#include "npc.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include "../common/cxxstdio.hpp" #include "../common/db.hpp" #include "../common/nullpo.hpp" #include "../common/socket.hpp" #include "../common/timer.hpp" #include "battle.hpp" #include "clif.hpp" #include "itemdb.hpp" #include "map.hpp" #include "mob.hpp" #include "pc.hpp" #include "script.hpp" #include "skill.hpp" #include "../poison.hpp" static std::list npc_srcs; static int npc_id = START_NPC_NUM; static int npc_warp, npc_shop, npc_script, npc_mob; int npc_get_new_npc_id(void) { return npc_id++; } struct event_data { dumb_ptr nd; int pos; }; static Map ev_db; static DMap> npcname_db; // used for clock-based event triggers // only tm_min, tm_hour, and tm_mday are used static struct tm ev_tm_b; /*========================================== * NPCの無効化/有効化 * npc_enable * npc_enable_sub 有効時にOnTouchイベントを実行 *------------------------------------------ */ static void npc_enable_sub(dumb_ptr bl, dumb_ptr nd) { dumb_ptr sd; char aname[50] {}; nullpo_retv(bl); assert (bl->bl_type == BL::PC); { sd = bl->as_player(); // not if disabled if (nd->flag & 1) return; strzcpy(aname, nd->name, sizeof(nd->name)); if (sd->areanpc_id == nd->bl_id) return; sd->areanpc_id = nd->bl_id; strcat(aname, "::OnTouch"); npc_event(sd, aname, 0); } } int npc_enable(const char *name, bool flag) { dumb_ptr nd = npcname_db.get(name); if (nd == NULL) return 0; if (flag) { // 有効化 nd->flag &= ~1; clif_spawnnpc(nd); } else { // 無効化 nd->flag |= 1; clif_clearchar(nd, BeingRemoveWhy::GONE); } int xs = 0, ys = 0; if (dumb_ptr nd_ = nd->is_script()) { xs = nd_->scr.xs; ys = nd_->scr.ys; } if (flag && (xs > 0 || ys > 0)) map_foreachinarea(std::bind(npc_enable_sub, ph::_1, nd), nd->bl_m, nd->bl_x - xs, nd->bl_y - ys, nd->bl_x + xs, nd->bl_y + ys, BL::PC); return 0; } /*========================================== * NPCを名前で探す *------------------------------------------ */ dumb_ptr npc_name2id(const char *name) { return npcname_db.get(name); } /*========================================== * イベントキューのイベント処理 *------------------------------------------ */ int npc_event_dequeue(dumb_ptr sd) { nullpo_ret(sd); sd->npc_id = 0; if (!sd->eventqueuel.empty()) { if (!pc_addeventtimer(sd, std::chrono::milliseconds(100), sd->eventqueuel.front().c_str())) { PRINTF("npc_event_dequeue(): Event timer is full.\n"); return 0; } sd->eventqueuel.pop_front(); return 1; } return 0; } int npc_delete(dumb_ptr nd) { nullpo_retr(1, nd); if (nd->bl_prev == NULL) return 1; clif_clearchar(nd, BeingRemoveWhy::DEAD); map_delblock(nd); return 0; } int npc_timer_event(const char *eventname) // Added by RoVeRT { struct event_data *ev = ev_db.search(eventname); dumb_ptr nd; // int xs,ys; if ((ev == NULL || (nd = ev->nd) == NULL)) { PRINTF("npc_event: event not found [%s]\n", eventname); return 0; } run_script(ScriptPointer(nd->scr.script.get(), ev->pos), nd->bl_id, nd->bl_id); return 0; } /*========================================== * 全てのNPCのOn*イベント実行 *------------------------------------------ */ static void npc_event_doall_sub(const std::string& key, struct event_data *ev, int *c, const char *name, int rid, int argc, argrec_t *argv) { const char *p = key.c_str(); nullpo_retv(ev); if ((p = strchr(p, ':')) && p && strcasecmp(name, p) == 0) { run_script_l(ScriptPointer(ev->nd->scr.script.get(), ev->pos), rid, ev->nd->bl_id, argc, argv); (*c)++; } } int npc_event_doall_l(const char *name, int rid, int argc, argrec_t *args) { int c = 0; char buf[64] = "::"; strncpy(buf + 2, name, sizeof(buf)-3); buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0'; for (auto& pair : ev_db) npc_event_doall_sub(pair.first, &pair.second, &c, buf, rid, argc, args); return c; } static void npc_event_do_sub(const std::string& key, struct event_data *ev, int *c, const char *name, int rid, int argc, argrec_t *argv) { const char *p = key.c_str(); nullpo_retv(ev); if (p && strcasecmp(name, p) == 0) { run_script_l(ScriptPointer(ev->nd->scr.script.get(), ev->pos), rid, ev->nd->bl_id, argc, argv); (*c)++; } } int npc_event_do_l(const char *name, int rid, int argc, argrec_t *args) { int c = 0; if (*name == ':' && name[1] == ':') { return npc_event_doall_l(name + 2, rid, argc, args); } for (auto& pair : ev_db) npc_event_do_sub(pair.first, &pair.second, &c, name, rid, argc, args); return c; } /*========================================== * 時計イベント実行 *------------------------------------------ */ static void npc_event_do_clock(TimerData *, tick_t) { struct tm t = TimeT::now(); if (t.tm_min != ev_tm_b.tm_min) { std::string buf; buf = STRPRINTF("OnMinute%02d", t.tm_min); npc_event_doall(buf.c_str()); buf = STRPRINTF("OnClock%02d%02d", t.tm_hour, t.tm_min); npc_event_doall(buf.c_str()); } if (t.tm_hour != ev_tm_b.tm_hour) { std::string buf; buf = STRPRINTF("OnHour%02d", t.tm_hour); npc_event_doall(buf.c_str()); } if (t.tm_mday != ev_tm_b.tm_mday) { std::string buf; buf = STRPRINTF("OnDay%02d%02d", t.tm_mon + 1, t.tm_mday); npc_event_doall(buf.c_str()); } ev_tm_b = t; } /*========================================== * OnInitイベント実行(&時計イベント開始) *------------------------------------------ */ int npc_event_do_oninit(void) { int c = npc_event_doall("OnInit"); PRINTF("npc: OnInit Event done. (%d npc)\n", c); Timer(gettick() + std::chrono::milliseconds(100), npc_event_do_clock, std::chrono::seconds(1) ).detach(); return 0; } /*========================================== * タイマーイベント実行 *------------------------------------------ */ static void npc_timerevent(TimerData *, tick_t tick, int id, interval_t data) { dumb_ptr nd = map_id2bl(id)->as_npc()->as_script(); assert (nd != NULL); assert (nd->npc_subtype == NpcSubtype::SCRIPT); assert (nd->scr.nexttimer != nd->scr.timer_eventv.end()); nd->scr.timertick = tick; auto te = nd->scr.nexttimer; // nd->scr.timerid = nullptr; // er, isn't this the same as nd->scr.timer = te->timer? interval_t t = nd->scr.timer += data; assert (t == te->timer); ++nd->scr.nexttimer; if (nd->scr.nexttimer != nd->scr.timer_eventv.end()) { interval_t next = nd->scr.nexttimer->timer - t; nd->scr.timerid = Timer(tick + next, std::bind(npc_timerevent, ph::_1, ph::_2, id, next)); } run_script(ScriptPointer(nd->scr.script.get(), te->pos), 0, nd->bl_id); } /*========================================== * タイマーイベント開始 *------------------------------------------ */ void npc_timerevent_start(dumb_ptr nd) { nullpo_retv(nd); if (nd->scr.timer_eventv.empty()) return; if (nd->scr.nexttimer != nd->scr.timer_eventv.end()) return; if (nd->scr.timer == nd->scr.timer_eventv.back().timer) return; npc_timerevent_list phony {}; phony.timer = nd->scr.timer; // find the first element such that el.timer > phony.timer; auto jt = std::upper_bound(nd->scr.timer_eventv.begin(), nd->scr.timer_eventv.end(), phony, [](const npc_timerevent_list& l, const npc_timerevent_list& r) { return l.timer < r.timer; } ); nd->scr.nexttimer = jt; nd->scr.timertick = gettick(); if (jt == nd->scr.timer_eventv.end()) // shouldn't happen? return; interval_t next = jt->timer - nd->scr.timer; nd->scr.timerid = Timer(gettick() + next, std::bind(npc_timerevent, ph::_1, ph::_2, nd->bl_id, next)); } /*========================================== * タイマーイベント終了 *------------------------------------------ */ void npc_timerevent_stop(dumb_ptr nd) { nullpo_retv(nd); if (nd->scr.nexttimer != nd->scr.timer_eventv.end()) { nd->scr.nexttimer = nd->scr.timer_eventv.end(); nd->scr.timer += gettick() - nd->scr.timertick; nd->scr.timerid.cancel(); } } /*========================================== * タイマー値の所得 *------------------------------------------ */ interval_t npc_gettimerevent_tick(dumb_ptr nd) { nullpo_retr(interval_t::zero(), nd); interval_t tick = nd->scr.timer; // Couldn't we just check the truthiness of the timer? // Or would that be affected by the (new!) detach logic? // Of course, you'd be slightly crazy to check the tick when you are // called with it. if (nd->scr.nexttimer != nd->scr.timer_eventv.end()) tick += gettick() - nd->scr.timertick; return tick; } /*========================================== * タイマー値の設定 *------------------------------------------ */ void npc_settimerevent_tick(dumb_ptr nd, interval_t newtimer) { nullpo_retv(nd); bool flag = nd->scr.nexttimer != nd->scr.timer_eventv.end(); npc_timerevent_stop(nd); nd->scr.timer = newtimer; if (flag) npc_timerevent_start(nd); } /*========================================== * イベント型のNPC処理 *------------------------------------------ */ int npc_event(dumb_ptr sd, const char *eventname, int mob_kill) { struct event_data *ev = ev_db.search(eventname); dumb_ptr nd; int xs, ys; char mobevent[100]; if (sd == NULL) { PRINTF("npc_event nullpo?