ANY); md->target_id = target; } else mobskill_use(md, tick, MobSkillCondition::ANY); } } } if (src->bl_type == BL::PC && bool(dmg.flag & BF::WEAPON) && src != bl && src == dsrc && damage > 0) { dumb_ptr sd = src->is_player(); int hp = 0, sp = 0; if (sd->hp_drain_rate && dmg.damage > 0 && random_::chance({sd->hp_drain_rate, 100})) { hp += (dmg.damage * sd->hp_drain_per) / 100; } if (sd->sp_drain_rate > 0 && dmg.damage > 0 && random_::chance({sd->sp_drain_rate, 100})) { sp += (dmg.damage * sd->sp_drain_per) / 100; } if (hp || sp) pc_heal(sd, hp, sp); } return (dmg.damage); /* 与ダメを返す */ } typedef int(*SkillFunc)(dumb_ptr, dumb_ptr, SkillID, int, tick_t, BCT); static void skill_area_sub(dumb_ptr bl, dumb_ptr src, SkillID skill_id, int skill_lv, tick_t tick, BCT flag, SkillFunc func) { nullpo_retv(bl); if (bl->bl_type != BL::PC && bl->bl_type != BL::MOB) return; if (battle_check_target(src, bl, flag) > 0) func(src, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, tick, flag); } /*========================================== * スキル使用(詠唱完了、ID指定攻撃系) * (スパゲッティに向けて1歩前進!(ダメポ)) *------------------------------------------ */ int skill_castend_damage_id(dumb_ptr src, dumb_ptr bl, SkillID skillid, int skilllv, tick_t tick, BCT flag) { dumb_ptr sd = nullptr; nullpo_retr(1, src); nullpo_retr(1, bl); if (src->bl_type == BL::PC) sd = src->is_player(); if (sd && pc_isdead(sd)) return 1; if (bl->bl_prev == nullptr) return 1; if (bl->bl_type == BL::PC && pc_isdead(bl->is_player())) return 1; MapBlockLock lock; switch (skillid) { case SkillID::NPC_POISON: skill_attack(BF::WEAPON, src, src, bl, skillid, skilllv, tick, flag); break; case SkillID::NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION: /* 自爆 */ if (flag.lo & 1) { /* 個別にダメージを与える */ if (src->bl_type == BL::MOB) { dumb_ptr mb = src->is_mob(); mb->hp = skill_area_temp_hp; if (bl->bl_id != skill_area_temp_id) skill_attack(BF::MISC, src, src, bl, SkillID::NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION, skilllv, tick, flag); mb->hp = 1; } } else { dumb_ptr md = src->is_mob(); { skill_area_temp_id = bl->bl_id; skill_area_temp_hp = battle_get_hp(src); map_foreachinarea(std::bind(skill_area_sub, ph::_1, src, skillid, skilllv, tick, flag | BCT_ENEMY | BCT_lo_x01, skill_castend_damage_id), bl->bl_m, bl->bl_x - 5, bl->bl_y - 5, bl->bl_x + 5, bl->bl_y + 5, BL::NUL); battle_damage(src, src, md->hp, 0); } } break; /* HP吸収/HP吸収魔法 */ case SkillID::ZERO: if (sd) { if (flag.lo & 3) { if (bl->bl_id != skill_area_temp_id) skill_attack(BF::WEAPON, src, src, bl, skillid, skilllv, tick, BCT_mid_x05); } else { // TODO does this happen? skill_area_temp_id = bl->bl_id; map_foreachinarea(std::bind(skill_area_sub, ph::_1, src, skillid, skilllv, tick, flag | BCT_ENEMY | BCT_lo_x01, skill_castend_damage_id), bl->bl_m, bl->bl_x - 0, bl->bl_y - 0, bl->bl_x + 0, bl->bl_y + 0, BL::NUL); } } break; default: return 1; } return 0; } /*========================================== * スキル使用(詠唱完了、ID指定支援系) *------------------------------------------ */ // skillid.nk == 1 // so skillid in (SkillID::NPC_SUMMONSLAVE, SkillID::NPC_EMOTION) int