#include "pc.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include "../common/db.hpp" #include "../common/mt_rand.hpp" #include "../common/nullpo.hpp" #include "../common/socket.hpp" #include "../common/timer.hpp" #include "atcommand.hpp" #include "battle.hpp" #include "chat.hpp" #include "chrif.hpp" #include "clif.hpp" #include "intif.hpp" #include "itemdb.hpp" #include "map.hpp" #include "mob.hpp" #include "npc.hpp" #include "party.hpp" #include "script.hpp" #include "skill.hpp" #include "storage.hpp" #include "trade.hpp" #define PVP_CALCRANK_INTERVAL 1000 // PVP順位計算の間隔 //define it here, since the ifdef only occurs in this file #define USE_ASTRAL_SOUL_SKILL #ifdef USE_ASTRAL_SOUL_SKILL #define MAGIC_SKILL_THRESHOLD 200 // [fate] At this threshold, the Astral Soul skill kicks in #endif #define MAP_LOG_STATS(sd, suffix) \ MAP_LOG_PC(sd, "STAT %d %d %d %d %d %d " suffix, \ sd->status.attrs[ATTR::STR], sd->status.attrs[ATTR::AGI], sd->status.attrs[ATTR::VIT], sd->status.attrs[ATTR::INT], sd->status.attrs[ATTR::DEX], sd->status.attrs[ATTR::LUK]) #define MAP_LOG_XP(sd, suffix) \ MAP_LOG_PC(sd, "XP %d %d JOB %d %d %d ZENY %d + %d " suffix, \ sd->status.base_level, sd->status.base_exp, sd->status.job_level, sd->status.job_exp, sd->status.skill_point, sd->status.zeny, pc_readaccountreg(sd, "BankAccount")) #define MAP_LOG_MAGIC(sd, suffix) \ MAP_LOG_PC(sd, "MAGIC %d %d %d %d %d %d EXP %d %d " suffix, \ sd->status.skill[TMW_MAGIC].lv, \ sd->status.skill[TMW_MAGIC_LIFE].lv, \ sd->status.skill[TMW_MAGIC_WAR].lv, \ sd->status.skill[TMW_MAGIC_TRANSMUTE].lv, \ sd->status.skill[TMW_MAGIC_NATURE].lv, \ sd->status.skill[TMW_MAGIC_ETHER].lv, \ pc_readglobalreg(sd, "MAGIC_EXPERIENCE") & 0xffff, \ (pc_readglobalreg(sd, "MAGIC_EXPERIENCE") >> 24) & 0xff) timer_id day_timer_tid; timer_id night_timer_tid; static int max_weight_base[MAX_PC_CLASS]; static int hp_coefficient[MAX_PC_CLASS]; static int hp_coefficient2[MAX_PC_CLASS]; static int hp_sigma_val[MAX_PC_CLASS][MAX_LEVEL]; static int sp_coefficient[MAX_PC_CLASS]; static int aspd_base[MAX_PC_CLASS][20]; static char job_bonus[3][MAX_PC_CLASS][MAX_LEVEL]; static int exp_table[14][MAX_LEVEL]; static char statp[255][7]; static struct { SkillID id; int max; struct { SkillID id; short lv; } need[6]; } skill_tree[3][MAX_PC_CLASS][100]; static int atkmods[3][20]; // 武器ATKサイズ修正(size_fix.txt) static int refinebonus[5][3]; // 精錬ボーナステーブル(refine_db.txt) static int percentrefinery[5][10]; // 精錬成功率(refine_db.txt) static int dirx[8] = { 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1 }; static int diry[8] = { 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1 }; static earray equip_pos //= {{ EPOS::MISC2, EPOS::CAPE, EPOS::SHOES, EPOS::GLOVES, EPOS::LEGS, EPOS::TORSO, EPOS::HAT, EPOS::MISC1, EPOS::SHIELD, EPOS::WEAPON, EPOS::ARROW, }}; //static struct dbt *gm_account_db; static struct gm_account *gm_account = NULL; static int GM_num = 0; static int pc_checkoverhp(struct map_session_data *sd); static int pc_checkoversp(struct map_session_data *sd); static int pc_equiplookall(struct map_session_data *sd); static int pc_nextbaseafter(struct map_session_data *sd); static int pc_nextjobafter(struct map_session_data *sd); static void pc_setdead(struct map_session_data *sd) { sd->state.dead_sit = 1; } int pc_isGM(struct map_session_data *sd) { // struct gm_account *p; int i; nullpo_ret(sd); /* p = numdb_search(gm_account_db, sd->status.account_id); if (p == NULL) return 0; return p->level;*/ for (i = 0; i < GM_num; i++) if (gm_account[i].account_id == sd->status.account_id) return gm_account[i].level; return 0; } int pc_iskiller(struct map_session_data *src, struct map_session_data *target) { nullpo_ret(src); if (src->bl.type != BL_PC) return 0; if (src->special_state.killer) return 1; if (target->bl.type != BL_PC) return 0; if (target->special_state.killable) return 1; return 0; } int pc_set_gm_level(int account_id, int level) { int i; for (i = 0; i < GM_num; i++) { if (account_id == gm_account[i].account_id) { gm_account[i].level = level; return 0; } } GM_num++; RECREATE(gm_account, struct gm_account, GM_num); gm_account[GM_num - 1].account_id = account_id; gm_account[GM_num - 1].level = level; return 0; } int pc_getrefinebonus(int lv, int type) { if (lv >= 0 && lv < 5 && type >= 0 && type < 3) return refinebonus[lv][type]; return 0; } static int distance(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) { int dx, dy; dx = abs(x0 - x1); dy = abs(y0 - y1); return dx > dy ? dx : dy; } static void pc_invincible_timer(timer_id tid, tick_t, custom_id_t id, custom_data_t) { struct map_session_data *sd; if ((sd = map_id2sd(id)) == NULL || sd->bl.type != BL_PC) return; if (sd->invincible_timer != tid) { if (battle_config.error_log) PRINTF("invincible_timer %d != %d\n", sd->invincible_timer, tid); return; } sd->invincible_timer = -1; } int pc_setinvincibletimer(struct map_session_data *sd, int val) { nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->invincible_timer != -1) delete_timer(sd->invincible_timer, pc_invincible_timer); sd->invincible_timer = add_timer(gettick() + val, pc_invincible_timer, sd->bl.id, 0); return 0; } int pc_delinvincibletimer(struct map_session_data *sd) { nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->invincible_timer != -1) { delete_timer(sd->invincible_timer, pc_invincible_timer); sd->invincible_timer = -1; } return 0; } static void pc_spiritball_timer(timer_id tid, tick_t, custom_id_t id, custom_data_t) { struct map_session_data *sd; int i; if ((sd = map_id2sd(id)) == NULL || sd->bl.type != BL_PC) return; if (sd->spirit_timer[0] != tid) { if (battle_config.error_log) PRINTF("spirit_timer %d != %d\n", sd->spirit_timer[0], tid); return; } sd->spirit_timer[0] = -1; for (i = 1; i < sd->spiritball; i++) { sd->spirit_timer[i - 1] = sd->spirit_timer[i]; sd->spirit_timer[i] = -1; } sd->spiritball--; if (sd->spiritball < 0) sd->spiritball = 0; } int pc_addspiritball(struct map_session_data *sd, int interval, int max) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); if (max > MAX_SKILL_LEVEL) max = MAX_SKILL_LEVEL; if (sd->spiritball < 0) sd->spiritball = 0; if (sd->spiritball >= max) { if (sd->spirit_timer[0] != -1) { delete_timer(sd->spirit_timer[0], pc_spiritball_timer); sd->spirit_timer[0] = -1; } for (i = 1; i < max; i++) { sd->spirit_timer[i - 1] = sd->spirit_timer[i]; sd->spirit_timer[i] = -1; } } else sd->spiritball++; sd->spirit_timer[sd->spiritball - 1] = add_timer(gettick() + interval, pc_spiritball_timer, sd->bl.id, 0); return 0; } int pc_delspiritball(struct map_session_data *sd, int count, int) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->spiritball <= 0) { sd->spiritball = 0; return 0; } if (count > sd->spiritball) count = sd->spiritball; sd->spiritball -= count; if (count > MAX_SKILL_LEVEL) count = MAX_SKILL_LEVEL; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (sd->spirit_timer[i] != -1) { delete_timer(sd->spirit_timer[i], pc_spiritball_timer); sd->spirit_timer[i] = -1; } } for (i = count; i < MAX_SKILL_LEVEL; i++) { sd->spirit_timer[i - count] = sd->spirit_timer[i]; sd->spirit_timer[i] = -1; } return 0; } int pc_setrestartvalue(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { //転生や養子の場合の元の職業を算出する struct pc_base_job s_class; nullpo_ret(sd); s_class = pc_calc_base_job(sd->status.pc_class); //----------------------- // 死亡した if (sd->special_state.restart_full_recover) { // オシリスカード sd->status.hp = sd->status.max_hp; sd->status.sp = sd->status.max_sp; } else { if (s_class.job == 0 && battle_config.restart_hp_rate < 50) { //ノビは半分回復 sd->status.hp = (sd->status.max_hp) / 2; } else { if (battle_config.restart_hp_rate <= 0) sd->status.hp = 1; else { sd->status.hp = sd->status.max_hp * battle_config.restart_hp_rate / 100; if (sd->status.hp <= 0) sd->status.hp = 1; } } if (battle_config.restart_sp_rate > 0) { int sp = sd->status.max_sp * battle_config.restart_sp_rate / 100; if (sd->status.sp < sp) sd->status.sp = sp; } } if (type & 1) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_HP); if (type & 1) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_SP); /* removed exp penalty on spawn [Valaris] */ if (type & 2 && sd->status.pc_class != 0 && battle_config.zeny_penalty > 0 && !map[sd->bl.m].flag.nozenypenalty) { int zeny = (int)((double) sd->status.zeny * (double) battle_config.zeny_penalty / 10000.); if (zeny < 1) zeny = 1; sd->status.zeny -= zeny; if (sd->status.zeny < 0) sd->status.zeny = 0; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_ZENY); } sd->heal_xp = 0; // [Fate] Set gainable xp for healing this player to 0 return 0; } /*========================================== * 自分をロックしているMOBの数を数える(foreachclient) *------------------------------------------ */ static void pc_counttargeted_sub(struct block_list *bl, int id, int *c, struct block_list *src, ATK target_lv) { nullpo_retv(bl); if (id == bl->id || (src && id == src->id)) return; if (bl->type == BL_PC) { struct map_session_data *sd = (struct map_session_data *) bl; if (sd && sd->attacktarget == id && sd->attacktimer != -1 && sd->attacktarget_lv >= target_lv) (*c)++; } else if (bl->type == BL_MOB) { struct mob_data *md = (struct mob_data *) bl; if (md && md->target_id == id && md->timer != -1 && md->state.state == MS_ATTACK && md->target_lv >= target_lv) (*c)++; //PRINTF("md->target_lv:%d, target_lv:%d\n",((struct mob_data *)bl)->target_lv,target_lv); } } int pc_counttargeted(struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *src, ATK target_lv) { int c = 0; map_foreachinarea(std::bind(pc_counttargeted_sub, ph::_1, sd->bl.id, &c, src, target_lv), sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x - AREA_SIZE, sd->bl.y - AREA_SIZE, sd->bl.x + AREA_SIZE, sd->bl.y + AREA_SIZE, BL_NUL); return c; } /*========================================== * ローカルプロトタイプ宣言 (必要な物のみ) *------------------------------------------ */ static int pc_walktoxy_sub(struct map_session_data *); /*========================================== * saveに必要なステータス修正を行なう *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_makesavestatus(struct map_session_data *sd) { nullpo_ret(sd); // 服の色は色々弊害が多いので保存対象にはしない if (!battle_config.save_clothcolor) sd->status.clothes_color = 0; // 死亡状態だったのでhpを1、位置をセーブ場所に変更 if (pc_isdead(sd)) { pc_setrestartvalue(sd, 0); memcpy(&sd->status.last_point, &sd->status.save_point, sizeof(sd->status.last_point)); } else { memcpy(sd->status.last_point.map, sd->mapname, 24); sd->status.last_point.x = sd->bl.x; sd->status.last_point.y = sd->bl.y; } // セーブ禁止マップだったので指定位置に移動 if (map[sd->bl.m].flag.nosave) { struct map_data *m = &map[sd->bl.m]; if (strcmp(m->save.map, "SavePoint") == 0) memcpy(&sd->status.last_point, &sd->status.save_point, sizeof(sd->status.last_point)); else memcpy(&sd->status.last_point, &m->save, sizeof(sd->status.last_point)); } //マナーポイントがプラスだった場合0に if (battle_config.muting_players && sd->status.manner > 0) sd->status.manner = 0; return 0; } /*========================================== * 接続時の初期化 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_setnewpc(struct map_session_data *sd, int account_id, int char_id, int login_id1, int client_tick, int sex, int) { nullpo_ret(sd); sd->bl.id = account_id; sd->char_id = char_id; sd->login_id1 = login_id1; sd->login_id2 = 0; // at this point, we can not know the value :( sd->client_tick = client_tick; sd->sex = sex; sd->state.auth = 0; sd->bl.type = BL_PC; sd->canact_tick = sd->canmove_tick = gettick(); sd->canlog_tick = gettick(); sd->state.waitingdisconnect = 0; return 0; } EPOS pc_equippoint(struct map_session_data *sd, int n) { //転生や養子の場合の元の職業を算出する struct pc_base_job s_class; nullpo_retr(EPOS::ZERO, sd); if (!sd->inventory_data[n]) return EPOS::ZERO; s_class = pc_calc_base_job(sd->status.pc_class); EPOS ep = sd->inventory_data[n]->equip; if ((sd->inventory_data[n]->look == 1 || sd->inventory_data[n]->look == 2 || sd->inventory_data[n]->look == 6) && (ep == EPOS::WEAPON && (pc_checkskill(sd, AS_LEFT) > 0 || s_class.job == 12))) { return EPOS::SHIELD | EPOS::WEAPON; } return ep; } static int pc_setinventorydata(struct map_session_data *sd) { int i, id; nullpo_ret(sd); for (i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { id = sd->status.inventory[i].nameid; sd->inventory_data[i] = itemdb_search(id); } return 0; } static int pc_calcweapontype(struct map_session_data *sd) { nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->weapontype1 != 0 && sd->weapontype2 == 0) sd->status.weapon = sd->weapontype1; if (sd->weapontype1 == 0 && sd->weapontype2 != 0) // 左手武器 Only sd->status.weapon = sd->weapontype2; else if (sd->weapontype1 == 1 && sd->weapontype2 == 1) // 双短剣 sd->status.weapon = 0x11; else if (sd->weapontype1 == 2 && sd->weapontype2 == 2) // 双単手剣 sd->status.weapon = 0x12; else if (sd->weapontype1 == 6 && sd->weapontype2 == 6) // 双単手斧 sd->status.weapon = 0x13; else if ((sd->weapontype1 == 1 && sd->weapontype2 == 2) || (sd->weapontype1 == 2 && sd->weapontype2 == 1)) // 短剣 - 単手剣 sd->status.weapon = 0x14; else if ((sd->weapontype1 == 1 && sd->weapontype2 == 6) || (sd->weapontype1 == 6 && sd->weapontype2 == 1)) // 短剣 - 斧 sd->status.weapon = 0x15; else if ((sd->weapontype1 == 2 && sd->weapontype2 == 6) || (sd->weapontype1 == 6 && sd->weapontype2 == 2)) // 単手剣 - 斧 sd->status.weapon = 0x16; else sd->status.weapon = sd->weapontype1; return 0; } static int pc_setequipindex(struct map_session_data *sd) { nullpo_ret(sd); for (EQUIP i : EQUIPs) sd->equip_index[i] = -1; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { if (sd->status.inventory[i].nameid <= 0) continue; if (bool(sd->status.inventory[i].equip)) { for (EQUIP j : EQUIPs) if (bool(sd->status.inventory[i].equip & equip_pos[j])) sd->equip_index[j] = i; if (bool(sd->status.inventory[i].equip & EPOS::WEAPON)) { if (sd->inventory_data[i]) sd->weapontype1 = sd->inventory_data[i]->look; else sd->weapontype1 = 0; } if (bool(sd->status.inventory[i].equip & EPOS::SHIELD)) { if (sd->inventory_data[i]) { if (sd->inventory_data[i]->type == ItemType::WEAPON) { if (sd->status.inventory[i].equip == EPOS::SHIELD) sd->weapontype2 = sd->inventory_data[i]->look; else sd->weapontype2 = 0; } else sd->weapontype2 = 0; } else sd->weapontype2 = 0; } } } pc_calcweapontype(sd); return 0; } static int pc_isequip(struct map_session_data *sd, int n) { struct item_data *item; eptr sc_data; //転生や養子の場合の元の職業を算出する nullpo_ret(sd); item = sd->inventory_data[n]; sc_data = battle_get_sc_data(&sd->bl); //s_class = pc_calc_base_job(sd->status.class); if (battle_config.gm_allequip > 0 && pc_isGM(sd) >= battle_config.gm_allequip) return 1; if (item == NULL) return 0; if (item->sex != 2 && sd->status.sex != item->sex) return 0; if (item->elv > 0 && sd->status.base_level < item->elv) return 0; if (map[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp && (item->flag.no_equip == 1 || item->flag.no_equip == 3)) return 0; if (bool(item->equip & EPOS::WEAPON) && sc_data && sc_data[SC_STRIPWEAPON].timer != -1) return 0; if (bool(item->equip & EPOS::SHIELD) && sc_data && sc_data[SC_STRIPSHIELD].timer != -1) return 0; if (bool(item->equip & EPOS::MISC1) && sc_data && sc_data[SC_STRIPARMOR].timer != -1) return 0; if (bool(item->equip & EPOS::HAT) && sc_data && sc_data[SC_STRIPHELM].timer != -1) return 0; return 1; } /*========================================== * Weapon Breaking [Valaris] *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_breakweapon(struct map_session_data *sd) { struct item_data *item; int i; if (sd == NULL) return -1; if (sd->unbreakable >= MRAND(100)) return 0; if (sd->sc_data[SC_CP_WEAPON].timer != -1) return 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { if (bool(sd->status.inventory[i].equip) && bool(sd->status.inventory[i].equip & EPOS::WEAPON) && !sd->status.inventory[i].broken) { item = sd->inventory_data[i]; sd->status.inventory[i].broken = 1; //pc_unequipitem(sd,i,CalcStatus::NOW); if (bool(sd->status.inventory[i].equip) && bool(sd->status.inventory[i].equip & EPOS::WEAPON) && sd->status.inventory[i].broken == 1) { std::string output = STRPRINTF("%s has broken.", item->jname); clif_emotion(&sd->bl, 23); clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, output); clif_equiplist(sd); skill_status_change_start(&sd->bl, SC_BROKNWEAPON, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } if (sd->status.inventory[i].broken == 1) return 0; } return 0; } /*========================================== * Armor Breaking [Valaris] *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_breakarmor(struct map_session_data *sd) { if (sd == NULL) return -1; if (sd->unbreakable >= MRAND(100)) return 0; if (sd->sc_data[SC_CP_ARMOR].timer != -1) return 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { if (bool(sd->status.inventory[i].equip) && bool(sd->status.inventory[i].equip & EPOS::MISC1) && !sd->status.inventory[i].broken) { struct item_data *item = sd->inventory_data[i]; sd->status.inventory[i].broken = 1; if (bool(sd->status.inventory[i].equip) && bool(sd->status.inventory[i].equip & EPOS::MISC1) && sd->status.inventory[i].broken == 1) { std::string output = STRPRINTF("%s has broken.", item->jname); clif_emotion(&sd->bl, 23); clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, output); clif_equiplist(sd); skill_status_change_start(&sd->bl, SC_BROKNARMOR, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } if (sd->status.inventory[i].broken == 1) return 0; } return 0; } /*========================================== * session idに問題無し * char鯖から送られてきたステータスを設定 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_authok(int id, int login_id2, time_t connect_until_time, short tmw_version, const struct mmo_charstatus *st) { struct map_session_data *sd = NULL; struct party *p; unsigned long tick = gettick(); struct sockaddr_in sai; socklen_t sa_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr); sd = map_id2sd(id); if (sd == NULL) return 1; sd->login_id2 = login_id2; sd->tmw_version = tmw_version; memcpy(&sd->status, st, sizeof(*st)); if (sd->status.sex != sd->sex) { clif_authfail_fd(sd->fd, 0); return 1; } MAP_LOG_STATS(sd, "LOGIN"); MAP_LOG_XP(sd, "LOGIN"); MAP_LOG_MAGIC(sd, "LOGIN"); memset(&sd->state, 0, sizeof(sd->state)); // 基本的な初期化 sd->state.connect_new = 1; sd->bl.prev = sd->bl.next = NULL; sd->weapontype1 = sd->weapontype2 = 0; sd->view_class = sd->status.pc_class; sd->speed = DEFAULT_WALK_SPEED; sd->state.dead_sit = 0; sd->dir = 0; sd->head_dir = 0; sd->state.auth = 1; sd->walktimer = -1; sd->attacktimer = -1; sd->followtimer = -1; // [MouseJstr] sd->skilltimer = -1; sd->skillitem = SkillID::NEGATIVE; sd->skillitemlv = -1; sd->invincible_timer = -1; sd->sg_count = 0; sd->deal_locked = 0; sd->trade_partner = 0; sd->inchealhptick = 0; sd->inchealsptick = 0; sd->hp_sub = 0; sd->sp_sub = 0; sd->quick_regeneration_hp.amount = 0; sd->quick_regeneration_sp.amount = 0; sd->heal_xp = 0; sd->inchealspirithptick = 0; sd->inchealspiritsptick = 0; sd->canact_tick = tick; sd->canmove_tick = tick; sd->attackabletime = tick; /* We don't want players bypassing spell restrictions. [remoitnane] */ // Removed because it was buggy with the ~50 day wraparound, // and there's already a limit on how fast you can log in and log out. // -o11c sd->cast_tick = tick; // + pc_readglobalreg (sd, "MAGIC_CAST_TICK"); sd->doridori_counter = 0; sd->spiritball = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SKILL_LEVEL; i++) sd->spirit_timer[i] = -1; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SKILLTIMERSKILL; i++) sd->skilltimerskill[i].timer = -1; memset(&sd->dev, 0, sizeof(struct square)); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { sd->dev.val1[i] = 0; sd->dev.val2[i] = 0; } // アカウント変数の送信要求 intif_request_accountreg(sd); // アイテムチェック pc_setinventorydata(sd); pc_checkitem(sd); // ステータス異常の初期化 for (StatusChange i : erange(StatusChange(), MAX_STATUSCHANGE)) { sd->sc_data[i].timer = -1; sd->sc_data[i].val1 = sd->sc_data[i].val2 = sd->sc_data[i].val3 = sd->sc_data[i].val4 = 0; } sd->sc_count = 0; if ((battle_config.atc_gmonly == 0 || pc_isGM(sd)) && (pc_isGM(sd) >= get_atcommand_level(AtCommand_Hide))) sd->status.option &= (Option::MASK | Option::HIDE); else sd->status.option &= Option::MASK; // スキルユニット関係の初期化 memset(sd->skillunit, 0, sizeof(sd->skillunit)); memset(sd->skillunittick, 0, sizeof(sd->skillunittick)); // init ignore list memset(sd->ignore, 0, sizeof(sd->ignore)); // パーティー関係の初期化 sd->party_sended = 0; sd->party_invite = 0; sd->party_x = -1; sd->party_y = -1; sd->party_hp = -1; // イベント関係の初期化 memset(sd->eventqueue, 0, sizeof(sd->eventqueue)); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EVENTTIMER; i++) sd->eventtimer[i] = -1; // 位置の設定 pc_setpos(sd, sd->status.last_point.map, sd->status.last_point.x, sd->status.last_point.y, 0); // パーティ、ギルドデータの要求 if (sd->status.party_id > 0 && (p = party_search(sd->status.party_id)) == NULL) party_request_info(sd->status.party_id); // pvpの設定 sd->pvp_rank = 0; sd->pvp_point = 0; sd->pvp_timer = -1; // 通知 clif_authok(sd); map_addnickdb(sd); if (map_charid2nick(sd->status.char_id) == NULL) map_addchariddb(sd->status.char_id, sd->status.name); //スパノビ用死にカウンターのスクリプト変数からの読み出しとsdへのセット sd->die_counter = pc_readglobalreg(sd, "PC_DIE_COUNTER"); if (night_flag == 1) { char tmpstr[1024]; strcpy(tmpstr, "Actually, it's the night..."); clif_wis_message(sd->fd, wisp_server_name, tmpstr, strlen(tmpstr) + 1); sd->opt2 |= Opt2::BLIND; } // ステータス初期計算など pc_calcstatus(sd, 1); if (pc_isGM(sd)) { PRINTF("Connection accepted: character '%s' (account: %d; GM level %d).\n", sd->status.name, sd->status.account_id, pc_isGM(sd)); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_GM); } else PRINTF("Connection accepted: Character '%s' (account: %d).\n", sd->status.name, sd->status.account_id); // Message of the Dayの送信 { char buf[256]; FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen_(motd_txt, "r")) != NULL) { while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, fp) != NULL) { for (int i = 0; buf[i]; i++) { if (buf[i] == '\r' || buf[i] == '\n') { buf[i] = 0; break; } } clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, buf); } fclose_(fp); } } sd->auto_ban_info.in_progress = 0; // Initialize antispam vars sd->chat_reset_due = sd->chat_lines_in = sd->chat_total_repeats = sd->chat_repeat_reset_due = 0; sd->chat_lastmsg[0] = '\0'; memset(sd->flood_rates, 0, sizeof(sd->flood_rates)); sd->packet_flood_reset_due = sd->packet_flood_in = 0; // Obtain IP address (if they are still connected) if (!getpeername(sd->fd, (struct sockaddr *)&sai, &sa_len)) sd->ip = sai.sin_addr; // message of the limited time of the account if (connect_until_time != 0) { // don't display if it's unlimited or unknow value char tmpstr[1024]; strftime(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr) - 1, "Your account time limit is: %d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S.", gmtime(&connect_until_time)); clif_wis_message(sd->fd, wisp_server_name, tmpstr, strlen(tmpstr) + 1); } pc_calcstatus(sd, 1); return 0; } /*========================================== * session idに問題ありなので後始末 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_authfail(int id) { struct map_session_data *sd; sd = map_id2sd(id); if (sd == NULL) return 1; clif_authfail_fd(sd->fd, 0); return 0; } static int pc_calc_skillpoint(struct map_session_data *sd) { int i, skill_points = 0; nullpo_ret(sd); for (i = 0; i < skill_pool_skills_size; i++) { int lv = sd->status.skill[skill_pool_skills[i]].lv; if (lv) skill_points += ((lv * (lv - 1)) >> 1) - 1; } return skill_points; } /*========================================== * 覚えられるスキルの計算 *------------------------------------------ */ static int pc_calc_skilltree(struct map_session_data *sd) { int flag; int c = 0, s = 0; //転生や養子の場合の元の職業を算出する struct pc_base_job s_class; nullpo_ret(sd); s_class = pc_calc_base_job(sd->status.pc_class); c = s_class.job; s = (s_class.upper == 1) ? 