\n"); } if (ev == NULL && eventname && strcmp(((eventname) + strlen(eventname) - 9), "::OnTouch") == 0) return 1; if (ev == NULL || (nd = ev->nd) == NULL) { if (mob_kill && (ev == NULL || (nd = ev->nd) == NULL)) { strcpy(mobevent, eventname); strcat(mobevent, "::OnMyMobDead"); ev = ev_db.search(mobevent); if (ev == NULL || (nd = ev->nd) == NULL) { if (strncasecmp(eventname, "GM_MONSTER", 10) != 0) PRINTF("npc_event: event not found [%s]\n", mobevent); return 0; } } else { if (battle_config.error_log) PRINTF("npc_event: event not found [%s]\n", eventname); return 0; } } xs = nd->scr.xs; ys = nd->scr.ys; if (xs >= 0 && ys >= 0) { if (nd->bl_m != sd->bl_m) return 1; if (xs > 0 && (sd->bl_x < nd->bl_x - xs / 2 || nd->bl_x + xs / 2 < sd->bl_x)) return 1; if (ys > 0 && (sd->bl_y < nd->bl_y - ys / 2 || nd->bl_y + ys / 2 < sd->bl_y)) return 1; } if (sd->npc_id != 0) { sd->eventqueuel.push_back(eventname); return 1; } if (nd->flag & 1) { // 無効化されている npc_event_dequeue(sd); return 0; } sd->npc_id = nd->bl_id; sd->npc_pos = run_script(ScriptPointer(nd->scr.script.get(), ev->pos), sd->bl_id, nd->bl_id); return 0; } static void npc_command_sub(const std::string& key, struct event_data *ev, const char *npcname, const char *command) { const char *p = key.c_str(); char temp[100]; if (strcmp(ev->nd->name, npcname) == 0 && (p = strchr(p, ':')) && p && strncasecmp("::OnCommand", p, 10) == 0) { sscanf(&p[11], "%s", temp); if (strcmp(command, temp) == 0) run_script(ScriptPointer(ev->nd->scr.script.get(), ev->pos), 0, ev->nd->bl_id); } } int npc_command(dumb_ptr, const char *npcname, const char *command) { for (auto& pair : ev_db) npc_command_sub(pair.first, &pair.second, npcname, command); return 0; } /*========================================== * 接触型のNPC処理 *------------------------------------------ */ int npc_touch_areanpc(dumb_ptr sd, map_local *m, int x, int y) { int i, f = 1; int xs, ys; nullpo_retr(1, sd); if (sd->npc_id) return 1; for (i = 0; i < m->npc_num; i++) { if (m->npc[i]->flag & 1) { // 無効化されている f = 0; continue; } switch (m->npc[i]->npc_subtype) { case NpcSubtype::WARP: xs = m->npc[i]->as_warp()->warp.xs; ys = m->npc[i]->as_warp()->warp.ys; break; case NpcSubtype::MESSAGE: assert (0 && "I'm pretty sure these are never put on a map"); xs = 0; ys = 0; break; case NpcSubtype::SCRIPT: xs = m->npc[i]->as_script()->scr.xs; ys = m->npc[i]->as_script()->scr.ys; break; default: continue; } if (x >= m->npc[i]->bl_x - xs / 2 && x < m->npc[i]->bl_x - xs / 2 + xs && y >= m->npc[i]->bl_y - ys / 2 && y < m->npc[i]->bl_y - ys / 2 + ys) break; } if (i == m->npc_num) { if (f) { if (battle_config.error_log) PRINTF("npc_touch_areanpc : some bug \n"); } return 1; } switch (m->npc[i]->npc_subtype) { case NpcSubtype::WARP: skill_stop_dancing(sd, 0); pc_setpos(sd, m->npc[i]->as_warp()->warp.name, m->npc[i]->as_warp()->warp.x, m->npc[i]->as_warp()->warp.y, BeingRemoveWhy::GONE); break; case NpcSubtype::MESSAGE: assert (0 && "I'm pretty sure these NPCs are never put on a map."); break; case NpcSubtype::SCRIPT: { char aname[50] {}; strzcpy(aname, m->npc[i]->name, 24); if (sd->areanpc_id == m->npc[i]->bl_id) return 1; sd->areanpc_id = m->npc[i]->bl_id; strcat(aname, "::OnTouch"); if (npc_event(sd, aname, 0) > 0) npc_click(sd, m->npc[i]->bl_id); break; } } return 0; } /*========================================== * 近くかどうかの判定 *------------------------------------------ */ static int npc_checknear(dumb_ptr sd, int id) { dumb_ptr nd; nullpo_ret(sd); nd = map_id_as_npc(id); assert (nd != NULL); assert (nd->bl_type == BL::NPC); if (nd->npc_class < 0) // イベント系は常にOK return 0; // エリア判定 if (nd->bl_m != sd->bl_m || nd->bl_x < sd->bl_x - AREA_SIZE - 1 || nd->bl_x > sd->bl_x + AREA_SIZE + 1 || nd->bl_y < sd->bl_y - AREA_SIZE - 1 || nd->bl_y > sd->bl_y + AREA_SIZE + 1) return 1; return 0; } /*========================================== * クリック時のNPC処理 *------------------------------------------ */ int npc_click(dumb_ptr sd, int id) { dumb_ptr nd; nullpo_retr(1, sd); if (sd->npc_id != 0) { if (battle_config.error_log) PRINTF("npc_click: npc_id != 0\n"); return 1; } if (npc_checknear(sd, id)) { clif_scriptclose(sd, id); return 1; } nd = map_id_as_npc(id); if (nd->flag & 1) // 無効化されている return 1; sd->npc_id = id; switch (nd->npc_subtype) { case NpcSubtype::SHOP: clif_npcbuysell(sd, id); npc_event_dequeue(sd); break; case NpcSubtype::SCRIPT: sd->npc_pos = run_script(ScriptPointer(nd->as_script()->scr.script.get(), 0), sd->bl_id, id); break; case NpcSubtype::MESSAGE: if (!nd->as_message()->message.empty()) { clif_scriptmes(sd, id, nd->as_message()->message.c_str()); clif_scriptclose(sd, id); } break; } return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------ */ int npc_scriptcont(dumb_ptr sd, int id) { dumb_ptr nd; nullpo_retr(1, sd); if (id != sd->npc_id) return 1; if (npc_checknear(sd, id)) { clif_scriptclose(sd, id); return 1; } nd = map_id_as_npc(id); if (!nd /* NPC was disposed? */ || nd->npc_subtype == NpcSubtype::MESSAGE) { clif_scriptclose(sd, id); npc_event_dequeue(sd); return 0; } sd->npc_pos = run_script(ScriptPointer(nd->as_script()->scr.script.get(), sd->npc_pos), sd->bl_id, id); return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------ */ int npc_buysellsel(dumb_ptr sd, int id, int type) { dumb_ptr nd; nullpo_retr(1, sd); if (npc_checknear(sd, id)) return 1; nd = map_id_as_npc(id); if (nd->npc_subtype != NpcSubtype::SHOP) { if (battle_config.error_log) PRINTF("no such shop npc : %d\n", id); sd->npc_id = 0; return 1; } if (nd->flag & 1) // 無効化されている return 1; sd->npc_shopid = id; if (type == 0) { clif_buylist(sd, nd->as_shop()); } else { clif_selllist(sd); } return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------ */ // TODO enumify return type int npc_buylist(dumb_ptr sd, int n, const uint16_t *item_list) { dumb_ptr nd; double z; int i, j, w, itemamount = 0, new_stacks = 0; nullpo_retr(3, sd); nullpo_retr(3, item_list); if (npc_checknear(sd, sd->npc_shopid)) return 3; nd = map_id_as_npc(sd->npc_shopid); if (nd->npc_subtype != NpcSubtype::SHOP) return 3; for (i = 0, w = 0, z = 0; i < n; i++) { for (j = 0; j < nd->as_shop()->shop_items.size(); j++) { if (nd->as_shop()->shop_items[j].nameid == item_list[i * 2 + 1]) break; } if (j == nd->as_shop()->shop_items.size()) return 3; z += static_cast(nd->as_shop()->shop_items[j].value) * item_list[i * 2]; itemamount += item_list[i * 2]; switch (pc_checkadditem(sd, item_list[i * 2 + 1], item_list[i * 2])) { case ADDITEM::EXIST: break; case ADDITEM::NEW: if (itemdb_isequip(item_list[i * 2 + 1])) new_stacks += item_list[i * 2]; else new_stacks++; break; case ADDITEM::OVERAMOUNT: return 2; } w += itemdb_weight(item_list[i * 2 + 1]) * item_list[i * 2]; } if (z > static_cast(sd->status.zeny)) return 1; // zeny不足 if (w + sd->weight > sd->max_weight) return 2; // 重量超過 if (pc_inventoryblank(sd) < new_stacks) return 3; // 種類数超過 if (sd->trade_partner != 0) return 4; // cant buy while trading pc_payzeny(sd, static_cast(z)); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { struct item_data *item_data; if ((item_data = itemdb_exists(item_list[i * 2 + 1])) != NULL) { int amount = item_list[i * 2]; struct item item_tmp {}; item_tmp.nameid = item_data->nameid; item_tmp.identify = 1; // npc販売アイテムは鑑定済み if (amount > 1 && (item_data->type == ItemType::WEAPON || item_data->type == ItemType::ARMOR || item_data->type == ItemType::_7 || item_data->type == ItemType::_8)) { for (j = 0; j < amount; j++) { pc_additem(sd, &item_tmp, 1); } } else { pc_additem(sd, &item_tmp, amount); } } } return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------ */ int npc_selllist(dumb_ptr sd, int n, const uint16_t *item_list) { double z; int i, itemamount = 0; nullpo_retr(1, sd); nullpo_retr(1, item_list); if (npc_checknear(sd, sd->npc_shopid)) return 1; for (i = 0, z = 0; i < n; i++) { int nameid; if (item_list[i * 2] - 2 < 0 || item_list[i * 2] - 2 >= MAX_INVENTORY) return 1; nameid = sd->status.inventory[item_list[i * 2] - 2].nameid; if (nameid == 0 || sd->status.inventory[item_list[i * 2] - 2].amount < item_list[i * 2 + 1]) return 1; if (sd->trade_partner != 0) return 2; // cant sell while trading z += static_cast(itemdb_value_sell(nameid)) * item_list[i * 2 + 1]; itemamount += item_list[i * 2 + 1]; } if (z > MAX_ZENY) z = MAX_ZENY; pc_getzeny(sd, static_cast(z)); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { int item_id = item_list[i * 2] - 2; pc_delitem(sd, item_id, item_list[i * 2 + 1], 0); } return 0; } // // 初期化関係 // /*========================================== * 読み込むnpcファイルのクリア *------------------------------------------ */ static void npc_clearsrcfile(void) { npc_srcs.clear(); } /*========================================== * 読み込むnpcファイルの追加 *------------------------------------------ */ void npc_addsrcfile(const char *name) { if (strcasecmp(name, "clear") == 0) { npc_clearsrcfile(); return; } npc_srcs.push_back(name); } /*========================================== * 読み込むnpcファイルの削除 *------------------------------------------ */ void npc_delsrcfile(const char *name) { if (strcasecmp(name, "all") == 0) { npc_clearsrcfile(); return; } for (auto it = npc_srcs.begin(); it != npc_srcs.end(); ++it) { if (*it == name) { npc_srcs.erase(it); return; } } } /*========================================== * warp行解析 *------------------------------------------ */ int npc_parse_warp(const char *w1, const char *, const char *w3, const char *w4) { int x, y, xs, ys, to_x, to_y; int i, j; char mapname[24], to_mapname[24]; dumb_ptr nd; // 引数の個数チェック if (sscanf(w1, "%[^,],%d,%d", mapname, &x, &y) != 3 || sscanf(w4, "%d,%d,%[^,],%d,%d", &xs, &ys, to_mapname, &to_x, &to_y) != 5) { PRINTF("bad warp line : %s\n", w3); return 1; } map_local *m = map_mapname2mapid(mapname); nd.new_(); nd->bl_id = npc_get_new_npc_id(); nd->n = map_addnpc(m, nd); nd->bl_prev = nd->bl_next = NULL; nd->bl_m = m; nd->bl_x = x; nd->bl_y = y; nd->dir = DIR::S; nd->flag = 0; strzcpy(nd->name, w3, 24); strzcpy(nd->exname, w3, 24); if (!battle_config.warp_point_debug) nd->npc_class = WARP_CLASS; else nd->npc_class = WARP_DEBUG_CLASS; nd->speed = std::chrono::milliseconds(200); nd->option = Option::ZERO; nd->opt1 = Opt1::ZERO; nd->opt2 = Opt2::ZERO; nd->opt3 = Opt3::ZERO; strzcpy(nd->warp.name, to_mapname, 16); xs += 2; ys += 2; nd->warp.x = to_x; nd->warp.y = to_y; nd->warp.xs = xs; nd->warp.ys = ys; for (i = 0; i < ys; i++) { for (j = 0; j < xs; j++) { int x_lo = x - xs / 2; int y_lo = y - ys / 2; int xc = x_lo + j; int yc = y_lo + i; MapCell t = map_getcell(m, xc, yc); if (bool(t & MapCell::UNWALKABLE)) continue; map_setcell(m, xc, yc, t | MapCell::NPC_NEAR); } } // PRINTF("warp npc %s %d read done\n",mapname,nd->bl_id); npc_warp++; nd->bl_type = BL::NPC; nd->npc_subtype = NpcSubtype::WARP; map_addblock(nd); clif_spawnnpc(nd); npcname_db.put(nd->name, nd); return 0; } /*========================================== * shop行解析 *------------------------------------------ */ static int npc_parse_shop(char *w1, char *, char *w3, char *w4) { char *p; int x, y; DIR dir; char mapname[24]; dumb_ptr nd; // 引数の個数チェック int dir_; // TODO use SSCANF or extract if (sscanf(w1, "%[^,],%d,%d,%d", mapname, &x, &y, &dir_) != 4 || dir_ < 0 || dir_ >= 8 || strchr(w4, ',') == NULL) { PRINTF("bad shop line : %s\n", w3); return 1; } dir = static_cast(dir_); map_local *m = map_mapname2mapid(mapname); nd.new_(); p = strchr(w4, ','); while (p) { int nameid, value; char name[24]; struct item_data *id = NULL; p++; if (sscanf(p, "%d:%d", &nameid, &value) == 2) { } else if (sscanf(p, "%s :%d", name, &value) == 2) { id = itemdb_searchname(name); if (id == NULL) nameid = -1; else nameid = id->nameid; } else break; if (nameid > 0) { npc_item_list sh_it; sh_it.nameid = nameid; if (value < 0) { if (id == NULL) id = itemdb_search(nameid); value = id->value_buy * abs(value); } sh_it.value = value; nd->shop_items.push_back(sh_it); } p = strchr(p, ','); } if (nd->shop_items.empty()) { nd.delete_(); return 1; } nd->bl_prev = nd->bl_next = NULL; nd->bl_m = m; nd->bl_x = x; nd->bl_y = y; nd->bl_id = npc_get_new_npc_id(); nd->dir = dir; nd->flag = 0; strzcpy(nd->name, w3, 24); nd->npc_class = atoi(w4); nd->speed = std::chrono::milliseconds(200); nd->option = Option::ZERO; nd->opt1 = Opt1::ZERO; nd->opt2 = Opt2::ZERO; nd->opt3 = Opt3::ZERO; //PRINTF("shop npc %s %d read done\n",mapname,nd->bl_id); npc_shop++; nd->bl_type = BL::NPC; nd->npc_subtype = NpcSubtype::SHOP; nd->n = map_addnpc(m, nd); map_addblock(nd); clif_spawnnpc(nd); npcname_db.put(nd->name, nd); return 0; } /*========================================== * NPCのラベルデータコンバート *------------------------------------------ */ static void npc_convertlabel_db(const std::string& lname, int pos, dumb_ptr nd) { nullpo_retv(nd); struct npc_label_list eln {}; strzcpy(eln.name, lname.c_str(), sizeof(eln.name)); eln.pos = pos; nd->scr.label_listv.push_back(std::move(eln)); } /*========================================== * script行解析 *------------------------------------------ */ static int npc_parse_script(char *w1, char *w2, char *w3, char *w4, const char *first_line, FILE * fp, int *lines) { int x, y; DIR dir = DIR::S; map_local *m; int xs = 0, ys = 0, npc_class = 0; // [Valaris] thanks to fov char mapname[24]; std::unique_ptr script = NULL; dumb_ptr nd; int evflag = 0; char *p; if (strcmp(w1, "-") == 0) { x = 0; y = 0; m = nullptr; } else { // 引数の個数チェック int dir_; // TODO use SSCANF or extract if (sscanf(w1, "%[^,],%d,%d,%d", mapname, &x, &y, &dir_) != 4 || dir_ < 0 || dir_ >= 8 || (strcmp(w2, "script") == 0 && strchr(w4, ',') == NULL)) { PRINTF("bad script line : %s\n", w3); return 1; } dir = static_cast(dir_); m = map_mapname2mapid(mapname); } if (strcmp(w2, "script") == 0) { // may be empty std::string srcbuf = strchrnul(first_line, '{'); // Note: it was a bug that this was missing. I think. int startline = *lines; while (1) { size_t i = srcbuf.find_last_not_of(" \t\n\r\f\v"); if (i != std::string::npos && srcbuf[i] == '}') break; char line[1024]; if (!fgets(line, 1020, fp)) // eof break; (*lines)++; if (feof(fp)) break; if (srcbuf.empty()) { // may be a no-op srcbuf = strchrnul(line, '{'); // safe to execute more than once // But will usually only happen once startline = *lines; } else srcbuf += line; } script = parse_script(srcbuf.c_str(), startline); if (script == NULL) // script parse error? return 1; } else { assert(0 && "duplicate() is no longer supported!\n"); return 0; } nd.new_(); if (m == nullptr) { // スクリプトコピー用のダミーNPC } else if (sscanf(w4, "%d,%d,%d", &npc_class, &xs, &ys) == 3) { // 接触型NPC int i, j; if (xs >= 0) xs = xs * 2 + 1; if (ys >= 0) ys = ys * 2 + 1; if (npc_class >= 0) { for (i = 0; i < ys; i++) { for (j = 0; j < xs; j++) { int x_lo = x - xs / 2; int y_lo = y - ys / 2; int xc = x_lo + j; int yc = y_lo + i; MapCell t = map_getcell(m, xc, yc); if (bool(t & MapCell::UNWALKABLE)) continue; map_setcell(m, xc, yc, t | MapCell::NPC_NEAR); } } } nd->scr.xs = xs; nd->scr.ys = ys; } else { // クリック型NPC npc_class = atoi(w4); nd->scr.xs = 0; nd->scr.ys = 0; } if (npc_class < 0 && m != nullptr) { // イベント型NPC evflag = 1; } while ((p = strchr(w3, ':'))) { if (p[1] == ':') break; } if (p) { *p = 0; strzcpy(nd->name, w3, 24); strzcpy(nd->exname, p + 2, 24); } else { strzcpy(nd->name, w3, 24); strzcpy(nd->exname, w3, 24); } nd->bl_prev = nd->bl_next = NULL; nd->bl_m = m; nd->bl_x = x; nd->bl_y = y; nd->bl_id = npc_get_new_npc_id(); nd->dir = dir; nd->flag = 0; nd->npc_class = npc_class; nd->speed = std::chrono::milliseconds(200); nd->scr.script = std::move(script); nd->option = Option::ZERO; nd->opt1 = Opt1::ZERO; nd->opt2 = Opt2::ZERO; nd->opt3 = Opt3::ZERO; //PRINTF("script npc %s %d %d read done\n",mapname,nd->bl_id,nd->class); npc_script++; nd->bl_type = BL::NPC; nd->npc_subtype = NpcSubtype::SCRIPT; if (m != nullptr) { nd->n = map_addnpc(m, nd); map_addblock(nd); if (evflag) { // イベント型 struct event_data ev {}; ev.nd = nd; ev.pos = 0; ev_db.insert(nd->exname, ev); } else clif_spawnnpc(nd); } npcname_db.put(nd->exname, nd); for (auto& pair : scriptlabel_db) npc_convertlabel_db(pair.first, pair.second, nd); for (npc_label_list& el : nd->scr.label_listv) { char *lname = el.name; int pos = el.pos; if ((lname[0] == 'O' || lname[0] == 'o') && (lname[1] == 'N' || lname[1] == 'n')) { if (strlen(lname) > 24) { PRINTF("npc_parse_script: label name error !\n"); exit(1); } struct event_data ev {}; ev.nd = nd; ev.pos = pos; std::string buf = STRPRINTF("%s::%s", nd->exname, lname); ev_db.insert(buf, ev); } } //----------------------------------------- // ラベルデータからタイマーイベント取り込み for (npc_label_list& el : nd->scr.label_listv) { int t_ = 0, n = 0; char *lname = el.name; int pos = el.pos; if (sscanf(lname, "OnTimer%d%n", &t_, &n) == 1 && lname[n] == '\0') { interval_t t = static_cast(t_); npc_timerevent_list tel {}; tel.timer = t; tel.pos = pos; auto it = std::lower_bound(nd->scr.timer_eventv.begin(), nd->scr.timer_eventv.end(), tel, [](const npc_timerevent_list& l, const npc_timerevent_list& r) { return l.timer < r.timer; } ); assert (it == nd->scr.timer_eventv.end() || it->timer != tel.timer); nd->scr.timer_eventv.insert(it, std::move(tel)); } } nd->scr.nexttimer = nd->scr.timer_eventv.end(); // nd->scr.timerid = nullptr; return 0; } /*========================================== * function行解析 *------------------------------------------ */ static int npc_parse_function(char *, char *, char *w3, char *, char *first_line, FILE * fp, int *lines) { std::string srcbuf = strchrnul(first_line, '{'); int startline = *lines; while (1) { size_t i = srcbuf.find_last_not_of(" \t\n\r\f\v"); if (i != std::string::npos && srcbuf[i] == '}') break; char line[1024]; if (!fgets(line, 1020, fp)) break; (*lines)++; if (feof(fp)) break; if (srcbuf.empty()) { srcbuf = strchrnul(line, '{'); startline = *lines; } else srcbuf += line; } std::unique_ptr script = parse_script(srcbuf.c_str(), startline); if (script == NULL) { // script