skill_castend_nodamage_id(dumb_ptr src, dumb_ptr bl, SkillID skillid, int skilllv) { dumb_ptr sd = nullptr; dumb_ptr dstsd = nullptr; dumb_ptr md = nullptr; dumb_ptr dstmd = nullptr; int sc_def_vit, sc_def_mdef, strip_fix; nullpo_retr(1, src); nullpo_retr(1, bl); if (src->bl_type == BL::PC) sd = src->is_player(); else if (src->bl_type == BL::MOB) md = src->is_mob(); sc_def_vit = 100 - (3 + battle_get_vit(bl) + battle_get_luk(bl) / 3); sc_def_vit = 100 - (3 + battle_get_vit(bl) + battle_get_luk(bl) / 3); sc_def_mdef = 100 - (3 + battle_get_mdef(bl) + battle_get_luk(bl) / 3); strip_fix = battle_get_dex(src) - battle_get_dex(bl); if (bl->bl_type == BL::PC) { dstsd = bl->is_player(); } else if (bl->bl_type == BL::MOB) { dstmd = bl->is_mob(); if (sc_def_vit > 50) sc_def_vit = 50; if (sc_def_mdef > 50) sc_def_mdef = 50; } if (sc_def_vit < 0) sc_def_vit = 0; if (sc_def_mdef < 0) sc_def_mdef = 0; if (strip_fix < 0) strip_fix = 0; if (bl == nullptr || bl->bl_prev == nullptr) return 1; if (sd && pc_isdead(sd)) return 1; if (dstsd && pc_isdead(dstsd)) return 1; MapBlockLock lock; switch (skillid) { case SkillID::NPC_SUMMONSLAVE: if (md && !md->parent_id) { mob_summonslave(md, md->skillidx->val, skilllv, 1); } break; case SkillID::NPC_EMOTION: if (md) clif_emotion(md, md->skillidx->val[0]); break; } return 0; } /*========================================== * 詠唱時間計算 *------------------------------------------ */ interval_t skill_castfix(dumb_ptr bl, interval_t interval) { dumb_ptr md; // [Valaris] eptr sc_data; int dex; int castrate = 100; SkillID skill; int lv, castnodex; nullpo_retr(interval_t::zero(), bl); if (bl->bl_type == BL::MOB) { // Crash fix [Valaris] md = bl->is_mob(); skill = md->skillid; lv = md->skilllv; } else { skill = SkillID::ZERO; lv = 0; } sc_data = battle_get_sc_data(bl); dex = battle_get_dex(bl); if (skill >= SkillID::MAX_SKILL_DB /*|| skill < SkillID()*/) return interval_t::zero(); castnodex = skill_get_castnodex(skill, lv); if (interval == interval_t::zero()) return interval_t::zero(); if (castnodex > 0 && bl->bl_type == BL::PC) castrate = 100; else if (castnodex <= 0 && bl->bl_type == BL::PC) { castrate = 100; interval = interval * castrate * (battle_config.castrate_dex_scale - dex) / (battle_config.castrate_dex_scale * 100); interval = interval * battle_config.casting_rate / 100; } return std::max(interval, interval_t::zero()); } /*========================================== * ディレイ計算 *------------------------------------------ */ interval_t skill_delayfix(dumb_ptr bl, interval_t interval) { eptr sc_data; nullpo_retr(interval_t::zero(), bl); sc_data = battle_get_sc_data(bl); if (interval <= interval_t::zero()) return interval_t::zero(); if (bl->bl_type == BL::PC) { if (battle_config.delay_dependon_dex) /* dexの影響を計算する */ interval = interval * (battle_config.castrate_dex_scale - battle_get_dex(bl)) / battle_config.castrate_dex_scale; interval = interval * battle_config.delay_rate / 100; } return std::max(interval, interval_t::zero()); } /*========================================== * スキル詠唱キャンセル *------------------------------------------ */ int skill_castcancel(dumb_ptr bl, int) { nullpo_retz(bl); if (bl->bl_type == BL::PC) { dumb_ptr sd = bl->is_player(); tick_t tick = gettick(); sd->canact_tick = tick; sd->canmove_tick = tick; return 0; } else if (bl->bl_type == BL::MOB) { dumb_ptr md = bl->is_mob(); if (md->skilltimer) { md->skilltimer.cancel(); clif_skillcastcancel(bl); } return 0; } return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ステータス異常 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*========================================== * ステータス異常終了 *------------------------------------------ */ int skill_status_change_active(dumb_ptr bl, StatusChange type) { eptr sc_data; nullpo_retz(bl); if (bl->bl_type != BL::PC && bl->bl_type != BL::MOB) { if (battle_config.error_log) PRINTF("skill_status_change_active: neither MOB nor PC !\n"_fmt); return 0; } sc_data = battle_get_sc_data(bl); if (not sc_data) return 0; return bool(sc_data[type].timer); } void skill_status_change_end(dumb_ptr bl, StatusChange type, TimerData *tid) { eptr sc_data; int opt_flag = 0, calc_flag = 0; Opt0 *option; Opt1 *opt1; Opt2 *opt2; Opt3 *opt3; nullpo_retv(bl); if (bl->bl_type != BL::PC && bl->bl_type != BL::MOB) { if (battle_config.error_log) PRINTF("skill_status_change_end: neither MOB nor PC !\n"_fmt); return; } sc_data = battle_get_sc_data(bl); if (not sc_data) return; option = battle_get_option(bl); nullpo_retv(option); opt1 = battle_get_opt1(bl); nullpo_retv(opt1); opt2 = battle_get_opt2(bl); nullpo_retv(opt2); opt3 = battle_get_opt3(bl); nullpo_retv(opt3); // status_change_end can be called 2 ways: automatically by a timer, // or manually to cancel it. if (!tid) // if this is a cancel { // and it was not active if (!sc_data[type].timer) // there's nothing to do return; // if it was active, cancel it sc_data[type].timer.cancel(); } // whether we are the timer or a cancel no longer matters assert (!sc_data[type].timer); switch (type) { /* 異常の種類ごとの処理 */ case StatusChange::SC_SPEEDPOTION0: /* 増速ポーション */ case StatusChange::SC_ATKPOT: /* attack potion [Valaris] */ case StatusChange::SC_MATKPOT: /* magic attack potion [Valaris] */ case StatusChange::SC_PHYS_SHIELD: case StatusChange::SC_HASTE: calc_flag = 1; break; /* option2 */ case StatusChange::SC_POISON: /* 毒 */ calc_flag = 1; break; } if (bl->bl_type == BL::PC && type < StatusChange::SC_SENDMAX) clif_status_change(bl, type, 0); /* アイコン消去 */ switch (type) { case StatusChange::SC_POISON: *opt2 &= ~Opt2::_poison; opt_flag = 1; break; case StatusChange::SC_SLOWPOISON: if (sc_data[StatusChange::SC_POISON].timer) *opt2 |= Opt2::_poison; *opt2 &= ~Opt2::_slowpoison; opt_flag = 1; break; case StatusChange::SC_SPEEDPOTION0: *opt2 &= ~Opt2::_speedpotion0; opt_flag = 1; break; case StatusChange::SC_ATKPOT: *opt2 &= ~Opt2::_atkpot; opt_flag = 1; break; } if (opt_flag) /* optionの変更を伝える */ clif_changeoption(bl); if (bl->bl_type == BL::PC && calc_flag) pc_calcstatus(bl->is_player(), 0); /* ステータス再計算 */ } int skill_update_heal_animation(dumb_ptr sd) { const Opt2 mask = Opt2::_heal; nullpo_retz(sd); bool