1 : 0; //ソ転生以外は通常のスキル? if ((battle_config.skillup_limit) && ((c >= 0 && c < 23) || (c >= 4001 && c < 4023) || (c >= 4023 && c < 4045))) { int skill_point = pc_calc_skillpoint(sd); if (skill_point < 9) c = 0; else if ((sd->status.skill_point >= sd->status.job_level && skill_point < 58) && ((c > 6 && c < 23) || (c > 4007 && c < 4023) || (c > 4029 && c < 4045))) { switch (c) { case 7: case 14: c = 1; break; case 8: case 15: c = 4; break; case 9: case 16: c = 2; break; case 10: case 18: c = 5; break; case 11: case 19: case 20: c = 3; break; case 12: case 17: c = 6; break; case 4008: case 4015: c = 4002; break; case 4009: case 4016: c = 4005; break; case 4010: case 4017: c = 4003; break; case 4011: case 4019: c = 4006; break; case 4012: case 4020: case 4021: c = 4004; break; case 4013: case 4018: c = 4007; break; case 4030: case 4037: c = 4024; break; case 4031: case 4038: c = 4027; break; case 4032: case 4039: c = 4025; break; case 4033: case 4040: c = 4028; break; case 4034: case 4041: case 4042: c = 4026; break; case 4035: case 4043: c = 4029; break; } } } /*Comment this out for now, as we manage skills differently * for (i=0;i TMW_MAGIC_END){ // [Fate] This hack gets TMW magic working and persisted without bothering about the skill tree. * if (sd->status.skill[i].flag != 13) sd->status.skill[i].id=0; * if (sd->status.skill[i].flag && sd->status.skill[i].flag != 13){ // cardスキルなら、 * sd->status.skill[i].lv= (sd->status.skill[i].flag==1)?0:sd->status.skill[i].flag-2; // 本当のlvに * sd->status.skill[i].flag=0; // flagは0にしておく * } * } */ if (battle_config.gm_allskill > 0 && pc_isGM(sd) >= battle_config.gm_allskill) { // 全てのスキル // Restoring oritinal values // This one is probably more correct than the copypasta for (SkillID i : erange(NV_EMOTE, NPC_PIERCINGATT)) sd->status.skill[i].id = i; for (SkillID i : erange(RG_SNATCHER, SA_MONOCELL)) sd->status.skill[i].id = i; for (SkillID i : erange(BD_ADAPTATION, SkillID(uint16_t(WE_CALLPARTNER) + 1))) sd->status.skill[i].id = i; if (battle_config.enable_upper_class) { //confで無効でなければ読み込む for (SkillID i : erange(LK_AURABLADE, MAX_SKILL)) sd->status.skill[i].id = i; } } else { // 通常の計算 do { flag = 0; SkillID id; for (int i = 0; (id = skill_tree[s][c][i].id) != SkillID::ZERO && id != SkillID::NEGATIVE; i++) { int j, f = 1; if (!battle_config.skillfree) { for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) { if (skill_tree[s][c][i].need[j].id != SkillID::ZERO && pc_checkskill(sd, skill_tree[s][c][i].need[j].id) < skill_tree[s][c][i].need[j].lv) f = 0; } } if (f && sd->status.skill[id].id == SkillID::ZERO) { sd->status.skill[id].id = id; flag = 1; } } } while (flag); } // if(battle_config.etc_log) // PRINTF("calc skill_tree\n"); return 0; } /*========================================== * 重量アイコンの確認 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_checkweighticon(struct map_session_data *sd) { int flag = 0; nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->weight * 2 >= sd->max_weight && sd->sc_data[SC_FLYING_BACKPACK].timer == -1) flag = 1; if (sd->weight * 10 >= sd->max_weight * 9) flag = 2; if (flag == 1) { if (sd->sc_data[SC_WEIGHT50].timer == -1) skill_status_change_start(&sd->bl, SC_WEIGHT50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } else { skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_WEIGHT50, -1); } if (flag == 2) { if (sd->sc_data[SC_WEIGHT90].timer == -1) skill_status_change_start(&sd->bl, SC_WEIGHT90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } else { skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_WEIGHT90, -1); } return 0; } static void pc_set_weapon_look(struct map_session_data *sd) { if (sd->attack_spell_override) clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_WEAPON, sd->attack_spell_look_override); else clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_WEAPON, sd->status.weapon); } /*========================================== * パラメータ計算 * first==0の時、計算対象のパラメータが呼び出し前から * 変 化した場合自動でsendするが、 * 能動的に変化させたパラメータは自前でsendするように *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_calcstatus(struct map_session_data *sd, int first) { int b_speed, b_max_hp, b_max_sp, b_hp, b_sp, b_weight, b_max_weight, b_hit, b_flee; int b_aspd, b_watk, b_def, b_watk2, b_def2, b_flee2, b_critical, b_attackrange, b_matk1, b_matk2, b_mdef, b_mdef2, b_class; int b_base_atk; earray b_skill; int bl, index; int skill, aspd_rate, wele, wele_, def_ele, refinedef = 0; int str, dstr, dex; struct pc_base_job s_class; nullpo_ret(sd); //転生や養子の場合の元の職業を算出する s_class = pc_calc_base_job(sd->status.pc_class); b_speed = sd->speed; b_max_hp = sd->status.max_hp; b_max_sp = sd->status.max_sp; b_hp = sd->status.hp; b_sp = sd->status.sp; b_weight = sd->weight; b_max_weight = sd->max_weight; earray b_paramb = sd->paramb; earray b_parame = sd->paramc; b_skill = sd->status.skill; b_hit = sd->hit; b_flee = sd->flee; b_aspd = sd->aspd; b_watk = sd->watk; b_def = sd->def; b_watk2 = sd->watk2; b_def2 = sd->def2; b_flee2 = sd->flee2; b_critical = sd->critical; b_attackrange = sd->attackrange; b_matk1 = sd->matk1; b_matk2 = sd->matk2; b_mdef = sd->mdef; b_mdef2 = sd->mdef2; b_class = sd->view_class; sd->view_class = sd->status.pc_class; b_base_atk = sd->base_atk; pc_calc_skilltree(sd); // スキルツリーの計算 sd->max_weight = max_weight_base[s_class.job] + sd->status.attrs[ATTR::STR] * 300; if (first & 1) { sd->weight = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { if (sd->status.inventory[i].nameid == 0 || sd->inventory_data[i] == NULL) continue; sd->weight += sd->inventory_data[i]->weight * sd->status.inventory[i].amount; } sd->cart_max_weight = battle_config.max_cart_weight; sd->cart_weight = 0; sd->cart_max_num = MAX_CART; sd->cart_num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CART; i++) { if (sd->status.cart[i].nameid == 0) continue; sd->cart_weight += itemdb_weight(sd->status.cart[i].nameid) * sd->status.cart[i].amount; sd->cart_num++; } } for (auto& p : sd->paramb) p = 0; for (auto& p : sd->parame) p = 0; sd->hit = 0; sd->flee = 0; sd->flee2 = 0; sd->critical = 0; sd->aspd = 0; sd->watk = 0; sd->def = 0; sd->mdef = 0; sd->watk2 = 0; sd->def2 = 0; sd->mdef2 = 0; sd->status.max_hp = 0; sd->status.max_sp = 0; sd->attackrange = 0; sd->attackrange_ = 0; sd->atk_ele = 0; sd->def_ele = 0; sd->star = 0; sd->overrefine = 0; sd->matk1 = 0; sd->matk2 = 0; sd->speed = DEFAULT_WALK_SPEED; sd->hprate = 100; sd->sprate = 100; sd->castrate = 100; sd->dsprate = 100; sd->base_atk = 0; sd->arrow_atk = 0; sd->arrow_ele = 0; sd->arrow_hit = 0; sd->arrow_range = 0; sd->nhealhp = sd->nhealsp = sd->nshealhp = sd->nshealsp = sd->nsshealhp = sd->nsshealsp = 0; memset(sd->addele, 0, sizeof(sd->addele)); memset(sd->addrace, 0, sizeof(sd->addrace)); memset(sd->addsize, 0, sizeof(sd->addsize)); memset(sd->addele_, 0, sizeof(sd->addele_)); memset(sd->addrace_, 0, sizeof(sd->addrace_)); memset(sd->addsize_, 0, sizeof(sd->addsize_)); memset(sd->subele, 0, sizeof(sd->subele)); memset(sd->subrace, 0, sizeof(sd->subrace)); for (int& ire : sd->addeff) ire = 0; for (int& ire : sd->addeff2) ire = 0; for (int& ire : sd->reseff) ire = 0; memset(&sd->special_state, 0, sizeof(sd->special_state)); memset(sd->weapon_coma_ele, 0, sizeof(sd->weapon_coma_ele)); memset(sd->weapon_coma_race, 0, sizeof(sd->weapon_coma_race)); sd->watk_ = 0; //二刀流用(仮) sd->watk_2 = 0; sd->atk_ele_ = 0; sd->star_ = 0; sd->overrefine_ = 0; sd->aspd_rate = 100; sd->speed_rate = 100; sd->hprecov_rate = 100; sd->sprecov_rate = 100; sd->critical_def = 0; sd->double_rate = 0; sd->near_attack_def_rate = sd->long_attack_def_rate = 0; sd->atk_rate = sd->matk_rate = 100; sd->ignore_def_ele = sd->ignore_def_race = 0; sd->ignore_def_ele_ = sd->ignore_def_race_ = 0; sd->ignore_mdef_ele = sd->ignore_mdef_race = 0; sd->arrow_cri = 0; sd->magic_def_rate = sd->misc_def_rate = 0; memset(sd->arrow_addele, 0, sizeof(sd->arrow_addele)); memset(sd->arrow_addrace, 0, sizeof(sd->arrow_addrace)); memset(sd->arrow_addsize, 0, sizeof(sd->arrow_addsize)); for (int& ire : sd->arrow_addeff) ire = 0; for (int& ire : sd->arrow_addeff2) ire = 0; memset(sd->magic_addele, 0, sizeof(sd->magic_addele)); memset(sd->magic_addrace, 0, sizeof(sd->magic_addrace)); memset(sd->magic_subrace, 0, sizeof(sd->magic_subrace)); sd->perfect_hit = 0; sd->critical_rate = sd->hit_rate = sd->flee_rate = sd->flee2_rate = 100; sd->def_rate = sd->def2_rate = sd->mdef_rate = sd->mdef2_rate = 100; sd->def_ratio_atk_ele = sd->def_ratio_atk_ele_ = 0; sd->def_ratio_atk_race = sd->def_ratio_atk_race_ = 0; sd->get_zeny_num = 0; sd->add_damage_class_count = sd->add_damage_class_count_ = sd->add_magic_damage_class_count = 0; sd->add_def_class_count = sd->add_mdef_class_count = 0; sd->monster_drop_item_count = 0; memset(sd->add_damage_classrate, 0, sizeof(sd->add_damage_classrate)); memset(sd->add_damage_classrate_, 0, sizeof(sd->add_damage_classrate_)); memset(sd->add_magic_damage_classrate, 0, sizeof(sd->add_magic_damage_classrate)); memset(sd->add_def_classrate, 0, sizeof(sd->add_def_classrate)); memset(sd->add_mdef_classrate, 0, sizeof(sd->add_mdef_classrate)); memset(sd->monster_drop_race, 0, sizeof(sd->monster_drop_race)); memset(sd->monster_drop_itemrate, 0, sizeof(sd->monster_drop_itemrate)); sd->speed_add_rate = sd->aspd_add_rate = 100; sd->double_add_rate = sd->perfect_hit_add = sd->get_zeny_add_num = 0; sd->splash_range = sd->splash_add_range = 0; sd->autospell_id = SkillID::ZERO; sd->autospell_lv = sd->autospell_rate = 0; sd->hp_drain_rate = sd->hp_drain_per = sd->sp_drain_rate = sd->sp_drain_per = 0; sd->hp_drain_rate_ = sd->hp_drain_per_ = sd->sp_drain_rate_ = sd->sp_drain_per_ = 0; sd->short_weapon_damage_return = sd->long_weapon_damage_return = 0; sd->magic_damage_return = 0; //AppleGirl Was Here sd->random_attack_increase_add = sd->random_attack_increase_per = 0; if (!sd->disguiseflag && sd->disguise) { sd->disguise = 0; pc_set_weapon_look(sd); clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_SHIELD, sd->status.shield); clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_HEAD_BOTTOM, sd->status.head_bottom); clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_HEAD_TOP, sd->status.head_top); clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_HEAD_MID, sd->status.head_mid); clif_clearchar(&sd->bl, 9); pc_setpos(sd, sd->mapname, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, 3); } sd->spellpower_bonus_target = 0; for (EQUIP i : EQUIPs_noarrow) { index = sd->equip_index[i]; if (index < 0) continue; if (i == EQUIP::WEAPON && sd->equip_index[EQUIP::SHIELD] == index) continue; if (i == EQUIP::TORSO && sd->equip_index[EQUIP::LEGS] == index) continue; if (i == EQUIP::HAT && (sd->equip_index[EQUIP::TORSO] == index || sd->equip_index[EQUIP::LEGS] == index)) continue; if (sd->inventory_data[index]) { sd->spellpower_bonus_target += sd->inventory_data[index]->magic_bonus; if (sd->inventory_data[index]->type == ItemType::WEAPON) { if (sd->status.inventory[index].card[0] != 0x00ff && sd->status.inventory[index].card[0] != 0x00fe && sd->status.inventory[index].card[0] != (short) 0xff00) { int j; for (j = 0; j < sd->inventory_data[index]->slot; j++) { // カード int c = sd->status.inventory[index].card[j]; if (c > 0) { argrec_t arg[2]; arg[0].name = "@slotId"; arg[0].v.i = int(i); arg[1].name = "@itemId"; arg[1].v.i = sd->inventory_data[index]->nameid; if (i == EQUIP::SHIELD && sd->status.inventory[index].equip == EPOS::SHIELD) sd->state.lr_flag = 1; run_script_l(itemdb_equipscript(c), 0, sd->bl.id, 0, 2, arg); sd->state.lr_flag = 0; } } } } else if (sd->inventory_data[index]->type == ItemType::ARMOR) { // 防具 if (sd->status.inventory[index].card[0] != 0x00ff && sd->status.inventory[index].card[0] != 0x00fe && sd->status.inventory[index].card[0] != (short) 0xff00) { int j; for (j = 0; j < sd->inventory_data[index]->slot; j++) { // カード int c = sd->status.inventory[index].card[j]; if (c > 0) { argrec_t arg[2]; arg[0].name = "@slotId"; arg[0].v.i = int(i); arg[1].name = "@itemId"; arg[1].v.i = sd->inventory_data[index]->nameid; run_script_l(itemdb_equipscript(c), 0, sd->bl.id, 0, 2, arg); } } } } } } #ifdef USE_ASTRAL_SOUL_SKILL if (sd->spellpower_bonus_target < 0) sd->spellpower_bonus_target = (sd->spellpower_bonus_target * 256) / (min(128 + skill_power(sd, TMW_ASTRAL_SOUL), 256)); #endif if (sd->spellpower_bonus_target < sd->spellpower_bonus_current) sd->spellpower_bonus_current = sd->spellpower_bonus_target; wele = sd->atk_ele; wele_ = sd->atk_ele_; def_ele = sd->def_ele; sd->paramcard = sd->parame; // 装備品によるステータス変化はここで実行 for (EQUIP i : EQUIPs_noarrow) { index = sd->equip_index[i]; if (index < 0) continue; if (i == EQUIP::WEAPON && sd->equip_index[EQUIP::SHIELD] == index) continue; if (i == EQUIP::TORSO && sd->equip_index[EQUIP::LEGS] == index) continue; if (i == EQUIP::HAT && (sd->equip_index[EQUIP::TORSO] == index || sd->equip_index[EQUIP::LEGS] == index)) continue; if (sd->inventory_data[index]) { sd->def += sd->inventory_data[index]->def; if (sd->inventory_data[index]->type == ItemType::WEAPON) { int r, wlv = sd->inventory_data[index]->wlv; if (i == EQUIP::SHIELD && sd->status.inventory[index].equip == EPOS::SHIELD) { //二刀流用データ入力 sd->watk_ += sd->inventory_data[index]->atk; sd->watk_2 = (r = sd->status.inventory[index].refine) * // 精錬攻撃力 refinebonus[wlv][0]; if ((r -= refinebonus[wlv][2]) > 0) // 過剰精錬ボーナス sd->overrefine_ = r * refinebonus[wlv][1]; if (sd->status.inventory[index].card[0] == 0x00ff) { // 製造武器 sd->star_ = (sd->status.inventory[index].card[1] >> 8); // 星のかけら wele_ = (sd->status.inventory[index].card[1] & 0x0f); // 属 性 } sd->attackrange_ += sd->inventory_data[index]->range; sd->state.lr_flag = 1; { argrec_t arg[2]; arg[0].name = "@slotId"; arg[0].v.i = int(i); arg[1].name = "@itemId"; arg[1].v.i = sd->inventory_data[index]->nameid; run_script_l(sd->inventory_data[index]->equip_script, 0, sd->bl.id, 0, 2, arg); } sd->state.lr_flag = 0; } else { //二刀流武器以外 argrec_t arg[2]; arg[0].name = "@slotId"; arg[0].v.i = int(i); arg[1].name = "@itemId"; arg[1].v.i = sd->inventory_data[index]->nameid; sd->watk += sd->inventory_data[index]->atk; sd->watk2 += (r = sd->status.inventory[index].refine) * // 精錬攻撃力 refinebonus[wlv][0]; if ((r -= refinebonus[wlv][2]) > 0) // 過剰精錬ボーナス sd->overrefine += r * refinebonus[wlv][1]; if (sd->status.inventory[index].card[0] == 0x00ff) { // 製造武器 sd->star += (sd->status.inventory[index].card[1] >> 8); // 星のかけら wele = (sd->status.inventory[index].card[1] & 0x0f); // 属 性 } sd->attackrange += sd->inventory_data[index]->range; run_script_l(sd->inventory_data[index]->equip_script, 0, sd->bl.id, 0, 2, arg); } } else if (sd->inventory_data[index]->type == ItemType::ARMOR) { argrec_t arg[2]; arg[0].name = "@slotId"; arg[0].v.i = int(i); arg[1].name = "@itemId"; arg[1].v.i = sd->inventory_data[index]->nameid; sd->watk += sd->inventory_data[index]->atk; refinedef += sd->status.inventory[index].refine * refinebonus[0][0]; run_script_l(sd->inventory_data[index]->equip_script, 0, sd->bl.id, 0, 2, arg); } } } if (battle_is_unarmed(&sd->bl)) { sd->watk += skill_power(sd, TMW_BRAWLING) / 3; // +66 for 200 sd->watk2 += skill_power(sd, TMW_BRAWLING) >> 3; // +25 for 200 sd->watk_ += skill_power(sd, TMW_BRAWLING) / 3; // +66 for 200 sd->watk_2 += skill_power(sd, TMW_BRAWLING) >> 3; // +25 for 200 } if (sd->equip_index[EQUIP::ARROW] >= 0) { // 矢 index = sd->equip_index[EQUIP::ARROW]; if (sd->inventory_data[index]) { //まだ属性が入っていない argrec_t arg[2]; arg[0].name = "@slotId"; arg[0].v.i = int(EQUIP::ARROW); arg[1].name = "@itemId"; arg[1].v.i = sd->inventory_data[index]->nameid; sd->state.lr_flag = 2; run_script_l(sd->inventory_data[index]->equip_script, 0, sd->bl.id, 0, 2, arg); sd->state.lr_flag = 0; sd->arrow_atk += sd->inventory_data[index]->atk; } } sd->def += (refinedef + 50) / 100; if (sd->attackrange < 1) sd->attackrange = 1; if (sd->attackrange_ < 1) sd->attackrange_ = 1; if (sd->attackrange < sd->attackrange_) sd->attackrange = sd->attackrange_; if (sd->status.weapon == 11) sd->attackrange += sd->arrow_range; if (wele > 0) sd->atk_ele = wele; if (wele_ > 0) sd->atk_ele_ = wele_; if (def_ele > 0) sd->def_ele = def_ele; sd->double_rate += sd->double_add_rate; sd->perfect_hit += sd->perfect_hit_add; sd->get_zeny_num += sd->get_zeny_add_num; sd->splash_range += sd->splash_add_range; if (sd->speed_add_rate != 100) sd->speed_rate += sd->speed_add_rate - 100; if (sd->aspd_add_rate != 100) sd->aspd_rate += sd->aspd_add_rate - 100; // 武器ATKサイズ補正 (右手) sd->atkmods[0] = atkmods[0][sd->weapontype1]; sd->atkmods[1] = atkmods[1][sd->weapontype1]; sd->atkmods[2] = atkmods[2][sd->weapontype1]; //武器ATKサイズ補正 (左手) sd->atkmods_[0] = atkmods[0][sd->weapontype2]; sd->atkmods_[1] = atkmods[1][sd->weapontype2]; sd->atkmods_[2] = atkmods[2][sd->weapontype2]; /* // jobボーナス分 for (i=0;istatus.job_level && iparamb[job_bonus[s_class.upper][s_class.job][i]-1]++; } */ if ((skill = pc_checkskill(sd, MC_INCCARRY)) > 0) // skill can be used with an item now, thanks to orn [Valaris] sd->max_weight += skill * 1000; // ステータス変化による基本パラメータ補正 if (sd->sc_count) { if (sd->sc_data[SC_CONCENTRATE].timer != -1 && sd->sc_data[SC_QUAGMIRE].timer == -1) { // 集中力向上 sd->paramb[ATTR::AGI] += (sd->status.attrs[ATTR::AGI] + sd->paramb[ATTR::AGI] + sd->parame[ATTR::AGI] - sd->paramcard[ATTR::AGI]) * (2 + sd->sc_data[SC_CONCENTRATE].val1) / 100; sd->paramb[ATTR::DEX] += (sd->status.attrs[ATTR::DEX] + sd->paramb[ATTR::DEX] + sd->parame[ATTR::DEX] - sd->paramcard[ATTR::DEX]) * (2 + sd->sc_data[SC_CONCENTRATE].val1) / 100; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_INCREASEAGI].timer != -1 && sd->sc_data[SC_QUAGMIRE].timer == -1 && sd->sc_data[SC_DONTFORGETME].timer == -1) { // 速度増加 sd->paramb[ATTR::AGI] += 2 + sd->sc_data[SC_INCREASEAGI].val1; sd->speed -= sd->speed * 25 / 100; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_DECREASEAGI].timer != -1) // 速度減少(agiはbattle.cで) sd->speed = sd->speed * 125 / 100; if (sd->sc_data[SC_CLOAKING].timer != -1) sd->speed = (sd->speed * (76 + (sd->sc_data[SC_INCREASEAGI].val1 * 3))) / 100; if (sd->sc_data[SC_BLESSING].timer != -1) { // ブレッシング sd->paramb[ATTR::STR] += sd->sc_data[SC_BLESSING].val1; sd->paramb[ATTR::INT] += sd->sc_data[SC_BLESSING].val1; sd->paramb[ATTR::DEX] += sd->sc_data[SC_BLESSING].val1; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_GLORIA].timer != -1) // グロリア sd->paramb[ATTR::LUK] += 30; if (sd->sc_data[SC_LOUD].timer != -1 && sd->sc_data[SC_QUAGMIRE].timer == -1) // ラウドボイス sd->paramb[ATTR::STR] += 4; if (sd->sc_data[SC_QUAGMIRE].timer != -1) { // クァグマイア sd->speed = sd->speed * 3 / 2; sd->paramb[ATTR::AGI] -= (sd->status.attrs[ATTR::AGI] + sd->paramb[ATTR::AGI] + sd->parame[ATTR::AGI]) / 2; sd->paramb[ATTR::DEX] -= (sd->status.attrs[ATTR::DEX] + sd->paramb[ATTR::DEX] + sd->parame[ATTR::DEX]) / 2; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_TRUESIGHT].timer != -1) { // トゥルーサイト for (auto& p : sd->paramb) p += 5; } } sd->speed -= skill_power(sd, TMW_SPEED) >> 3; sd->aspd_rate -= skill_power(sd, TMW_SPEED) / 10; if (sd->aspd_rate < 20) sd->aspd_rate = 20; for (ATTR attr : ATTRs) sd->paramc[attr] = max(0, sd->status.attrs[attr] + sd->paramb[attr] + sd->parame[attr]); if (sd->status.weapon == 11 || sd->status.weapon == 13 || sd->status.weapon == 14) { str = sd->paramc[ATTR::DEX]; dex = sd->paramc[ATTR::STR]; } else { str = sd->paramc[ATTR::STR]; dex = sd->paramc[ATTR::DEX]; sd->critical += ((dex * 3) >> 1); } dstr = str / 10; sd->base_atk += str + dstr * dstr + dex / 5 + sd->paramc[ATTR::LUK] / 5; //FPRINTF(stderr, "baseatk = %d = x + %d + %d + %d + %d\n", sd->base_atk, str, dstr*dstr, dex/5, sd->paramc[ATTR::LUK]/5); sd->matk1 += sd->paramc[ATTR::INT] + (sd->paramc[ATTR::INT] / 5) * (sd->paramc[ATTR::INT] / 5); sd->matk2 += sd->paramc[ATTR::INT] + (sd->paramc[ATTR::INT] / 7) * (sd->paramc[ATTR::INT] / 7); if (sd->matk1 < sd->matk2) { int temp = sd->matk2; sd->matk2 = sd->matk1; sd->matk1 = temp; } // [Fate] New tmw magic system sd->matk1 += sd->status.base_level + sd->spellpower_bonus_current; #ifdef USE_ASTRAL_SOUL_SKILL if (sd->matk1 > MAGIC_SKILL_THRESHOLD) { int bonus = sd->matk1 - MAGIC_SKILL_THRESHOLD; // Ok if you are above a certain threshold, you get only (1/8) of that matk1 // if you have Astral soul skill you can get the whole power again (and additionally the 1/8 added) sd->matk1 = MAGIC_SKILL_THRESHOLD + (bonus>>3) + ((3*bonus*skill_power(sd, TMW_ASTRAL_SOUL))>>9); } #endif sd->matk2 = 0; if (sd->matk1 < 0) sd->matk1 = 0; sd->hit += sd->paramc[ATTR::DEX] + sd->status.base_level; sd->flee += sd->paramc[ATTR::AGI] + sd->status.base_level; sd->def2 += sd->paramc[ATTR::VIT]; sd->mdef2 += sd->paramc[ATTR::INT]; sd->flee2 += sd->paramc[ATTR::LUK] + 10; sd->critical += (sd->paramc[ATTR::LUK] * 3) + 10; // 200 is the maximum of the skill // def2 is the defence gained by vit, whereas "def", which is gained by armor, stays as is int spbsk = skill_power(sd, TMW_RAGING); if (spbsk != 0 && sd->attackrange <= 2) { sd->critical += sd->critical * spbsk / 100; sd->def2 = (sd->def2 * 256) / (256 + spbsk); } if (sd->base_atk < 1) sd->base_atk = 1; if (sd->critical_rate != 100) sd->critical = (sd->critical * sd->critical_rate) / 100; if (sd->critical < 10) sd->critical = 10; if (sd->hit_rate != 100) sd->hit = (sd->hit * sd->hit_rate) / 100; if (sd->hit < 1) sd->hit = 1; if (sd->flee_rate != 100) sd->flee = (sd->flee * sd->flee_rate) / 100; if (sd->flee < 1) sd->flee = 1; if (sd->flee2_rate != 100) sd->flee2 = (sd->flee2 * sd->flee2_rate) / 100; if (sd->flee2 < 10) sd->flee2 = 10; if (sd->def_rate != 100) sd->def = (sd->def * sd->def_rate) / 100; if (sd->def < 0) sd->def = 0; if (sd->def2_rate != 100) sd->def2 = (sd->def2 * sd->def2_rate) / 100; if (sd->def2 < 1) sd->def2 = 1; if (sd->mdef_rate != 100) sd->mdef = (sd->mdef * sd->mdef_rate) / 100; if (sd->mdef < 0) sd->mdef = 0; if (sd->mdef2_rate != 100) sd->mdef2 = (sd->mdef2 * sd->mdef2_rate) / 100; if (sd->mdef2 < 1) sd->mdef2 = 1; // 二刀流 ASPD 修正 if (sd->status.weapon <= 16) sd->aspd += aspd_base[s_class.job][sd->status.weapon] - (sd->paramc[ATTR::AGI] * 4 + sd->paramc[ATTR::DEX]) * aspd_base[s_class.job][sd->status.weapon] / 1000; else sd->aspd += ( (aspd_base[s_class.job][sd->weapontype1] - (sd->paramc[ATTR::AGI] * 4 + sd->paramc[ATTR::DEX]) * aspd_base[s_class.job][sd->weapontype1] / 1000) + (aspd_base[s_class.job][sd->weapontype2] - (sd->paramc[ATTR::AGI] * 4 + sd->paramc[ATTR::DEX]) * aspd_base[s_class.job][sd->weapontype2] / 1000) ) * 140 / 200; aspd_rate = sd->aspd_rate; //攻撃速度増加 if ((skill = pc_checkskill(sd, AC_VULTURE)) > 0) { // ワシの目 sd->hit += skill; if (sd->status.weapon == 11) sd->attackrange += skill; } if (sd->attackrange > 2) { // [fate] ranged weapon? sd->attackrange += min(skill_power(sd, AC_OWL) / 60, 3); sd->hit += skill_power(sd, AC_OWL) / 10; // 20 for 200 } if ((skill = pc_checkskill(sd, BS_WEAPONRESEARCH)) > 0) // 武器研究の命中率増加 sd->hit += skill * 2; if (bool(sd->status.option & Option::HIDE2) && (skill = pc_checkskill(sd, RG_TUNNELDRIVE)) > 0) // トンネルドライブ sd->speed += (1.2 * DEFAULT_WALK_SPEED - skill * 9); if (pc_iscarton(sd) && (skill = pc_checkskill(sd, MC_PUSHCART)) > 0) // カートによる速度低下 sd->speed += (10 - skill) * (DEFAULT_WALK_SPEED * 0.1); else if (pc_isriding(sd)) // ペコペコ乗りによる速度増加 sd->speed -= (0.25 * DEFAULT_WALK_SPEED); sd->max_weight += 1000; if (sd->sc_count) { if (sd->sc_data[SC_WINDWALK].timer != -1) //ウィンドウォーク時はLv*2%減算 sd->speed -= sd->speed * (sd->sc_data[SC_WINDWALK].val1 * 2) / 100; if (sd->sc_data[SC_CARTBOOST].timer != -1) // カートブースト sd->speed -= (DEFAULT_WALK_SPEED * 20) / 100; if (sd->sc_data[SC_BERSERK].timer != -1) //バーサーク中はIAと同じぐらい速い? sd->speed -= sd->speed * 25 / 100; if (sd->sc_data[SC_WEDDING].timer != -1) //結婚中は歩くのが遅い sd->speed = 2 * DEFAULT_WALK_SPEED; } if ((skill = pc_checkskill(sd, CR_TRUST)) > 0) { // フェイス sd->status.max_hp += skill * 200; sd->subele[6] += skill * 5; } if ((skill = pc_checkskill(sd, BS_SKINTEMPER)) > 0) sd->subele[3] += skill * 4; bl = sd->status.base_level; sd->status.max_hp += ( 3500 + bl * hp_coefficient2[s_class.job] + hp_sigma_val[s_class.job][(bl > 0) ? bl - 1 : 0] ) / 100 * (100 + sd->paramc[ATTR::VIT]) / 100 + (sd->parame[ATTR::VIT] - sd->paramcard[ATTR::VIT]); if (s_class.upper == 1) // [MouseJstr] sd->status.max_hp = sd->status.max_hp * 130 / 100; if (sd->hprate != 100) sd->status.max_hp = sd->status.max_hp * sd->hprate / 100; if (sd->sc_data[SC_BERSERK].timer != -1) { // バーサーク sd->status.max_hp = sd->status.max_hp * 3; sd->status.hp = sd->status.hp * 3; if (sd->status.max_hp > battle_config.max_hp) // removed negative max hp bug by Valaris sd->status.max_hp = battle_config.max_hp; if (sd->status.hp > battle_config.max_hp) // removed negative max hp bug by Valaris sd->status.hp = battle_config.max_hp; } if (s_class.job == 23 && sd->status.base_level >= 99) { sd->status.max_hp = sd->status.max_hp + 2000; } if (sd->status.max_hp > battle_config.max_hp) // removed negative max hp bug by Valaris sd->status.max_hp = battle_config.max_hp; if (sd->status.max_hp <= 0) sd->status.max_hp = 1; // end // 最大SP計算 sd->status.max_sp += ((sp_coefficient[s_class.job] * bl) + 1000) / 100 * (100 + sd->paramc[ATTR::INT]) / 100 + (sd->parame[ATTR::INT] - sd->paramcard[ATTR::INT]); if (s_class.upper == 1) // [MouseJstr] sd->status.max_sp = sd->status.max_sp * 130 / 100; if (sd->sprate != 100) sd->status.max_sp = sd->status.max_sp * sd->sprate / 100; if ((skill = pc_checkskill(sd, HP_MEDITATIO)) > 0) // メディテイティオ sd->status.max_sp += sd->status.max_sp * skill / 100; if ((skill = pc_checkskill(sd, HW_SOULDRAIN)) > 0) // ソウルドレイン sd->status.max_sp += sd->status.max_sp * 2 * skill / 100; if (sd->status.max_sp < 0 || sd->status.max_sp > battle_config.max_sp) sd->status.max_sp = battle_config.max_sp; //自然回復HP sd->nhealhp = 1 + (sd->paramc[ATTR::VIT] / 5) + (sd->status.max_hp / 200); if ((skill = pc_checkskill(sd, SM_RECOVERY)) > 0) { // HP回復力向上 sd->nshealhp = skill * 5 + (sd->status.max_hp * skill / 500); if (sd->nshealhp > 0x7fff) sd->nshealhp = 0x7fff; } //自然回復SP sd->nhealsp = 1 + (sd->paramc[ATTR::INT] / 6) + (sd->status.max_sp / 100); if (sd->paramc[ATTR::INT] >= 120) sd->nhealsp += ((sd->paramc[ATTR::INT] - 120) >> 1) + 4; if ((skill = pc_checkskill(sd, MG_SRECOVERY)) > 0) { // SP回復力向上 sd->nshealsp = skill * 3 + (sd->status.max_sp * skill / 500); if (sd->nshealsp > 0x7fff) sd->nshealsp = 0x7fff; } if ((skill = pc_checkskill(sd, MO_SPIRITSRECOVERY)) > 0) { sd->nsshealhp = skill * 4 + (sd->status.max_hp * skill / 500); sd->nsshealsp = skill * 2 + (sd->status.max_sp * skill / 500); if (sd->nsshealhp > 0x7fff) sd->nsshealhp = 0x7fff; if (sd->nsshealsp > 0x7fff) sd->nsshealsp = 0x7fff; } if (sd->hprecov_rate != 100) { sd->nhealhp = sd->nhealhp * sd->hprecov_rate / 100; if (sd->nhealhp < 1) sd->nhealhp = 1; } if (sd->sprecov_rate != 100) { sd->nhealsp = sd->nhealsp * sd->sprecov_rate / 100; if (sd->nhealsp < 1) sd->nhealsp = 1; } if ((skill = pc_checkskill(sd, HP_MEDITATIO)) > 0) { // メディテイティオはSPRではなく自然回復にかかる sd->nhealsp += 3 * skill * (sd->status.max_sp) / 100; if (sd->nhealsp > 0x7fff) sd->nhealsp = 0x7fff; } // 種族耐性(これでいいの? ディバインプロテクションと同じ処理がいるかも) if ((skill = pc_checkskill(sd, SA_DRAGONOLOGY)) > 0) { // ドラゴノロジー skill = skill * 4; sd->addrace[9] += skill; sd->addrace_[9] += skill; sd->subrace[9] += skill; sd->magic_addrace[9] += skill; sd->magic_subrace[9] -= skill; } //Flee上昇 if ((skill = pc_checkskill(sd, TF_MISS)) > 0) { // 回避率増加 if (sd->status.pc_class == 6 || sd->status.pc_class == 4007 || sd->status.pc_class == 23) { sd->flee += skill * 3; } if (sd->status.pc_class == 12 || sd->status.pc_class == 17 || sd->status.pc_class == 4013 || sd->status.pc_class == 4018) sd->flee += skill * 4; if (sd->status.pc_class == 12 || sd->status.pc_class == 4013) sd->speed -= sd->speed * (skill * .5) / 100; } if ((skill = pc_checkskill(sd, MO_DODGE)) > 0) // 見切り sd->flee += (skill * 3) >> 1; // スキルやステータス異常による残りのパラメータ補正 if (sd->sc_count) { // ATK/DEF変化形 if (sd->sc_data[SC_ANGELUS].timer != -1) // エンジェラス sd->def2 = sd->def2 * (110 + 5 * sd->sc_data[SC_ANGELUS].val1) / 100; if (sd->sc_data[SC_IMPOSITIO].timer != -1) { // インポシティオマヌス sd->watk += sd->sc_data[SC_IMPOSITIO].val1 * 5; index = sd->equip_index[EQUIP::SHIELD]; if (index >= 0 && sd->inventory_data[index] && sd->inventory_data[index]->type == ItemType::WEAPON) sd->watk_ += sd->sc_data[SC_IMPOSITIO].val1 * 5; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_PROVOKE].timer != -1) { // プロボック sd->def2 = sd->def2 * (100 - 6 * sd->sc_data[SC_PROVOKE].val1) / 100; sd->base_atk = sd->base_atk * (100 + 2 * sd->sc_data[SC_PROVOKE].val1) / 100; sd->watk = sd->watk * (100 + 2 * sd->sc_data[SC_PROVOKE].val1) / 100; index = sd->equip_index[EQUIP::SHIELD]; if (index >= 0 && sd->inventory_data[index] && sd->inventory_data[index]->type == ItemType::WEAPON) sd->watk_ = sd->watk_ * (100 + 2 * sd->sc_data[SC_PROVOKE].val1) / 100; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_ENDURE].timer != -1) sd->mdef2 += sd->sc_data[SC_ENDURE].val1; if (sd->sc_data[SC_MINDBREAKER].timer != -1) { // プロボック sd->mdef2 = sd->mdef2 * (100 - 6 * sd->sc_data[SC_MINDBREAKER].val1) / 100; sd->matk1 = sd->matk1 * (100 + 2 * sd->sc_data[SC_MINDBREAKER].val1) / 100; sd->matk2 = sd->matk2 * (100 + 2 * sd->sc_data[SC_MINDBREAKER].val1) / 100; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_POISON].timer != -1) // 毒状態 sd->def2 = sd->def2 * 75 / 100; if (sd->sc_data[SC_DRUMBATTLE].timer != -1) { // 戦太鼓の響き sd->watk += sd->sc_data[SC_DRUMBATTLE].val2; sd->def += sd->sc_data[SC_DRUMBATTLE].val3; index = sd->equip_index[EQUIP::SHIELD]; if (index >= 0 && sd->inventory_data[index] && sd->inventory_data[index]->type == ItemType::WEAPON) sd->watk_ += sd->sc_data[SC_DRUMBATTLE].val2; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_NIBELUNGEN].timer != -1) { // ニーベルングの指輪 index = sd->equip_index[EQUIP::WEAPON]; if (index >= 0 && sd->inventory_data[index] && sd->inventory_data[index]->wlv == 3) sd->watk += sd->sc_data[SC_NIBELUNGEN].val3; index = sd->equip_index[EQUIP::SHIELD]; if (index >= 0 && sd->inventory_data[index] && sd->inventory_data[index]->wlv == 3) sd->watk_ += sd->sc_data[SC_NIBELUNGEN].val3; if (index >= 0 && sd->inventory_data[index] && sd->inventory_data[index]->wlv == 4) sd->watk += sd->sc_data[SC_NIBELUNGEN].val2; index = sd->equip_index[EQUIP::SHIELD]; if (index >= 0 && sd->inventory_data[index] && sd->inventory_data[index]->wlv == 4) sd->watk_ += sd->sc_data[SC_NIBELUNGEN].val2; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_VOLCANO].timer != -1 && sd->def_ele == 3) { // ボルケーノ sd->watk += sd->sc_data[SC_VIOLENTGALE].val3; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_SIGNUMCRUCIS].timer != -1) sd->def = sd->def * (100 - sd->sc_data[SC_SIGNUMCRUCIS].val2) / 100; if (sd->sc_data[SC_ETERNALCHAOS].timer != -1) // エターナルカオス sd->def = 0; if (sd->sc_data[SC_CONCENTRATION].timer != -1) { //コンセントレーション sd->watk = sd->watk * (100 + 5 * sd->sc_data[SC_CONCENTRATION].val1) / 100; index = sd->equip_index[EQUIP::SHIELD]; if (index >= 0 && sd->inventory_data[index] && sd->inventory_data[index]->type == ItemType::WEAPON) sd->watk_ = sd->watk * (100 + 5 * sd->sc_data[SC_CONCENTRATION].val1) / 100; sd->def = sd->def * (100 - 5 * sd->sc_data[SC_CONCENTRATION].val1) / 100; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_MAGICPOWER].timer != -1) { //魔法力増幅 sd->matk1 = sd->matk1 * (100 + 2 * sd->sc_data[SC_MAGICPOWER].val1) / 100; sd->matk2 = sd->matk2 * (100 + 2 * sd->sc_data[SC_MAGICPOWER].val1) / 100; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_ATKPOT].timer != -1) sd->watk += sd->sc_data[SC_ATKPOT].val1; if (sd->sc_data[SC_MATKPOT].timer != -1) { sd->matk1 += sd->sc_data[SC_MATKPOT].val1; sd->matk2 += sd->sc_data[SC_MATKPOT].val1; } // ASPD/移動速度変化系 if (sd->sc_data[SC_TWOHANDQUICKEN].timer != -1 && sd->sc_data[SC_QUAGMIRE].timer == -1 && sd->sc_data[SC_DONTFORGETME].timer == -1) // 2HQ aspd_rate -= 30; if (sd->sc_data[SC_ADRENALINE].timer != -1 && sd->sc_data[SC_TWOHANDQUICKEN].timer == -1 && sd->sc_data[SC_QUAGMIRE].timer == -1 && sd->sc_data[SC_DONTFORGETME].timer == -1) { // アドレナリンラッシュ if (sd->sc_data[SC_ADRENALINE].val2 || !battle_config.party_skill_penaly) aspd_rate -= 30; else aspd_rate -= 25; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_SPEARSQUICKEN].timer != -1 && sd->sc_data[SC_ADRENALINE].timer == -1 && sd->sc_data[SC_TWOHANDQUICKEN].timer == -1 && sd->sc_data[SC_QUAGMIRE].timer == -1 && sd->sc_data[SC_DONTFORGETME].timer == -1) // スピアクィッケン aspd_rate -= sd->sc_data[SC_SPEARSQUICKEN].val2; if (sd->sc_data[SC_ASSNCROS].timer != -1 && // 夕陽のアサシンクロス sd->sc_data[SC_TWOHANDQUICKEN].timer == -1 && sd->sc_data[SC_ADRENALINE].timer == -1 && sd->sc_data[SC_SPEARSQUICKEN].timer == -1 && sd->sc_data[SC_DONTFORGETME].timer == -1) aspd_rate -= 5 + sd->sc_data[SC_ASSNCROS].val1 + sd->sc_data[SC_ASSNCROS].val2 + sd->sc_data[SC_ASSNCROS].val3; if (sd->sc_data[SC_DONTFORGETME].timer != -1) { // 私を忘れないで aspd_rate += sd->sc_data[SC_DONTFORGETME].val1 * 3 + sd->sc_data[SC_DONTFORGETME].val2 + (sd->sc_data[SC_DONTFORGETME].val3 >> 16); sd->speed = sd->speed * (100 + sd->sc_data[SC_DONTFORGETME].val1 * 2 + sd->sc_data[SC_DONTFORGETME].val2 + (sd->sc_data[SC_DONTFORGETME].val3 & 0xffff)) / 100; } { StatusChange i; if (sd->sc_data[i = SC_SPEEDPOTION2].timer != -1 || sd->sc_data[i = SC_SPEEDPOTION1].timer != -1 || sd->sc_data[i = SC_SPEEDPOTION0].timer != -1) aspd_rate -= sd->sc_data[i].val1; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_HASTE].timer != -1) aspd_rate -= sd->sc_data[SC_HASTE].val1; /* Slow down if protected */ if (sd->sc_data[SC_PHYS_SHIELD].timer != -1) aspd_rate += sd->sc_data[SC_PHYS_SHIELD].val1; // HIT/FLEE変化系 if (sd->sc_data[SC_WHISTLE].timer != -1) { // 口笛 sd->flee += sd->flee * (sd->sc_data[SC_WHISTLE].val1 + sd->sc_data[SC_WHISTLE].val2 + (sd->sc_data[SC_WHISTLE].val3 >> 16)) / 100; sd->flee2 += (sd->sc_data[SC_WHISTLE].val1 + sd->sc_data[SC_WHISTLE].val2 + (sd->sc_data[SC_WHISTLE].val3 & 0xffff)) * 10; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_HUMMING].timer != -1) // ハミング sd->hit += (sd->sc_data[SC_HUMMING].val1 * 2 + sd->sc_data[SC_HUMMING].val2 + sd->sc_data[SC_HUMMING].val3) * sd->hit / 100; if (sd->sc_data[SC_VIOLENTGALE].timer != -1 && sd->def_ele == 4) { // バイオレントゲイル sd->flee += sd->flee * sd->sc_data[SC_VIOLENTGALE].val3 / 100; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_BLIND].timer != -1) { // 暗黒 sd->hit -= sd->hit * 25 / 100; sd->flee -= sd->flee * 25 / 100; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_WINDWALK].timer != -1) // ウィンドウォーク sd->flee += sd->flee * (sd->sc_data[SC_WINDWALK].val2) / 100; if (sd->sc_data[SC_SPIDERWEB].timer != -1) //スパイダーウェブ sd->flee -= sd->flee * 50 / 100; if (sd->sc_data[SC_TRUESIGHT].timer != -1) //トゥルーサイト sd->hit += 3 * (sd->sc_data[SC_TRUESIGHT].val1); if (sd->sc_data[SC_CONCENTRATION].timer != -1) //コンセントレーション sd->hit += (10 * (sd->sc_data[SC_CONCENTRATION].val1)); // 耐性 if (sd->sc_data[SC_SIEGFRIED].timer != -1) { // 不死身のジークフリード sd->subele[1] += sd->sc_data[SC_SIEGFRIED].val2; // 水 sd->subele[2] += sd->sc_data[SC_SIEGFRIED].val2; // 水 sd->subele[3] += sd->sc_data[SC_SIEGFRIED].val2; // 水 sd->subele[4] += sd->sc_data[SC_SIEGFRIED].val2; // 水 sd->subele[5] += sd->sc_data[SC_SIEGFRIED].val2; // 水 sd->subele[6] += sd->sc_data[SC_SIEGFRIED].val2; // 水 sd->subele[7] += sd->sc_data[SC_SIEGFRIED].val2; // 水 sd->subele[8] += sd->sc_data[SC_SIEGFRIED].val2; // 水 sd->subele[9] += sd->sc_data[SC_SIEGFRIED].val2; // 水 } if (sd->sc_data[SC_PROVIDENCE].timer != -1) { // プロヴィデンス sd->subele[6] += sd->sc_data[SC_PROVIDENCE].val2; // 対 聖属性 sd->subrace[6] += sd->sc_data[SC_PROVIDENCE].val2; // 対 悪魔 } // その他 if (sd->sc_data[SC_APPLEIDUN].timer != -1) { // イドゥンの林檎 sd->status.max_hp += ((5 + sd->sc_data[SC_APPLEIDUN].val1 * 2 + ((sd->sc_data[SC_APPLEIDUN].val2 + 1) >> 1) + sd->sc_data[SC_APPLEIDUN].val3 / 10) * sd->status.max_hp) / 100; if (sd->status.max_hp < 0 || sd->status.max_hp > battle_config.max_hp) sd->status.max_hp = battle_config.max_hp; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_DELUGE].timer != -1 && sd->def_ele == 1) { // デリュージ sd->status.max_hp += sd->status.max_hp * sd->sc_data[SC_DELUGE].val3 / 100; if (sd->status.max_hp < 0 || sd->status.max_hp > battle_config.max_hp) sd->status.max_hp = battle_config.max_hp; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_SERVICE4U].timer != -1) { // サービスフォーユー sd->status.max_sp += sd->status.max_sp * (10 + sd->sc_data[SC_SERVICE4U].val1 + sd->sc_data[SC_SERVICE4U].val2 + sd->sc_data[SC_SERVICE4U].val3) / 100; if (sd->status.max_sp < 0 || sd->status.max_sp > battle_config.max_sp) sd->status.max_sp = battle_config.max_sp; sd->dsprate -= (10 + sd->sc_data[SC_SERVICE4U].val1 * 3 + sd->sc_data[SC_SERVICE4U].val2 + sd->sc_data[SC_SERVICE4U].val3); if (sd->dsprate < 0) sd->dsprate = 0; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_FORTUNE].timer != -1) // 幸運のキス sd->critical += (10 + sd->sc_data[SC_FORTUNE].val1 + sd->sc_data[SC_FORTUNE].val2 + sd->sc_data[SC_FORTUNE].val3) * 10; if (sd->sc_data[SC_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS].timer != -1) { // 爆裂波動 if (s_class.job == 23) sd->critical += sd->sc_data[SC_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS].val1 * 100; else sd->critical += sd->sc_data[SC_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS].val2; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_STEELBODY].timer != -1) { // 金剛 sd->def = 90; sd->mdef = 90; aspd_rate += 25; sd->speed = (sd->speed * 125) / 100; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_DEFENDER].timer != -1) { sd->aspd += (550 - sd->sc_data[SC_DEFENDER].val1 * 50); sd->speed = (sd->speed * (155 - sd->sc_data[SC_DEFENDER].val1 * 5)) / 100; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_ENCPOISON].timer != -1) sd->addeff[BadSC::POISON] += sd->sc_data[SC_ENCPOISON].val2; if (sd->sc_data[SC_DANCING].timer != -1) { // 演奏/ダンス使用中 sd->speed *= 4; sd->nhealsp = 0; sd->nshealsp = 0; sd->nsshealsp = 0; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_CURSE].timer != -1) sd->speed += 450; if (sd->sc_data[SC_TRUESIGHT].timer != -1) //トゥルーサイト sd->critical += sd->critical * (sd->sc_data[SC_TRUESIGHT].val1) / 100; /* if (sd->sc_data[SC_VOLCANO].timer!=-1) // エンチャントポイズン(属性はbattle.cで) sd->addeff[2]+=sd->sc_data[SC_VOLCANO].val2;//% of granting if (sd->sc_data[SC_DELUGE].timer!=-1) // エンチャントポイズン(属性はbattle.cで) sd->addeff[0]+=sd->sc_data[SC_DELUGE].val2;//% of granting */ } if (sd->speed_rate != 100) sd->speed = sd->speed * sd->speed_rate / 100; if (sd->speed < 1) sd->speed = 1; if (aspd_rate != 100) sd->aspd = sd->aspd * aspd_rate / 100; if (pc_isriding(sd)) // 騎兵修練 sd->aspd = sd->aspd * (100 + 10 * (5 - pc_checkskill(sd, KN_CAVALIERMASTERY))) / 100; if (sd->attack_spell_override) sd->aspd = sd->attack_spell_delay; if (sd->aspd < battle_config.max_aspd) sd->aspd = battle_config.max_aspd; sd->amotion = sd->aspd; sd->dmotion = 800 - sd->paramc[ATTR::AGI] * 4; if (sd->dmotion < 400) sd->dmotion = 400; if (sd->skilltimer != -1 && (skill = pc_checkskill(sd, SA_FREECAST)) > 0) { sd->prev_speed = sd->speed; sd->speed = sd->speed * (175 - skill * 5) / 100; } if (sd->status.hp > sd->status.max_hp) sd->status.hp = sd->status.max_hp; if (sd->status.sp > sd->status.max_sp) sd->status.sp = sd->status.max_sp; if (first & 4) return 0; if (first & 3) { clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_SPEED); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_MAXHP); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_MAXSP); if (first & 1) { clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_HP); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_SP); } return 0; } if (b_class != sd->view_class) { clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_BASE, sd->view_class); clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_WEAPON, 0); } if (memcmp(&b_skill, &sd->status.skill, sizeof(sd->status.skill)) || b_attackrange != sd->attackrange) clif_skillinfoblock(sd); // スキル送信 if (b_speed != sd->speed) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_SPEED); if (b_weight != sd->weight) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_WEIGHT); if (b_max_weight != sd->max_weight) { clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_MAXWEIGHT); pc_checkweighticon(sd); } for (ATTR i : ATTRs) if (b_paramb[i] + b_parame[i] != sd->paramb[i] + sd->parame[i]) clif_updatestatus(sd, attr_to_sp(i)); if (b_hit != sd->hit) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_HIT); if (b_flee != sd->flee) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_FLEE1); if (b_aspd != sd->aspd) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_ASPD); if (b_watk != sd->watk || b_base_atk != sd->base_atk) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_ATK1); if (b_def != sd->def) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_DEF1); if (b_watk2 != sd->watk2) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_ATK2); if (b_def2 != sd->def2) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_DEF2); if (b_flee2 != sd->flee2) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_FLEE2); if (b_critical != sd->critical) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_CRITICAL); if (b_matk1 != sd->matk1) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_MATK1); if (b_matk2 != sd->matk2) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_MATK2); if (b_mdef != sd->mdef) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_MDEF1); if (b_mdef2 != sd->mdef2) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_MDEF2); if (b_attackrange != sd->attackrange) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_ATTACKRANGE); if (b_max_hp != sd->status.max_hp) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_MAXHP); if (b_max_sp != sd->status.max_sp) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_MAXSP); if (b_hp != sd->status.hp) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_HP); if (b_sp != sd->status.sp) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_SP); /* if (before.cart_num != before.cart_num || before.cart_max_num != before.cart_max_num || before.cart_weight != before.cart_weight || before.cart_max_weight != before.cart_max_weight ) clif_updatestatus(sd,SP_CARTINFO);*/ if (sd->status.hp < sd->status.max_hp >> 2 && pc_checkskill(sd, SM_AUTOBERSERK) > 0 && (sd->sc_data[SC_PROVOKE].timer == -1 || sd->sc_data[SC_PROVOKE].val2 == 0) && !pc_isdead(sd)) // オートバーサーク発動 skill_status_change_start(&sd->bl, SC_PROVOKE, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); return 0; } /*========================================== * 装 備品による能力等のボーナス設定 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_bonus(struct map_session_data *sd, SP type, int val) { nullpo_ret(sd); switch (type) { case SP_STR: case SP_AGI: case SP_VIT: case SP_INT: case SP_DEX: case SP_LUK: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->parame[sp_to_attr(type)] += val; break; case SP_ATK1: if (!sd->state.lr_flag) sd->watk += val; else if (sd->state.lr_flag == 1) sd->watk_ += val; break; case SP_ATK2: if (!sd->state.lr_flag) sd->watk2 += val; else if (sd->state.lr_flag == 1) sd->watk_2 += val; break; case SP_BASE_ATK: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->base_atk += val; break; case SP_MATK1: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->matk1 += val; break; case SP_MATK2: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->matk2 += val; break; case SP_MATK: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { sd->matk1 += val; sd->matk2 += val; } break; case SP_DEF1: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->def += val; break; case SP_MDEF1: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->mdef += val; break; case SP_MDEF2: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->mdef += val; break; case SP_HIT: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->hit += val; else sd->arrow_hit += val; break; case SP_FLEE1: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->flee += val; break; case SP_FLEE2: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->flee2 += val * 10; break; case SP_CRITICAL: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->critical += val * 10; else sd->arrow_cri += val * 10; break; case SP_ATKELE: if (!sd->state.lr_flag) sd->atk_ele = val; else if (sd->state.lr_flag == 1) sd->atk_ele_ = val; else if (sd->state.lr_flag == 2) sd->arrow_ele = val; break; case SP_DEFELE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->def_ele = val; break; case SP_MAXHP: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->status.max_hp += val; break; case SP_MAXSP: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->status.max_sp += val; break; case SP_CASTRATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->castrate += val; break; case SP_MAXHPRATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->hprate += val; break; case SP_MAXSPRATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->sprate += val; break; case SP_SPRATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->dsprate += val; break; case SP_ATTACKRANGE: if (!sd->state.lr_flag) sd->attackrange += val; else if (sd->state.lr_flag == 1) sd->attackrange_ += val; else if (sd->state.lr_flag == 2) sd->arrow_range += val; break; case SP_ADD_SPEED: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->speed -= val; break; case SP_SPEED_RATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { if (sd->speed_rate > 100 - val) sd->speed_rate = 100 - val; } break; case SP_SPEED_ADDRATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->speed_add_rate = sd->speed_add_rate * (100 - val) / 100; break; case SP_ASPD: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->aspd -= val * 10; break; case SP_ASPD_RATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { if (sd->aspd_rate > 100 - val) sd->aspd_rate = 100 - val; } break; case SP_ASPD_ADDRATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->aspd_add_rate = sd->aspd_add_rate * (100 - val) / 100; break; case SP_HP_RECOV_RATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->hprecov_rate += val; break; case SP_SP_RECOV_RATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->sprecov_rate += val; break; case SP_CRITICAL_DEF: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->critical_def += val; break; case SP_NEAR_ATK_DEF: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->near_attack_def_rate += val; break; case SP_LONG_ATK_DEF: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->long_attack_def_rate += val; break; case SP_DOUBLE_RATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag == 0 && sd->double_rate < val) sd->double_rate = val; break; case SP_DOUBLE_ADD_RATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag == 0) sd->double_add_rate += val; break; case SP_MATK_RATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->matk_rate += val; break; case SP_IGNORE_DEF_ELE: if (!sd->state.lr_flag) sd->ignore_def_ele |= 1 << val; else if (sd->state.lr_flag == 1) sd->ignore_def_ele_ |= 1 << val; break; case SP_IGNORE_DEF_RACE: if (!sd->state.lr_flag) sd->ignore_def_race |= 1 << val; else if (sd->state.lr_flag == 1) sd->ignore_def_race_ |= 1 << val; break; case SP_ATK_RATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->atk_rate += val; break; case SP_MAGIC_ATK_DEF: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->magic_def_rate += val; break; case SP_MISC_ATK_DEF: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->misc_def_rate += val; break; case SP_IGNORE_MDEF_ELE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->ignore_mdef_ele |= 1 << val; break; case SP_IGNORE_MDEF_RACE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->ignore_mdef_race |= 1 << val; break; case SP_PERFECT_HIT_RATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2 && sd->perfect_hit < val) sd->perfect_hit = val; break; case SP_PERFECT_HIT_ADD_RATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->perfect_hit_add += val; break; case SP_CRITICAL_RATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->critical_rate += val; break; case SP_GET_ZENY_NUM: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2 && sd->get_zeny_num < val) sd->get_zeny_num = val; break; case SP_ADD_GET_ZENY_NUM: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->get_zeny_add_num += val; break; case SP_DEF_RATIO_ATK_ELE: if (!sd->state.lr_flag) sd->def_ratio_atk_ele |= 1 << val; else if (sd->state.lr_flag == 1) sd->def_ratio_atk_ele_ |= 1 << val; break; case SP_DEF_RATIO_ATK_RACE: if (!sd->state.lr_flag) sd->def_ratio_atk_race |= 1 << val; else if (sd->state.lr_flag == 1) sd->def_ratio_atk_race_ |= 1 << val; break; case SP_HIT_RATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->hit_rate += val; break; case SP_FLEE_RATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->flee_rate += val; break; case SP_FLEE2_RATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->flee2_rate += val; break; case SP_DEF_RATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->def_rate += val; break; case SP_DEF2_RATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->def2_rate += val; break; case SP_MDEF_RATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->mdef_rate += val; break; case SP_MDEF2_RATE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->mdef2_rate += val; break; case SP_RESTART_FULL_RECORVER: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->special_state.restart_full_recover = 1; break; case SP_NO_CASTCANCEL: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->special_state.no_castcancel = 1; break; case SP_NO_CASTCANCEL2: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->special_state.no_castcancel2 = 1; break; case SP_NO_SIZEFIX: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->special_state.no_sizefix = 1; break; case SP_NO_MAGIC_DAMAGE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->special_state.no_magic_damage = 1; break; case SP_NO_WEAPON_DAMAGE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->special_state.no_weapon_damage = 1; break; case SP_NO_GEMSTONE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->special_state.no_gemstone = 1; break; case SP_INFINITE_ENDURE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->special_state.infinite_endure = 1; break; case SP_SPLASH_RANGE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2 && sd->splash_range < val) sd->splash_range = val; break; case SP_SPLASH_ADD_RANGE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->splash_add_range += val; break; case SP_SHORT_WEAPON_DAMAGE_RETURN: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->short_weapon_damage_return += val; break; case SP_LONG_WEAPON_DAMAGE_RETURN: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->long_weapon_damage_return += val; break; case SP_MAGIC_DAMAGE_RETURN: //AppleGirl Was Here if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->magic_damage_return += val; break; case SP_ALL_STATS: // [Valaris] if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { for (ATTR attr : ATTRs) sd->parame[attr] += val; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_STR); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_AGI); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_VIT); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_INT); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_DEX); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_LUK); } break; case SP_AGI_VIT: // [Valaris] if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { sd->parame[ATTR::AGI] += val; sd->parame[ATTR::VIT] += val; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_AGI); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_VIT); } break; case SP_AGI_DEX_STR: // [Valaris] if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { sd->parame[ATTR::AGI] += val; sd->parame[ATTR::DEX] += val; sd->parame[ATTR::STR] += val; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_AGI); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_DEX); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_STR); } break; case SP_PERFECT_HIDE: // [Valaris] if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { sd->perfect_hiding = 1; } break; case SP_DISGUISE: // Disguise script for items [Valaris] if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2 && sd->disguiseflag == 0) { if (pc_isriding(sd)) { // temporary prevention of crash caused by peco + disguise, will look into a better solution [Valaris] clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Cannot wear disguise when riding a Peco."); break; } sd->disguise = val; clif_clearchar(&sd->bl, 9); pc_setpos(sd, sd->mapname, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, 3); } break; case SP_UNBREAKABLE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { sd->unbreakable += val; } break; case SP_DEAF: sd->special_state.deaf = 1; break; default: if (battle_config.error_log) PRINTF("pc_bonus: unknown type %d %d !