parse error? return 1; } std::string p = w3; userfunc_db.put(p, std::move(script)); return 0; } /*========================================== * mob行解析 *------------------------------------------ */ static int npc_parse_mob(const char *w1, const char *, const char *w3, const char *w4) { int x, y, xs, ys, mob_class, num; int i; char mapname[24]; char eventname[24] = ""; dumb_ptr md; xs = ys = 0; int delay1_ = 0, delay2_ = 0; // 引数の個数チェック if (sscanf(w1, "%[^,],%d,%d,%d,%d", mapname, &x, &y, &xs, &ys) < 3 || sscanf(w4, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%s", &mob_class, &num, &delay1_, &delay2_, eventname) < 2) { PRINTF("bad monster line : %s\n", w3); return 1; } interval_t delay1 = std::chrono::milliseconds(delay1_); interval_t delay2 = std::chrono::milliseconds(delay2_); map_local *m = map_mapname2mapid(mapname); if (num > 1 && battle_config.mob_count_rate != 100) { if ((num = num * battle_config.mob_count_rate / 100) < 1) num = 1; } for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { md.new_(); md->bl_prev = NULL; md->bl_next = NULL; md->bl_m = m; md->bl_x = x; md->bl_y = y; if (strcmp(w3, "--en--") == 0) strzcpy(md->name, mob_db[mob_class].name, 24); else if (strcmp(w3, "--ja--") == 0) strzcpy(md->name, mob_db[mob_class].jname, 24); else strzcpy(md->name, w3, 24); md->n = i; md->mob_class = mob_class; md->bl_id = npc_get_new_npc_id(); md->spawn.m = m; md->spawn.x0 = x; md->spawn.y0 = y; md->spawn.xs = xs; md->spawn.ys = ys; md->spawn.delay1 = delay1; md->spawn.delay2 = delay2; really_memzero_this(&md->state); // md->timer = nullptr; md->target_id = 0; md->attacked_id = 0; md->lootitemv.clear(); if (strlen(eventname) >= 4) strzcpy(md->npc_event, eventname, 24); else strzcpy(md->npc_event, "", 24); md->bl_type = BL::MOB; map_addiddb(md); mob_spawn(md->bl_id); npc_mob++; } //PRINTF("warp npc %s %d read done\n",mapname,nd->bl_id); return 0; } /*========================================== * マップフラグ行の解析 *------------------------------------------ */ static int npc_parse_mapflag(char *w1, char *, char *w3, char *w4) { char mapname[24], savemap[16]; int savex, savey; // 引数の個数チェック // if ( sscanf(w1,"%[^,],%d,%d,%d",mapname,&x,&y,&dir) != 4 ) if (sscanf(w1, "%[^,]", mapname) != 1) return 1; map_local *m = map_mapname2mapid(mapname); if (m == nullptr) return 1; //マップフラグ if (strcasecmp(w3, "nosave") == 0) { if (strcmp(w4, "SavePoint") == 0) { strzcpy(m->save.map_, "SavePoint", 16); m->save.x = -1; m->save.y = -1; } else if (sscanf(w4, "%[^,],%d,%d", savemap, &savex, &savey) == 3) { strzcpy(m->save.map_, savemap, 16); m->save.x = savex; m->save.y = savey; } m->flag.nosave = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(w3, "nomemo") == 0) { m->flag.nomemo = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(w3, "noteleport") == 0) { m->flag.noteleport = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(w3, "nowarp") == 0) { m->flag.nowarp = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(w3, "nowarpto") == 0) { m->flag.nowarpto = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(w3, "noreturn") == 0) { m->flag.noreturn = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(w3, "monster_noteleport") == 0) { m->flag.monster_noteleport = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(w3, "nobranch") == 0) { m->flag.nobranch = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(w3, "nopenalty") == 0) { m->flag.nopenalty = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(w3, "pvp") == 0) { m->flag.pvp = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(w3, "pvp_noparty") == 0) { m->flag.pvp_noparty = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(w3, "pvp_nocalcrank") == 0) { m->flag.pvp_nocalcrank = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(w3, "nozenypenalty") == 0) { m->flag.nozenypenalty = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(w3, "notrade") == 0) { m->flag.notrade = 1; } else if (battle_config.pk_mode && strcasecmp(w3, "nopvp") == 0) { // nopvp for pk mode [Valaris] m->flag.nopvp = 1; m->flag.pvp = 0; } else if (strcasecmp(w3, "noicewall") == 0) { // noicewall [Valaris] m->flag.noicewall = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(w3, "snow") == 0) { // snow [Valaris] m->flag.snow = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(w3, "fog") == 0) { // fog [Valaris] m->flag.fog = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(w3, "sakura") == 