wis_active = bool(sd->opt2 & mask); bool is_active = sd->quick_regeneration_hp.amount > 0; if (wis_active == is_active) return 0; // no update if (is_active) sd->opt2 |= mask; else sd->opt2 &= ~mask; return clif_changeoption(sd); } /*========================================== * ステータス異常終了タイマー *------------------------------------------ */ void skill_status_change_timer(TimerData *tid, tick_t tick, BlockId id, StatusChange type) { dumb_ptr bl; dumb_ptr sd = nullptr; eptr sc_data; if ((bl = map_id2bl(id)) == nullptr) return; //該当IDがすでに消滅しているというのはいかにもありそうなのでスルーしてみる sc_data = battle_get_sc_data(bl); if (not sc_data) return; if (bl->bl_type == BL::PC) sd = bl->is_player(); switch (type) { case StatusChange::SC_POISON: if (!sc_data[StatusChange::SC_SLOWPOISON].timer) { const int resist_poison = skill_power_bl(bl, SkillID::TMW_RESIST_POISON) >> 3; if (resist_poison) sc_data[type].val1 -= random_::in(0, resist_poison); if ((--sc_data[type].val1) > 0) { int hp = battle_get_max_hp(bl); if (battle_get_hp(bl) > hp >> 4) { if (bl->bl_type == BL::PC) { // TODO boundscheck this hp = 3 + hp * 3 / 200; pc_heal(bl->is_player(), -hp, 0); } else if (bl->bl_type == BL::MOB) { dumb_ptr md = bl->is_mob(); hp = 3 + hp / 200; md->hp -= hp; } } sc_data[type].timer = Timer(tick + 1_s, std::bind(skill_status_change_timer, ph::_1, ph::_2, bl->bl_id, type)); return; } } else { sc_data[type].timer = Timer(tick + 2_s, std::bind(skill_status_change_timer, ph::_1, ph::_2, bl->bl_id, type)); return; } break; // If you manually reschedule the timer, you MUST skip the // call to skill_status_change_end below. /* 時間切れ無し?? */ case StatusChange::SC_WEIGHT50: case StatusChange::SC_WEIGHT90: sc_data[type].timer = Timer(tick + 10_min, std::bind(skill_status_change_timer, ph::_1, ph::_2, bl->bl_id, type)); return; case StatusChange::SC_FLYING_BACKPACK: clif_updatestatus(sd, SP::WEIGHT); break; } skill_status_change_end(bl, type, tid); } /*========================================== * ステータス異常開始 *------------------------------------------ */ int skill_status_change_start(dumb_ptr bl, StatusChange type, int val1, interval_t tick) { return skill_status_effect(bl, type, val1, tick); } int skill_status_effect(dumb_ptr bl, StatusChange type, int val1, interval_t tick) { dumb_ptr sd = nullptr; eptr sc_data; Opt0 *option; Opt1 *opt1; Opt2 *opt2; Opt3 *opt3; int opt_flag = 0, calc_flag = 0; SP updateflag = SP::ZERO; int scdef = 0; nullpo_retz(bl); sc_data = battle_get_sc_data(bl); if (not sc_data) return 0; option = battle_get_option(bl); nullpo_retz(option); opt1 = battle_get_opt1(bl); nullpo_retz(opt1); opt2 = battle_get_opt2(bl); nullpo_retz(opt2); opt3 = battle_get_opt3(bl); nullpo_retz(opt3); switch (type) { case StatusChange::SC_POISON: scdef = 3 + battle_get_vit(bl) + battle_get_luk(bl) / 3; break; } if (scdef >= 100) return 0; if (bl->bl_type == BL::PC) { sd = bl->is_player(); } else if (bl->bl_type == BL::MOB) { } else { if (battle_config.error_log) PRINTF("skill_status_change_start: neither MOB nor PC !