\n", type, val); break; } return 0; } /*========================================== * ソスソス ソスソスソスiソスノゑソスソスソスソス\ソスヘ難ソスソスフボソス[ソスiソスXソスン抵ソス *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_bonus2(struct map_session_data *sd, SP type, int type2, int val) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); switch (type) { case SP_ADDELE: if (!sd->state.lr_flag) sd->addele[type2] += val; else if (sd->state.lr_flag == 1) sd->addele_[type2] += val; else if (sd->state.lr_flag == 2) sd->arrow_addele[type2] += val; break; case SP_ADDRACE: if (!sd->state.lr_flag) sd->addrace[type2] += val; else if (sd->state.lr_flag == 1) sd->addrace_[type2] += val; else if (sd->state.lr_flag == 2) sd->arrow_addrace[type2] += val; break; case SP_ADDSIZE: if (!sd->state.lr_flag) sd->addsize[type2] += val; else if (sd->state.lr_flag == 1) sd->addsize_[type2] += val; else if (sd->state.lr_flag == 2) sd->arrow_addsize[type2] += val; break; case SP_SUBELE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->subele[type2] += val; break; case SP_SUBRACE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->subrace[type2] += val; break; case SP_ADDEFF: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->addeff[BadSC(type2)] += val; else sd->arrow_addeff[BadSC(type2)] += val; break; case SP_ADDEFF2: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->addeff2[BadSC(type2)] += val; else sd->arrow_addeff2[BadSC(type2)] += val; break; case SP_RESEFF: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->reseff[BadSC(type2)] += val; break; case SP_MAGIC_ADDELE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->magic_addele[type2] += val; break; case SP_MAGIC_ADDRACE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->magic_addrace[type2] += val; break; case SP_MAGIC_SUBRACE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->magic_subrace[type2] += val; break; case SP_ADD_DAMAGE_CLASS: if (!sd->state.lr_flag) { for (i = 0; i < sd->add_damage_class_count; i++) { if (sd->add_damage_classid[i] == type2) { sd->add_damage_classrate[i] += val; break; } } if (i >= sd->add_damage_class_count && sd->add_damage_class_count < 10) { sd->add_damage_classid[sd->add_damage_class_count] = type2; sd->add_damage_classrate[sd->add_damage_class_count] += val; sd->add_damage_class_count++; } } else if (sd->state.lr_flag == 1) { for (i = 0; i < sd->add_damage_class_count_; i++) { if (sd->add_damage_classid_[i] == type2) { sd->add_damage_classrate_[i] += val; break; } } if (i >= sd->add_damage_class_count_ && sd->add_damage_class_count_ < 10) { sd->add_damage_classid_[sd->add_damage_class_count_] = type2; sd->add_damage_classrate_[sd->add_damage_class_count_] += val; sd->add_damage_class_count_++; } } break; case SP_ADD_MAGIC_DAMAGE_CLASS: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { for (i = 0; i < sd->add_magic_damage_class_count; i++) { if (sd->add_magic_damage_classid[i] == type2) { sd->add_magic_damage_classrate[i] += val; break; } } if (i >= sd->add_magic_damage_class_count && sd->add_magic_damage_class_count < 10) { sd->add_magic_damage_classid [sd->add_magic_damage_class_count] = type2; sd->add_magic_damage_classrate [sd->add_magic_damage_class_count] += val; sd->add_magic_damage_class_count++; } } break; case SP_ADD_DEF_CLASS: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { for (i = 0; i < sd->add_def_class_count; i++) { if (sd->add_def_classid[i] == type2) { sd->add_def_classrate[i] += val; break; } } if (i >= sd->add_def_class_count && sd->add_def_class_count < 10) { sd->add_def_classid[sd->add_def_class_count] = type2; sd->add_def_classrate[sd->add_def_class_count] += val; sd->add_def_class_count++; } } break; case SP_ADD_MDEF_CLASS: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { for (i = 0; i < sd->add_mdef_class_count; i++) { if (sd->add_mdef_classid[i] == type2) { sd->add_mdef_classrate[i] += val; break; } } if (i >= sd->add_mdef_class_count && sd->add_mdef_class_count < 10) { sd->add_mdef_classid[sd->add_mdef_class_count] = type2; sd->add_mdef_classrate[sd->add_mdef_class_count] += val; sd->add_mdef_class_count++; } } break; case SP_HP_DRAIN_RATE: if (!sd->state.lr_flag) { sd->hp_drain_rate += type2; sd->hp_drain_per += val; } else if (sd->state.lr_flag == 1) { sd->hp_drain_rate_ += type2; sd->hp_drain_per_ += val; } break; case SP_SP_DRAIN_RATE: if (!sd->state.lr_flag) { sd->sp_drain_rate += type2; sd->sp_drain_per += val; } else if (sd->state.lr_flag == 1) { sd->sp_drain_rate_ += type2; sd->sp_drain_per_ += val; } break; case SP_WEAPON_COMA_ELE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->weapon_coma_ele[type2] += val; break; case SP_WEAPON_COMA_RACE: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->weapon_coma_race[type2] += val; break; case SP_RANDOM_ATTACK_INCREASE: // [Valaris] if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { sd->random_attack_increase_add = type2; sd->random_attack_increase_per += val; break; } // end addition break; default: if (battle_config.error_log) PRINTF("pc_bonus2: unknown type %d %d %d!\n", type, type2, val); break; } return 0; } int pc_bonus3(struct map_session_data *sd, SP type, int type2, int type3, int val) { int i; switch (type) { case SP_ADD_MONSTER_DROP_ITEM: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { for (i = 0; i < sd->monster_drop_item_count; i++) { if (sd->monster_drop_itemid[i] == type2) { sd->monster_drop_race[i] |= 1 << type3; if (sd->monster_drop_itemrate[i] < val) sd->monster_drop_itemrate[i] = val; break; } } if (i >= sd->monster_drop_item_count && sd->monster_drop_item_count < 10) { sd->monster_drop_itemid[sd->monster_drop_item_count] = type2; sd->monster_drop_race[sd->monster_drop_item_count] |= 1 << type3; sd->monster_drop_itemrate[sd->monster_drop_item_count] = val; sd->monster_drop_item_count++; } } break; case SP_AUTOSPELL: if (sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { sd->autospell_id = SkillID(type2); sd->autospell_lv = type3; sd->autospell_rate = val; } break; default: if (battle_config.error_log) PRINTF("pc_bonus3: unknown type %d %d %d %d!\n", type, type2, type3, val); break; } return 0; } /*========================================== * スクリプトによるスキル所得 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_skill(struct map_session_data *sd, SkillID id, int level, int flag) { nullpo_ret(sd); if (level > MAX_SKILL_LEVEL) { if (battle_config.error_log) PRINTF("support card skill only!\n"); return 0; } if (!flag && (sd->status.skill[id].id == id || level == 0)) { // クエスト所得ならここで条件を確認して送信する sd->status.skill[id].lv = level; pc_calcstatus(sd, 0); clif_skillinfoblock(sd); } else if (sd->status.skill[id].lv < level) { // 覚えられるがlvが小さいなら sd->status.skill[id].id = id; sd->status.skill[id].lv = level; } return 0; } // // アイテム物 // /*========================================== * スキルによる買い値修正 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_modifybuyvalue(struct map_session_data *sd, int orig_value) { int skill, val = orig_value, rate1 = 0, rate2 = 0; if ((skill = pc_checkskill(sd, MC_DISCOUNT)) > 0) // ディスカウント rate1 = 5 + skill * 2 - ((skill == 10) ? 1 : 0); if ((skill = pc_checkskill(sd, RG_COMPULSION)) > 0) // コムパルションディスカウント rate2 = 5 + skill * 4; if (rate1 < rate2) rate1 = rate2; if (rate1) val = (int)((double) orig_value * (double)(100 - rate1) / 100.); if (val < 0) val = 0; if (orig_value > 0 && val < 1) val = 1; return val; } /*========================================== * スキルによる売り値修正 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_modifysellvalue(struct map_session_data *sd, int orig_value) { int skill, val = orig_value, rate = 0; if ((skill = pc_checkskill(sd, MC_OVERCHARGE)) > 0) // オーバーチャージ rate = 5 + skill * 2 - ((skill == 10) ? 1 : 0); if (rate) val = (int)((double) orig_value * (double)(100 + rate) / 100.); if (val < 0) val = 0; if (orig_value > 0 && val < 1) val = 1; return val; } /*========================================== * アイテムを買った時に、新しいアイテム欄を使うか、 * 3万個制限にかかるか確認 *------------------------------------------ */ ADDITEM pc_checkadditem(struct map_session_data *sd, int nameid, int amount) { int i; nullpo_retr(ADDITEM::ZERO, sd); if (itemdb_isequip(nameid)) return ADDITEM_NEW; for (i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { if (sd->status.inventory[i].nameid == nameid) { if (sd->status.inventory[i].amount + amount > MAX_AMOUNT) return ADDITEM_OVERAMOUNT; return ADDITEM_EXIST; } } if (amount > MAX_AMOUNT) return ADDITEM_OVERAMOUNT; return ADDITEM_NEW; } /*========================================== * 空きアイテム欄の個数 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_inventoryblank(struct map_session_data *sd) { int i, b; nullpo_ret(sd); for (i = 0, b = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { if (sd->status.inventory[i].nameid == 0) b++; } return b; } /*========================================== * お金を払う *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_payzeny(struct map_session_data *sd, int zeny) { double z; nullpo_ret(sd); z = (double) sd->status.zeny; if (sd->status.zeny < zeny || z - (double) zeny > MAX_ZENY) return 1; sd->status.zeny -= zeny; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_ZENY); return 0; } /*========================================== * お金を得る *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_getzeny(struct map_session_data *sd, int zeny) { double z; nullpo_ret(sd); z = (double) sd->status.zeny; if (z + (double) zeny > MAX_ZENY) { zeny = 0; sd->status.zeny = MAX_ZENY; } sd->status.zeny += zeny; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_ZENY); return 0; } /*========================================== * アイテムを探して、インデックスを返す *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_search_inventory(struct map_session_data *sd, int item_id) { int i; nullpo_retr(-1, sd); for (i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { if (sd->status.inventory[i].nameid == item_id && (sd->status.inventory[i].amount > 0 || item_id == 0)) return i; } return -1; } int pc_count_all_items(struct map_session_data *player, int item_id) { int i; int count = 0; nullpo_ret(player); for (i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { if (player->status.inventory[i].nameid == item_id) count += player->status.inventory[i].amount; } return count; } int pc_remove_items(struct map_session_data *player, int item_id, int count) { int i; nullpo_ret(player); for (i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY && count; i++) { if (player->status.inventory[i].nameid == item_id) { int to_delete = count; /* only delete as much as we have */ if (to_delete > player->status.inventory[i].amount) to_delete = player->status.inventory[i].amount; count -= to_delete; pc_delitem(player, i, to_delete, 0 /* means `really delete and update status' */ ); if (!count) return 0; } } return 0; } /*========================================== * アイテム追加。個数のみitem構造体の数字を無視 *------------------------------------------ */ PickupFail pc_additem(struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *item_data, int amount) { struct item_data *data; int i, w; MAP_LOG_PC(sd, "PICKUP %d %d", item_data->nameid, amount); nullpo_retr(PickupFail::BAD_ITEM, sd); nullpo_retr(PickupFail::BAD_ITEM, item_data); if (item_data->nameid <= 0 || amount <= 0) return PickupFail::BAD_ITEM; data = itemdb_search(item_data->nameid); if ((w = data->weight * amount) + sd->weight > sd->max_weight) return PickupFail::TOO_HEAVY; i = MAX_INVENTORY; if (!itemdb_isequip2(data)) { // 装 備品ではないので、既所有品なら個数のみ変化させる for (i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) if (sd->status.inventory[i].nameid == item_data->nameid && sd->status.inventory[i].card[0] == item_data->card[0] && sd->status.inventory[i].card[1] == item_data->card[1] && sd->status.inventory[i].card[2] == item_data->card[2] && sd->status.inventory[i].card[3] == item_data->card[3]) { if (sd->status.inventory[i].amount + amount > MAX_AMOUNT) return PickupFail::STACK_FULL; sd->status.inventory[i].amount += amount; clif_additem(sd, i, amount, PickupFail::OKAY); break; } } if (i >= MAX_INVENTORY) { // 装 備品か未所有品だったので空き欄へ追加 i = pc_search_inventory(sd, 0); if (i >= 0) { memcpy(&sd->status.inventory[i], item_data, sizeof(sd->status.inventory[0])); if (bool(item_data->equip)) sd->status.inventory[i].equip = EPOS::ZERO; sd->status.inventory[i].amount = amount; sd->inventory_data[i] = data; clif_additem(sd, i, amount, PickupFail::OKAY); } else return PickupFail::INV_FULL; } sd->weight += w; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_WEIGHT); return PickupFail::OKAY; } /*========================================== * アイテムを減らす *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_delitem(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, int amount, int type) { nullpo_retr(1, sd); if (sd->trade_partner != 0) trade_tradecancel(sd); if (sd->status.inventory[n].nameid == 0 || amount <= 0 || sd->status.inventory[n].amount < amount || sd->inventory_data[n] == NULL) return 1; sd->status.inventory[n].amount -= amount; sd->weight -= sd->inventory_data[n]->weight * amount; if (sd->status.inventory[n].amount <= 0) { if (bool(sd->status.inventory[n].equip)) pc_unequipitem(sd, n, CalcStatus::NOW); memset(&sd->status.inventory[n], 0, sizeof(sd->status.inventory[0])); sd->inventory_data[n] = NULL; } if (!(type & 1)) clif_delitem(sd, n, amount); if (!(type & 2)) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_WEIGHT); return 0; } /*========================================== * アイテムを落す *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_dropitem(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, int amount) { nullpo_retr(1, sd); if (sd->trade_partner != 0 || sd->npc_id != 0 || sd->state.storage_open) return 0; // no dropping while trading/npc/storage if (n < 0 || n >= MAX_INVENTORY) return 0; if (amount <= 0) return 0; pc_unequipinvyitem(sd, n, CalcStatus::NOW); if (sd->status.inventory[n].nameid <= 0 || sd->status.inventory[n].amount < amount || sd->trade_partner != 0 || sd->status.inventory[n].amount <= 0) return 1; map_addflooritem(&sd->status.inventory[n], amount, sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); pc_delitem(sd, n, amount, 0); return 0; } /*========================================== * アイテムを拾う *------------------------------------------ */ static int can_pick_item_up_from(struct map_session_data *self, int other_id) { struct party *p = party_search(self->status.party_id); /* From ourselves or from no-one? */ if (!self || self->bl.id == other_id || !other_id) return 1; struct map_session_data *other = map_id2sd(other_id); /* Other no longer exists? */ if (!other) return 1; /* From our partner? */ if (self->status.partner_id == other->status.char_id) return 1; /* From a party member? */ if (self->status.party_id && self->status.party_id == other->status.party_id && p && p->item != 0) return 1; /* From someone who is far away? */ /* On another map? */ if (other->bl.m != self->bl.m) return 1; else { int distance_x = abs(other->bl.x - self->bl.x); int distance_y = abs(other->bl.y - self->bl.y); int distance = (distance_x > distance_y) ? distance_x : distance_y; return distance > battle_config.drop_pickup_safety_zone; } } int pc_takeitem(struct map_session_data *sd, struct flooritem_data *fitem) { unsigned int tick = gettick(); int can_take; nullpo_ret(sd); nullpo_ret(fitem); /* Sometimes the owners reported to us are buggy: */ if (fitem->first_get_id == fitem->third_get_id || fitem->second_get_id == fitem->third_get_id) fitem->third_get_id = 0; if (fitem->first_get_id == fitem->second_get_id) { fitem->second_get_id = fitem->third_get_id; fitem->third_get_id = 0; } can_take = can_pick_item_up_from(sd, fitem->first_get_id); if (!can_take) can_take = fitem->first_get_tick <= tick && can_pick_item_up_from(sd, fitem->second_get_id); if (!can_take) can_take = fitem->second_get_tick <= tick && can_pick_item_up_from(sd, fitem->third_get_id); if (!can_take) can_take = fitem->third_get_tick <= tick; if (can_take) { /* Can pick up */ PickupFail flag = pc_additem(sd, &fitem->item_data, fitem->item_data.amount); if (flag != PickupFail::OKAY) // 重量overで取得失敗 clif_additem(sd, 0, 0, flag); else { // 取得成功 if (sd->attacktimer != -1) pc_stopattack(sd); clif_takeitem(&sd->bl, &fitem->bl); map_clearflooritem(fitem->bl.id); } return 0; } /* Otherwise, we can't pick up */ clif_additem(sd, 0, 0, PickupFail::DROP_STEAL); return 0; } static int pc_isUseitem(struct map_session_data *sd, int n) { struct item_data *item; int nameid; nullpo_ret(sd); item = sd->inventory_data[n]; nameid = sd->status.inventory[n].nameid; if (item == NULL) return 0; if (itemdb_type(nameid) != ItemType::USE) return 0; if (nameid == 601 && (map[sd->bl.m].flag.noteleport)) { return 0; } if (nameid == 602 && map[sd->bl.m].flag.noreturn) return 0; if (nameid == 604 && (map[sd->bl.m].flag.nobranch)) return 0; if (item->sex != 2 && sd->status.sex != item->sex) return 0; if (item->elv > 0 && sd->status.base_level < item->elv) return 0; return 1; } /*========================================== * アイテムを使う *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_useitem(struct map_session_data *sd, int n) { int amount; nullpo_retr(1, sd); if (n >= 0 && n < MAX_INVENTORY && sd->inventory_data[n]) { amount = sd->status.inventory[n].amount; if (sd->status.inventory[n].nameid <= 0 || sd->status.inventory[n].amount <= 0 || sd->sc_data[SC_BERSERK].timer != -1 || !pc_isUseitem(sd, n)) { clif_useitemack(sd, n, 0, 0); return 1; } run_script(sd->inventory_data[n]->use_script, 0, sd->bl.id, 0); clif_useitemack(sd, n, amount - 1, 1); pc_delitem(sd, n, 1, 1); } return 0; } /*========================================== * カートアイテムを減らす *------------------------------------------ */ static int pc_cart_delitem(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, int amount, int) { nullpo_retr(1, sd); if (sd->status.cart[n].nameid == 0 || sd->status.cart[n].amount < amount) return 1; sd->status.cart[n].amount -= amount; sd->cart_weight -= itemdb_weight(sd->status.cart[n].nameid) * amount; if (sd->status.cart[n].amount <= 0) { memset(&sd->status.cart[n], 0, sizeof(sd->status.cart[0])); sd->cart_num--; } return 0; } /*========================================== * スティル品公開 *------------------------------------------ */ static void pc_show_steal(struct block_list *bl, struct map_session_data *sd, int itemid, int type) { nullpo_retv(bl); nullpo_retv(sd); std::string output; if (!type) { struct item_data *item = itemdb_exists(itemid); if (item == NULL) output = STRPRINTF("%s stole an Unknown_Item.", sd->status.name); else output = STRPRINTF("%s stole %s.", sd->status.name, item->jname); clif_displaymessage(((struct map_session_data *) bl)->fd, output); } else { output = STRPRINTF( "%s has not stolen the item because of being overweight.", sd->status.name); clif_displaymessage(((struct map_session_data *) bl)->fd, output); } } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------ */ //** pc.c: Small Steal Item fix by fritz int pc_steal_item(struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl) { if (sd != NULL && bl != NULL && bl->type == BL_MOB) { int i, skill, rate, itemid, count; struct mob_data *md; md = (struct mob_data *) bl; if (!md->state.steal_flag && mob_db[md->mob_class].mexp <= 0 && !(mob_db[md->mob_class].mode & 0x20) && md->sc_data[SC_STONE].timer == -1 && md->sc_data[SC_FREEZE].timer == -1 && (!(md->mob_class > 1324 && md->mob_class < 1364))) // prevent stealing from treasure boxes [Valaris] { skill = sd->paramc[ATTR::DEX] - mob_db[md->mob_class].attrs[ATTR::DEX] + pc_checkskill(sd, TF_STEAL) + 10; if (0 < skill) { for (count = 8; count <= 8 && count != 0; count--) { i = rand() % 8; itemid = mob_db[md->mob_class].dropitem[i].nameid; if (itemid > 0 && itemdb_type(itemid) != ItemType::_6) { rate = (mob_db[md->mob_class].dropitem[i].p / battle_config.item_rate_common * 100 * skill) / 100; if (rand() % 10000 < rate) { struct item tmp_item; memset(&tmp_item, 0, sizeof(tmp_item)); tmp_item.nameid = itemid; tmp_item.amount = 1; tmp_item.identify = 1; PickupFail flag = pc_additem(sd, &tmp_item, 1); if (battle_config.show_steal_in_same_party) { party_foreachsamemap( std::bind(pc_show_steal, ph::_1, sd, tmp_item.nameid, 0), sd, 1); } if (flag != PickupFail::OKAY) { if (battle_config.show_steal_in_same_party) { party_foreachsamemap( std::bind(pc_show_steal, ph::_1, sd, tmp_item.nameid, 1), sd, 1); } clif_additem(sd, 0, 0, flag); } md->state.steal_flag = 1; return 1; } } } } } } return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_steal_coin(struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl) { if (sd != NULL && bl != NULL && bl->type == BL_MOB) { int rate, skill; struct mob_data *md = (struct mob_data *) bl; if (md && !md->state.steal_coin_flag && md->sc_data[SC_STONE].timer == -1 && md->sc_data[SC_FREEZE].timer == -1) { skill = pc_checkskill(sd, RG_STEALCOIN) * 10; rate = skill + (sd->status.base_level - mob_db[md->mob_class].lv) * 3 + sd->paramc[ATTR::DEX] * 2 + sd->paramc[ATTR::LUK] * 2; if (MRAND(1000) < rate) { pc_getzeny(sd, mob_db[md->mob_class].lv * 10 + MRAND(100)); md->state.steal_coin_flag = 1; return 1; } } } return 0; } // // // /*========================================== * PCの位置設定 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_setpos(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *mapname_org, int x, int y, int clrtype) { char mapname[24]; int m = 0, c = 0, disguise = 0; nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->chatID) // チャットから出る chat_leavechat(sd); if (sd->trade_partner) // 取引を中断する trade_tradecancel(sd); if (sd->state.storage_open) storage_storage_quit(sd); // 倉庫を開いてるなら保存する if (sd->party_invite > 0) // パーティ勧誘を拒否する party_reply_invite(sd, sd->party_invite_account, 0); skill_castcancel(&sd->bl, 0); // 詠唱中断 pc_stop_walking(sd, 0); // 歩行中断 pc_stopattack(sd); // 攻撃中断 if (pc_issit(sd)) { // pc_setstand (sd); // [fate] Nothing wrong with warping while sitting skill_gangsterparadise(sd, 0); } if (sd->sc_data[SC_TRICKDEAD].timer != -1) skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_TRICKDEAD, -1); if (bool(sd->status.option & Option::HIDE2)) skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_HIDING, -1); if (bool(sd->status.option & Option::CLOAK)) skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_CLOAKING, -1); if (bool(sd->status.option & (Option::CHASEWALK | Option::HIDE2))) skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_CHASEWALK, -1); if (sd->sc_data[SC_BLADESTOP].timer != -1) skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_BLADESTOP, -1); if (sd->sc_data[SC_DANCING].timer != -1) // clear dance effect when warping [Valaris] skill_stop_dancing(&sd->bl, 0); if (sd->disguise) { // clear disguises when warping [Valaris] clif_clearchar(&sd->bl, 9); disguise = sd->disguise; sd->disguise = 0; } memcpy(mapname, mapname_org, 24); mapname[16] = 0; if (strstr(mapname, ".gat") == NULL && strlen(mapname) < 16) { strcat(mapname, ".gat"); } m = map_mapname2mapid(mapname); if (m < 0) { if (sd->mapname[0]) { struct in_addr ip; int port; if (map_mapname2ipport(mapname, &ip, &port) == 0) { skill_stop_dancing(&sd->bl, 1); skill_unit_out_all(&sd->bl, gettick(), 1); clif_clearchar_area(&sd->bl, clrtype & 0xffff); skill_gangsterparadise(sd, 0); map_delblock(&sd->bl); memcpy(sd->mapname, mapname, 24); sd->bl.x = x; sd->bl.y = y; sd->state.waitingdisconnect = 1; pc_makesavestatus(sd); //The storage close routines save the char data. [Skotlex] if (!sd->state.storage_open) chrif_save(sd); else if (sd->state.storage_open) storage_storage_quit(sd); chrif_changemapserver(sd, mapname, x, y, ip, port); return 0; } } #if 0 clif_authfail_fd(sd->fd, 0); // cancel clif_setwaitclose(sd->fd); #endif return 1; } if (x < 0 || x >= map[m].xs || y < 0 || y >= map[m].ys) x = y = 0; if ((x == 0 && y == 0) || (c = read_gat(m, x, y)) == 1 || c == 5) { if (x || y) { if (battle_config.error_log) PRINTF("stacked (%d,%d)\n", x, y); } do { x = MRAND(map[m].xs - 2) + 1; y = MRAND(map[m].ys - 2) + 1; } while ((c = read_gat(m, x, y)) == 1 || c == 5); } if (sd->mapname[0] && sd->bl.prev != NULL) { skill_unit_out_all(&sd->bl, gettick(), 1); clif_clearchar_area(&sd->bl, clrtype & 0xffff); skill_gangsterparadise(sd, 0); map_delblock(&sd->bl); clif_changemap(sd, map[m].name, x, y); // [MouseJstr] } if (disguise) // disguise teleport fix [Valaris] sd->disguise = disguise; memcpy(sd->mapname, mapname, 24); sd->bl.m = m; sd->to_x = x; sd->to_y = y; // moved and changed dance effect stopping sd->bl.x = x; sd->bl.y = y; // map_addblock(&sd->bl); // ブロック登録とspawnは // clif_spawnpc(sd); return 0; } /*========================================== * PCのランダムワープ *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_randomwarp(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { int x, y, c, i = 0; int m; nullpo_ret(sd); m = sd->bl.m; if (map[sd->bl.m].flag.noteleport) // テレポート禁止 return 0; do { x = MRAND(map[m].xs - 2) + 1; y = MRAND(map[m].ys - 2) + 1; } while (((c = read_gat(m, x, y)) == 1 || c == 5) && (i++) < 1000); if (i < 1000) pc_setpos(sd, map[m].name, x, y, type); return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------ */ static int pc_can_reach(struct map_session_data *sd, int x, int y) { struct walkpath_data wpd; nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->bl.x == x && sd->bl.y == y) // 同じマス return 1; // 障害物判定 wpd.path_len = 0; wpd.path_pos = 0; wpd.path_half = 0; return (path_search(&wpd, sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, x, y, 0) != -1) ? 