0) { // sakura [Valaris] m->flag.sakura = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(w3, "leaves") == 0) { // leaves [Valaris] m->flag.leaves = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(w3, "rain") == 0) { // rain [Valaris] m->flag.rain = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(w3, "no_player_drops") == 0) { // no player drops [Jaxad0127] m->flag.no_player_drops = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(w3, "town") == 0) { // town/safe zone [remoitnane] m->flag.town = 1; } return 0; } dumb_ptr npc_spawn_text(map_local *m, int x, int y, int npc_class, const char *name, const char *message) { dumb_ptr retval; retval.new_(); retval->bl_id = npc_get_new_npc_id(); retval->bl_x = x; retval->bl_y = y; retval->bl_m = m; retval->bl_type = BL::NPC; retval->npc_subtype = NpcSubtype::MESSAGE; strncpy(retval->name, name, 23); strncpy(retval->exname, name, 23); retval->name[15] = 0; retval->exname[15] = 0; if (message) retval->message = message; retval->npc_class = npc_class; retval->speed = std::chrono::milliseconds(200); clif_spawnnpc(retval); map_addblock(retval); map_addiddb(retval); if (retval->name && retval->name[0]) npcname_db.put(retval->name, retval); return retval; } static void npc_free_internal(dumb_ptr nd_) { if (nd_->npc_subtype == NpcSubtype::SCRIPT) { dumb_ptr nd = nd_->as_script(); nd->scr.timer_eventv.clear(); { nd->scr.script.reset(); nd->scr.label_listv.clear(); } } else if (nd_->npc_subtype == NpcSubtype::MESSAGE) { dumb_ptr nd = nd_->as_message(); nd->message.clear(); } nd_.delete_(); } static void npc_propagate_update(dumb_ptr nd) { int xs = 0, ys = 0; if (dumb_ptr nd_ = nd->is_script()) { xs = nd_->scr.xs; ys = nd_->scr.ys; } map_foreachinarea(std::bind(npc_enable_sub, ph::_1, nd), nd->bl_m, nd->bl_x - xs, nd->bl_y - ys, nd->bl_x + xs, nd->bl_y + ys, BL::PC); } void npc_free(dumb_ptr nd) { clif_clearchar(nd, BeingRemoveWhy::GONE); npc_propagate_update(nd); map_deliddb(nd); map_delblock(nd); npc_free_internal(nd); } /*========================================== * npc初期化 *------------------------------------------ */ int do_init_npc(void) { // other fields unused ev_tm_b.tm_min = -1; ev_tm_b.tm_hour = -1; ev_tm_b.tm_mday = -1; for (; !npc_srcs.empty(); npc_srcs.pop_front()) { std::string& nsl = npc_srcs.front(); FILE *fp = fopen_(nsl.c_str(), "r"); if (fp == NULL) { PRINTF("file not found : %s\n", nsl); exit(1); } int lines = 0; char line[1024]; while (fgets(line, 1020, fp)) { char w1[1024], w2[1024], w3[1024], w4[1024], mapname[1024]; int i, j, w4pos, count; lines++; if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; // 不要なスペースやタブの連続は詰める for (i = j = 0; line[i]; i++) { if (line[i] == ' ') { if (! ((line[i + 1] && (isspace(line[i + 1]) || line[i + 1] == ',')) || (j && line[j - 1] == ','))) line[j++] = ' '; } else if (line[i] == '\t' || line[i] == '|') { if (!(j && (line[j - 1] == '\t' || line[j - 1] == '|'))) line[j++] = '\t'; } else line[j++] = line[i]; } // 最初はタブ区切りでチェックしてみて、ダメならスペース区切りで確認 if ((count = sscanf(line, "%[^\t]\t%[^\t]\t%[^\t\r\n]\t%n%[^\t\r\n]", w1, w2, w3, &w4pos, w4)) < 3 && (count = sscanf(line, "%s%s%s%n%s", w1, w2, w3, &w4pos, w4)) < 3) { continue; } // マップの存在確認 if (strcmp(w1, "-") != 0 && strcasecmp(w1, "function") != 0) { sscanf(w1, "%[^,]", mapname); map_local *m = map_mapname2mapid(mapname); if (strlen(mapname) > 16 || m == nullptr) { // "mapname" is not assigned to this server continue; } } if (strcasecmp(w2, "warp") == 0 && count > 3) { npc_parse_warp(w1, w2, w3, w4); } else if (strcasecmp(w2, "shop") == 0 && count > 3) { npc_parse_shop(w1, w2, w3, w4); } else if (strcasecmp(w2, "script") == 0 && count > 3) { if (strcasecmp(w1, "function") == 0) { npc_parse_function(w1, w2, w3, w4, line + w4pos, fp, &lines); } else { npc_parse_script(w1, w2, w3, w4, line + w4pos, fp, &lines); } } else if ((i = 0, sscanf(w2, "duplicate%n", &i), (i > 0 && w2[i] == '(')) && count > 3) { npc_parse_script(w1, w2, w3, w4, line + w4pos, fp, &lines); } else if (strcasecmp(w2, "monster") == 0 && count > 3) { npc_parse_mob(w1, w2, w3, w4); } else if (strcasecmp(w2, "mapflag") == 0 && count >= 3) { npc_parse_mapflag(w1, w2, w3, w4); } } fclose_(fp); PRINTF("\rLoading NPCs [%d]: %-54s", npc_id - START_NPC_NUM, nsl); fflush(stdout); } PRINTF("\rNPCs Loaded: %d [Warps:%d Shops:%d Scripts:%d Mobs:%d]\n", npc_id - START_NPC_NUM, npc_warp, npc_shop, npc_script, npc_mob); return 0; }