\n"_fmt); return 0; } if (sc_data[type].timer) { /* すでに同じ異常になっている場合タイマ解除 */ if (sc_data[type].val1 > val1 && type != StatusChange::SC_SPEEDPOTION0 && type != StatusChange::SC_ATKPOT && type != StatusChange::SC_MATKPOT) // added atk and matk potions [Valaris] return 0; if (type == StatusChange::SC_POISON) return 0; /* 継ぎ足しができない状態異常である時は状態異常を行わない */ { sc_data[type].timer.cancel(); } } switch (type) { /* 異常の種類ごとの処理 */ case StatusChange::SC_SLOWPOISON: if (!sc_data[StatusChange::SC_POISON].timer) return 0; break; case StatusChange::SC_SPEEDPOTION0: /* 増速ポーション */ *opt2 |= Opt2::_speedpotion0; calc_flag = 1; // val2 = 5*(2+type-StatusChange::SC_SPEEDPOTION0); break; /* atk & matk potions [Valaris] */ case StatusChange::SC_ATKPOT: *opt2 |= Opt2::_atkpot; FALLTHROUGH; case StatusChange::SC_MATKPOT: calc_flag = 1; break; /* option2 */ case StatusChange::SC_POISON: /* 毒 */ calc_flag = 1; { int sc_def = 100 - (battle_get_vit(bl) + battle_get_luk(bl) / 5); tick = tick * sc_def / 100; } // huh? tick = 1_s; break; case StatusChange::SC_WEIGHT50: case StatusChange::SC_WEIGHT90: tick = 10_min; break; case StatusChange::SC_HASTE: case StatusChange::SC_PHYS_SHIELD: case StatusChange::SC_MBARRIER: calc_flag = 1; break; case StatusChange::SC_HALT_REGENERATE: case StatusChange::SC_HIDE: break; case StatusChange::SC_FLYING_BACKPACK: updateflag = SP::WEIGHT; break; default: if (battle_config.error_log) PRINTF("UnknownStatusChange [%d]\n"_fmt, type); return 0; } if (bl->bl_type == BL::PC && type < StatusChange::SC_SENDMAX) clif_status_change(bl, type, 1); /* アイコン表示 */ /* optionの変更 */ switch (type) { case StatusChange::SC_POISON: if (!sc_data[StatusChange::SC_SLOWPOISON].timer) { *opt2 |= Opt2::_poison; opt_flag = 1; } break; case StatusChange::SC_SLOWPOISON: *opt2 &= ~Opt2::_poison; *opt2 |= Opt2::_slowpoison; opt_flag = 1; break; } if (opt_flag) /* optionの変更 */ clif_changeoption(bl); sc_data[type].val1 = val1; /* タイマー設定 */ sc_data[type].timer = Timer(gettick() + tick, std::bind(skill_status_change_timer, ph::_1, ph::_2, bl->bl_id, type)); if (bl->bl_type == BL::PC && calc_flag) pc_calcstatus(sd, 0); /* ステータス再計算 */ if (bl->bl_type == BL::PC && updateflag != SP::ZERO) clif_updatestatus(sd, updateflag); /* ステータスをクライアントに送る */ return 0; } /*========================================== * ステータス異常全解除 *------------------------------------------ */ int skill_status_change_clear(dumb_ptr bl, int type) { eptr sc_data; Opt0 *option; Opt1 *opt1; Opt2 *opt2; Opt3 *opt3; nullpo_retz(bl); sc_data = battle_get_sc_data(bl); if (not sc_data) return 0; option = battle_get_option(bl); nullpo_retz(option); opt1 = battle_get_opt1(bl); nullpo_retz(opt1); opt2 = battle_get_opt2(bl); nullpo_retz(opt2); opt3 = battle_get_opt3(bl); nullpo_retz(opt3); for (StatusChange i : erange(StatusChange(), StatusChange::MAX_STATUSCHANGE)) { if (sc_data[i].timer) skill_status_change_end(bl, i, nullptr); } *opt1 = Opt1::ZERO; *opt2 = Opt2::ZERO; *opt3 = Opt3::ZERO; *option = Opt0::ZERO; if (type == 0 || type & 2) clif_changeoption(bl); return 0; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * スキルユニット *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*========================================== * 演奏/ダンスをやめる * flag 1で合奏中なら相方にユニットを任せる * *------------------------------------------ */ void skill_stop_dancing(dumb_ptr, int) { // TODO remove this } void skill_unit_timer_sub_ondelete(dumb_ptr bl, dumb_ptr src, unsigned int tick); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * アイテム合成 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 初期化系 */ static SP scan_stat(XString statname) { if (statname == "str"_s) return SP::STR; if (statname == "dex"_s) return SP::DEX; if (statname == "agi"_s) return SP::AGI; if (statname == "vit"_s) return SP::VIT; if (statname == "int"_s) return SP::INT; if (statname == "luk"_s) return SP::LUK; if (statname == "none"_s) return SP::ZERO; FPRINTF(stderr, "Unknown stat `%s'\n"_fmt, AString(statname)); return SP::ZERO; } bool skill_readdb(ZString filename) { io::ReadFile in(filename); if (!in.is_open()) { PRINTF("can't read %s\n"_fmt, filename); return false; } bool rv = true; AString line_; while (in.getline(line_)) { // is_comment only works for whole-line comments // that could change once the Z dependency is dropped ... LString comment = "//"_s; XString line = line_.xislice_h(std::search(line_.begin(), line_.end(), comment.begin(), comment.end())).rstrip(); if (!line) continue; struct skill_db_ skdb {}; SkillID i; XString castcancel, ignore, flags, stat, desc; if (!extract(line, record<','>( &i, lstripping(&skdb.range_k), lstripping(&skdb.hit), lstripping(&skdb.inf), lstripping(&skdb.pl), lstripping(&skdb.nk), lstripping(&skdb.max_raise), lstripping(&skdb.max), lstripping(&skdb.num_k), lstripping(&castcancel), lstripping(&skdb.cast_def_rate), lstripping(&skdb.inf2), lstripping(&skdb.maxcount), lstripping(&ignore), // weapon/magic/misc/none lstripping(&ignore), // blow count lstripping(&flags), lstripping(&stat), lstripping(&desc) ) ) ) { rv = false; continue; } if (/*i < SkillID() ||*/ i >= SkillID::MAX_SKILL_DB) { rv = false; continue; } if (castcancel == "yes"_s) skdb.castcancel = true; else if (castcancel == "no"_s) skdb.castcancel = false; else { rv = false; continue; } if (flags == "passive"_s) { skill_pool_register(i); skdb.poolflags = SkillFlags::POOL_FLAG; } else if (flags == "active"_s) { skill_pool_register(i); skdb.poolflags = SkillFlags::POOL_FLAG | SkillFlags::POOL_ACTIVE; } else if (flags == "no"_s) skdb.poolflags = SkillFlags::ZERO; else { rv = false; continue; } skdb.stat = scan_stat(stat); MString tmp; tmp += desc; for (char& c : tmp) if (c == '_') c = ' '; skill_db[i] = skdb; skill_lookup_by_id(i).desc = RString(tmp); } PRINTF("read %s done\n"_fmt, filename); return rv; } constexpr size_t num_names = sizeof(skill_names) / sizeof(skill_names[0]); skill_name_db& skill_lookup_by_id(SkillID id) { for (skill_name_db& ner : skill_names) if (ner.id == id) return ner; return skill_names[num_names - 1]; } skill_name_db& skill_lookup_by_name(XString name) { for (skill_name_db& ner : skill_names) if (name == ner.name || name == ner.desc) return ner; return skill_names[num_names - 1]; } } // namespace map } // namespace tmwa