1 : 0; } // // 歩 行物 // /*========================================== * 次の1歩にかかる時間を計算 *------------------------------------------ */ static int calc_next_walk_step(struct map_session_data *sd) { nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->walkpath.path_pos >= sd->walkpath.path_len) return -1; if (sd->walkpath.path[sd->walkpath.path_pos] & 1) return sd->speed * 14 / 10; return sd->speed; } /*========================================== * 半歩進む(timer関数) *------------------------------------------ */ static void pc_walk(timer_id tid, tick_t tick, custom_id_t id, custom_data_t data) { struct map_session_data *sd; int i, ctype; int moveblock; int x, y, dx, dy; sd = map_id2sd(id); if (sd == NULL) return; if (sd->walktimer != tid) { if (battle_config.error_log) PRINTF("pc_walk %d != %d\n", sd->walktimer, tid); return; } sd->walktimer = -1; if (sd->walkpath.path_pos >= sd->walkpath.path_len || sd->walkpath.path_pos != data) return; //歩いたので息吹のタイマーを初期化 sd->inchealspirithptick = 0; sd->inchealspiritsptick = 0; sd->walkpath.path_half ^= 1; if (sd->walkpath.path_half == 0) { // マス目中心へ到着 sd->walkpath.path_pos++; if (sd->state.change_walk_target) { pc_walktoxy_sub(sd); return; } } else { // マス目境界へ到着 if (sd->walkpath.path[sd->walkpath.path_pos] >= 8) return; x = sd->bl.x; y = sd->bl.y; ctype = map_getcell(sd->bl.m, x, y); if (ctype == 1 || ctype == 5) { pc_stop_walking(sd, 1); return; } sd->dir = sd->head_dir = sd->walkpath.path[sd->walkpath.path_pos]; dx = dirx[(int) sd->dir]; dy = diry[(int) sd->dir]; ctype = map_getcell(sd->bl.m, x + dx, y + dy); if (ctype == 1 || ctype == 5) { pc_walktoxy_sub(sd); return; } moveblock = (x / BLOCK_SIZE != (x + dx) / BLOCK_SIZE || y / BLOCK_SIZE != (y + dy) / BLOCK_SIZE); sd->walktimer = 1; map_foreachinmovearea(std::bind(clif_pcoutsight, ph::_1, sd), sd->bl.m, x - AREA_SIZE, y - AREA_SIZE, x + AREA_SIZE, y + AREA_SIZE, dx, dy, BL_NUL); x += dx; y += dy; if (moveblock) map_delblock(&sd->bl); sd->bl.x = x; sd->bl.y = y; if (moveblock) map_addblock(&sd->bl); if (sd->sc_data[SC_DANCING].timer != -1) skill_unit_move_unit_group((struct skill_unit_group *) sd->sc_data[SC_DANCING].val2, sd->bl.m, dx, dy); map_foreachinmovearea(std::bind(clif_pcinsight, ph::_1, sd), sd->bl.m, x - AREA_SIZE, y - AREA_SIZE, x + AREA_SIZE, y + AREA_SIZE, -dx, -dy, BL_NUL); sd->walktimer = -1; if (sd->status.party_id > 0) { // パーティのHP情報通知検査 struct party *p = party_search(sd->status.party_id); if (p != NULL) { int p_flag = 0; map_foreachinmovearea(std::bind(party_send_hp_check, ph::_1, sd->status.party_id, &p_flag), sd->bl.m, x - AREA_SIZE, y - AREA_SIZE, x + AREA_SIZE, y + AREA_SIZE, -dx, -dy, BL_PC); if (p_flag) sd->party_hp = -1; } } // クローキングの消滅検査 if (bool(sd->status.option & Option::CLOAK)) skill_check_cloaking(&sd->bl); // ディボーション検査 for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) if (sd->dev.val1[i]) { skill_devotion3(&sd->bl, sd->dev.val1[i]); break; } // 被ディボーション検査 if (sd->sc_data[SC_DEVOTION].val1) { skill_devotion2(&sd->bl, sd->sc_data[SC_DEVOTION].val1); } skill_unit_move(&sd->bl, tick, 1); // スキルユニットの検査 if (map_getcell(sd->bl.m, x, y) & 0x80) npc_touch_areanpc(sd, sd->bl.m, x, y); else sd->areanpc_id = 0; } if ((i = calc_next_walk_step(sd)) > 0) { i = i >> 1; if (i < 1 && sd->walkpath.path_half == 0) i = 1; sd->walktimer = add_timer(tick + i, pc_walk, id, sd->walkpath.path_pos); } } /*========================================== * 移動可能か確認して、可能なら歩行開始 *------------------------------------------ */ static int pc_walktoxy_sub(struct map_session_data *sd) { struct walkpath_data wpd; int i; nullpo_retr(1, sd); if (path_search(&wpd, sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, sd->to_x, sd->to_y, 0)) return 1; memcpy(&sd->walkpath, &wpd, sizeof(wpd)); clif_walkok(sd); sd->state.change_walk_target = 0; if ((i = calc_next_walk_step(sd)) > 0) { i = i >> 2; sd->walktimer = add_timer(gettick() + i, pc_walk, sd->bl.id, 0); } clif_movechar(sd); return 0; } /*========================================== * pc歩 行要求 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_walktoxy(struct map_session_data *sd, int x, int y) { nullpo_ret(sd); sd->to_x = x; sd->to_y = y; if (pc_issit(sd)) pc_setstand(sd); if (sd->walktimer != -1 && sd->state.change_walk_target == 0) { // 現在歩いている最中の目的地変更なのでマス目の中心に来た時に // timer関数からpc_walktoxy_subを呼ぶようにする sd->state.change_walk_target = 1; } else { pc_walktoxy_sub(sd); } return 0; } /*========================================== * 歩 行停止 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_stop_walking(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->walktimer != -1) { delete_timer(sd->walktimer, pc_walk); sd->walktimer = -1; } sd->walkpath.path_len = 0; sd->to_x = sd->bl.x; sd->to_y = sd->bl.y; if (type & 0x01) clif_fixpos(&sd->bl); if (type & 0x02 && battle_config.pc_damage_delay) { unsigned int tick = gettick(); int delay = battle_get_dmotion(&sd->bl); if (sd->canmove_tick < tick) sd->canmove_tick = tick + delay; } return 0; } void pc_touch_all_relevant_npcs(struct map_session_data *sd) { if (map_getcell(sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y) & 0x80) npc_touch_areanpc(sd, sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y); else sd->areanpc_id = 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_movepos(struct map_session_data *sd, int dst_x, int dst_y) { int moveblock; int dx, dy, dist; struct walkpath_data wpd; nullpo_ret(sd); if (path_search(&wpd, sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, dst_x, dst_y, 0)) return 1; sd->dir = sd->head_dir = map_calc_dir(&sd->bl, dst_x, dst_y); dx = dst_x - sd->bl.x; dy = dst_y - sd->bl.y; dist = distance(sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, dst_x, dst_y); moveblock = (sd->bl.x / BLOCK_SIZE != dst_x / BLOCK_SIZE || sd->bl.y / BLOCK_SIZE != dst_y / BLOCK_SIZE); map_foreachinmovearea(std::bind(clif_pcoutsight, ph::_1, sd), sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x - AREA_SIZE, sd->bl.y - AREA_SIZE, sd->bl.x + AREA_SIZE, sd->bl.y + AREA_SIZE, dx, dy, BL_NUL); if (moveblock) map_delblock(&sd->bl); sd->bl.x = dst_x; sd->bl.y = dst_y; if (moveblock) map_addblock(&sd->bl); map_foreachinmovearea(std::bind(clif_pcinsight, ph::_1, sd), sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x - AREA_SIZE, sd->bl.y - AREA_SIZE, sd->bl.x + AREA_SIZE, sd->bl.y + AREA_SIZE, -dx, -dy, BL_NUL); if (sd->status.party_id > 0) { // パーティのHP情報通知検査 struct party *p = party_search(sd->status.party_id); if (p != NULL) { int flag = 0; map_foreachinmovearea(std::bind(party_send_hp_check, ph::_1, sd->status.party_id, &flag), sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x - AREA_SIZE, sd->bl.y - AREA_SIZE, sd->bl.x + AREA_SIZE, sd->bl.y + AREA_SIZE, -dx, -dy, BL_PC); if (flag) sd->party_hp = -1; } } // クローキングの消滅検査 if (bool(sd->status.option & Option::CLOAK)) skill_check_cloaking(&sd->bl); skill_unit_move(&sd->bl, gettick(), dist + 7); // スキルユニットの検査 pc_touch_all_relevant_npcs(sd); return 0; } // // 武器戦闘 // /*========================================== * スキルの検索 所有していた場合Lvが返る *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_checkskill(struct map_session_data *sd, SkillID skill_id) { if (sd == NULL) return 0; if (sd->status.skill[skill_id].id == skill_id) return (sd->status.skill[skill_id].lv); return 0; } /*========================================== * 武器変更によるスキルの継続チェック * 引数: * struct map_session_data *sd セッションデータ * int nameid 装備品ID * 返り値: * 0 変更なし * -1 スキルを解除 *------------------------------------------ */ static int pc_checkallowskill(struct map_session_data *sd) { nullpo_ret(sd); if (!(skill_get_weapontype(KN_TWOHANDQUICKEN) & (1 << sd->status.weapon)) && sd->sc_data[SC_TWOHANDQUICKEN].timer != -1) { // 2HQ skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_TWOHANDQUICKEN, -1); // 2HQを解除 return -1; } if (!(skill_get_weapontype(LK_AURABLADE) & (1 << sd->status.weapon)) && sd->sc_data[SC_AURABLADE].timer != -1) { // オーラブレード skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_AURABLADE, -1); // オーラブレードを解除 return -1; } if (!(skill_get_weapontype(LK_PARRYING) & (1 << sd->status.weapon)) && sd->sc_data[SC_PARRYING].timer != -1) { // パリイング skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_PARRYING, -1); // パリイングを解除 return -1; } if (!(skill_get_weapontype(LK_CONCENTRATION) & (1 << sd->status.weapon)) && sd->sc_data[SC_CONCENTRATION].timer != -1) { // コンセントレーション skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_CONCENTRATION, -1); // コンセントレーションを解除 return -1; } if (!(skill_get_weapontype(CR_SPEARQUICKEN) & (1 << sd->status.weapon)) && sd->sc_data[SC_SPEARSQUICKEN].timer != -1) { // スピアクィッケン skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_SPEARSQUICKEN, -1); // スピアクイッケンを解除 return -1; } if (!(skill_get_weapontype(BS_ADRENALINE) & (1 << sd->status.weapon)) && sd->sc_data[SC_ADRENALINE].timer != -1) { // アドレナリンラッシュ skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_ADRENALINE, -1); // アドレナリンラッシュを解除 return -1; } if (sd->status.shield <= 0) { if (sd->sc_data[SC_AUTOGUARD].timer != -1) { // オートガード skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_AUTOGUARD, -1); return -1; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_DEFENDER].timer != -1) { // ディフェンダー skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_DEFENDER, -1); return -1; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_REFLECTSHIELD].timer != -1) { //リフレクトシールド skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_REFLECTSHIELD, -1); return -1; } } return 0; } /*========================================== * 装 備品のチェック *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_checkequip(struct map_session_data *sd, EPOS pos) { nullpo_retr(-1, sd); for (EQUIP i : EQUIPs) { if (bool(pos & equip_pos[i])) return sd->equip_index[i]; } return -1; } /*========================================== * 転生職や養子職の元の職業を返す *------------------------------------------ */ struct pc_base_job pc_calc_base_job(int b_class) { struct pc_base_job bj; //転生や養子の場合の元の職業を算出する if (b_class < MAX_PC_CLASS) { //通常 bj.job = b_class; bj.upper = 0; } else if (b_class >= 4001 && b_class < 4023) { //転生職 bj.job = b_class - 4001; bj.upper = 1; } else if (b_class == 23 + 4023 - 1) { //養子スパノビ bj.job = b_class - (4023 - 1); bj.upper = 2; } else { //養子スパノビ以外の養子 bj.job = b_class - 4023; bj.upper = 2; } if (battle_config.enable_upper_class == 0) { //confで無効になっていたらupper=0 bj.upper = 0; } if (bj.job == 0) { bj.type = 0; } else if (bj.job < 7) { bj.type = 1; } else { bj.type = 2; } return bj; } /*========================================== * PCの攻撃 (timer関数) *------------------------------------------ */ static void pc_attack_timer(timer_id tid, tick_t tick, custom_id_t id, custom_data_t) { struct map_session_data *sd; struct block_list *bl; eptr sc_data; int dist, skill, range; int attack_spell_delay; sd = map_id2sd(id); if (sd == NULL) return; if (sd->attacktimer != tid) { if (battle_config.error_log) PRINTF("pc_attack_timer %d != %d\n", sd->attacktimer, tid); return; } sd->attacktimer = -1; if (sd->bl.prev == NULL) return; bl = map_id2bl(sd->attacktarget); if (bl == NULL || bl->prev == NULL) return; if (bl->type == BL_PC && pc_isdead((struct map_session_data *) bl)) return; // 同じmapでないなら攻撃しない // PCが死んでても攻撃しない if (sd->bl.m != bl->m || pc_isdead(sd)) return; // 異常などで攻撃できない if (sd->opt1 != Opt1::ZERO || bool(sd->status.option & (Option::OLD_ANY_HIDE))) return; if (sd->sc_data[SC_AUTOCOUNTER].timer != -1) return; if (sd->sc_data[SC_BLADESTOP].timer != -1) return; Option *opt = battle_get_option(bl); if (opt != NULL && bool(*opt & Option::REAL_ANY_HIDE)) return; if (((sc_data = battle_get_sc_data(bl)) && sc_data[SC_TRICKDEAD].timer != -1) || ((sc_data = battle_get_sc_data(bl)) && sc_data[SC_BASILICA].timer != -1)) return; if (sd->skilltimer != -1 && pc_checkskill(sd, SA_FREECAST) <= 0) return; if (!battle_config.sdelay_attack_enable && pc_checkskill(sd, SA_FREECAST) <= 0) { if (DIFF_TICK(tick, sd->canact_tick) < 0) { clif_skill_fail(sd, SkillID::ONE, 4, 0); return; } } if (sd->attackabletime > tick) return; // cannot attack yet attack_spell_delay = sd->attack_spell_delay; if (sd->attack_spell_override // [Fate] If we have an active attack spell, use that && spell_attack(id, sd->attacktarget)) { // Return if the spell succeeded. If the spell had disspiated, spell_attack() may fail. sd->attackabletime = tick + attack_spell_delay; } else { dist = distance(sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, bl->x, bl->y); range = sd->attackrange; if (sd->status.weapon != 11) range++; if (dist > range) { // 届 かないので移動 //if(pc_can_reach(sd,bl->x,bl->y)) //clif_movetoattack(sd,bl); return; } if (dist <= range && !battle_check_range(&sd->bl, bl, range)) { if (pc_can_reach(sd, bl->x, bl->y) && sd->canmove_tick < tick && (sd->sc_data[SC_ANKLE].timer == -1 || sd->sc_data[SC_SPIDERWEB].timer == -1)) // TMW client doesn't support this //pc_walktoxy(sd,bl->x,bl->y); clif_movetoattack(sd, bl); sd->attackabletime = tick + (sd->aspd << 1); } else { if (battle_config.pc_attack_direction_change) sd->dir = sd->head_dir = map_calc_dir(&sd->bl, bl->x, bl->y); // 向き設定 if (sd->walktimer != -1) pc_stop_walking(sd, 1); if (sd->sc_data[SC_COMBO].timer == -1) { map_freeblock_lock(); pc_stop_walking(sd, 0); sd->attacktarget_lv = battle_weapon_attack(&sd->bl, bl, tick, BCT_ZERO); if (!(battle_config.pc_cloak_check_type & 2) && sd->sc_data[SC_CLOAKING].timer != -1) skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_CLOAKING, -1); map_freeblock_unlock(); if (sd->skilltimer != -1 && (skill = pc_checkskill(sd, SA_FREECAST)) > 0) // フリーキャスト sd->attackabletime = tick + ((sd->aspd << 1) * (150 - skill * 5) / 100); else sd->attackabletime = tick + (sd->aspd << 1); } else if (sd->attackabletime <= tick) { if (sd->skilltimer != -1 && (skill = pc_checkskill(sd, SA_FREECAST)) > 0) // フリーキャスト sd->attackabletime = tick + ((sd->aspd << 1) * (150 - skill * 5) / 100); else sd->attackabletime = tick + (sd->aspd << 1); } if (sd->attackabletime <= tick) sd->attackabletime = tick + (battle_config.max_aspd << 1); } } if (sd->state.attack_continue) { sd->attacktimer = add_timer(sd->attackabletime, pc_attack_timer, sd->bl.id, 0); } } /*========================================== * 攻撃要求 * typeが1なら継続攻撃 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_attack(struct map_session_data *sd, int target_id, int type) { struct block_list *bl; int d; nullpo_ret(sd); bl = map_id2bl(target_id); if (bl == NULL) return 1; if (bl->type == BL_NPC) { // monster npcs [Valaris] npc_click(sd, RFIFOL(sd->fd, 2)); return 0; } if (!battle_check_target(&sd->bl, bl, BCT_ENEMY)) return 1; if (sd->attacktimer != -1) pc_stopattack(sd); sd->attacktarget = target_id; sd->state.attack_continue = type; d = DIFF_TICK(sd->attackabletime, gettick()); if (d > 0 && d < 2000) { // 攻撃delay中 sd->attacktimer = add_timer(sd->attackabletime, pc_attack_timer, sd->bl.id, 0); } else { // 本来timer関数なので引数を合わせる pc_attack_timer(-1, gettick(), sd->bl.id, 0); } return 0; } /*========================================== * 継続攻撃停止 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_stopattack(struct map_session_data *sd) { nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->attacktimer != -1) { delete_timer(sd->attacktimer, pc_attack_timer); sd->attacktimer = -1; } sd->attacktarget = 0; sd->state.attack_continue = 0; return 0; } static int pc_checkbaselevelup(struct map_session_data *sd) { int next = pc_nextbaseexp(sd); nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->status.base_exp >= next && next > 0) { struct pc_base_job s_class = pc_calc_base_job(sd->status.pc_class); // base側レベルアップ処理 sd->status.base_exp -= next; sd->status.base_level++; sd->status.status_point += (sd->status.base_level + 14) / 4; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_STATUSPOINT); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_BASELEVEL); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_NEXTBASEEXP); pc_calcstatus(sd, 0); pc_heal(sd, sd->status.max_hp, sd->status.max_sp); //スパノビはキリエ、イムポ、マニピ、グロ、サフラLv1がかかる if (s_class.job == 23) { skill_status_change_start(&sd->bl, SkillStatusChangeTable[PR_KYRIE], 1, 0, 0, 0, skill_get_time(PR_KYRIE, 1), 0); skill_status_change_start(&sd->bl, SkillStatusChangeTable[PR_IMPOSITIO], 1, 0, 0, 0, skill_get_time(PR_IMPOSITIO, 1), 0); skill_status_change_start(&sd->bl, SkillStatusChangeTable[PR_MAGNIFICAT], 1, 0, 0, 0, skill_get_time(PR_MAGNIFICAT, 1), 0); skill_status_change_start(&sd->bl, SkillStatusChangeTable[PR_GLORIA], 1, 0, 0, 0, skill_get_time(PR_GLORIA, 1), 0); skill_status_change_start(&sd->bl, SkillStatusChangeTable[PR_SUFFRAGIUM], 1, 0, 0, 0, skill_get_time(PR_SUFFRAGIUM, 1), 0); } clif_misceffect(&sd->bl, 0); //レベルアップしたのでパーティー情報を更新する //(公平範囲チェック) party_send_movemap(sd); MAP_LOG_XP(sd, "LEVELUP"); return 1; } return 0; } /*======================================== * Compute the maximum for sd->skill_point, i.e., the max. number of skill points that can still be filled in *---------------------------------------- */ static int pc_skillpt_potential(struct map_session_data *sd) { int potential = 0; #define RAISE_COST(x) (((x)*((x)-1))>>1) for (SkillID skill_id = SkillID(); skill_id < MAX_SKILL; skill_id = SkillID(uint16_t(skill_id) + 1)) if (sd->status.skill[skill_id].id != SkillID::ZERO && sd->status.skill[skill_id].lv < skill_db[skill_id].max_raise) potential += RAISE_COST(skill_db[skill_id].max_raise) - RAISE_COST(sd->status.skill[skill_id].lv); #undef RAISE_COST return potential; } static int pc_checkjoblevelup(struct map_session_data *sd) { int next = pc_nextjobexp(sd); nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->status.job_exp >= next && next > 0) { if (pc_skillpt_potential(sd) < sd->status.skill_point) { // [Fate] Bah, this is is painful. // But the alternative is quite error-prone, and eAthena has far worse performance issues... sd->status.job_exp = next - 1; pc_calcstatus(sd,0); return 0; } // job側レベルアップ処理 sd->status.job_exp -= next; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_NEXTJOBEXP); sd->status.skill_point++; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_SKILLPOINT); pc_calcstatus(sd, 0); MAP_LOG_PC(sd, "SKILLPOINTS-UP %d", sd->status.skill_point); if (sd->status.job_level < 250 && sd->status.job_level < sd->status.base_level * 2) sd->status.job_level++; // Make levelling up a little harder clif_misceffect(&sd->bl, 1); return 1; } return 0; } /*========================================== * 経験値取得 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_gainexp(struct map_session_data *sd, int base_exp, int job_exp) { return pc_gainexp_reason(sd, base_exp, job_exp, PC_GAINEXP_REASON_KILLING); } int pc_gainexp_reason(struct map_session_data *sd, int base_exp, int job_exp, PC_GAINEXP_REASON reason) { nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->bl.prev == NULL || pc_isdead(sd)) return 0; if ((battle_config.pvp_exp == 0) && map[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp) // [MouseJstr] return 0; // no exp on pvp maps earray reasons //= {{ "KILLXP", "HEALXP", "SCRIPTXP", }}; MAP_LOG_PC(sd, "GAINXP %d %d %s", base_exp, job_exp, reasons[reason]); if (sd->sc_data[SC_RICHMANKIM].timer != -1) { // added bounds checking [Vaalris] base_exp += base_exp * (25 + sd->sc_data[SC_RICHMANKIM].val1 * 25) / 100; job_exp += job_exp * (25 + sd->sc_data[SC_RICHMANKIM].val1 * 25) / 100; } if (!battle_config.multi_level_up && pc_nextbaseafter(sd)) { while (sd->status.base_exp + base_exp >= pc_nextbaseafter(sd) && sd->status.base_exp <= pc_nextbaseexp(sd) && pc_nextbaseafter(sd) > 0) { base_exp *= .90; } } sd->status.base_exp += base_exp; // [Fate] Adjust experience points that healers can extract from this character if (reason != PC_GAINEXP_REASON_HEALING) { const int max_heal_xp = 20 + (sd->status.base_level * sd->status.base_level); sd->heal_xp += base_exp; if (sd->heal_xp > max_heal_xp) sd->heal_xp = max_heal_xp; } if (sd->status.base_exp < 0) sd->status.base_exp = 0; while (pc_checkbaselevelup(sd)); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_BASEEXP); if (!battle_config.multi_level_up && pc_nextjobafter(sd)) { while (sd->status.job_exp + job_exp >= pc_nextjobafter(sd) && sd->status.job_exp <= pc_nextjobexp(sd) && pc_nextjobafter(sd) > 0) { job_exp *= .90; } } sd->status.job_exp += job_exp; if (sd->status.job_exp < 0) sd->status.job_exp = 0; while (pc_checkjoblevelup(sd)); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_JOBEXP); if (battle_config.disp_experience) { std::string output = STRPRINTF( "Experienced Gained Base:%d Job:%d", base_exp, job_exp); clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, output); } return 0; } int pc_extract_healer_exp(struct map_session_data *sd, int max) { int amount; nullpo_ret(sd); amount = sd->heal_xp; if (max < amount) amount = max; sd->heal_xp -= amount; return amount; } /*========================================== * base level側必要経験値計算 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_nextbaseexp(struct map_session_data *sd) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->status.base_level >= MAX_LEVEL || sd->status.base_level <= 0) return 0; if (sd->status.pc_class == 0) i = 0; else if (sd->status.pc_class <= 6) i = 1; else if (sd->status.pc_class <= 22) i = 2; else if (sd->status.pc_class == 23) i = 3; else if (sd->status.pc_class == 4001) i = 4; else if (sd->status.pc_class <= 4007) i = 5; else i = 6; return exp_table[i][sd->status.base_level - 1]; } /*========================================== * job level側必要経験値計算 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_nextjobexp(struct map_session_data *sd) { // [fate] For normal levels, this ranges from 20k to 50k, depending on job level. // Job level is at most twice the player's experience level (base_level). Levelling // from 2 to 9 is 44 points, i.e., 880k to 2.2M job experience points (this is per // skill, obviously.) return 20000 + sd->status.job_level * 150; } /*========================================== * base level after next [Valaris] *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_nextbaseafter(struct map_session_data *sd) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->status.base_level >= MAX_LEVEL || sd->status.base_level <= 0) return 0; if (sd->status.pc_class == 0) i = 0; else if (sd->status.pc_class <= 6) i = 1; else if (sd->status.pc_class <= 22) i = 2; else if (sd->status.pc_class == 23) i = 3; else if (sd->status.pc_class == 4001) i = 4; else if (sd->status.pc_class <= 4007) i = 5; else i = 6; return exp_table[i][sd->status.base_level]; } /*========================================== * job level after next [Valaris] *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_nextjobafter(struct map_session_data *sd) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->status.job_level >= MAX_LEVEL || sd->status.job_level <= 0) return 0; if (sd->status.pc_class == 0) i = 7; else if (sd->status.pc_class <= 6) i = 8; else if (sd->status.pc_class <= 22) i = 9; else if (sd->status.pc_class == 23) i = 10; else if (sd->status.pc_class == 4001) i = 11; else if (sd->status.pc_class <= 4007) i = 12; else i = 13; return exp_table[i][sd->status.job_level]; } /*========================================== * 必要ステータスポイント計算 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_need_status_point(struct map_session_data *sd, SP type) { int val; nullpo_retr(-1, sd); if (type < SP_STR || type > SP_LUK) return -1; val = sd->status.attrs[sp_to_attr(type)]; return (val + 9) / 10 + 1; } /*========================================== * 能力値成長 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_statusup(struct map_session_data *sd, SP type) { int need, val = 0; nullpo_ret(sd); if (SP_STR <= type && type <= SP_LUK) val = sd->status.attrs[sp_to_attr(type)]; need = pc_need_status_point(sd, type); if (type < SP_STR || type > SP_LUK || need < 0 || need > sd->status.status_point || val >= battle_config.max_parameter) { clif_statusupack(sd, type, 0, val); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_STATUSPOINT); return 1; } val = ++sd->status.attrs[sp_to_attr(type)]; sd->status.status_point -= need; if (need != pc_need_status_point(sd, type)) { clif_updatestatus(sd, sp_to_usp(type)); } clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_STATUSPOINT); clif_updatestatus(sd, type); pc_calcstatus(sd, 0); clif_statusupack(sd, type, 1, val); MAP_LOG_STATS(sd, "STATUP"); return 0; } /*========================================== * 能力値成長 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_statusup2(struct map_session_data *sd, SP type, int val) { nullpo_ret(sd); if (type < SP_STR || type > SP_LUK) { clif_statusupack(sd, type, 0, 0); return 1; } ATTR attr = sp_to_attr(type); val = sd->status.attrs[attr] + val; val = std::min(val, battle_config.max_parameter); val = std::max(val, 1); clif_updatestatus(sd, sp_to_usp(type)); clif_updatestatus(sd, type); pc_calcstatus(sd, 0); clif_statusupack(sd, type, 1, val); MAP_LOG_STATS(sd, "STATUP2"); return 0; } /*========================================== * スキルポイント割り振り *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_skillup(struct map_session_data *sd, SkillID skill_num) { nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->status.skill[skill_num].id != SkillID::ZERO && sd->status.skill_point >= sd->status.skill[skill_num].lv && sd->status.skill[skill_num].lv < skill_db[skill_num].max_raise) { sd->status.skill_point -= sd->status.skill[skill_num].lv; sd->status.skill[skill_num].lv++; pc_calcstatus(sd, 0); clif_skillup(sd, skill_num); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_SKILLPOINT); clif_skillinfoblock(sd); MAP_LOG_PC(sd, "SKILLUP %d %d %d", uint16_t(skill_num), sd->status.skill[skill_num].lv, skill_power(sd, skill_num)); } return 0; } /*========================================== * /allskill *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_allskillup(struct map_session_data *sd) { int c = 0, s = 0; //転生や養子の場合の元の職業を算出する struct pc_base_job s_class; nullpo_ret(sd); s_class = pc_calc_base_job(sd->status.pc_class); c = s_class.job; s = (s_class.upper == 1) ? 1 : 0; //転生以外は通常のスキル? for (SkillID i : erange(SkillID(), MAX_SKILL)) sd->status.skill[i].id = SkillID::ZERO; if (battle_config.gm_allskill > 0 && pc_isGM(sd) >= battle_config.gm_allskill) { // 全てのスキル // Note: I restored to the original value, not the new ones. // However, I left the MAX_SKILL, which was wrong and is fixed. for (SkillID i : erange(NV_EMOTE, NPC_PIERCINGATT)) sd->status.skill[i].lv = skill_get_max(i); // Skip NPC_* for (SkillID i : erange(RG_SNATCHER, SA_MONOCELL)) sd->status.skill[i].lv = skill_get_max(i); // Not sure why these few are skipped though for (SkillID i : erange(BD_ADAPTATION, MAX_SKILL)) sd->status.skill[i].lv = skill_get_max(i); } else { SkillID id; for (int i = 0; (id = skill_tree[s][c][i].id) != SkillID::ZERO && id != SkillID::NEGATIVE; i++) { if (sd->status.skill[id].id == SkillID::ZERO && skill_get_inf2(id) & 0x01) sd->status.skill[id].lv = skill_get_max(id); } } pc_calcstatus(sd, 0); return 0; } /*========================================== * /resetlvl *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_resetlvl(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { nullpo_ret(sd); for (SkillID i : erange(SkillID(1), MAX_SKILL)) { sd->status.skill[i].lv = 0; } if (type == 1) { sd->status.skill_point = 0; sd->status.base_level = 1; sd->status.job_level = 1; sd->status.base_exp = 0; sd->status.job_exp = 0; sd->status.option = Option::ZERO; for (ATTR attr : ATTRs) sd->status.attrs[attr] = 1; if (sd->status.pc_class == 4001) sd->status.status_point = 100; } if (type == 2) { sd->status.skill_point = 0; sd->status.base_level = 1; sd->status.job_level = 1; sd->status.base_exp = 0; sd->status.job_exp = 0; } if (type == 3) { sd->status.base_level = 1; sd->status.base_exp = 0; } if (type == 4) { sd->status.job_level = 1; sd->status.job_exp = 0; } clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_STATUSPOINT); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_STR); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_AGI); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_VIT); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_INT); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_DEX); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_LUK); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_BASELEVEL); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_JOBLEVEL); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_STATUSPOINT); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_NEXTBASEEXP); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_NEXTJOBEXP); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_SKILLPOINT); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_USTR); // Updates needed stat points - Valaris clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_UAGI); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_UVIT); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_UINT); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_UDEX); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_ULUK); // End Addition for (EQUIP i : EQUIPs) { // unequip items that can't be equipped by base 1 [Valaris] if (sd->equip_index[i] >= 0) if (!pc_isequip(sd, sd->equip_index[i])) { pc_unequipitem(sd, sd->equip_index[i], CalcStatus::LATER); sd->equip_index[i] = -1; } } clif_skillinfoblock(sd); pc_calcstatus(sd, 0); MAP_LOG_STATS(sd, "STATRESET"); return 0; } /*========================================== * /resetstate *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_resetstate(struct map_session_data *sd) { nullpo_ret(sd); // New statpoint table used here - Dexity sd->status.status_point = atoi(statp[sd->status.base_level - 1]); // End addition clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_STATUSPOINT); for (ATTR attr : ATTRs) sd->status.attrs[attr] = 1; for (ATTR attr : ATTRs) clif_updatestatus(sd, attr_to_sp(attr)); for (ATTR attr : ATTRs) clif_updatestatus(sd, attr_to_usp(attr)); pc_calcstatus(sd, 0); return 0; } /*========================================== * /resetskill *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_resetskill(struct map_session_data *sd) { int skill; nullpo_ret(sd); sd->status.skill_point += pc_calc_skillpoint(sd); for (SkillID i : erange(SkillID(1), MAX_SKILL)) if ((skill = pc_checkskill(sd, i)) > 0) { sd->status.skill[i].lv = 0; sd->status.skill[i].flags = SkillFlags::ZERO; } clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_SKILLPOINT); clif_skillinfoblock(sd); pc_calcstatus(sd, 0); return 0; } /*========================================== * pcにダメージを与える *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_damage(struct block_list *src, struct map_session_data *sd, int damage) { int i = 0, j = 0; struct pc_base_job s_class; nullpo_ret(sd); //転生や養子の場合の元の職業を算出する s_class = pc_calc_base_job(sd->status.pc_class); // 既に死んでいたら無効 if (pc_isdead(sd)) return 0; // 座ってたら立ち上がる if (pc_issit(sd)) { pc_setstand(sd); skill_gangsterparadise(sd, 0); } if (src) { if (src->type == BL_PC) { MAP_LOG_PC(sd, "INJURED-BY PC%d FOR %d", ((struct map_session_data *) src)->status.char_id, damage); } else { MAP_LOG_PC(sd, "INJURED-BY MOB%d FOR %d", src->id, damage); } } else MAP_LOG_PC(sd, "INJURED-BY null FOR %d", damage); // 歩 いていたら足を止める if (sd->sc_data[SC_ENDURE].timer == -1 && !sd->special_state.infinite_endure) pc_stop_walking(sd, 3); // 演奏/ダンスの中断 if (damage > sd->status.max_hp >> 2) skill_stop_dancing(&sd->bl, 0); sd->status.hp -= damage; if (sd->sc_data[SC_TRICKDEAD].timer != -1) skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_TRICKDEAD, -1); if (bool(sd->status.option & Option::HIDE2)) skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_HIDING, -1); if (bool(sd->status.option & Option::CLOAK)) skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_CLOAKING, -1); if (bool(sd->status.option & Option::CHASEWALK)) skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_CHASEWALK, -1); if (sd->status.hp > 0) { // まだ生きているならHP更新 clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_HP); if (sd->status.hp < sd->status.max_hp >> 2 && pc_checkskill(sd, SM_AUTOBERSERK) > 0 && (sd->sc_data[SC_PROVOKE].timer == -1 || sd->sc_data[SC_PROVOKE].val2 == 0)) // オートバーサーク発動 skill_status_change_start(&sd->bl, SC_PROVOKE, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); sd->canlog_tick = gettick(); if (sd->status.party_id > 0) { // on-the-fly party hp updates [Valaris] struct party *p = party_search(sd->status.party_id); if (p != NULL) clif_party_hp(p, sd); } // end addition [Valaris] return 0; } MAP_LOG_PC(sd, "DEAD%s", ""); // Character is dead! sd->status.hp = 0; // [Fate] Stop quickregen sd->quick_regeneration_hp.amount = 0; sd->quick_regeneration_sp.amount = 0; skill_update_heal_animation(sd); pc_setdead(sd); pc_stop_walking(sd, 0); skill_castcancel(&sd->bl, 0); // 詠唱の中止 clif_clearchar_area(&sd->bl, 1); skill_unit_out_all(&sd->bl, gettick(), 1); if (sd->sc_data[SC_BLADESTOP].timer != -1) //白刃は事前に解除 skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_BLADESTOP, -1); pc_setglobalreg(sd, "PC_DIE_COUNTER", ++sd->die_counter); //死にカウンター書き込み skill_status_change_clear(&sd->bl, 0); // ステータス異常を解除する clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_HP); pc_calcstatus(sd, 0); // [Fate] Reset magic sd->cast_tick = gettick(); magic_stop_completely(sd); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) if (sd->dev.val1[i]) { skill_status_change_end(&map_id2sd(sd->dev.val1[i])->bl, SC_DEVOTION, -1); sd->dev.val1[i] = sd->dev.val2[i] = 0; } if (battle_config.death_penalty_type > 0 && sd->status.base_level >= 20) { // changed penalty options, added death by player if pk_mode [Valaris] if (!map[sd->bl.m].flag.nopenalty) { if (battle_config.death_penalty_type == 1 && battle_config.death_penalty_base > 0) sd->status.base_exp -= (double) pc_nextbaseexp(sd) * (double) battle_config.death_penalty_base / 10000; if (battle_config.pk_mode && src && src->type == BL_PC) sd->status.base_exp -= (double) pc_nextbaseexp(sd) * (double) battle_config.death_penalty_base / 10000; else if (battle_config.death_penalty_type == 2 && battle_config.death_penalty_base > 0) { if (pc_nextbaseexp(sd) > 0) sd->status.base_exp -= (double) sd->status.base_exp * (double) battle_config.death_penalty_base / 10000; if (battle_config.pk_mode && src && src->type == BL_PC) sd->status.base_exp -= (double) sd->status.base_exp * (double) battle_config.death_penalty_base / 10000; } if (sd->status.base_exp < 0) sd->status.base_exp = 0; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_BASEEXP); if (battle_config.death_penalty_type == 1 && battle_config.death_penalty_job > 0) sd->status.job_exp -= (double) pc_nextjobexp(sd) * (double) battle_config.death_penalty_job / 10000; if (battle_config.pk_mode && src && src->type == BL_PC) sd->status.job_exp -= (double) pc_nextjobexp(sd) * (double) battle_config.death_penalty_job / 10000; else if (battle_config.death_penalty_type == 2 && battle_config.death_penalty_job > 0) { if (pc_nextjobexp(sd) > 0) sd->status.job_exp -= (double) sd->status.job_exp * (double) battle_config.death_penalty_job / 10000; if (battle_config.pk_mode && src && src->type == BL_PC) sd->status.job_exp -= (double) sd->status.job_exp * (double) battle_config.death_penalty_job / 10000; } if (sd->status.job_exp < 0) sd->status.job_exp = 0; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_JOBEXP); } } //ナイトメアモードアイテムドロップ if (map[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp_nightmaredrop) { // Moved this outside so it works when PVP isnt enabled and during pk mode [Ancyker] for (j = 0; j < MAX_DROP_PER_MAP; j++) { int id = map[sd->bl.m].drop_list[j].drop_id; int type = map[sd->bl.m].drop_list[j].drop_type; int per = map[sd->bl.m].drop_list[j].drop_per; if (id == 0) continue; if (id == -1) { //ランダムドロップ int eq_num = 0, eq_n[MAX_INVENTORY]; memset(eq_n, 0, sizeof(eq_n)); //先ず装備しているアイテム数をカウント for (i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { int k; if ((type == 1 && !bool(sd->status.inventory[i].equip)) || (type == 2 && bool(sd->status.inventory[i].equip)) || type == 3) { //InventoryIndexを格納 for (k = 0; k < MAX_INVENTORY; k++) { if (eq_n[k] <= 0) { eq_n[k] = i; break; } } eq_num++; } } if (eq_num > 0) { int n = eq_n[MRAND(eq_num)]; //該当アイテムの中からランダム if (MRAND(10000) < per) { if (bool(sd->status.inventory[n].equip)) pc_unequipitem(sd, n, CalcStatus::NOW); pc_dropitem(sd, n, 1); } } } else if (id > 0) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { if (sd->status.inventory[i].nameid == id //ItemIDが一致していて && MRAND(10000) < per //ドロップ率判定もOKで && ((type == 1 && !bool(sd->status.inventory[i].equip)) //タイプ判定もOKならドロップ || (type == 2 && bool(sd->status.inventory[i].equip)) || type == 3)) { if (bool(sd->status.inventory[i].equip)) pc_unequipitem(sd, i, CalcStatus::NOW); pc_dropitem(sd, i, 1); break; } } } } } // pvp if (map[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp && !battle_config.pk_mode) { // disable certain pvp functions on pk_mode [Valaris] //ランキング計算 if (!map[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp_nocalcrank) { sd->pvp_point -= 5; if (src && src->type == BL_PC) ((struct map_session_data *) src)->pvp_point++; //} //fixed wrong '{' placement by Lupus pc_setdead(sd); } // 強制送還 if (sd->pvp_point < 0) { sd->pvp_point = 0; pc_setstand(sd); pc_setrestartvalue(sd, 3); pc_setpos(sd, sd->status.save_point.map, sd->status.save_point.x, sd->status.save_point.y, 0); } } if (src && src->type == BL_PC) { // [Fate] PK death, trigger scripts argrec_t arg[3]; arg[0].name = "@killerrid"; arg[0].v.i = src->id; arg[1].name = "@victimrid"; arg[1].v.i = sd->bl.id; arg[2].name = "@victimlvl"; arg[2].v.i = sd->status.base_level; npc_event_doall_l("OnPCKilledEvent", sd->bl.id, 3, arg); npc_event_doall_l("OnPCKillEvent", src->id, 3, arg); } npc_event_doall_l("OnPCDieEvent", sd->bl.id, 0, NULL); return 0; } // // script関 連 // /*========================================== * script用PCステータス読み出し *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_readparam(struct map_session_data *sd, SP type) { int val = 0; struct pc_base_job s_class; s_class = pc_calc_base_job(sd->status.pc_class); nullpo_ret(sd); switch (type) { case SP_SKILLPOINT: val = sd->status.skill_point; break; case SP_STATUSPOINT: val = sd->status.status_point; break; case SP_ZENY: val = sd->status.zeny; break; case SP_BASELEVEL: val = sd->status.base_level; break; case SP_JOBLEVEL: val = sd->status.job_level; break; case SP_CLASS: if (val >= 24 && val < 45) val += 3978; else val = sd->status.pc_class; break; case SP_UPPER: val = s_class.upper; break; case SP_SEX: val = sd->sex; break; case SP_WEIGHT: val = sd->weight; break; case SP_MAXWEIGHT: val = sd->max_weight; break; case SP_BASEEXP: val = sd->status.base_exp; break; case SP_JOBEXP: val = sd->status.job_exp; break; case SP_NEXTBASEEXP: val = pc_nextbaseexp(sd); break; case SP_NEXTJOBEXP: val = pc_nextjobexp(sd); break; case SP_HP: val = sd->status.hp; break; case SP_MAXHP: val = sd->status.max_hp; break; case SP_SP: val = sd->status.sp; break; case SP_MAXSP: val = sd->status.max_sp; break; case SP_STR: case SP_AGI: case SP_VIT: case SP_INT: case SP_DEX: case SP_LUK: val = sd->status.attrs[sp_to_attr(type)]; break; case SP_FAME: val = sd->fame; break; } return val; } /*========================================== * script用PCステータス設定 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_setparam(struct map_session_data *sd, SP type, int val) { int i = 0, up_level = 50; struct pc_base_job s_class; nullpo_ret(sd); s_class = pc_calc_base_job(sd->status.pc_class); switch (type) { case SP_BASELEVEL: if (val > sd->status.base_level) { for (i = 1; i <= (val - sd->status.base_level); i++) sd->status.status_point += (sd->status.base_level + i + 14) / 4; } sd->status.base_level = val; sd->status.base_exp = 0; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_BASELEVEL); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_NEXTBASEEXP); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_STATUSPOINT); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_BASEEXP); pc_calcstatus(sd, 0); pc_heal(sd, sd->status.max_hp, sd->status.max_sp); break; case SP_JOBLEVEL: if (sd->status.pc_class == 0) up_level -= 40; if ((sd->status.pc_class == 23) || (sd->status.pc_class >= 4001 && sd->status.pc_class <= 4022)) up_level += 20; if (val >= sd->status.job_level) { if (val > up_level) val = up_level; sd->status.skill_point += (val - sd->status.job_level); sd->status.job_level = val; sd->status.job_exp = 0; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_JOBLEVEL); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_NEXTJOBEXP); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_JOBEXP); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_SKILLPOINT); pc_calcstatus(sd, 0); clif_misceffect(&sd->bl, 1); } else { sd->status.job_level = val; sd->status.job_exp = 0; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_JOBLEVEL); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_NEXTJOBEXP); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_JOBEXP); pc_calcstatus(sd, 0); } clif_updatestatus(sd, type); break; case SP_SKILLPOINT: sd->status.skill_point = val; break; case SP_STATUSPOINT: sd->status.status_point = val; break; case SP_ZENY: sd->status.zeny = val; break; case SP_BASEEXP: if (pc_nextbaseexp(sd) > 0) { sd->status.base_exp = val; if (sd->status.base_exp < 0) sd->status.base_exp = 0; pc_checkbaselevelup(sd); } break; case SP_JOBEXP: if (pc_nextjobexp(sd) > 0) { sd->status.job_exp = val; if (sd->status.job_exp < 0) sd->status.job_exp = 0; pc_checkjoblevelup(sd); } break; case SP_SEX: sd->sex = val; break; case SP_WEIGHT: sd->weight = val; break; case SP_MAXWEIGHT: sd->max_weight = val; break; case SP_HP: sd->status.hp = val; break; case SP_MAXHP: sd->status.max_hp = val; break; case SP_SP: sd->status.sp = val; break; case SP_MAXSP: sd->status.max_sp = val; break; case SP_STR: case SP_AGI: case SP_VIT: case SP_INT: case SP_DEX: case SP_LUK: sd->status.attrs[sp_to_attr(type)] = val; break; case SP_FAME: sd->fame = val; break; } clif_updatestatus(sd, type); return 0; } /*========================================== * HP/SP回復 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_heal(struct map_session_data *sd, int hp, int sp) { // if(battle_config.battle_log) // PRINTF("heal %d %d\n",hp,sp); nullpo_ret(sd); if (pc_checkoverhp(sd)) { if (hp > 0) hp = 0; } if (pc_checkoversp(sd)) { if (sp > 0) sp = 0; } if (sd->sc_data[SC_BERSERK].timer != -1) //バーサーク中は回復させないらしい return 0; if (hp + sd->status.hp > sd->status.max_hp) hp = sd->status.max_hp - sd->status.hp; if (sp + sd->status.sp > sd->status.max_sp) sp = sd->status.max_sp - sd->status.sp; sd->status.hp += hp; if (sd->status.hp <= 0) { sd->status.hp = 0; pc_damage(NULL, sd, 1); hp = 0; } sd->status.sp += sp; if (sd->status.sp <= 0) sd->status.sp = 0; if (hp) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_HP); if (sp) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_SP); if (sd->status.party_id > 0) { // on-the-fly party hp updates [Valaris] struct party *p = party_search(sd->status.party_id); if (p != NULL) clif_party_hp(p, sd); } // end addition [Valaris] return hp + sp; } /*========================================== * HP/SP回復 *------------------------------------------ */ static int pc_itemheal_effect(struct map_session_data *sd, int hp, int sp); static int // Compute how quickly we regenerate (less is faster) for that amount pc_heal_quick_speed(int amount) { if (amount >= 100) { if (amount >= 500) return 0; if (amount >= 250) return 1; return 2; } else { // < 100 if (amount >= 50) return 3; if (amount >= 20) return 4; return 5; } } static void pc_heal_quick_accumulate(int new_amount, struct quick_regeneration *quick_regen, int max) { int current_amount = quick_regen->amount; int current_speed = quick_regen->speed; int new_speed = pc_heal_quick_speed(new_amount); int average_speed = ((new_speed * new_amount) + (current_speed * current_amount)) / (current_amount + new_amount); // new_amount > 0, current_amount >= 0 quick_regen->speed = average_speed; quick_regen->amount = min(current_amount + new_amount, max); quick_regen->tickdelay = min(quick_regen->speed, quick_regen->tickdelay); } int pc_itemheal(struct map_session_data *sd, int hp, int sp) { /* defer healing */ if (hp > 0) { pc_heal_quick_accumulate(hp, &sd->quick_regeneration_hp, sd->status.max_hp - sd->status.hp); hp = 0; } if (sp > 0) { pc_heal_quick_accumulate(sp, &sd->quick_regeneration_sp, sd->status.max_sp - sd->status.sp); sp = 0; } /* Hurt right away, if necessary */ if (hp < 0 || sp < 0) pc_itemheal_effect(sd, hp, sp); return 0; } /* pc_itemheal_effect is invoked once every 0.5s whenever the pc * has health recovery queued up (cf. pc_natural_heal_sub). */ static int pc_itemheal_effect(struct map_session_data *sd, int hp, int sp) { int bonus; // if(battle_config.battle_log) // PRINTF("heal %d %d\n",hp,sp); nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->sc_data[SC_GOSPEL].timer != -1) //バーサーク中は回復させないらしい return 0; if (sd->state.potionpitcher_flag) { sd->potion_hp = hp; sd->potion_sp = sp; return 0; } if (pc_checkoverhp(sd)) { if (hp > 0) hp = 0; } if (pc_checkoversp(sd)) { if (sp > 0) sp = 0; } if (hp > 0) { bonus = (sd->paramc[ATTR::VIT] << 1) + 100 + pc_checkskill(sd, SM_RECOVERY) * 10; if (bonus != 100) hp = hp * bonus / 100; bonus = 100 + pc_checkskill(sd, AM_LEARNINGPOTION) * 5; if (bonus != 100) hp = hp * bonus / 100; } if (sp > 0) { bonus = (sd->paramc[ATTR::INT] << 1) + 100 + pc_checkskill(sd, MG_SRECOVERY) * 10; if (bonus != 100) sp = sp * bonus / 100; bonus = 100 + pc_checkskill(sd, AM_LEARNINGPOTION) * 5; if (bonus != 100) sp = sp * bonus / 100; } if (hp + sd->status.hp > sd->status.max_hp) hp = sd->status.max_hp - sd->status.hp; if (sp + sd->status.sp > sd->status.max_sp) sp = sd->status.max_sp - sd->status.sp; sd->status.hp += hp; if (sd->status.hp <= 0) { sd->status.hp = 0; pc_damage(NULL, sd, 1); hp = 0; } sd->status.sp += sp; if (sd->status.sp <= 0) sd->status.sp = 0; if (hp) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_HP); if (sp) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_SP); return 0; } /*========================================== * HP/SP回復 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_percentheal(struct map_session_data *sd, int hp, int sp) { nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->state.potionpitcher_flag) { sd->potion_per_hp = hp; sd->potion_per_sp = sp; return 0; } if (pc_checkoverhp(sd)) { if (hp > 0) hp = 0; } if (pc_checkoversp(sd)) { if (sp > 0) sp = 0; } if (hp) { if (hp >= 100) { sd->status.hp = sd->status.max_hp; } else if (hp <= -100) { sd->status.hp = 0; pc_damage(NULL, sd, 1); } else { sd->status.hp += sd->status.max_hp * hp / 100; if (sd->status.hp > sd->status.max_hp) sd->status.hp = sd->status.max_hp; if (sd->status.hp <= 0) { sd->status.hp = 0; pc_damage(NULL, sd, 1); hp = 0; } } } if (sp) { if (sp >= 100) { sd->status.sp = sd->status.max_sp; } else if (sp <= -100) { sd->status.sp = 0; } else { sd->status.sp += sd->status.max_sp * sp / 100; if (sd->status.sp > sd->status.max_sp) sd->status.sp = sd->status.max_sp; if (sd->status.sp < 0) sd->status.sp = 0; } } if (hp) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_HP); if (sp) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_SP); return 0; } /*========================================== * 職変更 * 引数 job 職業 0〜23 * upper 通常 0, 転生 1, 養子 2, そのまま -1 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_jobchange(struct map_session_data *sd, int job, int upper) { int b_class = 0; //転生や養子の場合の元の職業を算出する struct pc_base_job s_class = pc_calc_base_job(sd->status.pc_class); nullpo_ret(sd); if ((job > 23) && (job < 68)) job += 3977; if ((job > 69) && (job < 4000)) return 1; if (upper < 0) //現在転生かどうかを判断する upper = s_class.upper; if (upper == 0) { //通常職ならjobそのまんま b_class = job; } else if (upper == 1) { if (job == 23) { //転生にスパノビは存在しないのでお断り return 1; } else { b_class = job + 4001; } } else if (upper == 2) { //養子に結婚はないけどどうせ次で蹴られるからいいや b_class = (job == 23) ? job + 4022 : job + 4023; } else { return 1; } if ((sd->status.sex == 0 && job == 19) || (sd->status.sex == 1 && job == 20) || (sd->status.sex == 0 && job == 4020) || (sd->status.sex == 1 && job == 4021) || job == 22 || sd->status.pc_class == b_class) //♀はバードになれない、♂はダンサーになれない、結婚衣裳もお断り return 1; sd->status.pc_class = sd->view_class = b_class; sd->status.job_level = 1; sd->status.job_exp = 0; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_JOBLEVEL); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_JOBEXP); clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_NEXTJOBEXP); for (EQUIP i : EQUIPs) { if (sd->equip_index[i] >= 0) if (!pc_isequip(sd, sd->equip_index[i])) pc_unequipitem(sd, sd->equip_index[i], CalcStatus::LATER); // 装備外し } clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_BASE, sd->view_class); // move sprite update to prevent client crashes with incompatible equipment [Valaris] if (sd->status.clothes_color > 0) clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_CLOTHES_COLOR, sd->status.clothes_color); pc_calcstatus(sd, 0); pc_checkallowskill(sd); pc_equiplookall(sd); clif_equiplist(sd); if (pc_isriding(sd)) { // remove peco status if changing into invalid class [Valaris] if (!(pc_checkskill(sd, KN_RIDING))) pc_setoption(sd, sd->status.option); if (pc_checkskill(sd, KN_RIDING) > 0) pc_setriding(sd); } return 0; } /*========================================== * 見た目変更 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_equiplookall(struct map_session_data *sd) { nullpo_ret(sd); clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_WEAPON, 0); // clif_changelook(&sd->bl,LOOK_SHOES,0); clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_HEAD_BOTTOM, sd->status.head_bottom); clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_HEAD_TOP, sd->status.head_top); clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_HEAD_MID, sd->status.head_mid); clif_changelook_accessories(&sd->bl, NULL); return 0; } /*========================================== * 見た目変更 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_changelook(struct map_session_data *sd, LOOK type, int val) { nullpo_ret(sd); switch (type) { case LOOK_HAIR: sd->status.hair = val; break; case LOOK_WEAPON: sd->status.weapon = val; break; case LOOK_HEAD_BOTTOM: sd->status.head_bottom = val; break; case LOOK_HEAD_TOP: sd->status.head_top = val; break; case LOOK_HEAD_MID: sd->status.head_mid = val; break; case LOOK_HAIR_COLOR: sd->status.hair_color = val; break; case LOOK_CLOTHES_COLOR: sd->status.clothes_color = val; break; case LOOK_SHIELD: sd->status.shield = val; break; case LOOK_SHOES: break; } clif_changelook(&sd->bl, type, val); return 0; } /*========================================== * 付属品(鷹,ペコ,カート)設定 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_setoption(struct map_session_data *sd, Option type) { nullpo_ret(sd); sd->status.option = type; clif_changeoption(&sd->bl); pc_calcstatus(sd, 0); return 0; } /*========================================== * カート設定 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_setcart(struct map_session_data *sd, int type) { Option cart[6] = {Option::ZERO, Option::CART1, Option::CART2, Option::CART3, Option::CART4, Option::CART5}; nullpo_ret(sd); if (pc_checkskill(sd, MC_PUSHCART) > 0) { // プッシュカートスキル所持 if (!pc_iscarton(sd)) { // カートを付けていない pc_setoption(sd, cart[type]); clif_status_change(&sd->bl, StatusChange::CART, 0); } else { pc_setoption(sd, cart[type]); } } return 0; } /*========================================== * 鷹設定 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_setfalcon(struct map_session_data *sd) { if (pc_checkskill(sd, HT_FALCON) > 0) { // ファルコンマスタリースキル所持 pc_setoption(sd, sd->status.option | Option::FALCON); } return 0; } /*========================================== * ペコペコ設定 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_setriding(struct map_session_data *sd) { if (sd->disguise > 0) { // temporary prevention of crash caused by peco + disguise, will look into a better solution [Valaris] clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Cannot mount a Peco while in disguise."); return 0; } if ((pc_checkskill(sd, KN_RIDING) > 0)) { // ライディングスキル所持 pc_setoption(sd, sd->status.option | Option::RIDING); if (sd->status.pc_class == 7) sd->status.pc_class = sd->view_class = 13; if (sd->status.pc_class == 14) sd->status.pc_class = sd->view_class = 21; if (sd->status.pc_class == 4008) sd->status.pc_class = sd->view_class = 4014; if (sd->status.pc_class == 4015) sd->status.pc_class = sd->view_class = 4022; } return 0; } /*========================================== * script用変数の値を読む *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_readreg(struct map_session_data *sd, int reg) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); for (i = 0; i < sd->reg_num; i++) if (sd->reg[i].index == reg) return sd->reg[i].data; return 0; } /*========================================== * script用変数の値を設定 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_setreg(struct map_session_data *sd, int reg, int val) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); for (i = 0; i < sd->reg_num; i++) { if (sd->reg[i].index == reg) { sd->reg[i].data = val; return 0; } } sd->reg_num++; RECREATE(sd->reg, struct script_reg, sd->reg_num); sd->reg[i].index = reg; sd->reg[i].data = val; return 0; } /*========================================== * script用文字列変数の値を読む *------------------------------------------ */ char *pc_readregstr(struct map_session_data *sd, int reg) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); for (i = 0; i < sd->regstr_num; i++) if (sd->regstr[i].index == reg) return sd->regstr[i].data; return NULL; } /*========================================== * script用文字列変数の値を設定 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_setregstr(struct map_session_data *sd, int reg, const char *str) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); if (strlen(str) + 1 > sizeof(sd->regstr[0].data)) { PRINTF("pc_setregstr(): String too long!\n"); return 0; } for (i = 0; i < sd->regstr_num; i++) if (sd->regstr[i].index == reg) { strcpy(sd->regstr[i].data, str); return 0; } sd->regstr_num++; RECREATE(sd->regstr, struct script_regstr, sd->regstr_num); sd->regstr[i].index = reg; strcpy(sd->regstr[i].data, str); return 0; } /*========================================== * script用グローバル変数の値を読む *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_readglobalreg(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *reg) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); for (i = 0; i < sd->status.global_reg_num; i++) { if (strcmp(sd->status.global_reg[i].str, reg) == 0) return sd->status.global_reg[i].value; } return 0; } /*========================================== * script用グローバル変数の値を設定 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_setglobalreg(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *reg, int val) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); //PC_DIE_COUNTERがスクリプトなどで変更された時の処理 if (strcmp(reg, "PC_DIE_COUNTER") == 0 && sd->die_counter != val) { sd->die_counter = val; pc_calcstatus(sd, 0); } if (val == 0) { for (i = 0; i < sd->status.global_reg_num; i++) { if (strcmp(sd->status.global_reg[i].str, reg) == 0) { sd->status.global_reg[i] = sd->status.global_reg[sd->status.global_reg_num - 1]; sd->status.global_reg_num--; break; } } return 0; } for (i = 0; i < sd->status.global_reg_num; i++) { if (strcmp(sd->status.global_reg[i].str, reg) == 0) { sd->status.global_reg[i].value = val; return 0; } } if (sd->status.global_reg_num < GLOBAL_REG_NUM) { strcpy(sd->status.global_reg[i].str, reg); sd->status.global_reg[i].value = val; sd->status.global_reg_num++; return 0; } if (battle_config.error_log) PRINTF("pc_setglobalreg : couldn't set %s (GLOBAL_REG_NUM = %d)\n", reg, GLOBAL_REG_NUM); return 1; } /*========================================== * script用アカウント変数の値を読む *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_readaccountreg(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *reg) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); for (i = 0; i < sd->status.account_reg_num; i++) { if (strcmp(sd->status.account_reg[i].str, reg) == 0) return sd->status.account_reg[i].value; } return 0; } /*========================================== * script用アカウント変数の値を設定 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_setaccountreg(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *reg, int val) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); if (val == 0) { for (i = 0; i < sd->status.account_reg_num; i++) { if (strcmp(sd->status.account_reg[i].str, reg) == 0) { sd->status.account_reg[i] = sd->status.account_reg[sd->status.account_reg_num - 1]; sd->status.account_reg_num--; break; } } intif_saveaccountreg(sd); return 0; } for (i = 0; i < sd->status.account_reg_num; i++) { if (strcmp(sd->status.account_reg[i].str, reg) == 0) { sd->status.account_reg[i].value = val; intif_saveaccountreg(sd); return 0; } } if (sd->status.account_reg_num < ACCOUNT_REG_NUM) { strcpy(sd->status.account_reg[i].str, reg); sd->status.account_reg[i].value = val; sd->status.account_reg_num++; intif_saveaccountreg(sd); return 0; } if (battle_config.error_log) PRINTF("pc_setaccountreg : couldn't set %s (ACCOUNT_REG_NUM = %d)\n", reg, ACCOUNT_REG_NUM); return 1; } /*========================================== * script用アカウント変数2の値を読む *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_readaccountreg2(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *reg) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); for (i = 0; i < sd->status.account_reg2_num; i++) { if (strcmp(sd->status.account_reg2[i].str, reg) == 0) return sd->status.account_reg2[i].value; } return 0; } /*========================================== * script用アカウント変数2の値を設定 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_setaccountreg2(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *reg, int val) { int i; nullpo_retr(1, sd); if (val == 0) { for (i = 0; i < sd->status.account_reg2_num; i++) { if (strcmp(sd->status.account_reg2[i].str, reg) == 0) { sd->status.account_reg2[i] = sd->status.account_reg2[sd->status.account_reg2_num - 1]; sd->status.account_reg2_num--; break; } } chrif_saveaccountreg2(sd); return 0; } for (i = 0; i < sd->status.account_reg2_num; i++) { if (strcmp(sd->status.account_reg2[i].str, reg) == 0) { sd->status.account_reg2[i].value = val; chrif_saveaccountreg2(sd); return 0; } } if (sd->status.account_reg2_num < ACCOUNT_REG2_NUM) { strcpy(sd->status.account_reg2[i].str, reg); sd->status.account_reg2[i].value = val; sd->status.account_reg2_num++; chrif_saveaccountreg2(sd); return 0; } if (battle_config.error_log) PRINTF("pc_setaccountreg2 : couldn't set %s (ACCOUNT_REG2_NUM = %d)\n", reg, ACCOUNT_REG2_NUM); return 1; } /*========================================== * 精錬成功率 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_percentrefinery(struct map_session_data *sd, struct item *item) { int percent; nullpo_ret(item); percent = percentrefinery[itemdb_wlv(item->nameid)][(int) item->refine]; percent += pc_checkskill(sd, BS_WEAPONRESEARCH); // 武器研究スキル所持 // 確率の有効範囲チェック if (percent > 100) { percent = 100; } if (percent < 0) { percent = 0; } return percent; } /*========================================== * イベントタイマー処理 *------------------------------------------ */ static void pc_eventtimer(timer_id tid, tick_t, custom_id_t id, custom_data_t data) { struct map_session_data *sd = map_id2sd(id); int i; if (sd == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < MAX_EVENTTIMER; i++) { if (sd->eventtimer[i] == tid) { sd->eventtimer[i] = -1; npc_event(sd, (const char *) data, 0); break; } } free((void *) data); if (i == MAX_EVENTTIMER) { if (battle_config.error_log) PRINTF("pc_eventtimer: no such event timer\n"); } } /*========================================== * イベントタイマー追加 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_addeventtimer(struct map_session_data *sd, int tick, const char *name) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); for (i = 0; i < MAX_EVENTTIMER; i++) if (sd->eventtimer[i] == -1) break; if (i < MAX_EVENTTIMER) { char *evname = (char *) calloc(24, 1); strncpy(evname, name, 24); evname[23] = '\0'; sd->eventtimer[i] = add_timer(gettick() + tick, pc_eventtimer, sd->bl.id, (int) evname); return 1; } return 0; } /*========================================== * イベントタイマー削除 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_deleventtimer(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); for (i = 0; i < MAX_EVENTTIMER; i++) if (sd->eventtimer[i] != -1 && strcmp((char *) (get_timer(sd->eventtimer [i])->data), name) == 0) { delete_timer(sd->eventtimer[i], pc_eventtimer); sd->eventtimer[i] = -1; break; } return 0; } /*========================================== * イベントタイマーカウント値追加 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_addeventtimercount(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *name, int tick) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); for (i = 0; i < MAX_EVENTTIMER; i++) if (sd->eventtimer[i] != -1 && strcmp((char *) (get_timer(sd->eventtimer [i])->data), name) == 0) { addtick_timer(sd->eventtimer[i], tick); break; } return 0; } /*========================================== * イベントタイマー全削除 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_cleareventtimer(struct map_session_data *sd) { int i; nullpo_ret(sd); for (i = 0; i < MAX_EVENTTIMER; i++) if (sd->eventtimer[i] != -1) { delete_timer(sd->eventtimer[i], pc_eventtimer); sd->eventtimer[i] = -1; } return 0; } // // 装 備物 // /*========================================== * アイテムを装備する *------------------------------------------ */ static int pc_signal_advanced_equipment_change(struct map_session_data *sd, int n) { if (bool(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EPOS::SHOES)) clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_SHOES, 0); if (bool(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EPOS::GLOVES)) clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_GLOVES, 0); if (bool(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EPOS::CAPE)) clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_CAPE, 0); if (bool(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EPOS::MISC1)) clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_MISC1, 0); if (bool(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EPOS::MISC2)) clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_MISC2, 0); return 0; } int pc_equipitem(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, EPOS) { int nameid, arrow, view; struct item_data *id; //ソス]ソスソスソスソスソス{ソスqソスフ場合ソスフ鯉ソスソスフ職ソスニゑソスソスZソスoソスソスソスソス nullpo_ret(sd); if (n < 0 || n >= MAX_INVENTORY) { clif_equipitemack(sd, 0, EPOS::ZERO, 0); return 0; } nameid = sd->status.inventory[n].nameid; id = sd->inventory_data[n]; EPOS pos = pc_equippoint(sd, n); if (battle_config.battle_log) PRINTF("equip %d (%d) %x:%x\n", nameid, n, id->equip, pos); if (!pc_isequip(sd, n) || pos == EPOS::ZERO || sd->status.inventory[n].broken == 1) { // [Valaris] clif_equipitemack(sd, n, EPOS::ZERO, 0); // fail return 0; } // -- moonsoul (if player is berserk then cannot equip) // if (sd->sc_data[SC_BERSERK].timer != -1) { clif_equipitemack(sd, n, EPOS::ZERO, 0); // fail return 0; } if (pos == (EPOS::MISC2 | EPOS::CAPE)) { // アクセサリ用例外処理 EPOS epor = EPOS::ZERO; if (sd->equip_index[EQUIP::MISC2] >= 0) epor |= sd->status.inventory[sd->equip_index[EQUIP::MISC2]].equip; if (sd->equip_index[EQUIP::CAPE] >= 0) epor |= sd->status.inventory[sd->equip_index[EQUIP::CAPE]].equip; epor &= (EPOS::MISC2 | EPOS::CAPE); pos = (epor == EPOS::CAPE ? EPOS::MISC2 : EPOS::CAPE); } // 二刀流処理 if ((pos == (EPOS::SHIELD | EPOS::WEAPON)) // 一応、装備要求箇所が二刀流武器かチェックする && (id->equip == EPOS::WEAPON) // 単 手武器 && (pc_checkskill(sd, AS_LEFT) > 0 || sd->status.pc_class == 12)) // 左手修錬有 { EPOS tpos = EPOS::ZERO; if (sd->equip_index[EQUIP::SHIELD] >= 0) tpos |= sd->status.inventory[sd->equip_index[EQUIP::SHIELD]].equip; if (sd->equip_index[EQUIP::WEAPON] >= 0) tpos |= sd->status.inventory[sd->equip_index[EQUIP::WEAPON]].equip; tpos &= EPOS::WEAPON; pos = tpos == EPOS::WEAPON ? EPOS::SHIELD : EPOS::WEAPON; } // TODO: make this code do what it's supposed to do, // instead of what it does arrow = pc_search_inventory(sd, pc_checkequip(sd, EPOS::LEGS | EPOS::CAPE)); // Added by RoVeRT for (EQUIP i : EQUIPs) { if (bool(pos & equip_pos[i])) { if (sd->equip_index[i] >= 0) //Slot taken, remove item from there. pc_unequipitem(sd, sd->equip_index[i], CalcStatus::LATER); sd->equip_index[i] = n; } } // 弓矢装備 if (pos == EPOS::ARROW) { clif_arrowequip(sd, n); clif_arrow_fail(sd, 3); // 3=矢が装備できました } else { /* Don't update re-equipping if we're using a spell */ if (!(pos == EPOS::GLOVES && sd->attack_spell_override)) clif_equipitemack(sd, n, pos, 1); } for (EQUIP i : EQUIPs) { if (bool(pos & equip_pos[i])) sd->equip_index[i] = n; } sd->status.inventory[n].equip = pos; if (sd->inventory_data[n]) { view = sd->inventory_data[n]->look; if (view == 0) view = sd->inventory_data[n]->nameid; } else { view = 0; } if (bool(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EPOS::WEAPON)) { sd->weapontype1 = view; pc_calcweapontype(sd); pc_set_weapon_look(sd); } if (bool(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EPOS::SHIELD)) { if (sd->inventory_data[n]) { if (sd->inventory_data[n]->type == ItemType::WEAPON) { sd->status.shield = 0; if (sd->status.inventory[n].equip == EPOS::SHIELD) sd->weapontype2 = view; } else if (sd->inventory_data[n]->type == ItemType::ARMOR) { sd->status.shield = view; sd->weapontype2 = 0; } } else sd->status.shield = sd->weapontype2 = 0; pc_calcweapontype(sd); clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_SHIELD, sd->status.shield); } if (bool(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EPOS::LEGS)) { sd->status.head_bottom = view; clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_HEAD_BOTTOM, sd->status.head_bottom); } if (bool(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EPOS::HAT)) { sd->status.head_top = view; clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_HEAD_TOP, sd->status.head_top); } if (bool(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EPOS::TORSO)) { sd->status.head_mid = view; clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_HEAD_MID, sd->status.head_mid); } pc_signal_advanced_equipment_change(sd, n); pc_checkallowskill(sd); // 装備品でスキルか解除されるかチェック if (itemdb_look(sd->status.inventory[n].nameid) == 11 && arrow) { // Added by RoVeRT clif_arrowequip(sd, arrow); sd->status.inventory[arrow].equip = EPOS::ARROW; } pc_calcstatus(sd, 0); if (sd->special_state.infinite_endure) { if (sd->sc_data[SC_ENDURE].timer == -1) skill_status_change_start(&sd->bl, SC_ENDURE, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); } else { if (sd->sc_data[SC_ENDURE].timer != -1 && sd->sc_data[SC_ENDURE].val2) skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_ENDURE, -1); } if (sd->sc_data[SC_SIGNUMCRUCIS].timer != -1 && !battle_check_undead(7, sd->def_ele)) skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_SIGNUMCRUCIS, -1); if (sd->sc_data[SC_DANCING].timer != -1 && (sd->status.weapon != 13 && sd->status.weapon != 14)) skill_stop_dancing(&sd->bl, 0); return 0; } /*========================================== * 装 備した物を外す *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_unequipitem(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, CalcStatus type) { nullpo_ret(sd); // -- moonsoul (if player is berserk then cannot unequip) // if (sd->sc_data[SC_BERSERK].timer != -1) { clif_unequipitemack(sd, n, EPOS::ZERO, 0); return 0; } if (battle_config.battle_log) PRINTF("unequip %d %x:%x\n", n, pc_equippoint(sd, n), sd->status.inventory[n].equip); if (bool(sd->status.inventory[n].equip)) { for (EQUIP i : EQUIPs) { if (bool(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & equip_pos[i])) sd->equip_index[i] = -1; } if (bool(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EPOS::WEAPON)) { sd->weapontype1 = 0; sd->status.weapon = sd->weapontype2; pc_calcweapontype(sd); pc_set_weapon_look(sd); } if (bool(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EPOS::SHIELD)) { sd->status.shield = sd->weapontype2 = 0; pc_calcweapontype(sd); clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_SHIELD, sd->status.shield); } if (bool(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EPOS::LEGS)) { sd->status.head_bottom = 0; clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_HEAD_BOTTOM, sd->status.head_bottom); } if (bool(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EPOS::HAT)) { sd->status.head_top = 0; clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_HEAD_TOP, sd->status.head_top); } if (bool(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EPOS::TORSO)) { sd->status.head_mid = 0; clif_changelook(&sd->bl, LOOK_HEAD_MID, sd->status.head_mid); } pc_signal_advanced_equipment_change(sd, n); if (sd->sc_data[SC_BROKNWEAPON].timer != -1 && bool(sd->status.inventory[n].equip & EPOS::WEAPON) && sd->status.inventory[n].broken == 1) skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_BROKNWEAPON, -1); clif_unequipitemack(sd, n, sd->status.inventory[n].equip, 1); sd->status.inventory[n].equip = EPOS::ZERO; if (type == CalcStatus::NOW) pc_checkallowskill(sd); if (sd->weapontype1 == 0 && sd->weapontype2 == 0) skill_encchant_eremental_end(&sd->bl, StatusChange::NEGATIVE1); } else { clif_unequipitemack(sd, n, EPOS::ZERO, 0); } if (type == CalcStatus::NOW) { pc_calcstatus(sd, 0); if (sd->sc_data[SC_SIGNUMCRUCIS].timer != -1 && !battle_check_undead(7, sd->def_ele)) skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_SIGNUMCRUCIS, -1); } return 0; } int pc_unequipinvyitem(struct map_session_data *sd, int n, CalcStatus type) { nullpo_retr(1, sd); for (EQUIP i : EQUIPs) { if (equip_pos[i] != EPOS::ZERO && !bool(equip_pos[i] & EPOS::ARROW) // probably a bug && sd->equip_index[i] == n) { //Slot taken, remove item from there. pc_unequipitem(sd, sd->equip_index[i], type); sd->equip_index[i] = -1; } } return 0; } /*========================================== * アイテムのindex番号を詰めたり * 装 備品の装備可能チェックを行なう *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_checkitem(struct map_session_data *sd) { int i, j, k, id, calc_flag = 0; struct item_data *it = NULL; nullpo_ret(sd); // 所持品空き詰め for (i = j = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { if ((id = sd->status.inventory[i].nameid) == 0) continue; if (battle_config.item_check && !itemdb_available(id)) { if (battle_config.error_log) PRINTF("illeagal item id %d in %d[%s] inventory.\n", id, sd->bl.id, sd->status.name); pc_delitem(sd, i, sd->status.inventory[i].amount, 3); continue; } if (i > j) { memcpy(&sd->status.inventory[j], &sd->status.inventory[i], sizeof(struct item)); sd->inventory_data[j] = sd->inventory_data[i]; } j++; } if (j < MAX_INVENTORY) memset(&sd->status.inventory[j], 0, sizeof(struct item) * (MAX_INVENTORY - j)); for (k = j; k < MAX_INVENTORY; k++) sd->inventory_data[k] = NULL; // カート内空き詰め for (i = j = 0; i < MAX_CART; i++) { if ((id = sd->status.cart[i].nameid) == 0) continue; if (battle_config.item_check && !itemdb_available(id)) { if (battle_config.error_log) PRINTF("illeagal item id %d in %d[%s] cart.\n", id, sd->bl.id, sd->status.name); pc_cart_delitem(sd, i, sd->status.cart[i].amount, 1); continue; } if (i > j) { memcpy(&sd->status.cart[j], &sd->status.cart[i], sizeof(struct item)); } j++; } if (j < MAX_CART) memset(&sd->status.cart[j], 0, sizeof(struct item) * (MAX_CART - j)); // 装 備位置チェック for (i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { it = sd->inventory_data[i]; if (sd->status.inventory[i].nameid == 0) continue; if (bool(sd->status.inventory[i].equip & ~pc_equippoint(sd, i))) { sd->status.inventory[i].equip = EPOS::ZERO; calc_flag = 1; } //装備制限チェック if (bool(sd->status.inventory[i].equip) && map[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp && (it->flag.no_equip == 1 || it->flag.no_equip == 3)) { //PvP制限 sd->status.inventory[i].equip = EPOS::ZERO; calc_flag = 1; } } pc_setequipindex(sd); if (calc_flag) pc_calcstatus(sd, 2); return 0; } int pc_checkoverhp(struct map_session_data *sd) { nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->status.hp == sd->status.max_hp) return 1; if (sd->status.hp > sd->status.max_hp) { sd->status.hp = sd->status.max_hp; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_HP); return 2; } return 0; } int pc_checkoversp(struct map_session_data *sd) { nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->status.sp == sd->status.max_sp) return 1; if (sd->status.sp > sd->status.max_sp) { sd->status.sp = sd->status.max_sp; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_SP); return 2; } return 0; } /*========================================== * PVP順位計算用(foreachinarea) *------------------------------------------ */ static void pc_calc_pvprank_sub(struct block_list *bl, struct map_session_data *sd2) { struct map_session_data *sd1; nullpo_retv(bl); sd1 = (struct map_session_data *) bl; nullpo_retv(sd2); if (sd1->pvp_point > sd2->pvp_point) sd2->pvp_rank++; } /*========================================== * PVP順位計算 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_calc_pvprank(struct map_session_data *sd) { struct map_data *m; nullpo_ret(sd); nullpo_ret(m = &map[sd->bl.m]); if (!(m->flag.pvp)) return 0; sd->pvp_rank = 1; map_foreachinarea(std::bind(pc_calc_pvprank_sub, ph::_1, sd), sd->bl.m, 0, 0, m->xs, m->ys, BL_PC); return sd->pvp_rank; } /*========================================== * PVP順位計算(timer) *------------------------------------------ */ void pc_calc_pvprank_timer(timer_id, tick_t, custom_id_t id, custom_data_t data) { struct map_session_data *sd = NULL; if (battle_config.pk_mode) // disable pvp ranking if pk_mode on [Valaris] return; sd = map_id2sd(id); if (sd == NULL) return; sd->pvp_timer = -1; if (pc_calc_pvprank(sd) > 0) sd->pvp_timer = add_timer(gettick() + PVP_CALCRANK_INTERVAL, pc_calc_pvprank_timer, id, data); } /*========================================== * sdは結婚しているか(既婚の場合は相方のchar_idを返す) *------------------------------------------ */ static int pc_ismarried(struct map_session_data *sd) { if (sd == NULL) return -1; if (sd->status.partner_id > 0) return sd->status.partner_id; else return 0; } /*========================================== * sdがdstsdと結婚(dstsd→sdの結婚処理も同時に行う) *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_marriage(struct map_session_data *sd, struct map_session_data *dstsd) { if (sd == NULL || dstsd == NULL || sd->status.partner_id > 0 || dstsd->status.partner_id > 0) return -1; sd->status.partner_id = dstsd->status.char_id; dstsd->status.partner_id = sd->status.char_id; return 0; } /*========================================== * sdが離婚(相手はsd->status.partner_idに依る)(相手も同時に離婚・結婚指輪自動剥奪) *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_divorce(struct map_session_data *sd) { struct map_session_data *p_sd = NULL; if (sd == NULL || !pc_ismarried(sd)) return -1; // If both are on map server we don't need to bother the char server if ((p_sd = map_nick2sd(map_charid2nick(sd->status.partner_id))) != NULL) { if (p_sd->status.partner_id != sd->status.char_id || sd->status.partner_id != p_sd->status.char_id) { PRINTF("pc_divorce: Illegal partner_id sd=%d p_sd=%d\n", sd->status.partner_id, p_sd->status.partner_id); return -1; } p_sd->status.partner_id = 0; sd->status.partner_id = 0; if (sd->npc_flags.divorce) { sd->npc_flags.divorce = 0; map_scriptcont(sd, sd->npc_id); } } else chrif_send_divorce(sd->status.char_id); return 0; } /*========================================== * sdの相方のmap_session_dataを返す *------------------------------------------ */ struct map_session_data *pc_get_partner(struct map_session_data *sd) { struct map_session_data *p_sd = NULL; char *nick; if (sd == NULL || !pc_ismarried(sd)) return NULL; nick = map_charid2nick(sd->status.partner_id); if (nick == NULL) return NULL; if ((p_sd = map_nick2sd(nick)) == NULL) return NULL; return p_sd; } // // 自然回復物 // /*========================================== * SP回復量計算 *------------------------------------------ */ static int natural_heal_tick, natural_heal_prev_tick, natural_heal_diff_tick; static int pc_spheal(struct map_session_data *sd) { int a; nullpo_ret(sd); a = natural_heal_diff_tick; if (pc_issit(sd)) a += a; if (sd->sc_data[SC_MAGNIFICAT].timer != -1) // マグニフィカート a += a; return a; } /*========================================== * HP回復量計算 *------------------------------------------ */ static int pc_hpheal(struct map_session_data *sd) { int a; nullpo_ret(sd); a = natural_heal_diff_tick; if (pc_issit(sd)) a += a; if (sd->sc_data[SC_MAGNIFICAT].timer != -1) // Modified by RoVeRT a += a; return a; } static int pc_natural_heal_hp(struct map_session_data *sd) { int bhp; int inc_num, bonus, skill, hp_flag; nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->sc_data[SC_TRICKDEAD].timer != -1) // Modified by RoVeRT return 0; if (pc_checkoverhp(sd)) { sd->hp_sub = sd->inchealhptick = 0; return 0; } bhp = sd->status.hp; hp_flag = (pc_checkskill(sd, SM_MOVINGRECOVERY) > 0 && sd->walktimer != -1); if (sd->walktimer == -1) { inc_num = pc_hpheal(sd); if (sd->sc_data[SC_TENSIONRELAX].timer != -1) { // テンションリラックス sd->hp_sub += 2 * inc_num; sd->inchealhptick += 3 * natural_heal_diff_tick; } else { sd->hp_sub += inc_num; sd->inchealhptick += natural_heal_diff_tick; } } else if (hp_flag) { inc_num = pc_hpheal(sd); sd->hp_sub += inc_num; sd->inchealhptick = 0; } else { sd->hp_sub = sd->inchealhptick = 0; return 0; } if (sd->hp_sub >= battle_config.natural_healhp_interval) { bonus = sd->nhealhp; if (hp_flag) { bonus >>= 2; if (bonus <= 0) bonus = 1; } while (sd->hp_sub >= battle_config.natural_healhp_interval) { sd->hp_sub -= battle_config.natural_healhp_interval; if (sd->status.hp + bonus <= sd->status.max_hp) sd->status.hp += bonus; else { sd->status.hp = sd->status.max_hp; sd->hp_sub = sd->inchealhptick = 0; } } } if (bhp != sd->status.hp) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_HP); if (sd->nshealhp > 0) { if (sd->inchealhptick >= battle_config.natural_heal_skill_interval && sd->status.hp < sd->status.max_hp) { bonus = sd->nshealhp; while (sd->inchealhptick >= battle_config.natural_heal_skill_interval) { sd->inchealhptick -= battle_config.natural_heal_skill_interval; if (sd->status.hp + bonus <= sd->status.max_hp) sd->status.hp += bonus; else { bonus = sd->status.max_hp - sd->status.hp; sd->status.hp = sd->status.max_hp; sd->hp_sub = sd->inchealhptick = 0; } } } } else sd->inchealhptick = 0; return 0; if (sd->sc_data[SC_APPLEIDUN].timer != -1) { // Apple of Idun if (sd->inchealhptick >= 6000 && sd->status.hp < sd->status.max_hp) { bonus = skill * 20; while (sd->inchealhptick >= 6000) { sd->inchealhptick -= 6000; if (sd->status.hp + bonus <= sd->status.max_hp) sd->status.hp += bonus; else { bonus = sd->status.max_hp - sd->status.hp; sd->status.hp = sd->status.max_hp; sd->hp_sub = sd->inchealhptick = 0; } } } } else sd->inchealhptick = 0; return 0; } static int pc_natural_heal_sp(struct map_session_data *sd) { int bsp; int inc_num, bonus; nullpo_ret(sd); if (sd->sc_data[SC_TRICKDEAD].timer != -1) // Modified by RoVeRT return 0; if (pc_checkoversp(sd)) { sd->sp_sub = sd->inchealsptick = 0; return 0; } bsp = sd->status.sp; inc_num = pc_spheal(sd); if (sd->sc_data[SC_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS].timer == -1) sd->sp_sub += inc_num; if (sd->walktimer == -1) sd->inchealsptick += natural_heal_diff_tick; else sd->inchealsptick = 0; if (sd->sp_sub >= battle_config.natural_healsp_interval) { bonus = sd->nhealsp;; while (sd->sp_sub >= battle_config.natural_healsp_interval) { sd->sp_sub -= battle_config.natural_healsp_interval; if (sd->status.sp + bonus <= sd->status.max_sp) sd->status.sp += bonus; else { sd->status.sp = sd->status.max_sp; sd->sp_sub = sd->inchealsptick = 0; } } } if (bsp != sd->status.sp) clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_SP); if (sd->nshealsp > 0) { if (sd->inchealsptick >= battle_config.natural_heal_skill_interval && sd->status.sp < sd->status.max_sp) { struct pc_base_job s_class = pc_calc_base_job(sd->status.pc_class); if (sd->doridori_counter && s_class.job == 23) bonus = sd->nshealsp * 2; else bonus = sd->nshealsp; sd->doridori_counter = 0; while (sd->inchealsptick >= battle_config.natural_heal_skill_interval) { sd->inchealsptick -= battle_config.natural_heal_skill_interval; if (sd->status.sp + bonus <= sd->status.max_sp) sd->status.sp += bonus; else { bonus = sd->status.max_sp - sd->status.sp; sd->status.sp = sd->status.max_sp; sd->sp_sub = sd->inchealsptick = 0; } } } } else sd->inchealsptick = 0; return 0; } static int pc_spirit_heal_hp(struct map_session_data *sd, int) { int bonus_hp, interval = battle_config.natural_heal_skill_interval; eptr sc_data = battle_get_sc_data(&sd->bl); nullpo_ret(sd); if (pc_checkoverhp(sd)) { sd->inchealspirithptick = 0; return 0; } sd->inchealspirithptick += natural_heal_diff_tick; if (sd->weight * 100 / sd->max_weight >= battle_config.natural_heal_weight_rate && sc_data[SC_FLYING_BACKPACK].timer == -1) interval += interval; if (sd->inchealspirithptick >= interval) { bonus_hp = sd->nsshealhp; while (sd->inchealspirithptick >= interval) { if (pc_issit(sd)) { sd->inchealspirithptick -= interval; if (sd->status.hp < sd->status.max_hp) { if (sd->status.hp + bonus_hp <= sd->status.max_hp) sd->status.hp += bonus_hp; else { bonus_hp = sd->status.max_hp - sd->status.hp; sd->status.hp = sd->status.max_hp; } sd->inchealspirithptick = 0; } } else { sd->inchealspirithptick -= natural_heal_diff_tick; break; } } } return 0; } static int pc_spirit_heal_sp(struct map_session_data *sd, int) { int bonus_sp, interval = battle_config.natural_heal_skill_interval; nullpo_ret(sd); if (pc_checkoversp(sd)) { sd->inchealspiritsptick = 0; return 0; } sd->inchealspiritsptick += natural_heal_diff_tick; if (sd->weight * 100 / sd->max_weight >= battle_config.natural_heal_weight_rate) interval += interval; if (sd->inchealspiritsptick >= interval) { bonus_sp = sd->nsshealsp; while (sd->inchealspiritsptick >= interval) { if (pc_issit(sd)) { sd->inchealspiritsptick -= interval; if (sd->status.sp < sd->status.max_sp) { if (sd->status.sp + bonus_sp <= sd->status.max_sp) sd->status.sp += bonus_sp; else { bonus_sp = sd->status.max_sp - sd->status.sp; sd->status.sp = sd->status.max_sp; } sd->inchealspiritsptick = 0; } } else { sd->inchealspiritsptick -= natural_heal_diff_tick; break; } } } return 0; } /*========================================== * HP/SP 自然回復 各クライアント *------------------------------------------ */ static int pc_quickregenerate_effect(struct quick_regeneration *quick_regen, int heal_speed) { if (!(quick_regen->tickdelay--)) { int bonus = min(heal_speed * battle_config.itemheal_regeneration_factor, quick_regen->amount); quick_regen->amount -= bonus; quick_regen->tickdelay = quick_regen->speed; return bonus; } return 0; } static void pc_natural_heal_sub(struct map_session_data *sd) { int skill; nullpo_retv(sd); if (sd->heal_xp > 0) { if (sd->heal_xp < 64) --sd->heal_xp; // [Fate] Slowly reduce XP that healers can get for healing this char else sd->heal_xp -= (sd->heal_xp >> 6); } // Hijack this callback: Adjust spellpower bonus if (sd->spellpower_bonus_target < sd->spellpower_bonus_current) { sd->spellpower_bonus_current = sd->spellpower_bonus_target; pc_calcstatus(sd, 0); } else if (sd->spellpower_bonus_target > sd->spellpower_bonus_current) { sd->spellpower_bonus_current += 1 + ((sd->spellpower_bonus_target - sd->spellpower_bonus_current) >> 5); pc_calcstatus(sd, 0); } if (sd->sc_data[SC_HALT_REGENERATE].timer != -1) return; if (sd->quick_regeneration_hp.amount || sd->quick_regeneration_sp.amount) { int hp_bonus = pc_quickregenerate_effect(&sd->quick_regeneration_hp, (sd->sc_data[SC_POISON].timer == -1 || sd->sc_data[SC_SLOWPOISON].timer != -1) ? sd->nhealhp : 1); // [fate] slow down when poisoned int sp_bonus = pc_quickregenerate_effect(&sd->quick_regeneration_sp, sd->nhealsp); pc_itemheal_effect(sd, hp_bonus, sp_bonus); } skill_update_heal_animation(sd); // if needed. // -- moonsoul (if conditions below altered to disallow natural healing if under berserk status) if ((sd->sc_data[SC_FLYING_BACKPACK].timer != -1 || battle_config.natural_heal_weight_rate > 100 || sd->weight * 100 / sd->max_weight < battle_config.natural_heal_weight_rate) && !pc_isdead(sd) && !pc_ishiding(sd) && sd->sc_data[SC_POISON].timer == -1) { pc_natural_heal_hp(sd); if (sd->sc_data[SC_EXTREMITYFIST].timer == -1 && //阿修羅状態ではSPが回復しない sd->sc_data[SC_DANCING].timer == -1 && //ダンス状態ではSPが回復しない sd->sc_data[SC_BERSERK].timer == -1 //バーサーク状態ではSPが回復しない ) pc_natural_heal_sp(sd); } else { sd->hp_sub = sd->inchealhptick = 0; sd->sp_sub = sd->inchealsptick = 0; } if ((skill = pc_checkskill(sd, MO_SPIRITSRECOVERY)) > 0 && !pc_ishiding(sd) && sd->sc_data[SC_POISON].timer == -1 && sd->sc_data[SC_BERSERK].timer == -1) { pc_spirit_heal_hp(sd, skill); pc_spirit_heal_sp(sd, skill); } else { sd->inchealspirithptick = 0; sd->inchealspiritsptick = 0; } } /*========================================== * HP/SP自然回復 (interval timer関数) *------------------------------------------ */ static void pc_natural_heal(timer_id, tick_t tick, custom_id_t, custom_data_t) { natural_heal_tick = tick; natural_heal_diff_tick = DIFF_TICK(natural_heal_tick, natural_heal_prev_tick); clif_foreachclient(pc_natural_heal_sub); natural_heal_prev_tick = tick; } /*========================================== * セーブポイントの保存 *------------------------------------------ */ int pc_setsavepoint(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *mapname, int x, int y) { nullpo_ret(sd); strncpy(sd->status.save_point.map, mapname, 23); sd->status.save_point.map[23] = '\0'; sd->status.save_point.x = x; sd->status.save_point.y = y; return 0; } /*========================================== * 自動セーブ 各クライアント *------------------------------------------ */ static int last_save_fd, save_flag; static void pc_autosave_sub(struct map_session_data *sd) { nullpo_retv(sd); if (save_flag == 0 && sd->fd > last_save_fd) { pc_makesavestatus(sd); chrif_save(sd); save_flag = 1; last_save_fd = sd->fd; } } /*========================================== * 自動セーブ (timer関数) *------------------------------------------ */ static void pc_autosave(timer_id, tick_t, custom_id_t, custom_data_t) { int interval; save_flag = 0; clif_foreachclient(pc_autosave_sub); if (save_flag == 0) last_save_fd = 0; interval = autosave_interval / (clif_countusers() + 1); if (interval <= 0) interval = 1; add_timer(gettick() + interval, pc_autosave, 0, 0); } int pc_read_gm_account(int fd) { int i = 0; if (gm_account != NULL) free(gm_account); GM_num = 0; CREATE(gm_account, struct gm_account, (RFIFOW(fd, 2) - 4) / 5); for (i = 4; i < RFIFOW(fd, 2); i = i + 5) { gm_account[GM_num].account_id = RFIFOL(fd, i); gm_account[GM_num].level = (int) RFIFOB(fd, i + 4); //PRINTF("GM account: %d -> level %d\n", gm_account[GM_num].account_id, gm_account[GM_num].level); GM_num++; } return GM_num; } /*========================================== * timer to do the day *------------------------------------------ */ static void map_day_timer(timer_id, tick_t, custom_id_t, custom_data_t) { // by [yor] struct map_session_data *pl_sd = NULL; int i; char tmpstr[1024]; if (battle_config.day_duration > 0) { // if we want a day if (night_flag != 0) { strcpy(tmpstr, "The day has arrived!"); night_flag = 0; // 0=day, 1=night [Yor] for (i = 0; i < fd_max; i++) { if (session[i] && (pl_sd = (struct map_session_data *)session[i]->session_data) && pl_sd->state.auth) { pl_sd->opt2 &= ~Opt2::BLIND; clif_changeoption(&pl_sd->bl); clif_wis_message(pl_sd->fd, wisp_server_name, tmpstr, strlen(tmpstr) + 1); } } } } } /*========================================== * timer to do the night *------------------------------------------ */ static void map_night_timer(timer_id, tick_t, custom_id_t, custom_data_t) { // by [yor] struct map_session_data *pl_sd = NULL; int i; char tmpstr[1024]; if (battle_config.night_duration > 0) { // if we want a night if (night_flag == 0) { strcpy(tmpstr, "The night has fallen..."); night_flag = 1; // 0=day, 1=night [Yor] for (i = 0; i < fd_max; i++) { if (session[i] && (pl_sd = (struct map_session_data *)session[i]->session_data) && pl_sd->state.auth) { pl_sd->opt2 |= Opt2::BLIND; clif_changeoption(&pl_sd->bl); clif_wis_message(pl_sd->fd, wisp_server_name, tmpstr, strlen(tmpstr) + 1); } } } } } void pc_setstand(struct map_session_data *sd) { nullpo_retv(sd); if (sd->sc_data[SC_TENSIONRELAX].timer != -1) skill_status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_TENSIONRELAX, -1); sd->state.dead_sit = 0; } // // 初期化物 // /*========================================== * 設定ファイル読み込む * exp.txt 必要経験値 * job_db1.txt 重量,hp,sp,攻撃速度 * job_db2.txt job能力値ボーナス * skill_tree.txt 各職毎のスキルツリー * attr_fix.txt 属性修正テーブル * size_fix.txt サイズ補正テーブル * refine_db.txt 精錬データテーブル *------------------------------------------ */ static int pc_readdb(void) { int i, j, k; FILE *fp; char line[1024], *p; // 必要経験値読み込み fp = fopen_("db/exp.txt", "r"); if (fp == NULL) { PRINTF("can't read db/exp.txt\n"); return 1; } i = 0; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 1, fp)) { int bn, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, jn, j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6; if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; if (sscanf(line, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", &bn, &b1, &b2, &b3, &b4, &b5, &b6, &jn, &j1, &j2, &j3, &j4, &j5, &j6) != 14) continue; exp_table[0][i] = bn; exp_table[1][i] = b1; exp_table[2][i] = b2; exp_table[3][i] = b3; exp_table[4][i] = b4; exp_table[5][i] = b5; exp_table[6][i] = b6; exp_table[7][i] = jn; exp_table[8][i] = j1; exp_table[9][i] = j2; exp_table[10][i] = j3; exp_table[11][i] = j4; exp_table[12][i] = j5; exp_table[13][i] = j6; i++; if (i >= battle_config.maximum_level) break; } fclose_(fp); PRINTF("read db/exp.txt done\n"); // JOB補正数値1 fp = fopen_("db/job_db1.txt", "r"); if (fp == NULL) { PRINTF("can't read db/job_db1.txt\n"); return 1; } i = 0; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 1, fp)) { char *split[50]; if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; for (j = 0, p = line; j < 21 && p; j++) { split[j] = p; p = strchr(p, ','); if (p) *p++ = 0; } if (j < 21) continue; max_weight_base[i] = atoi(split[0]); hp_coefficient[i] = atoi(split[1]); hp_coefficient2[i] = atoi(split[2]); sp_coefficient[i] = atoi(split[3]); for (j = 0; j < 17; j++) aspd_base[i][j] = atoi(split[j + 4]); i++; // -- moonsoul (below two lines added to accommodate high numbered new class ids) if (i == 24) i = 4001; if (i == MAX_PC_CLASS) break; } fclose_(fp); PRINTF("read db/job_db1.txt done\n"); // JOBボーナス fp = fopen_("db/job_db2.txt", "r"); if (fp == NULL) { PRINTF("can't read db/job_db2.txt\n"); return 1; } i = 0; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 1, fp)) { if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; for (j = 0, p = line; j < MAX_LEVEL && p; j++) { if (sscanf(p, "%d", &k) == 0) break; job_bonus[0][i][j] = k; job_bonus[2][i][j] = k; //養子職のボーナスは分からないので仮 p = strchr(p, ','); if (p) p++; } i++; // -- moonsoul (below two lines added to accommodate high numbered new class ids) if (i == 24) i = 4001; if (i == MAX_PC_CLASS) break; } fclose_(fp); PRINTF("read db/job_db2.txt done\n"); // JOBボーナス2 転生職用 fp = fopen_("db/job_db2-2.txt", "r"); if (fp == NULL) { PRINTF("can't read db/job_db2-2.txt\n"); return 1; } i = 0; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 1, fp)) { if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; for (j = 0, p = line; j < MAX_LEVEL && p; j++) { if (sscanf(p, "%d", &k) == 0) break; job_bonus[1][i][j] = k; p = strchr(p, ','); if (p) p++; } i++; if (i == MAX_PC_CLASS) break; } fclose_(fp); PRINTF("read db/job_db2-2.txt done\n"); // スキルツリー memset(skill_tree, 0, sizeof(skill_tree)); fp = fopen_("db/skill_tree.txt", "r"); if (fp == NULL) { PRINTF("can't read db/skill_tree.txt\n"); return 1; } while (fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 1, fp)) { char *split[50]; if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; for (j = 0, p = line; j < 13 && p; j++) { split[j] = p; p = strchr(p, ','); if (p) *p++ = 0; } if (j < 13) continue; i = atoi(split[0]); for (j = 0; skill_tree[0][i][j].id != SkillID::ZERO; j++); skill_tree[0][i][j].id = SkillID(atoi(split[1])); skill_tree[0][i][j].max = atoi(split[2]); skill_tree[2][i][j].id = SkillID(atoi(split[1])); //養子職は良く分からないので暫定 skill_tree[2][i][j].max = atoi(split[2]); //養子職は良く分からないので暫定 for (k = 0; k < 5; k++) { skill_tree[0][i][j].need[k].id = SkillID(atoi(split[k * 2 + 3])); skill_tree[0][i][j].need[k].lv = atoi(split[k * 2 + 4]); skill_tree[2][i][j].need[k].id = SkillID(atoi(split[k * 2 + 3])); //養子職は良く分からないので暫定 skill_tree[2][i][j].need[k].lv = atoi(split[k * 2 + 4]); //養子職は良く分からないので暫定 } } fclose_(fp); PRINTF("read db/skill_tree.txt done\n"); // 属性修正テーブル for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) for (k = 0; k < 10; k++) attr_fix_table[i][j][k] = 100; fp = fopen_("db/attr_fix.txt", "r"); if (fp == NULL) { PRINTF("can't read db/attr_fix.txt\n"); return 1; } while (fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 1, fp)) { char *split[10]; int lv, n; if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; for (j = 0, p = line; j < 3 && p; j++) { split[j] = p; p = strchr(p, ','); if (p) *p++ = 0; } lv = atoi(split[0]); n = atoi(split[1]); // PRINTF("%d %d\n",lv,n); for (i = 0; i < n;) { if (!fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 1, fp)) break; if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; for (j = 0, p = line; j < n && p; j++) { while (*p == 32 && *p > 0) p++; attr_fix_table[lv - 1][i][j] = atoi(p); if (battle_config.attr_recover == 0 && attr_fix_table[lv - 1][i][j] < 0) attr_fix_table[lv - 1][i][j] = 0; p = strchr(p, ','); if (p) *p++ = 0; } i++; } } fclose_(fp); PRINTF("read db/attr_fix.txt done\n"); // サイズ補正テーブル for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (j = 0; j < 20; j++) atkmods[i][j] = 100; fp = fopen_("db/size_fix.txt", "r"); if (fp == NULL) { PRINTF("can't read db/size_fix.txt\n"); return 1; } i = 0; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 1, fp)) { char *split[20]; if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; if (atoi(line) <= 0) continue; memset(split, 0, sizeof(split)); for (j = 0, p = line; j < 20 && p; j++) { split[j] = p; p = strchr(p, ','); if (p) *p++ = 0; } for (j = 0; j < 20 && split[j]; j++) atkmods[i][j] = atoi(split[j]); i++; } fclose_(fp); PRINTF("read db/size_fix.txt done\n"); // 精錬データテーブル for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) percentrefinery[i][j] = 100; refinebonus[i][0] = 0; refinebonus[i][1] = 0; refinebonus[i][2] = 10; } fp = fopen_("db/refine_db.txt", "r"); if (fp == NULL) { PRINTF("can't read db/refine_db.txt\n"); return 1; } i = 0; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 1, fp)) { char *split[16]; if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; if (atoi(line) <= 0) continue; memset(split, 0, sizeof(split)); for (j = 0, p = line; j < 16 && p; j++) { split[j] = p; p = strchr(p, ','); if (p) *p++ = 0; } refinebonus[i][0] = atoi(split[0]); // 精錬ボーナス refinebonus[i][1] = atoi(split[1]); // 過剰精錬ボーナス refinebonus[i][2] = atoi(split[2]); // 安全精錬限界 for (j = 0; j < 10 && split[j]; j++) percentrefinery[i][j] = atoi(split[j + 3]); i++; } fclose_(fp); //Lupus. close this file!!! PRINTF("read db/refine_db.txt done\n"); return 0; } static int pc_calc_sigma(void) { int i, j, k; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PC_CLASS; i++) { memset(hp_sigma_val[i], 0, sizeof(hp_sigma_val[i])); for (k = 0, j = 2; j <= MAX_LEVEL; j++) { k += hp_coefficient[i] * j + 50; k -= k % 100; hp_sigma_val[i][j - 1] = k; } } return 0; } static void pc_statpointdb(void) { char *buf_stat; int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, l = 0, end = 0; FILE *stp; stp = fopen_("db/statpoint.txt", "r"); if (stp == NULL) { PRINTF("can't read db/statpoint.txt\n"); return; } fseek(stp, 0, SEEK_END); end = ftell(stp); rewind(stp); buf_stat = (char *) malloc(end + 1); l = fread(buf_stat, 1, end, stp); fclose_(stp); PRINTF("read db/statpoint.txt done (size=%d)\n", l); for (i = 0; i < 255; i++) { j = 0; while (*(buf_stat + k) != '\n') { statp[i][j] = *(buf_stat + k); j++; k++; } statp[i][j + 1] = '\0'; k++; } free(buf_stat); } /*========================================== * pc関 係初期化 *------------------------------------------ */ int do_init_pc(void) { pc_readdb(); pc_statpointdb(); pc_calc_sigma(); // gm_account_db = numdb_init(); add_timer_interval((natural_heal_prev_tick = gettick() + NATURAL_HEAL_INTERVAL), pc_natural_heal, 0, 0, NATURAL_HEAL_INTERVAL); add_timer(gettick() + autosave_interval, pc_autosave, 0, 0); { int day_duration = battle_config.day_duration; int night_duration = battle_config.night_duration; if (day_duration < 60000) day_duration = 60000; if (night_duration < 60000) night_duration = 60000; if (battle_config.night_at_start == 0) { night_flag = 0; // 0=day, 1=night [Yor] day_timer_tid = add_timer_interval(gettick() + day_duration + night_duration, map_day_timer, 0, 0, day_duration + night_duration); night_timer_tid = add_timer_interval(gettick() + day_duration, map_night_timer, 0, 0, day_duration + night_duration); } else { night_flag = 1; // 0=day, 1=night [Yor] day_timer_tid = add_timer_interval(gettick() + night_duration, map_day_timer, 0, 0, day_duration + night_duration); night_timer_tid = add_timer_interval(gettick() + day_duration + night_duration, map_night_timer, 0, 0, day_duration + night_duration); } } return 0; } void pc_cleanup(struct map_session_data *sd) { magic_stop_completely(sd); } void pc_invisibility(struct map_session_data *sd, int enabled) { if (enabled && !bool(sd->status.option & Option::INVISIBILITY)) { clif_clearchar_area(&sd->bl, 3); sd->status.option |= Option::INVISIBILITY; clif_status_change(&sd->bl, CLIF_OPTION_SC_INVISIBILITY, 1); } else if (!enabled) { sd->status.option &= ~Option::INVISIBILITY; clif_status_change(&sd->bl, CLIF_OPTION_SC_INVISIBILITY, 0); pc_setpos(sd, map[sd->bl.m].name, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, 3); } } int pc_logout(struct map_session_data *sd) // [fate] Player logs out { if (!sd) return 0; if (sd->sc_data[SC_POISON].timer != -1) sd->status.hp = 1; // Logging out while poisoned -> bad /* * Trying to rapidly sign out/in or switch characters to avoid a spell's * cast time is also bad. [remoitnane] */ #if 0 // Removed because it's buggy, see above. if (sd->cast_tick > tick) { if (pc_setglobalreg(sd, "MAGIC_CAST_TICK", sd->cast_tick - tick)) sd->status.sp = 1; } else #endif pc_setglobalreg(sd, "MAGIC_CAST_TICK", 0); MAP_LOG_STATS(sd, "LOGOUT"); return 0; }